• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 3,566 Views, 81 Comments

The Power of Music - PrometheusDark

Sing us a song, you're the piano drake.

  • ...

Dead Promises

The day had been slow, barely a handful of ponies came to the tavern at a time and it was already getting to be 12 A.M. Spike recognized them all, and they him, but none of them bothered to drop any bits. The dragon couldn't blame them, times were rough, though it didn't smother his frustration. If he didn't get enough bits soon he didn't know what he'd do.

Octavia sat at the bar, nursing a drink, non-alcoholic, since she was on the clock and it was very hard to play the cello when tipsy. Pony Joe had hired her at the request of Spike, or at least that’s what he told them. In reality he was moved by her playing and thought another musician would attract more of a crowd.

A cream colored mare shuffled her way over to him, by the way she swayed Spike guessed she had a few too many. He recognized her as Bon Bon, and from the hint of pain in her eyes, he could only assume she and Lyra had another argument. It was probably over bills, like usual.

She leaned against his piano and looked at him, her eyes half lidded and what she probably thought was a flirty smile on her mouth. Her breath reeked of alcohol, but Spike didn't tell her to shove off, he simply smiled back.

“What can I do for you?” After he spoke, he instantly regretted his choice of words.

“I'm invisible.” She slurred, and Spike was caught off guard by the drunken tone and dialogue.

“Really?” He asked sarcastically, his patience wouldn't last long, but he could bear to humor her.

“Can you see me?” She asked, her eyes widening slightly as she spoke.

“Yeah.” Spike replied, raising an eyebrow. Where was this going?

“How about tomorrow night then?” She giggled and sat down beside him on the piano bench. Spike couldn't believe he fell for such a stupid pick-up line, but he was intrigued. Maybe her and Lyra split up? He knew Bon Bon was a 'switch-hitter' so to speak.

“Whats wrong with tonight?” He asked, and she leaned against him, giggling drunkenly. “I get off at 2 A.M, think you can last that long?” He challenged, earning a grin that spoke of false promises. He was a lonely dragon, and even if he knew it was wrong to take advantage of a mare, it wasn't like he hadn't done this before. The wrongness had faded away long ago.

Spike scrawled his address onto a scrap of paper he kept nearby just in case of such an emergency and slid it into Bon Bon's saddle bag, giving her a reassuring wink. She stumbled off in a drunken daze to go about her business.

Octavia looked up from her drink and at Spike, she saw Bon Bon shuffle away, swaying this way and that. Spike looked sort of happy with himself, lighting up that cigarette, and she wondered what he could have possibly accomplished.

She found out later that night as they arrived back at 'their' apartment to find the mare waiting for him, leaning against the wall beside his door. She was a little more drunk then the last time he saw her. Octavia got barely any sleep that night, thanks to all the disturbing noises coming from the only bedroom the apartment held.

“Oh my Celestia, Lyra!!” She heard, and couldn't help but feel sick. Was this dragon so deprived?

It didn't hurt Spike that she cried somepony's name during their 'ritual.' It was only natural, and he didn't exactly care for the mare anyway. They simply continued as if nothing had happened, because, to an extent, nothing did happen. Nothing that either of them cared about, anyway.

The next morning, Octavia awoke at her usual time. She had the strangest tendency to awaken at 6 o'clock sharp no matter how little sleep she got, and this time it was certainly evident how little sleep she did get. She slid off the couch and made her way into the kitchen and began to make coffee, just as she did the morning before.

It wasn't much longer before she heard Spike's alarm, and the dragon appeared looking better then she had seen him ever before. He took his mug and filled it to the brim with the black liquid. They stood in same silence as the other morning, only it was awkward for Octavia. She wasn't sure how to feel about the night previous. It was his home, after all.

“Sorry about last night,” He spoke in a small voice, “I had no idea Bon Bon could make so much noise.”

Octavia sighed quietly, shaking her head. A silent sign that it was fine. Though she didn't really approve of the situation, it was his business and not her's.

“Oh dear, sweet Celestia...” Bon Bon muttered as she walked crookedly out of the bedroom and into the living room, she spotted the pair in the kitchen and walked over, she wore a look of shame and pain. She had a hangover and she was regretting what she had done, both these things Spike was prepared for.

“Do you need help getting home, Bon Bon?” Spike asked quietly, as to not aggravate her already pounding headache. She simply shook her head slowly in reply. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” Another shake of her head.

“Can you just... Keep this between us, Spike?” She asked, ashamed. Spike nodded with a small smile, he would rather this didn't get out too.

Bon Bon left soon after, declining any help from the dragon, and Octavia simply stayed silent. Spike didn't seem to regret what he had done, but he didn't seem like it mattered much to him either. To the dragon, it was just like therapy or a trip to the spa. These stressful times called for unconventional means of relaxation.

The odd pair lounged around the apartment for a while longer, Octavia reading the newspaper and Spike making a shopping list, it being Monday, the day he got his check and the day he went out to gather the essentials of living.

“Oh, Spike! When did you get a marefriend?” The purple mare had the most blunt and untactful way of socializing, that hadn't changed at all over the years. Twilight Sparkle, like Pinkie Pie, had mistaken the presence of a mare she didn't know as something more then it really was.

“She isn't my marefriend!” Spike practically screamed, gathering the attention of nearly all the ponies in the marketplace. It wasn't long before they turned back to their business, seeing that it wasn't anything interesting, just Spike.

Twilight mouthed a small 'oh' and blushed, embarrassed for coming to such a conclusion. Octavia had to admit, the continued confusion of their status of not being a couple was becoming a bit funny to her.

“Then, who is she?” She questioned, she looked at Octavia and smiled a friendly smile. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, Spike's sister.” Octavia raised her brow at that. Sister? Then that mug she's been using must be her's.

“I'm Octavia.” She said, with a small 'ahem.' Twilight didn't seem to recognize her by name alone, not that it mattered to Octavia. She wasn't part of the Canterlot String Quartet anymore. She was just a simple mare, living with a dragon, working at a hole in the wall pub.

“It's nice to meet you, Octavia!” She spoke happily. Spike cleared his throat to catch his sister's attention. “What is it, Spike?”

“I have to be at work at 3, Twi, and I don't even have half of what's on my shopping list.” He didn't want to sound rude, but he was in a hurry. “I'll visit you tomorrow.” He smiled down at her, Tuesday's were his day off. “Promise.” They embraced for the briefest of moments before they split.

That night, the bar wasn't much better then Sunday night, it being a Monday, though a few ponies did request some songs of the pair. They sounded much better together then either did alone, the each had to admit. Octavia even found herself having fun while she played beside Spike.

Fun, that wasn't something she had in a long while.