• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 3,833 Views, 53 Comments

Today I Will Be a Princess - Cloud Wander

Mayor Mare greets a new day. Her faithful clerk defends Ponyville. A party! And after.

  • ...

The Celebration


Ponyville City Hall:

“How has business been, this morning?” asked Madam Mayor, over her tea. “Did anypony fun or interesting come by?”

I have work to do! Why does she start…? Oh, never mind! thought Fletcher.

“There were one or two bits of business, before you arrived, Madam,” Fletcher Veterinary calmly admitted. “Mrs. Smith was here, to renew the Merchant License for Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Oh, pooh!” said Madam Mayor. Pooh! was about as harsh as her language ever became. Fletcher, over the years, had come to hear her offer a gosh! and a darn! and even, in extremity, a shucks! The latter, to be sure, had been prompted by the recent, brief reign of Discord, who had flooded Madam Mayor’s bungalow with chocolate-mint pudding. Shucks! was, perhaps, not too strong a word to offer the Lord of Chaos, Fletcher thought.

“I’m so sorry I missed her,” Madam Mayor continued. “She is such a sweet old girl. A strong soul! You are as young as you feel!

“Unquestionably,” said Fletcher, blandly. “Possibly, you might be able to catch her. I imagine she hasn’t gotten far.” Fletcher had offered to hail a cab for Granny Smith, but she had loudly dismissed the idea: Wheels! Carnsarned modern doohickies! Jus’ keep goin’ around and around…!

Madam Mayor swirled her teacup in reflection. “Dear Granny Smith,” she mused. “A First Founder. Perhaps, perhaps we could do a combination Summer Sun/Founder’s Day Celebration this year,” she said, thoughtfully. “Last year’s celebration was… hectic. Maybe a grand old down-home Midsummer Festival would be the best thing to raise the spirits of everypony.

“Hmmm! Well, what would we need?” Madam Mayor pondered aloud. “Music! A band! Yes! Brass and pipes, fiddles and drums, and… dancing! Ha ha! Dancing under the New Sun! Oh! I know a buck dancer or two! An exhibition… or a competition!”

How in Luna and Celestia’s names does she do that? marveled Fletcher. That sounds like a fine idea! Here, I thought everypony would feel sad and a bit lost after the fracas that surrounded the previous Summer Sun Celebration. Nightmare Moon! The Long Night! The fear! I imagined that this year’s Summer Sun Celebration would be a sad, somber affair, shrouded in dark reflection. I had planned to stay in and read an improving book. But she…!

“Contests! Maybe… what?” Madam Mayor frowned in concentration. “Hmmm. Talk to Applejack… a community social! A tug-of-war for Earth Ponies, a race for Pegasus Ponies… No! Mix it up! A cooking contest for Unicorn Ponies! A storytelling contest for Earth Ponies! And a musical competition for Pegasus Ponies!” She laughed.

Okay, she’s going now, thought Fletcher. He sat back on his haunches, sipped his cold licorice tea, and paid close attention, willing his pen before him, scribbling furiously.

“Fruit, vegetables and grain,” Madam Mayor continued. “The agricultural heart of Ponyville! Pies and cakes and confections! Will Pinkie Pie help? Of course she will, bless her pure soul. Would the Cakes and that lovely fellow from the cafe judge the cooking contest? I think so, yes! Oh! The Twins! Let me think…

“Face-painting and dress-up for the children. Talk to Rarity and Cheerilee…. Hah! Pets! A pet parade, for young and old! Surely, Fluttershy will help, she’s so good with animals….

“Hay rides. Oh, I know that Big Macintosh and those big, handsome teamster ponies would be willing to lend a hoof!”

Madam Mayor blinked. “Oh, my. Those big teamster ponies and those muscular train stallions! Wouldn’t that be a sight to see, parading down Mane Street!” She looked wistfully into the distance for awhile, then shook herself.

Madam Mayor gazed at the ceiling in rapture. “And the sky! The night sky! Perhaps Rainbow Dash and her wonderful Weather Team can arrange a perfect evening? A warm summer night, cloudless, the sky ablaze with the glory of Luna’s Stars! Let us greet Her without fear, for the first time in a thousand years! Surely, that is worth a song!”

Madam Mayor gasped. “A song! A community sing-a-long! We shall all gather together under Luna’s sky in the town square and sing!”

Madam Mayor then emitted a sound that Fletcher dutifully noted as Squee!

As Madam Mayor paused for breath, Fletcher observed, almost to himself, “Hmmm! Commendable.” He completed his notes. “Were you perhaps, considering inviting either of the Princesses to this event?”

Madam Mayor started. “What? No. Oh, no. I’m sure that they are far too busy to concern themselves with our little celebration.”

“They have both visited Ponyville before, and on more than one occasion,” reminded Fletcher.

Madam Mayor looked down. “True. Still, they must both have more important matters to attend to. We are just little ponies, after all. Down here in the shadow of Canterlot.”

“Even so,” continued Fletcher. “It would be good politics, I think, to notify Their Majesties of our festival. Even if Princess Luna does not attend, I am certain that She would find the announcement of our celebration, of our citizens singing happily, under Her sky… most encouraging.”

Madam Mayor pawed the floor, nervously. “If you think so, Fletcher,” she said, at last. “You understand everypony far better than I do.”

Fletcher sat back on his haunches and blinked. How in the name of the Princesses can you think that, Madam Mayor? he wondered.

Fletcher Veterinary harumphed and drew out a fresh scroll. “Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna,” he began.

Is Spike about, I wonder? Perhaps this letter should be… expedited.



The Ponyville Library, the morning of the competition:


Spike awoke to the warm, comforting smell of smoke. Mommy? he wondered. Then rolled over and returned to sleep.


Spike stirred, again. You’re not Mommy, he thought, blearily. You’re (my sister) Twilight?!

Mmmm, smoke. Sweet! Wait…! Library! Paper! Smoke! Fire! Twilight! Not my fault!

Spike leapt out of his basket. Black clouds billowed up the staircase into the little room that he shared with Twilight Sparkle. Fire! Oh no! Must act now! Must act quickly!

Still, Spike thought, pausing at the head of the stairs, inhaling. This smoke smells pretty good.


Spike bounded down the stairs.

