• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 1,766 Views, 77 Comments

Scootaloo, Dark Angel - Dusk Melody

My name is Scootaloo, i'm a vampony. I'm 123. This is my story. My marefriend, interested about my life spent wandering across Equestria asked me to write it all out

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Take Good Care of My Baby

Take Good Care of My Baby

Well here we are. How we got here I don't know. I was there, and it's still a mystery to me. A lot happened today, none of it pleasant, and it's gonna take some getting used to, for everypony involved. To say this has been the weirdest day of my life would be a huge understatement boys and girls.

I should probably explain myself before I lose you dear reader.

Now, I left you last time with Rarity dealing me the ass kicking of my life, after the disastrous dinner date. I'm not gonna say I didn't deserve it, happen I probably did. Then again maybe not. That's for you to decide, I'm just telling you lot what happened. As instructed I took a sleeping Sweetie Belle home, and placed her in her bed, all comfy like.

Then I left, and as instructed came back at the end of the week. Contrary to popular belief I know when to do as I'm told. So, I knocked on the Carousel Boutique door, Rarity answered. Let me in as if nothing untoward had occurred between us just a few days earlier. All sweetness and light personified. Shadow Weaver was nowhere to be seen, and no I didn't ask, the less we dwelt on that night the better I thought, regardless of my feelings towards the mare.

We carried on as if nothing had happened, which suited me just fine. Rarity allowed me to take Sweetie out on a few solo dates, to various places around town. I'll tell you about them sometime, maybe. If I feel like it. No matter where we went we had a great time, whether it was the theatre, the all night arcade place – although to be honest Sweetie wasn't a huge fan of the noise, she prefered our quiet walks in the park. Romantic bint, ha!

You'll remember my earlier statement that Ponyville stank something awful. Now, it must have been my constant exposure to the smell, or rather if you ask Sweetie it was my exposure to her perfume, but after a few weeks of our dates I had to admit I wasn't noticing it almost at all anymore. Let that be a lesson guys, if you end up in a cess pit town, drag around a sweet smelling piece of ass ( Owww! Dammit Sweets! ), ahem, I mean, a beautiful young lady whose company you enjoy.

In our third week of dating, we even started getting adventurous – no, not that way you filthy lot, well not yet anyway – Sweetie Belle wanted to watch me hunt, she wanted to see me feed. I'll admit here folks, her fascination with my feeding was a little disturbing. I didn't really want her to see that facet of my being, as much as she knew it was there, I tried to keep it separate from our lives together as much as I could. The last thing I wanted was a slip of the tongue to big sis Rarity, especially as we were getting along almost amicably these days. Well, if you call quiet resentment amicable. It was preferable to outright hostility anyway.

You can imagine my surprise then one night when we were out walking when Sweetie suggested she help me hunt. She wanted to help me! At first I was a bit indignant, I mean, I'm capable of getting my own meal for Luna's sake! I was more than hesitant at first, but she wore me down, damn those adorable cute eyes! I said before how they should be classed as dangerous weapons, and they should. Nopony has ever gotten under my fur like Sweetie has. It's entirely unfair how she has me under her spell.

Tell you what though, she plays the ‘stranded damsel in distress’ act very well, almost too bloody well. Then again, we did make a pretty awesome team. My hunting has never been so easy. The muggers and murderers were so distracted by Sweeties faux screams and whimpers they never even knew I was there at all until my fangs were at their throats and their blood was drained. It was such an awesome thrill.

This unexpected ‘partnership’ if you like, brought me to our fifth week of dating. It also brought me to the day before the weirdest day of my life, which I'll get to in a moment. What you lot need to understand is, it's not entirely my fault, not this time. After tonight things, events, happened that were out of my control, try as I might. Usually when shit happens like this then yes it's my fault. I'm sure you'll blame me anyway regardless, but you know what? Fuck you. You weren't there that night or that morning. No this time the blame is entirely Sweeties, believe it or not. You don't believe me do you? You're blaming me aren't you? I hate you right now.

Right. Here we are. Fifth week of dating. We'd finally gotten physical. Our location, Sweetie Belle’s bedroom. Rarity's location, downstairs doing boring dress things. My location, head first between Sweeties perfect thighs, my tongues location, alternating between her slick juicy pussy and tight ass. Sweeties location? Fucking heaven judging by the sounds mewling out of her cute mouth.

Sweetie let out a particularly loud scream as I filled her up with my tongue, she was leaking juice all over my muzzle. Withdrawing my tongue I started gently nibbling around her swollen lips and outer folds, eliciting further groans and gasps. Smiling to myself I then started on her gorgeous ass, running my wet tongue all over her puckered hole. I rimmed her like that for a few minutes, savouring Sweeties low moans.

