• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 10,508 Views, 637 Comments

Changelings: Gotta Love 'em All - Ausbrony

After failing to enslave Equestria, Queen Chrysalis searches for a new way to feed her children. Perhaps it’s time for a change... of dimension.

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Chapter One

Upon exiting the cave, the pair of Changelings stopped and gasped at the sight. Gone were the rust-coloured rocks, dead shrubs, and searing heat they had come to expect. Instead, vibrant green trees, a clear blue sky, and a comfortable, temperate warmth greeted them.

“W-what is this?” the youngling squeaked. “What are these things?”

Sync glanced down at her, thinking to offer a snippy remark, but held her tongue with the realisation that several of her underlings had never set hoof outside their old home. This one must have been very young indeed to have never even seen trees.

“It’s called a forest,” Sync replied as they buzzed past the trees. She paused, both so the youngling could touch the leafy foliage, and to enjoy the refreshing breeze. “Forests are made up of trees, and those green things covering the trees are called leaves.”

“Wooow,” the youngling whispered. “How come we didn’t have these ‘trees’ back home?”

“Why?” Sync frowned as they landed on one particularly large oaken branch. She set the youngling down and stretched her wings. “Because those selfish, cowardly ponies wouldn’t let us! They fear and despise us, simply for being what we are. The mere idea of being an emotivore is something they don’t understand—not that they ever tried!

Sync thrust a hoof into the trunk with her final word. She withdrew at the sight of her quivering charge and sighed. “Sorry. That particular topic gets me riled up. But I guess we don’t have to worry about ponies anymore.” Sync picked her youngling up again, smiled, and buzzed her wings. “Now, let’s go find that source of love energy.”

Scribe let out a small sigh. Shortly after Sync had left, the Queen had collapsed from fatigue, sending everyling into a worried frenzy.

Chrysalis looked up from the makeshift bed that her Changelings had made. Though it was just a pile of moss, it was strangely comfortable.

“Must you be so dramatic?” she asked Scribe. “I am simply tired from using a complex and powerful spell. Nothing to worry about.” She tried to get up, but groaned as Scribe shook his head and gently eased her back down.

“You mustn’t move, Chrysalis,” he said. “Your magic is dangerously low, and your love energy even more so.” He looked toward the cave’s entrance and sighed again. “Sync and the youngling had better stay out of trouble. I sure hope they’re all right out there…”

“You worry for your sister, don’t you?” Chrysalis said softly. “Let me tell you—your fears are unwarranted. Sync is my most skilled and trustworthy child. She can look after herself, and her underlings.”

“But we have no idea what’s out there!” Scribe shouted, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “What if we’re still in Equestria? What if the Royal Guards are waiting right outside?”

“If that were the case, they’d have charged in by now,” Chrysalis said dryly. “After we teleported, something happened… something went wrong.”

She watched his eyes widen at her words and look around before leaning in. “What happened?”

“I took us somewhere far worse. I don’t know where, but I do know our deaths were guaranteed if we stayed there.” Chrysalis sighed as she closed her eyes; her eyelids felt so very heavy. “But then I heard a voice—one that said we could find happiness here.”

“You know how crazy that sounds, right?”

“I know, but it’s the truth,” Chrysalis replied. “I know you can taste my sincerity. But… one thing that voice said concerns me.”

Scribe blinked as he sat a little closer. “What did it say? What has you worried about all this?”

“It said that the move would require ‘change,’” Chrysalis said.

All was silent for a second before Scribe let out a small chuckle. “Um, newsflash, Chryssie—we’re Changelings! It’s kinda what we do.”

Chrysalis frowned as she opened one eye. “First, noling likes a smart-flank. And second… it’s the way that voice said it. Just thinking about it makes my chitin itch.”

Scribe mirrored her frown as he sat down. “Just what have we gotten ourselves into?”

Sync had absolutely no idea what to make of it. She’d been expecting just about anything really, but what awaited them was beyond the scope of her imagination. The youngling was the first to actually voice their confusion.

“Sync? What is that thing?”

Sync just shook her head. She leaned forward and narrowed her eyes. What they were staring at was some sort of bipedal creature. It resembled a Minotaur, only this creature was far smaller and scrawnier in comparison. Its face was flat, with a short nose and really small eyes. Its whole body was garbed in clothing, and what was visible wasn’t covered in any fur or chitin, save for the sandy-blonde mane on its head.