The Ponyville Library was just that, a library. Built inside the green, growing interior of a towering Tree of Knowledge, the shelves groaned with weighty tomes. Classics like Hurricane’s Apologia (Sorry about the Windigoes, Dudes) and Puddinghead’s twelve-volume Stuff I Did, So There shared space with the slender Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-Alls and the bold Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone.

The memory and spirit of Equestria, enshrined in paper for all time. Safe and secure.

Until somepony decided to bake cookies.

Spike discovered Twilight Sparkle in the library’s tiny kitchenette, worrying over a pan of flaming… objects.

Spike supposed they must be cookies, being round, flat and black. He scooped one into his mouth. Mmmm! Carbon! Yum!

“Spike!” insisted Twilight. “Don’t eat them! Help me put them out!”

“But the flames are the best part,” Spike protested, filching another cookie. Delish.

Still, ponies. What can you do? Spike, immune to the heat and fire, gently moved Twilight’s delicious bricks from the tray to the cooling rack.

Twilight stood over the cookies and cried.

“Oh, no! My Cinnamon-Swirl (the Bearded) cookies are ruined!” said Twilight Sparkle, dancing with anxiety.

“Actually, they’re pretty tasty,” said Spike, helping himself to a third cookie. “Cinnamon and charcoal! Not many cooks can get that balance right. And is there a hint of sulfur, too? Exquisite! Yum!” He treated himself to a fourth cookie.

“Why did this happen?!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle. “The spell said, ’360 degrees, for 30 minutes.’ And I spun in a circle, 360 degrees, for half of an hour! And this is what came out!”

Spike paused. “And, the oven, the temperature was… what?”

“High!” wailed Twilight. “Naturally, I wanted the cookies to rise high, to be their best! But look at them! So black and tiny…!”

Spike suppressed a laugh with another cookie.

Twilight frowned. “Widdershins! I spun widdershins! Perhaps, instead, towards the Sun…?”

She shook her head in exasperation.

“How anypony can cook without a vacuum pump, liquid nitrogen and an interferometer, I don’t know,” said Twilight, miserably.

Spike rubbed her neck consolingly. Dearest (sister) Twilight! he thought, crunching another cookie.



Ponyville Town Square, Main Stage, the celebration, right after lunch:

Joshington Traveller Pie stepped onto the stage. The big, middle-aged Earth Pony, tan and brown, settled himself before the crowd.

“Hay, everypony!” he said.

HAY, JOSH! cried the crowd.

“I just want to say, I’m happy to be here, in Ponyville,” said Josh. “Hasn’t this been a great day?”


“It’s wonderful to see all the princesses that have come from far and wide for our little celebration!”

The crowd looked around, grinning. Alicorn had more-or-less become the theme of the children’s dress-up. Paper wings and wax horns, each when necessary, were everywhere, on boys and girls alike. Even many of the adults wore elaborate alicorn costumes.

“Well, now, that reminds me of a story. You know, when I was younger, I ran away to join the circus…’

WE KNOW, WE KNOW, laughed the crowd.

“Okay, maybe I’ve told that story a few times before.”


“Okay, more than a few times. Still, hush down, you smart ponies, and let me tell my tale.

“For the few of you who don’t know: when I was young, I ran away from my family, hoping to find something more than the tired old rock farm and the sad routine of my old life.

“The circus, bright and beautiful, full of glamor and danger, came to Ponyville once, in my childhood. And I was there, holding my cotton candy and looking on in awe. I could hardly eat, I smiled so much. It all just felt so good that I just wanted to keep on smiling forever. And I wanted everypony I knew to be just as happy, to smile, the way I had at the circus.

“The circus moved on. And I followed, desperately. I ran after it, because after I saw it, I couldn’t imagine life without the light, the color and the smiles of the circus.

“Mr. Rube, the ringmaster, well, he didn’t know what to think about me: a small, skinny colt with nothing to offer but an eager expression and a willingness to work.

“Although, now that I think on it, maybe he saw possibilities in me. Hay Rube was a pretty smart fellow. I like to imagine he saw something of himself in me. Certainly, the circus wouldn’t have taken me in if I wasn’t useful.

“I had left the rock farm because it was so much work. But in the circus….”


“Hehe. Like I said, I think I’ve told this story before. Yes, in the circus I was a roustabout and a go-fer. Go here! Go there! Do this, do that! I was paid nothing but a place to sleep and a bite of food, I was exhausted everyday, but I was happy because I was PART OF THE SHOW! The circus became my family. Not a bad deal, for the child that I was, then.

“In time, I learned to clown a bit. Even though I never had a proper clown ‘face’, I helped out the other fellows during their routines. Most of you know this, I suppose.

“But, have I told you about the Third Princess? No? Ha ha! Well, let me tell you…'

Josh drew himself into an exaggerated thespian pose. “When I was a youngster, I was a Princess.” He tossed his mane sensuously.


“Oh, you laugh! But, I will have you know that, when I was a colt, I was slender and graceful, not the bulky, broad-shouldered fellow you see before you now. And Mr. Rube, he saw that with training I could be a passible Princess.

“Here, you up front. Toss me one of those apples. Thank you. And another: no, not another red one, a green this time. Thanks. Do we have any bananas? No? A yellow apple then. Okay!”

Josh juggled three apples, red, yellow and green. His hooves flashed, yet he appeared calm. Serene. Juggle, don’t struggle, he recalled. Juggling brought him home.

The crowd applauded, but Josh shrugged it off. “This? Oh, this is kid stuff. Three? Three is nothing. Or, just maybe, three is everything.

“See, when I joined the circus, Mr. Rube insisted that I learn to juggle. Keeping it all in the air, Josh, m’boy, he said to me. That’s what life’s about!

“So I learned to juggle. It was easy at first. Harder later. Hay, want to see a trick?”


“Okay, here.” Josh tossed an apple up, bouncing it against his forehead. He caught it, still juggling. And then he did it again, without breaking rhythm. And a third time.


“Thank you. But tricks are not the point.

“When I was a colt, I was in this act: The Third Princess.

“I would come out, balancing on a ball. You know, like the Dancing Pony Fountain here in Ponyville town square. The Pony That Dances O’er the World! And I juggled. I was dressed all in glitter and lace, like a Princess. I was cute, if you can believe it.

“I looked pretty good, then. Heh.