I'd waited five weeks to get this far, and I was going to enjoy it, and I was going to make damn sure Sweetie enjoyed her first time.

I went for it, spreading her cheeks with my hands I speared Sweeties asshole with my tongue. She squirmed as I explored her, my nose brushed against her clit as I managed to get myself all the way inside her. I had a really devilish thought then. Without warning I breathed out through my nose, the warm air rushing over her sensitive nub sent her into spasms, making her legs shake around my head. At this rate I knew she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

"S – sco – scoots, bite me, I think I'm cumming!”

Now this was new. Never tried that before. Pulling my tongue from her ass I licked all the way up her soaked slit to her clit, and taking it in my mouth I sucked on it for all I was worth, and I was rewarded with a screaming thrashing marefriend as her first ever proper orgasm wracked her body. Releasing her clit I positioned my fangs just above her wet mound and bit down hard, breaking her skin and sending Sweetie into another frenzy as I swirled my tongue around her button, greedily drinking in a heavenly mixture of my marefriends blood and cum. In all my years I've never tasted anything like it, I knew this much though, we'd be doing this again, and damn soon.

At least, that was the plan. Now, remember what I said about it being not entirely my fault? Well, making Sweetie scream my name over and over again, ok yeah, that was my fault. But Sweetie really should have kept her voice down and locked her door. She really should have locked her door. Something I reflected on immediately as said door was suddenly and violently flung open, revealing a stunned Rarity in the doorway, staring daggers first at Sweetie then at me. Specifically a very sweaty exhausted Sweetie leaking blood and me, with my face and muzzle covered in Sweeties blood, amongst other things.

Ever had that thought, that you are suddenly, well and truly, fucked? I had that thought right then. This was not going to end well, for me anyway.

“R – rarity, this, isn't exactly what it looks like…” Lame. It was almost exactly what it looked like.

"Not. What. It. Looks. Like?" Rarity’s voice was low, cold, and each syllable was undercut with pure power. She was shaking with barely contained rage, and any minute now it was going to snap, at me. “Tell me then, what does it look like?” Rarity took one step closer to the bed.

Oh this was so not gonna end well, especially with Sweetie still out of it in the afterglows of her orgasm. “Well, we were fuckin’…”

“And?” Another step closer. I really wanted to run, but like a rabbit in the headlights, I couldn't move.

“And, and well, Sweetie, she asked me to…er, b – bite her…” Here it comes. Nightfall in three, two, one…

“You bit her. You. Bit. Sweetie?” Rarity was on top of me now. No escape even if I wanted to. I knew what was coming.

I looked up at Rarity, looked her square in those cold red eyes and summoning the last of my nerve I answered her, not a flinch in my voice. If I was going out, it wouldn't be shirking away. I've never shied from anything in my life. “Yeah. I bit her. I was eating her out and then I bit her, and I ate that too.”

Okay, maybe not the best choice of words but right then I figured I was screwed no matter what I said.

You know what? I was right too. I hate being right.

Nightfall had her right hand around my throat, hoisting me to my feet. She curled her left hand into a fist, then said fist hit my face. It felt like being hit by an articulated lorry, and hurt just as bad. The first punch drew blood from my nose, the second felt like it dislocated my jaw. The third and fourth drew blood from above and below my right eye.

The right side of my face was already swelling up, forcing my eye shut, I had blood pouring from at least four cuts. I didn't offer any resistance. Besides being utterly pointless it would've just pissed her off even more. No, my best hope of surviving this was to let her get it out of her system and hope there was enough of me left to heal myself afterwards. Good plan huh?

Nightfall pulled her left arm back for a fifth blow, aimed at my bruised right eye. This was really gonna hurt. I tried to brace for it as much as I could, not that it would help much.

"Stop it! Leave her alone!"

I don't know if I was punch drunk, but the sight that greeted me now was so surreal I almost laughed out loud, and probably would have done if my jaw didn't hurt so damn much. My marefriend Sweetie, my half naked marefriend Sweetie, clad in just her t shirt, blood still trickling down the inside of her thighs, was hanging off of her sisters left arm, attempting to wrestle her. The sight was absurd, she may as well have tried to put out a forest fire with her piss.

“Rarity! Sis, stop it, leave her alone!”

Nightfall managed to shake her arm free of Sweetie Belles grasp, and in one snarling motion of utter rage swung her left arm against her sister, connecting with Sweeties chest and sending her flying backwards into the wall above her bed. Connecting with a dull thud Sweetie slid unconscious down the wall, coming to rest in a heap on the pillows of the bed.

