• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 2,695 Views, 51 Comments

What a Prince Does - Ixtaek

Applejack gains an unwanted admirer after the disaster of the Grand Galloping Gala.

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True Calling

The party gradually fizzled out until only Applejack, Blueblood, and Pinkie were left. AJ began helping her friend clean up when a latecomer came galloping into Sugarcube Corner.

“Pinkie, Applejack, I’m so sorry I’m late, I was just looking at some very interesting books about transmutation and time got away from me…” Twilight Sparkle paused, realizing there was another pony present. And unlike the rest of Ponyville, she knew who he was. “Prince Blueblood?! Is that you?”

“Prince!?” shouted Pinkie, her hair going wild. “If I’d a known you were a prince I’d have thrown you a super extra duper special party instead of just a super duper extra special one! Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!”

“No, Pinkie! No party!” Applejack shouted. “Blueblood here is a prince, but it wouldn’t be good if evera’pony know that!”

“But why not? I mean it’s not every day you get to throw a party for a super duper allie opper important pony like a prince!”

“But we don’t want no one t’know Blueblood is a prince, kay, sugarcube? Ponies’ll treat him different than everypony else an’ that ain’t good fer his ego.”

Pinkie scrunched up her face, thinking. “Okie dokie lokie! If you say so Applejack.”

“But Applejack, why is Prince Blueblood here? He should be in Canterlot… unless this is an official royal visit! Is Princess Celestia coming?! Is that what this party was for?!”

“Calm down a second, sugarcube,” Applejack said, trying to use a calm voice. “Blueblood ain’t here on no royal visit. He don’t even remember anythin’ from before the Gala. I was hopin’ you could check his horn, t’see if it’ll regrow.”

Twlight looked at the stallion critically. “Let’s go back to the library and I’ll see what I can do.”

Pinkie assured them she could finish the clean-up without help, so Applejack and Blueblood followed Twilight Sparkle to her home. Blueblood complimented everything, and was very excited when he found a book about princes he hadn’t read. Twilight sighed.

“Spike! We have a guest!” The small dragon slid down the banister.

“Hey Twi, I was… holy guacamole! Prince Blueblood?!” He suddenly clenched his fists and jumped at him. “How dare you show your face to me after the way you mistreated Rarity!” He struggled vainly at Blueblood’s leg, causing no real damage.

“Peace, Sir Dragon. I mean your lady no dishonor, doubly so now that I see the fiery defense of her noble knight.” Spike stopped and looked at him in confusion.

“But… but she told me! She said you were a royal pain!”

Twilight was pulling books of the shelves with magic. “Blueblood is suffering from amnesia, Spike. He doesn’t remember being a jerk or any of that.”

Spike looked at the unicorn suspiciously. “Alright… but I’m watching you. Any more cuts on Rarity and you’re gonna get it, got it?”

Blueblood nodded. “I understand perfectly.”

Twilight had found the book about unicorn horns and was reading rapidly. “Well, good news is, your horn will regrow!” Applejack sighed with relief. “The bad news is that it will only regrow if you get your memories back.”

“What? Why can’t it jist grow back normally?”

“Well, Applejack, a unicorn’s horn is an integral part of their nervous system. The magic that flows from the brain is routed through the horn, linking the two hemispheres. Since Blueblood’s horn is broken, the flow between the two sides of his brain is impaired, and he has lost his memory. Only by restoring the flow to its proper strength can the horn be rebuilt.”

“So what yer sayin’ is…”

“No memories, no horn.” Twilight snapped her book shut. “Maybe I can try to restore his memories. I think I have a spell for that.” Applejack shrugged.

“It’s worth a shot, I reckon. Blueblood!” The stallion looked up from the book of fairy tales. “We’re gonna try to restore yer memories!” The stallion nodded and carefully replaced the book of fairy tales before trotting over.

“What must I do, Lady Twilight?”

“Just stand right there and relax, alright? My magic should do the rest.”

Blueblood held still as Twilight’s horn began to glow. The glow grew stronger and stronger until the whole room was awash with brilliant light. Applejack had to shield her eyes for a moment, and when she looked again, Blueblood was still standing there, eyes squeezed shut, but with no horn.

“Did it work?” Applejack asked. Twilight shrugged. “Blueblood, what d’ya think of apple turnovers?”

“The ones that your grandmother made were exceedingly delicious.”

Applejack sighed. “I guess we’ll jist have t’wait till he gets his memories back the hard way. Thanks, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed. “Don’t mention it…”

“Sis! Sis!” Applebloom came careening in, followed closely by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “We saw the giant flash of laight! Are y’all right?”

“We were jist tryin’ to restore Blueblood’s memories, Applebloom. Don’t worry yerself none over it.”

“Ugh! I hoped maybe we could get out cutie marks from it!” Scootaloo turned around. “Let’s go girls.”

“What is a cutie mark?” Blueblood tilted his head to one side, confused.

“What’s a cutie mark?! A cutie mark is only the most important thing like, ever!” Scootaloo jumped up on a table, making Twilight glare. “A cutie mark appears when you find your one, your only true talent that you totally rock at! Without it, you get called blank flank and people don’t know what you’re all about!” Scootaloo saw Twilight and jumped off the table, laughing nervously. “We haven’t got ours yet, but we will never stop…”

“… until our cutie marks are here!” The three all laughed. Sweetie Belle moved forward timidly.

“See, Mr. Blueblood, your cutie mark is right here.” She pointed to the mark on his flank. “It looks like a… um… A star!”

“That’s not a star, that’s an explosion!”





“Uh, guys, it’s a compass.” Applebloom tilted her head to one side. “But what in the hay does a compass cutie mark mean?”

“That you never get lost?” Scootaloo said.

“That you can lead people!” Sweetie Belle chipped in.

“Girls! Please don’t pester Pr… Mr. Blueblood. He’s had a very traumatic experience and needs some re…”

“Hey, Mr. Blueblood, is it true you lost your memories?” Sweetie Belle asked, ignoring Twilight. “I can’t imagine what that would feel like…”

“’Tis not so bad, my ladies.” Blueblood had kneeled down to their level. “But now I too am intrigued about this cutie mark which I bear. Perhaps you can help me uncover its true meaning.”

“Sure!” said Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

“No way!” yelled Scootaloo. “Girls, we gotta get our own cutie marks first, then we can help Blueblood.”


“We’re sorry…”

“Worry not, fair ladies!” Blueblood struck a heroic pose. “I will try my best to rediscover my talent if you quest to discover yours!”

Author's Note:

Making up arbitrary rules for how unicorn physiology and psychology works is 100% a good reason to become a writer. Stay in school, children. Don't be like me.