“And I would tell the story of Equestria. Of how Princess Celestia, after all the years of Chaos, burdened herself with the rising and setting of the Sun.” Josh tossed the Red Apple up high, catching it behind his back. “The Princess of Light and Fire.

“And of how Princess Luna, who, although she loved us, dwelt apart, raising and lowering the Moon.” Josh snatched the Yellow Apple out of the air. One bite, two, three, until the Yellow Apple was a crescent, without missing a beat. “The Princess of Night and Mystery.

“Then, the terrible time came when the Two Princesses fought each other.” Josh tossed the apples past each other, back and forth, furiously, and the spheres seemed to battle. “And then… Princess Luna was gone.”

The Yellow Apple disappeared, somehow. Josh juggled the Red and the Green with a single hoof.

Okay, Josh, he reminded himself. Stand just so. Don’t turn your head. So they don’t see the apple tucked behind your ear.

“Sadly, the burden of the three worlds fell upon Princess Celestia.” The Yellow Apple appeared again, from nowhere. All three spheres, Red, Green, Yellow, kept aloft by a single hoof.

A good drop, m’boy! Well done. Josh could almost hear Mr. Rube’s voice, encouraging him.

Josh frowned with intense concentration. But this was just Josh selling the act. Really, three was kid stuff to him.

“For centuries, Princess Celestia carried the Sun and Moon. Only now, in our time, at last, is She relieved of the burden of the Moon and Stars, thanks to the return of our beloved Princess Luna.”

Okay, changeover. Let’s mix this up. The apples danced together, bouncing from hoof to hoof, joyously.

“But, always, always, there was the third orb. The Green World! And the Green World was heavy, so heavy. It was not made of hope and fire, like the Sun. Or of dream and mystery, like the Moon. No, the Green World was made of rock and water, life and death, hope and despair, love and tolerance. It was always too heavy for Princess Celestia to carry alone. It was always too large for Princess Luna to embrace. And so They turned to us, their little ponies, for help.”

Josh threw a cascade high in the air. He caught the Red and Yellow Apples, and then the Green. He held up the Green Apple to the crowd.

“The Green World is not Their burden. It is ours to carry, brothers and sisters, Earth Ponies, Pegasus Ponies and Unicorn Ponies. The World is what we, we, who love this world, make of it.

“You and I, my beloved brothers and sisters, here in Ponyville,” Josh cried. “We are the Third Princess! We are the Pony That Dances O’er The Green World! And we are Princess Equestria!


Still got it, m’boy, said the voice of his memory.

Thanks, Mr. Rube, Josh replied, silently.



Ponyville Town Square, Main Stage, the celebration, late afternoon:

The little gray pegasus walked onto the stage. She coughed.

“Hay, everypony,” she said, shyly.

HAY, DERPY! called the crowd.

Tears started in her golden eyes. They all know me! They like me!

She looked to the edge of the stage. Her sister, Ditzy Doo, looked back. Go on! Ditzy motioned.

She brushed away the doubt from her eyes. She stood straight and tall, her wings spreading behind her.

“If it’s okay,” she began, quietly, “I’d like to sing a little song that my good friend Pinkie Pie helped me write. Ahem.”

The crowd became quiet. And listened. Then, brightly:


My name is Derpy Hooves (Ding-dong!)
And I am here to say, “It’s for you!”
I come to give you packages and parcels every day-aaay!
It doesn’t matter now (Oh no!)
If it is postage due (Heavy!)
‘Cause delivering my messages is just what Derpy’s here to do!

‘Cause I love to give you mail, mail, mail!
Yes I do
I’m couriering your favor as I sail
Yes I am
‘Cause you’re really waiting for some mail, mail, mail
From this trusty bag of mine!

*** tiny dance ***

I love to eat some muffins (Apple!)
I love to pound them down (Yummy!)
They give me the energy
I need to fly around (Wing-slap!)
Sometimes I’m in a hurry
And I’m flying upside-down
I won’t hesitate, I’ll tell you straight:
I don’t know what went wrong!

‘Cause I love deliverin’ (-in’, -in’)
Yes I do
Adverts and some circulars (In the waste bin!)
Here’s your new naughty mag (Grin! Grin! Grin!)
And you won’t mind all the bills.

*** mood break, the stage darkens ***

It’s true, some days are cold and rainy
And I feel sad
But then you give me hot cocoa and it isn’t so bad!
All of you make me happy
And I won’t wear a frown
‘Cause I’m so proud that Ponyville is my town!

*** the lights come up! woo! ***

I really am so happy
And your mail fills me with glee
You get something, I get something
Registered C.O.D!

Still I love to see you every day
Yes I do
There’s not much more, I can say
That I do
It makes me happy when you stamp, stamp, stamp
And include a return address.

*** as often happens in Equestria, the crowd sings ***

Come on everypony, mail, mail, mail
Fill my bag up with letters and postcards
All I really need is more mail, mail, mail
From these postal friends of mine!

*** more of the same; someponies must have been in the cider, one supposes ***

*** finale, as she dances ecstatically before the crowd ***

Mail! Mail! Mail! Mail!
Hooray for Mail!


The crowd looked at each other, exhilarated and embarrassed, asking themselves: what? We were singing for efficient mail delivery?

And yet, there, on the stage, Derpy Hooves stood. Proud. Tired. Smiling. Scared.

The crowd looked at each other, nodded, and came to a common decision.

And their voices rang to the sky.




Ponyville Town Square, Main Stage, the celebration, as the first stars appear:

If we must do this, let it be done quickly, thought Fletcher, uncomfortably.

He straightened his lapels and looked about. Ponies. Ponies. Ponies. I am not, he admitted, a social person. I enjoy stillness. I enjoy quiet.

But I must be here to support Madam Mayor. He tried to smile. Ouch. Those muscles don’t work. Never mind. I should at least attempt to avoid grimacing, he thought.

Ponyville Town Square was alive. Celestia and Luna! How many ponies are there in this town? I must revise my figures. So many visitors! Just the Apple family alone…!

A great hulking pegasus pony, costumed in armor, no less, moved to block Fletcher’s view of the stage.

Oh for the love of…! Love and tolerance, Fletcher, he reminded himself. This is Madam Mayor’s night. At least pretend to be kind.

“Goodpony,” Fletcher said, calmly. “Would you be so helpful as to fold your wings? I fear that you are blocking everypony’s view of the proceedings.”