Now it's my turn, I thought. At this point I just wanted it over with. What I wanted to do was check on Sweetie but that was impossible given my current predicament.

The blow I was waiting for didn’t come. What was Nightfall waiting for?

I chanced a glance at Nightfall, no…not any more, this was Rarity now. She released her grip on me, dropping me to my knees as she stood breathing heavily, looking aghast at Sweetie's barely breathing crumpled body.

A full five minutes Rarity stood there, her breathing coming under control, staring mutely at her fallen sibling. At this point I'm sure I was forgotten on the bedroom floor.

“S – Sweetie…wh – what have I done?” With that Rarity turned and fled from her sisters bedroom, leaving me to gather myself together.

This was easier said than done, though, as I was in a considerable amount of pain. Using the bedsheets I clawed my way to my feet. Damn I hate being weak. That's when I noticed, not for the first time, the fresh blood coming from Sweetie. I'm not proud of what I did next. But I did it anyway. Yes okay! I lapped up the blood. I did it, feel free to judge, I know you want to. I told myself I was doing her a favour, after all I couldn't leave Sweetie bleeding could I? Think what you like.

It did me the world of good though, I could feel Sweetie's blood working within me almost straight away, as the cuts on my eye healed and the pain in my jaw eased somewhat. While no where near my best, I felt able to follow Rarity down the stairs. I laid Sweetie under her covers, making sure she was comfortable before leaving her room.

I wasn't expecting the sight that greeted me when I got down the stairs.

Rarity, huddled on her side on the floor of the Boutique, knees drawn to her chest with her arms wrapped around them crying like a new born foal. Hesitantly I took a few steps towards her, and if she knew I was there she gave no sign of it, though surely she heard my hoofsteps and I certainly wasn’t being quiet about it. The closer I got to her, the louder and more pathetic her sobbing whimpers became. Rarity really did look a wreck.

“Rarity?” No response, except for more tears.

I hunkered down next to her on the floor, and tried taking her hand in mine. She didn't fight it, but she didn't move to get up either, seemingly content to lay there snivelling on the floor.

“Rarity, get up.” Damn it ya know if she didn't do as she was told. She allowed me to lift her off the floor and guide her to that weird looking sofa thing she had in the Boutique. She sat there in silence for a few minutes, before rubbing her hands over her eyes in an attempt to dry her eyes but which just served to smear her makeup even more.

“Darling, I'm afraid I must ask you for a favour.” She said through her sniffles.

“Yeah? What's that then, Rares?” I wasn’t really feeling in the mood, as you can imagine.

“Kill me…”

Okaaaaay. Wasn't expecting that. I made a show of shoving a finger in my ear to clean it. “Say that again?”

“Kill me darling. I need you to kill me.” Yeah, I thought that's what she said. Now I was confused, and in pain.

“Err…sorry, but why do I need to kill you?” Not that I wasn't tempted, given recent events.

Rarity looked at me then, I mean she really looked at me. I was shocked to be honest by what I saw. I've never seen anypony look so broken before or since. When she spoke, it wasn't with the usual confident tone I had come to expect.

“Remember that night, all those years ago, when I turned you?” I nodded, wondering where she was going with this, but I allowed her to continue, “the one piece of advice I gave you? Always take the nasty ones? Why do you think that was darling?”

I shook my head, I honestly didn't know, beyond the fact they tasted better, that was all.

“It's a matter of conscience. Simple as that. Endless killing night after night takes its toll on the mind dear, I'm sure deep down you yourself must be feeling it as well. It's a way to keep yourself sane, if nothing else. You tell yourself you're doing the world a favour by taking the evil doer, the mugger or the murderer. It's a lie Scootaloo. Eventually the lie catches up with you. No matter how we dress it up we are killers you and I.”

Rarity’s voice had regained her calm demeanour while she spoke, her confidence returning to her as she continued.

"Nightfall is my way of coping with an eternity of killing, an alter ego if you will. When I go to hunt, it is Nightfall who kills, not I. It is she who has the blood of three hundred and seventy two years of nameless victims on her hands, not I. I thought my plan was foolproof, and for a long time it was. But, alas, the mind is a fickle thing darling. The more I relied on Nightfall to assuage my guilt, the more she began to take over, to bleed through into my daily life.”

I got it, all of a sudden in that moment I got it.