“Whatever it is, I think it’s a male, and it’s definitely giving off trace amounts of love energy.” Sync’s horn shined with a pale light, and her body tingled gently. It wasn’t romantic love, more like… familial, the sort that one would have for a pet or close friend.

Not as potent as lust or desire, but it’ll do.

While Sync continued to study the strange creature, it grasped a small sphere from its belt and tossed it into the air. After a flash of blue light, another creature appeared; this one looked like a badger of some kind, coated in white fur with tan stripes.

“Li, Linoone?”

Sync tilted her head and exchanged glances with her underling. What sort of language was that?

“I dunno, buddy.” Hearing the familiar lingo, Sync focused upon the biped; his voice was high, but soft, not at all like guards she had eluded the night before. “The info says there was one in this area, but I can’t find a trace of it.”

As the biped sighed and patted the badger’s head, Sync felt another small spike of love energy. Was this it? The reason behind this creature’s source?

Unfortunately, the youngling felt it too. As she leant forward to feed on some of it herself, she toppled from the tree. Sync’s reactions were too slow to catch her; the youngling tumbled through the air, landing on the soft grass and rolling. She finally stopped at the biped’s feet and lay still. Dislodged leaves floated down around her.

Holey crap

“What the?” The biped looked down at the crunch and jerked backward with a cry. He held his pose for a second before lowering his leg back to the ground and dropping his hands. “Well, you’re not the one I was looking for, but still…” He took a step forward and knelt down to half his height. “What Pokémon are you? Some kind of bug-type?”

As he looked closer, it definitely seemed like it: short translucent wings, a jagged black carapace with a few holes in the legs, and those brilliant blue, pupilless eyes…

He reached for something at his belt, but stopped when the monster shrunk away, its eyes shining and its legs covering its head.

“Hey now, I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said in a calming tone. He glanced at the growling badger and held out his arm. “Easy, Linoone. Stay back. It doesn’t look dangerous.”

The Linoone leered at the bug, but stopped growling and relaxed.

“My name is Adrien… who are you?”

The bug either didn’t or couldn’t answer. It just stared at him.

Adrien peered at the creature while scratching his head, then reached again for his belt. With a flick of his hand, he flipped the rectangular red device open, pointed it at the creature, and pressed a white button in its centre.

The machine beeped, and the monster’s image appeared on a small screen. “No available data,” it said in a high-pitched, distorted voice.

“No data? So you’re not in the Pokédex?” Adrien flipped the lid closed and replaced the device. He scratched his chin and moved his head closer. “So, if the Pokédex is drawing a blank… have you… not yet been discovered?”

A sudden rustle from above caught his attention. He glanced up, finding his vision filled with a fierce pair of gleaming emerald eyes. Unlike the one quivering at his feet, this one was perched in the tree… and it looked very angry.

“Oh. Ahhh… you have a friend…” Adrien backed away slowly, both arms raised in front of him. “Don’t worry, I mean the both of you no harm.”

Sync dropped down from the tree, stood over her underling, and hissed at the assailant. Although she now knew she could speak with him, her bared fangs would send enough of a message. Oddly enough, trace amounts of affection wafted from the creature; even stranger, it was directed at the pair of them.

“Okay, I got it.” The Adrien creature backed away and waved at his badger. “Come on, Linoone. Let’s leave ’em alone.”

They continued watching the biped as he picked up his bag and retreated into the forest, his eyes never leaving theirs until he and his pet vanished beyond the treeline. Once they were sure he was gone, the youngling breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ohmigosh! I thought it was gonna eat me!” she chirped. “That was waaaay scary!”

“Then you should have been more careful!” Sync snapped. “What would have happened if that creature was dangerous? What would I tell the Queen if you’d died?

The youngling hung her head at the berating. “’M’sorry… but I’m so hungry…”

Sync grunted and raised a hoof to her face. “I know. We all are. But that is exactly why we must be so careful. The less we have to gather, the less we can gather.” She brushed some dust off of the youngling’s shell and smiled. “Still, we managed to gather at least a little love energy, and discovered something interesting. Let’s return and report to Her Majesty.”