The pegasus turned. He was as dark as a thundercloud, and his silver armor seemed, well, silver, not merely painted cardboard. His expression was as dark as he was.

But then he folded his wings and removed his tall helm. “Forgive me, sir,” he rumbled quietly. “I am unused to crowds. I did not intend to inconvenience anypony. How now, sir? Is your view unobstructed?”

“Yes. Yes, thank you, sir,” said Fletcher. Interesting, he thought. He not only dresses as a knight, he plays the part. Commendable.

The pegasus sketched a bow. He and his companion, a slender young fellow in an alicorn costume, moved companionably to one side.

If every crowd was as well-behaved as this one, thought Fletcher. I might be tempted to go out more.

Ah! There! Madam Mayor!

She stepped onto the stage. She looks lovely, Fletcher thought. He had never harbored romantic feelings for the Mayor, though he did admire her. I am proud of her, he realized, as she stood in the spotlight. Perhaps, if I had a daughter…? He shook his head and flung the thought away.

“Good evening, everypony,” Madam Mayor said.

The crowd exploded.

For five minutes, the air was dense with Woo-hoos and Yee-haws. Fletcher applauded, quietly.

Yay. Woo. Let’s get on with this, he thought, irritably.

“Before we start the sing-a-long,” said Madam Mayor. “I have a few announcements.

“Today’s Best Face-Painting Award goes to Scootaloo, for her,” Madam Mayor squinted. “‘Deathmetal Hard Rockin’ Horse’ design.”


“The Best of Show Award for the Pet Parade goes to Snails’, um, snail, Swiftrunner, thanks to his owner’s demonstration of his remarkably vast knowledge of gastropods.”


“The winner of the Unicorn Cooking Contest is Lyra Heartstrings, with her Double-Chocolate Double-Mint Green Fudge Fantasies.”


“The winner of the Earth Pony Storytelling Contest is Josh Pie, for his inspiring tale of the Third Princess.”

GROANS (“No! Please don’t encourage him!”). AND LAUGHTER.

“And, finally, the winner of the Pegasus Pony Musical Contest is Derpy Hooves, for her happy song, ‘Mail, Mail, Mail.’”


“I want to thank everypony that participated in today’s events. You are all winners!”

Okay, fine. Let’s move on, thought Fletcher, crossly.

“To lead us all in the sing-a-long, I’ve invited one of Ponyville’s most important contributors: Fluttershy.”


“It’s okay, dear. Come out. We’ll all be delighted to see you.”


As Madam Mayor surrendered the spotlight and took her place among the audience, the little yellow pegasus walked on stage. Cringed. Walked back. Stopped. Then drew herself up and marched proudly to center stage.


“Um, hi, everypony!” she said, timidly.


Fluttershy emitted an “eep!” that endeared her even to Fletcher. This is a worthy pony, he thought, unconsciously letting go of his irritation. Let us support her.

“I, I thought,” said Fluttershy, “that we should start with something familiar. I wrote a version of the Heart Carol just for this evening. The Night Carol. For Princess Luna. Does everypony have a copy of the lyrics? Yes? Okay. Then. Everypony together.”

The stage was dark, except for one spotlight on Fluttershy. She gestured. And, for a moment, she embraced all of Ponyville with her wings.

Then Fluttershy sang. And Ponyville sang with her.

“The light of friendship lives in our hearts,
As long as it glows we cannot drift apart,
Though terrors arise, their numbers are few,
Love and tolerance will see us through (Will see us through).

“We are guided by Stars, wherever we roam,
If we follow their light, they will soon lead us home,
Though doubts arise, in uncertain night,
We will be comforted by their light (By their light).

“The Moon is a lantern in the river of night,
Kind is her face and lovely her light,
She guides us to sleep, in her glow we all dream,
Of Mystery and Wonder and Joys unseen! (Joys unseen!)

“The Night is our guide, it holds no fear,
The Moon is a friend, the Stars are so dear,
Though we wander, our path is always clear,
The Constellation of pony friends,
A Galaxy of friends to the very, very end!”

A pause. A heartbeat. Then. WILD APPLAUSE!

Oh, dear. I appear to have something in my eye, thought Fletcher.

I had planned to go home now, after the first song, he thought. I have put in an appearance. That is enough.

But, Fletcher Veterinary, the solitary pony thought, I believe I will stay. For myself, for a change. Yes, he decided, warmly. I will stay to the very end.

Oh, bother! Where is my songbook?



After the celebration:

Well, I think that went pretty well, Marigold allowed herself to think. She looked at her clipboard.

Note to Twilight Sparkle: thanks for the clipboard. Sorry about the cookies; please try again!

Okay, yes, there were rough spots, she admitted. There had been this teeny, tiny riot after all of Lyra’s Double-Chocolate Double-Mint Green Fudge Fantasies had run out. Note to the Cakes: get recipe. Note to self: get recipe.

Note to Truffle Shuffle: so sorry your little pet pig, Macon Bacon, sprained his trotter. I hope we’ll see him next year, dear.

Note to Snails: your understanding of gastropoda is an inspiration to us all! You will go far, young colt! Please say hello to Swiftrunner for me!

Note to Dinky Doo: please, don’t tell anypony this, but… I thought your Peppermint Divinity was the best treat in the contest. Can you share the recipe? Note to the Cakes: if Dinky talks to you about her divinity, maybe tone down the peppermint a bit? Whoa! My sinuses would thank you.

Marigold paused and smiled. Note to Fletcher Veterinary: I saw you grinning and singing, you silly pony! No, scratch that. Note to Fletcher Veterinary: thank you for your support. See you in the office tomorrow.

Nopony will ever know this, but I think Fletcher is best pony, Marigold thought to herself. Dear Fletcher.

“Madam Mayor?”

Marigold looked up to see an elegant pegasus pony, wearing a silly wax horn and a ridiculous handlebar moustache, standing before her. Colts, these days, Marigold sighed.

“Yes, sir,” Marigold said. “How may I help you?”

The pegasus pony twitched his moustache. His (boyfriend?) companion, a stern-looking pegasus pony in fancy costume, loomed nearby.

“I’m… Crescent Cookie, Madam Mayor. We may have met briefly, once or twice before.” He motioned to his companion.

The big pegasus in silver armor bowed. “At your service, Madam. I’m Bu—.”