"You saw the result a few moments ago upstairs. Nightfall and myself are so intertwined now I cannot tell us apart anymore. I cannot see where she ends and I begin. Nightfall, she…scares me Scootaloo. The things she, I, is capable of scares me… once I was able to keep control, to keep her separate from me. That I attacked Sweetie Belle is unforgivable. I dare not contemplate what could happen the next time, or the time after that, just because I can no longer control the madness within me. It is fitting, is it not, that the persona I created to keep me sane has itself driven me insane? It is what I deserve. That is why you must kill me darling.”

I let all that sink in, her reasons why she wanted to die seemed sound enough, to me anyway, but there was a pretty big argument against it.

“What about Sweetie? She loves you Rarity.”

“And believe me Scootaloo, Rarity loves her too, but Nightfall doesn't. You saw what I'm capable of doing, to one I swore never to harm. The next time Sweetie may not be so lucky. I leave her to you, she is in your care now, as is Shadow Weaver.”

“Hang on, me? You want me to care for them? Me?”

"Yes, you. Sweetie Belle loves you, and Shadow cares enough to speak out against me on your behalf, remember? So yes, I leave them in your care.”

“You really are crazy.”

Rarity snorted a most unladylike laugh, “I told you so. Now, the sun will be up in a few moments. I need you to drink from me, drain me almost completely. Then I will walk out there, and the sun will finish the job, as t’were.”

“Okay. I can do that.”

"Thank you darling. I am…sorry things couldn't have been different between us.”

Rarity extended her slender arm to me, offering her wrist to my lips. As much as I wanted to resist, the demon in me smelled blood for the taking. I took her arm in my hands, my lips smoothed her white fur and I bared my fangs. A second of indecision passed and I sank my teeth into her, Rarity gasped despite herself as I bit roughly into her skin, as my teeth severed her vein and I began drinking her into me.

The feeling was like nothing I can ever describe in words adequate enough. It wasn't so much blood I was drinking as it was raw power. Even that doesn't do it justice. The texture, the taste, it was pure strength, I knew vampony blood became more potent with age, I worked that much out for myself, but this, this was the essence of one more than triple my age. I've never felt anything like it in my life, it was like drinking from the sun itself.

Rarity's powerful blood flowed through my veins, restoring my battered body, instantly healing my remaining wounds. It invigorated me, the more I drank the more I could feel its effects on my body. Muscles formed, sinews strengthened. I could literally feel every single sense become sharper, faster, stronger. In taking so much of her vitality I was becoming like her.

All too soon this well began to dry up, and a strangled cry from Rarity made me look away from her arm to her. It shocked me, to see her like that. Rarity looked shrivelled, ancient, she looked like she had lived every single one of her three hundred and seventy two years. Deep lines and scars were etched across every visible part of her. Once she had been pure white, she was a dull grey, the only part of her that showed any sign of life was her blue eyes. Shining brightly against her aged skin.

“Help me…” Rarity lifted a crone like hand towards the door, where the light of the dawn could be seen through the drapes.

I stood and immediately lifted Rarity up, I had to be careful, she was slim before, she weighed almost nothing as she was now. I supported her under her arms, for she could barely walk on her hooves anymore. Her claw of a hand reached the door handle, I had to help her pull it open, she was so weak.

“Thank you, Scootaloo. Please, take good care of my baby…” With those final words Rarity mustered what strength she had left in her withered body and she stood proudly before turning her back on me and walking into the sunlight.

I watched in morbid fascination as she burnt up, the ethereal fire consuming her body before the morning wind scattered her ashes. I had known my maker in the end, truly known her, in every sense that you can know somepony else. I knew her well enough not to mourn her passing.

I made my way away from the door to the stairs and to Sweetie laying there waiting for me. I wasn't looking forward to waking that night, but right now? I needed sleep like I've never needed it in my life.

Comments ( 12 )

i didn't see that coming

Whoa.. did NOT see that coming.

Well done though!!

Well that escalated quick. Scoots was quick to agree though I think.

5443973 Not exactly, she tried to talk her out of it more than once throughout the conversation. In the end she was only honoring a last request from her sire.


Really pleased you all liked this chapter, I managed to get everything done that I wanted with it. In future chapters scoots will be adjusting to not just having sweetie around but caring for her and shadow too

5444534 yeah, she did, but it felt like deflated try. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the chapter and agree that it was the right decision. Just thought that scoots should have put up more of a fight. Unless she wanted her dead already. And now that u think about it, she seemed nonchalant about sweetie being rag dolled too. Idk just think her emotions aren't all there in this chapter.

Awesome chappie! Though it's very sad what happened with Rarity.

5464826 glad you like it sunny :scootangel: :raritywink:

*le me checking this story, wondering about the lack of updates*
*notices completed tag*

Future chapters, you say? I am looking forward to them.

This is a quite interesting take on scootaloo. Quite enjoyable.

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