The youngling nodded and buzzed her wings.

Sync chuckled at the youngling’s poorly hidden excitement. She could feel the little one’s elation: on an important mission with the hive’s best infiltrator, discovering new things, getting a taste of real love for the first time in months…

She looked back at where that creature had disappeared. Just what in Equestria was that thing? Why did it radiate love energy so readily? And was was that other thing with it?

Bah! Too many questions, not enough answers. Maybe Scribe’ll know something with that big brain of his.

After one last glance at the treeline, the two Changelings flew off, having quite the story to tell.

Once out of the strange bugs’ sight, Adrien had sprinted home through the forest, his Linoone bounding along, enjoying the frolick. He’d seen a brand new Pokémon—a Pokémon no-one had ever seen before! This was the greatest thing ever. No only that, but in spite of the larger one’s offensive front, they were super cute.

After leaping the stairs to his bedroom two at a time, he sat at his desk and raked his fingers through his damp hair. Still puffing lightly, he pulled out a sketchbook, grabbed a pencil, and started drawing. Various thoughts ran through his head: What Typing were they? What did they eat? What Attacks could they use? What were their passive Abilities?

The pics slowly came to life as it all swirled around in his mind. Too many questions, not enough answers. I’ll have to ask the Professor about this.

“Line, noone?”

Adrien scratched behind Linoone’s ears after the badger slinked up his back and draped itself across his shoulders. Linoone yawned and drooped its head, lazily watching Adrien’s picture take shape.

Adrien himself frowned harder and harder as his sketch neared completion. Just where had these brand new Pokémon come from? He’d lived in Viridian all his life, taken many trips through the forest between home and Pewter, but never had he seen…

He turned to the snoozing badger and gave it a gentle caress atop the head. “What do we even call these, Linoone? They look like… a Heracross, a Blitzle, and a Venonat all put together.”

Linoone opened a single eye and snuffled Adrien’s hand before falling asleep again.

“We’re back, everyling!” Sync called, her underling buzzing up in her wake. As she touched down on the rocky surface, sun at her back, a single sentinel met her.

“Oh, Sync, thank goodness. The Queen, she—oof!”

Sync bowled him over and zoomed into the dim caverns. She knocked several ’lings over in her haste, a chorus of shouts trailing after her which she promptly ignored. Once she reached the Queen’s chamber, she released her breath; Chrysalis was awake, still lethargic but at least attentive while Scribe sat next to her.

“For crying out loud, Chryssie, don’t scare me like that!” she scolded the queen as she touched ground. Her horn flared, and Chrysalis gasped when she felt the transfer of love energy, small amount though it be.

“W-where did you find this?” she asked. “Are there ponies out there?”

“Not… exactly.” Sync frowned as she finished the transfer and wobbled slightly. That energy had felt nice, but Chrysalis needed it more. So Sync’s frown only deepened when Chrysalis returned some of it.

“I got us all here safely—I’ll not have anyling else keel over now,’ she insisted. “Now, what did you find out there, my daughter?”

“A strange creature,” Sync replied as Scribe focused on her. “It was a biped: some kind of scrawny, hornless Minotaur, but without the bull head. Clad in clothes.” She bared her fangs. “There was also some giant rodent-like creature with it. Like a badger, or a weasel or something. The biped treated it like a pet, a close friend even. It didn’t like us. But get this—the biped summoned it in a flash of light from within a little ball.”

Chrysalis and Scribe stared.

“I don’t know how. All I can assume is that he possesses either something far beyond Equestrian technology, or his own brand of native magic.”

“That… is most unusual,” Scribe said. “Your descriptions don’t match anything I’ve ever heard of before.”

Sync clicked her tongue. “Hmmm, what a shame. I was hoping you would have known something, bookworm.”

“Stop calling me that.” Scribe pouted, shoving his sister lightly. “And maybe if you ever picked up a book, you wouldn’t be such a brute!”

“Brute? Please.” Sync scoffed and shoved him back. “I’m the sexiest damned Changeling in the hive. I don’t need book smarts Who holds the record for accumulating the most love energy in the hive to date?”

“Our Queen, actually,” Scribe stated without a second thought. “And she did it with just one—” he shoved Sync again, harder “—pony I might add.”