The slender pegasus gave his companion a warning look.

The big pegasus sighed. “Butthead. I’m Butthead,” he said, looking away.

“Butthead? Well,” Marigold said quickly. “That’s a fine, strong name.”

Marigold glanced at the big pegasus’s flank. His cutie mark was a bull’s head, with horns. Butthead. Oh, you poor dear!

“You understand, I’m terribly busy, here at the end of the celebration,” said Marigold. “But, can I help you, Mr. Cookie?”

Crescent Cookie twitched his moustache. “Madam Mayor,” he began. “We,” he motioned to himself and Butthead, “are only visitors here in Ponyville. But we were moved by your celebration. It was unlike anything that We… well, myself and Butthead,” (the big pegasus sighed), “have seen in cent… for awhile.”

“It was long past due, don’t you think,” said Marigold. “Today is the Sun’s longest day, and the Moon’s shortest night. I pray that Princess Luna finds no insult in this. I think another celebration, perhaps during Hearth’s Warming Eve, might be better. The shortest day, the longest night. When fear is challenged by hope. The reconciliation of the three families of ponies is a metaphor, I think, of the reconciliation of the Sun, Moon and Earth.”

Crescent Cookie looked thoughtful. “Yes. Perhaps. Perhaps you are right. You have given me much to think on, Madam Mayor. Thank you.”

Crescent Cookie and her companion walked away.

Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara approached.

Diamond Tiara strutted in her finery. She sported a crystal horn and a crown of gold. Wings, fletched with actual feathers, flowed from her back. Her gown fell in luxurious cascades about her flanks.

Her father, Mr. Rich, clumped along beside her. He was wearing armor. Real armor! Why, thought Marigold, that is the barding of the Royal Guard from, when?, two centuries ago! An antique!

A Princess and Her Royal Guard! Marigold’s appreciation of Filthy Rich improved. Perhaps, he overindulges her. But he is a good dad.

And, from somewhere behind them: Bean Counter. Even here, today, he dressed in dull gray and carried his panniers of legal gibberish.

Marigold chose to neglect Bean Counter and to focus on Princess Tiara.

“Your Highness,” said Marigold, happily.

Diamond Tiara sniffed. “Good eve, Madam Mayor. My lord father would have words with you. I, myself, am indifferent.”

Mr. Rich looked apologetic. “Her story, Why I Am Better Than You, placed, well, poorly in the storytelling competition.”

“Oh, dear,” said Marigold, unsurprised. She had known Mr. Rich’s father, Stinkin’, back in the day. What a good pony he was! Filthy Rich, though, as much as he tried, seemed a bit lost, struggling to care for his daughter.

Bean Counter surged forward. “Here, at last, we can talk face-to-face, without interference,” he said. “Yes,” he proclaimed proudly. “Challenge this, Madam Mayor!”

He pulled out his diagrams of the proposed watermill and spread them against the ground.

The thing stood three stories tall. It spanned the Ponyville river, a leg on each shore, to take life and power from the river. It boasted of Industry. It boasted of Profit.

Bean Counter looked up, eagerly, feverishly. “Isn’t it wonderful, sir?”

“It looks like a skull,” said Diamond Tiara, sniffing. “An icky skull that vomits an endless river of filth. Dad, I don’t like it.”

“Ewww! Hmmm, well, you might be right, cupcake,” said her father. “Now that I see it, I can’t un-see it.”

He turned Counter’s plans this way and that. In the end, he sighed.

“No, this simply won’t do. All I wanted, if you remember, was a small water mill to take over for the Ponyville Windmill while we are restoring the Windmill. My father helped build the Windmill, remember. This plan of yours would make the Windmill obsolete. Can’t have that.

“Today’s celebration has reminded me of something. My father once told me, son, our wealth is not counted in gold. Our wealth is counted in ponies, in their health and happiness. I trust in my father’s wisdom. I will try to do no less than he.

“Sorry, Counter,” he said, rolling up the scroll and passing it back to his accountant. “Scratch this. Oh, hay! Tiara! Show Madam Mayor your little dance!”

Bean Counter looked at the scroll. He looked at his employer. He looked back at the scroll.

“Sir! But, sir,” he protested, purpling.

“Hush, Counter! Let’s enjoy Princess Tiara’s little dance!”

Mr. Filthy Rich and Madam Mayor looked on, as Bean Counter fumed. And Diamond Tiara danced her little dance. Which was, at the end of this long day, the most important thing in the world to her father.



A tiny, well-kept bungalow in Ponyville, after midnight:

What a day, what a day! Marigold thought.

Finally, finally, she was in her little house, resting in her favorite chair, with a cup of chamomile tea close by.

I love Ponyville. I love everpony in Ponyville. But, at the end of the day, it is so good to get away from them all.

She sipped her tea.

Fletcher, her industrious secretary was happy. Well, as happy as he ever could be. Mr. Rich was happy. The good ponies of Ponyville were happy. Mr. Counter was disgruntled, but so it goes. Can’t please everypony, she thought, dismissing him.

I’d like to retire, someday, she thought. Somehow, when I wasn’t looking, I became old. My hip aches. Who will come after me?

She sipped her tea.

She pondered. Everypony would think me mad, to say this out loud. But: Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie knows and loves everypony in Ponyville. She is energetic and positive. She wants the best for everypony. She has a serious side, that she hides. She is smart, efficient and organized; how else could she manage all those parties?

She imagined Fletcher struggling to cope with Madam Mayor Pie. She laughed and shook her head. Poor, poor Fletcher!

The doorbell rang.

At this hour? Marigold pulled herself out of her chair. It might be important.

Marigold opened her door to discover the Queen of Night and Mystery.

Princess Luna stood at Marigold’s porch, smiling uncertainly. “I apologize for the lateness of my visit, Madam Mayor. No! Please, don’t bow. May I talk to you?”

“Of course! Of course,” said Marigold, automatically. She stepped back and Princess Luna flowed inside.

“Captain Bucephalus,” called Princess Luna, turning back. “We shan’t be too long.”

A huge gray pegasus pony, clad in the silver armor of the Lunar Guard, stood at Marigold’s garden gate. He bowed. “Ever at your service, Your Highness.” He stood, vigilant.

Marigold closed the door.

