• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 1,070 Views, 5 Comments

Teenage Little Ninja Ponies - SS_Jeriks

In the Tmnt 2012 relm, Leo stumbles upon a portal to another world. so when a turtle falls in, a pony comes out.

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Author's Note:

Hello All of you readers!!! I am really glad that whoever you are that's reading this gave this story a chance. I am new here so please enjoy!!!

Twilight Sparkle thought that there was only one other DIMENSION; the dimension of Equestria High. She thought that the only way to another dimension was through a magical mirror that hung safely in the palace in Canterlot that would only open on certain days for a certain amount of time. She thought that she would never have any more experiences with dimension travelers after the portal closed for 30 moons, and she certainly never thought it would happen in her own world. She was wrong on all counts.

There were an infinite number of worlds out there. Some had versions of her and her FRIENDS, some didn't. Some were full of humans, some were full of ponies, or wolves, or dragons, or a combination of creatures.

There were countless ways to and from dimensions and worlds. Some were open quite often, some barely at all, and some at utterly random points when circumstances were just right. The mirror was not the only gateway in Equestria. There were several others, to several different worlds, all just waiting to be discovered.

One of these gateways was located at the outskirts of Ponyville. A small monument stood to Starswirl the Bearded a couple hundred yards from the library that served as Twilight's HOME. The monument basically consisted of a statute of the famous unicorn resting on a mirrored pedestal the height of the average stallion. If one was to walk through the mirrored surface at the right time, they would end up swimming in a pond in Central Park, New York City, Earth.

Little did Twilight know, the time when this gateway would open was approaching, and four travelers would literally tumble into her world, and into her and her five dear friend’s lives. Four travelers that would change her life, and Equestria, forever.
Back in New York City, our favorite heroes in a half shell were crossing the rooftops on their nightly patrol. Leo was, for once, in the back and was deep in thought.

Every time we pass the park, that George Washington statue by the pond always seems so alone. Sometimes I swear that I see it sparkling, even when there's no moon. But whenever I do a double take, it's dull. One of these days I'm gonna have to check it out.

Leo was so distracted that he didn't notice his youngest brother calling for him.

"Leo? Hey Leo? Leo! LEO!"

Leo's gaze SNAPPED forward and he halted in his running. "Huh?!" Leo looked around and saw that his brothers were in an alley, BEHIND him.

"Leo, you alright?" Donnie asked his eldest sibling worriedly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I just - need to clear my head. I'm gonna take a walk."

Raph and Donnie nodded in understanding, but Mikey stared at his blue clad brother with confusion.

"But we were just out running. Why do you need to take a walk?"

Leo sighed and tried to explain it to his bubbly brother, "Sometimes, Mikey, I can think clearly if I'm relaxed. One way of relaxing for me is taking an evening stroll... Alone."

Mikey still looked a bit confused, but after a few seconds he smiled and cheerfully responded, "OK!" Then jumped into the sewers through an open manhole cover.

Donnie shortly followed but Raph stayed behind. He gave the silent signal for time which was him pointing to his wrist like there was a watch. Leo nodded with understanding and Raph grinned.

They both heard the youngest yell impatiently, "Hey Raph! What's taken' so long, buddy?"

Raph rolled his green eyes and let out a soft happy sigh and leaped down the manhole.

Leo COVERED the hole and took to the roofs once more. After he started running in the direction of Central Park, his thoughts on the statute flooded his mind once more. He just couldn't stop thinking about it. He couldn't understand why he thought the very tiny memorial was different than any other either. He was probably wrong. There was probably nothing unusual about it.

But the strange thing was, he was right.