“May I offer you a cup of tea?” Marigold said, turning to her visitor.

Princess Luna breathed. “Chamomile? Yes, that would be lovely.”

Marigold busied herself with preparing a cup. She served the tea. She sat, nervously, in her favorite chair while Princess Luna settled herself on Marigold’s tiny sofa.

“You are probably wondering,” began Princess Luna. “why I did not join your celebration, this evening.”

“Oh, no, Your Highness,” said Marigold, hurriedly. “I understand that Your Highness was otherwise engaged. Equestria is vast. And Ponyville is a tiny part of your concern.”

“But I was here, this evening,” said Princess Luna, sipping her tea. “Do you remember the silly-looking pony that approached you, after the sing-a-long? The one with the mustache? That was me, with my dear Captain, Bucephalus.”

Oh, my!

“Marigold, in a thousand years, nopony has sung gladly to my Sky,” said Princess Luna, softly. “This is my fault, I admit.” She looked down. “In a thousand years, when did I reach down? When did I ever do what you have done, this night? Gathered family and friends to sing to the Stars, to the Moon?”

Princess Luna looked up. “Your heart is greater than mine,” she said. “I must acknowledge this.” She put her teacup aside. She stood over Marigold.

“Kneel, Marigold!” commanded Princess Luna.

Marigold knelt, alarmed.

Princess Luna touched Marigold with her horn, delicately, on Marigold’s right and left shoulders.

“Noble Marigold, arise!” said Princess Luna. Unconsciously, She had fallen into the Elder Speech. “Thou good and faithful servant! In the old times, I would have granted thee lands and honors! But, see! You humble me! You have lands enou’! All of sweet Ponyville is your demesne! And honor… what greater honor is there, than to be the Mayor of Ponyville? This night, it is you who honor me, Your Ladyship.”

And then the Queen of Night and Mystery knelt low before Madam Mayor of Ponyville.

“No! No!” exclaimed Marigold. “No! I am too small to accept this! I’m just a little pony, in a little town, after all.”

Princess Luna stood. Her eyes gleamed. “But, my Lady Marigold, how can thee not understand this? Celestia and I, we do not rule because of blood, or power, or tradition. We rule because we understand duty. The Sun must rise! The Moon must sweep away the Day! The round of Day and Night, of Fire and Mystery must prevail!

“But, regardless of the Sun and Moon, the Earth abides. That silly pony, Josh, had the right o’ it, in his way. Celestia and I, we rule the Sky. But the World, the Green World is in thy care. And my Sister and I must bow before thee, the caretaker of Equestria.”

Princess Luna sighed. “Equestria turns. It has its seasons. The Winter Wrap-up. The Running of the Leaves. Thou describes thyself as small. Yet, it is the World that revolves around thee!

“My Lady Marigold, I cannot command a single leaf to fall. Yet, when thy children run, the trees yield themselves to thee. When the World groans under Winter, thy children carry away the snows. The rains, the very clouds that nurture Equestria, are drawn from thy reservoirs. Marigold, sister, how can thee not see thy power?”

Marigold stood, flustered.

“But I am old,” she said.

“I am the Queen of a Thousand Years,” declared Princess Luna. “Would thee challenge that?”

“No! But I,” Marigold began. “I’d like to retire, one day,” she said quietly. “To rest.”

Princess Luna beamed at her. “Here, thy quality is made plain! Thou would put aside power for peace of mind! For serenity. Would that I and my Sister had that choice!”

Marigold stopped. She looked at Princess Luna. Really looked at her, as if for the first time. I have always been in awe of the Princesses, living down here, in the shadow of Canterlot. But Luna is not a cipher, not a distant concern. She is real. And her heart beats.

She is strange. She is old. She is a visitor from another age. Lost. Alone. Even in the midst of Her glory, alone.

And Luna is here. Now. In my house. Aching for approval. Eager for friendship. A little pony. And I love all of my little ponies. My children.

“Luna. Sister,” Marigold began. Luna smiled, encouragingly.

She is so sweet! thought Marigold. Why did I not see this before?

“I am very happy that you enjoyed the celebration. My secretary, Fletcher, dear Fletcher, hoped that you would find it encouraging. I am so pleased to find that he was right.

“You give honor to me. But the celebration was not mine alone. It was Ponyville’s. I am so very proud of everypony. They, all of them, made this day special. They have given you their friendship. They all made this day, this night, magic.”

Lady Marigold and Princess Luna then sat together in silence, feeling the warmth of each other’s regard. One princess to another. One sister to another.

They sipped their tea.

“You spoke of retirement,” said Luna, quietly, after a bit. “Have you considered who would replace you?”

Awkward. Okay, Marigold, be honest.

“I think,” said Marigold, hesitantly. “I think Pinkie Pie would be a good Mayor.”

Luna snorted tea out her nose. “Ha ha! Ha ha ha!” She laughed. She clutched her chest and bellowed her delight.

A minute or two passed, as Luna collected herself and brushed the tears from her eyes.

Luna smiled fondly at Marigold. “Let it be so, then, sister. When that day comes, I pray, let it be so.”

Comments ( 45 )

Per the suggestion of earlier readers, I've collected the story into two chapters, before the celebration and after.

"Marigold" is, of course, my own name for Madam Mayor. Oddly, no character by this name appears in the MLP:FIM wiki.

Voice casting: the part of Fletcher Veterinary is played by Alan Rickman. The part of Josh Pie is played by John Goodman. The part of Bean Counter is played by Rowan Atkinson.

Songs: I cheated, of course, by writing parodies of "The Smile Song" and "The Heart Carol." They turned out pretty good, I thought.

And, yes, the story has callbacks to my earlier story, "Tonight I Shall Be Laughter," reflecting changes in the canon. The more I write about Her, the more I love Princess Luna.

*manly tears*

Would that I could thumb-up this story more than just once.

A story with no real villains, no real conflict, just a bunch of ponies who love their lives and live them joyously. Who love each other, realize this fact, and express it openly. It was wonderful watching them do that. Thank you.

Most excellent! Now to make some Peppermint Divinities.

"Teeny tiny riot". Over a dessert. I love it! It seems to perfectly capture the spirit of Ponyville.

If it weren't for the issue of getting the internal monologues conveyed to the watcher, this should be an episode.

I do think that it would be nice for Bucephalus to visit Fletcher, even if Luna doesn't go along. It's always nice to receive the praise and regards of others in the same line of work.

Oh, and, a sequel 10 years down the line with Pinkie Pie as the new mayor and Fletcher as her secretary would be put on the top of my reading priority stack.

You know, I've read better written and funnier and more touching pony fics, but I can't remember one that has been more joyful. Facedeer has it right, above: this is a wonderful story, and a real delight to read. :pinkiesmile:

Marvellous, a triumph. Fletcher Vet for best pony.
The spirit of everything's in this story, and it all works. Also funny as anything.

This has charm in abundance.

And there is obviously some vast merit to the "Third princess" story.
Frankly, I like it a hella lot.

My Celestia, this chapter was amazing...

First off, my favorite quotes:

“Fletcher, over the years, had come to hear her offer a gosh! and a darn! and even, in extremity, a shucks!”
I like this sort of characterization. :D

“Madam Mayor then emitted a sound that Fletcher dutifully noted as Squee!”

“Spike awoke to the warm, comforting smell of smoke.”
That made me laugh. XD

“Hurricane’s Apologia (Sorry about the Windigoes, Dudes) and Puddinghead’s twelve-volume Stuff I Did, So There”
That also made me laugh.

“Cinnamon and charcoal! Not many cooks can get that balance right. And is there a hint of sulfur, too? Exquisite! Yum!” He treated himself to a fourth cookie.”
And again I laughed.

The scene with the Josh Pie was incredible captivating. very fun and interesting to read.

The Derpy Mail song was so cute! And I found "Derpy's sister, Ditzy" very cool.

The Night Carol was awesome! The lyrics felt quite natural as I imagined them in my head to the original melody.

And the final scene in Marigolds house was so neat! I love how you write Princess Luna. Well done!

Once more, fantastic story! This goes down as one of my favorite fics of all time, for sure!

Sorry, everypony: a minor edit. I suddenly realized that Twist could not have been in the Unicorn Cooking Contest: she's not a unicorn! Um, duh! :twistnerd: So I brought in Dinky Doo as emergency relief character. Thanks, Dinky; you're a pal!

Another excellent chapter. :pinkiehappy: As others said, such... joy and wonderment here. Perfectly Ponyville!

I liked this, it fit the canon Ponyville so well, what with all the happy ponies and amusing personalities that have more depth than one might expect.

This story should have ten times the views, and ten times the 'likes'. Truly, it is a lovely and thoughtful piece.

If we ever get a "a day in the life of madam mayor" episode, this is story will be the measure to which it will be compared.
And so nice to see Cap. Bucephalus again.

I found this on my "read later" list today, and I have no memory of putting it there. It didn't seem like much of a story, but I trusted past me's judgement and started reading.

It was very worth it. You know a story is well written when all that has happened is that a character has woken up gone to the bathroom and eaten breakfast, and you're grinning widely.

I got the impression that Marigold is mayor while Fletcher runs the city, even if I never saw any proof of that. They seemed like that type of characters.

Also love the crowd reactions ("APPLAUSE?") and the songs. Overall, great story.

I just wanted to say that Marigold was an inspired choice of name for Mayor Mare.

Also Lyra probably relied on Bon Bon for confectionary lessons. That hardly seems fair!

But... this can't be! Is this truly a MLP:FiM fanfic?

A story where no giant, indestructible monsters invaded? No eldrich horrors escaped from dark dimensions and sent Equestria into a spiral of death and despair? Neither Princess going insane and becoming a bloodthirsty tyrant? The whole planet didn't spiral into some dystopian future? TWILIGHT DIDN'T MESS UP ANY SPELLS AND ACCIDENTALLY DESTROY PONYVILLE?! Ok, she blew it with the cookies, but that wasn't a spell! No pony got cancer or some other fatal illness, nor did they die from some tragic accident! There was no Scootabuse! Lyra wasn't craving hands! No movies were parodied or crossed-over! There wasn't any shipping! AND NO HUMANS APPEARED FROM RANDOM DIMENSIONAL PORTALS!!!

This CAN'T be a fanfic! This... this is madness! :rainbowderp:

*Madness? This isn't madness! THIS... IS... PONYVILLE!!* :flutterrage:

In all, a delightful little story, very heartwarming and the very essence of the show. :twilightsmile:

My previous head-cannon personality for Mayor Mare was somewhere between Diamond Joe Quimby and Mom of "Mom's Old Fashioned X" from Futurama.

Somehow, you've fixed that...

I have mixed feelings about this story. I have to admit that the first chapter seemed long and boring to me. It may be because you completely failed to sell your characterization of Marigold to me. I'm sorry, I just felt it shallow and irritating. It may be my personal opinion or a bias of some kind, but simply put she felt silly to me; irresponsible even. Not someone you would like to have for the mayor. :pinkiesad2: On the other hand, I absolutely loved Fletcher and how caring and serious and precise he was all the time. :twilightsmile: Again, I can't really tell why such contrasting opinion about the characters, but it's probably thanks to this contrast that Ponyville works for now--what Marigold lacks gets filled in by Fletcher.

Either way, because I read the story on the train, where I had nothing better to do, I managed to force my way through the first chapter. I won't lie to you here--if I read the story at home I might have dropped it in the middle. But fortunately I didn't. Because the celebration itself is simply amazing. Old Pie's story--so heartwarming and moving. Derpy's song--so light and delicate (and the hidden propaganda for her being the best pony--amazing!). Fluttershy's song--it actually watered my eyes a little, it was just so full of emotion. :fluttercry: Really, the second chapter rocked and I'm yet again clueless why my opinions on both chapters contrast so much. :facehoof: I would love to give a more constructive feedback, but that's probably the best I can do. :pinkiesad2:

As a side note, it was great to see Bucephallus (sorry, couldn't resist :rainbowlaugh:) and Crescent Cookie again. To be honest, if it weren't for them, I would completely miss the fact that it was a story by you. :pinkiesad2: I now realize the title was a reference too, but I usually load several fics on my ebook reader and read them on the train to/from work, so the information about the author and his other fics gets buried somewhere deep in the directory tree. :rainbowlaugh:
Also, I very much support Pinkie's candidacy for the Mayor of Ponyville. :pinkiehappy: I'm not sure why, seeing as I complained that Marigold seemed silly and irresponsible. Probably because Pinkie Pie is the best pony. :pinkiecrazy:

To sum it up, I'm glad I managed to force my way through the first chapter (once again, I'm terribly sorry I'm not able to pinpoint why I disliked it so much, regardless of the Fletcher character I actually liked) and got to the celebration itself. It was well worth it in the end. :yay:

I appreciate your input.

This story began in a discussion at another site: "how does Madam Mayor manage all these silly ponies, anyway?"

We don't know much about Madam Mayor, although "Winter Wrap-Up" gives some hints. She has, perhaps too much, confidence in her public speaking ability and, probably, too little organizational skill. (The Winter Wrap-Up was a mess, not just this year, but in prior years. Thank goddess for Twilight!)

So I imagined Marigold as a somewhat-hapless administrator, who struggles to keep on top of things in Ponyville.

Marigold and Fletcher, you see, complement each other. Marigold has great social skills and big ideas. Fletcher is detail-oriented but not very approachable. Marigold can rouse the populace with her speeches, but fades on details; Fletcher is very organized, but his personality is a bit off-putting.

In the first chapter, I tried to paint Marigold as somewhat inept. (She constantly quotes affirmations to herself to boost her spirits and dresses to bolster her image as "important.") And Fletcher is capable, but not very friendly. (He shows nothing but kindness to Granny Smith, but is reluctant to express this overtly.)

In the second chapter, they flip, somewhat. Marigold proposes the celebration, particularly the Sing-A-Long to Luna's Night. This would never have occurred to Fletcher. Here, you see her strength and his weakness. And, later, after the Sing-A-Long, you see that even he is reluctantly drawn into the community that loves in abstract.

Ponyville muddles along, with her well-intended but somewhat clueless Mayor, and her severe but kindly administrator. And I think that's not so bad.

And I am completely sincere when I suggest that Madam Mayor would support Pinkie Pie for mayor. :pinkiegasp: Although the rest of the Mane Six have their strengths, Pinkie is the most gregarious, and that's 9/10's of the battle.

As delightful a story as Short Cakes was, excellent story all around.

This is one few stories on FimFiction I re-read just for hell of it.

This was very enjoyable to read :twilightsmile: A nice, simple story of ponies living their lives. It made me smile :pinkiesmile:

The Derpy version of "Smile, Smile" gets this story put on my favourites list. Period. End of story.

A lovely story with every pony in-character. I particularly liked the thought of Luna attending in disguise and Bean Counter not even being able to impress his own boss with his ideas. Sometimes ambition and a desire for empire blinds you.

Mayor Pinkie? Well, I suppose I can see it...

Deep, yet short and sweet.

I am text less this is wonderful.

Excellent details here and there and yet delivered in so few word a real wonder.

no complaints or recommendation possible it ended about right too (even if a part of me wants more).

It was a great feel good slice of life (comedy elements but if it deserved the tag...well I smiled).

This is a wonderful story of the part of life we rarely see in the fandom. We get characters that we rarely talk about (such as the Mayor) with flaws but are still effective along with a great OC. We could use more of this (which thankfully you have with your Shadow Day story).

Pinkie for Mayor! Great idea I love it. I especially like how everybody at first laughs and then later comes to terms with it as possibly being a good idea (over the course of several stories).

i will remember fondly the wise words you have imparted upon my and those in my position. "My name is Butthead."
gold. pure gold:pinkiehappy:

Aw, what a sweet and simple story, so charming... so why am I crying???
A true slice-of-life masterpiece. Josh continues to be one of my favorite characters in your universe, Mayor Marigold was really wonderful, and Luna and her dialogue absolutely inspired. Thank you for writing it!

This is wonderful! <3
Also, I love your idea of her actual name being Marigold. Can I yoink that for my headcanon please?

This is truly a stunning piece. You always manage to surprise me with how beautiful and touching your fics can be. I always think that each one I read is your best work and then I read another and think, no this is the best. Yet then I go and reread them and think the same yet again.

Fletcher I won't deny made me d'aw at the end of the first chapter. Seeing his gentle strength and kindness was wonderful and I loved his back and forth with Granny Smith.

Marigold too was adorable. I loved her child's crown in the mirror and her incredible fountain of ideas when planning. he was beautiful and so graceful and sweet with Luna as well.

My only criticism (and it's indeed minor) was with Joshua Apple's story. The lack of quotation marks around the audiences pieces kept confusing me as I wasn't sure if it was meant to be them speaking or perhaps in his head:twilightsheepish: I'm too much a slave to the English nuances.

Again, truly wonderful and Joshua's story especially was stunning. I fear I lack the vocabulary to properly express my love of this fic but hopefully this comment can suffice til I learn the method of telepathy.:pinkiesmile:

“I think Pinkie Pie would be a good Mayor.”
:pinkiegasp: Me!?:pinkiehappy: Thank you mayor mare!

Absolutely beautiful.

Oh maaaan. This hit me right in my eloquence. It is such a great balance of heartwarming, cheerful, and sincere! :yay:

Also, Luna disguising herself, poorly. That alone is worth the price of admission. :twilightsmile:

fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/357/a/1/2_hoofs_up_by_comeha-d6z0lto.png?wrap=true fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/357/c/0/fave_by_comeha-d6z0jqh.png

"Luna in disguise" was a popular trope, prior to "Luna Eclipsed." I'm afraid I made mock of it in my story, "Tonight I Shall Be Laughter" and re-used the idea here.

Another brilliant piece. Love how you tie all of your original character protagonists from the other stories into it again.
Well done!

I just re-read it and it was just as good as it was then.

Now hopefully, Shadow Day will make its return...

Is Derpy's mail song on Youtube anywhere?


I wish. Since it's a parody of "The Smile Song," it should be legit under fair use.

Uh, what? ^-^' does that mean it's cool for someone to make? or nah?

721962 I never forget how much I adore this story, and so many of your works. But this one always holds a truly special place in my heart. With the so recent loss of Mr Rickman, it takes on even more meaning that I am forever hearing the characters in their chosen voices. Did you ever decide who would voice dear gentle Marigold?

6851655 Cathy Wiseluck, i assume.

6862609 She'd fit nicely. Now pardon me while i go off and fangasm that you're still alive and around.

6862776 I second the opinion. May the Queen of a Thousand Years bless your nights with stardust.

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