The twins stared at one another—and lunged. Both yelled incomprehensibly as they tumbled across the floor with their fight, grunting, limbs flying every which way.

Chrysalis groaned and rolled her eyes. For two Elites, they could really behave like foals whenever they disagreed. But this fight would be resolved in the usual way; she ensnared the pair in her magical grip. Both struggled against the bond for a moment before giving up.

“Now,” Chrysalis chided them. “What do you have to say for yourselves?”

“He started it!” Sync pouted and poked out her tongue.

Scribe glared and adjusted his glasses. “Hardly. You’re the battle-ready brute!”

“Children!” Chrysalis growled, causing them to flinch. “What. Do. You. Say?

The twins shuddered and looked at one another. “Sorry,” they said in unison.

Although they didn’t sound like they meant it all that much, Chrysalis would take what she could get. Even simple levitation still strained her. Once her lovable idiots had finished, she lay back down and sighed.

“Brilliant, Sync.” Scribe glared at her. “Way to waste that energy you brought back.”

Scribe, be silent.” Chrysalis glared until he sat back with his mouth shut, and looked to Sync again. “So, this creature you found. Do you think it was, or at least could be, dangerous?”

“Honestly? I’m not really sure, though it didn’t seem aggressive,” she replied. “It was tall, perhaps only a head shorter than you. It lacked the huge muscles of a Minotaur, and didn’t seem to posses any natural weapons like horns or claws. It didn’t even have a tail.”

“A biped without a tail?” Chrysalis blinked in surprise. “How does it even stand up?” She tried picturing a skinny Minotaur without a tail and giggled. “I may have to observe this creature myself, if only to believe it.”

“Shall I capture one for you?” Sync asked, lips curled back into a leer.

“No. We still don’t know enough about them, and procuring more love energy remains our top priority right now.” Chrysalis closed her eyes and reclined against her mossy pillow. “We’re safe for the moment, but for how long?”

An explosion rocked the cave.

All three Changelings leapt up and stared down toward the central cavern. After exchanging wide-eyed stares, they hurried along the passage to discover the rest of the hive either cringing and backing away or running around yelping. A lone youngling stood in the chamber’s centre, his gaze fixed upon a smouldering crater in the wall in front of him.

“Calm down, you idiots!” Sync yelled above the ruckus. “What happened?

The panicking drones continued to scream and shout—

Be still!

Chrysalis’ voice reverberated throughout the cavern. Loose stones and dust fell from the walls. Even the waterfall seemed to pause for a split-second before resuming. Every Changeling present halted in their tracks and turned to their queen. Their silence was deafening.

Chrysalis held a hoof to her head as the bottom of her horn throbbed. I love you all, children, really. But you can be just, so

“Now that you’re all done flailing about like headless cockatrices,” she said, dropping back down to a level tone, “will someling explain what happened here? Is anyling hurt?”

A youngling stepped forward, the same one that had accompanied Sync earlier. She halted under the queen’s gaze at first, mouth opening and closing wordlessly.

“It’s all right, youngling.” Chrysalis smiled. “Tell me what happened.”

“Your M-M-Majesssty” she said in a small voice. “That one there just used some strange magic that went boom! Nobuggy was hurt, but it really scareded all of us!”

Gods above. If I could feed off cute… Chrysalis placed a hoof over her heart and sighed. After a deep breath, she approached the youngling staring at the fresh crater. “Tell me what you did,” she said. “I’m not mad. I just want an explanation.”

The shaking youngling faced his queen and lowered his head. “I’m sorry! Please, I didn’t mean to—I don’t even know what or how I did it. I just felt a sudden buildup of energy in my horn—and then that happened!” He pointed at the epicenter, blackened and charred against the stone-grey cavern.

Chrysalis frowned and approached the wall. Trace amounts of magic lingered about the crater. She closed her eyes, sensing the residual energy. She recoiled. How can this be? Her eyes widened and she spun on the spot.

“There was no Changeling magic used in this spell. Even if it was, we’re all too malnourished to produce magic of this magnitude.” She stepped up next to her youngling. “Noling here should have enough energy to cast a spell that powerful.”

“Th-that’s the thing,’ he whimpered. “It wasn’t magic. It was… something else, something… more.”

“‘More’?” Chrysalis glared again at the crater. “So then, what was it? What did you do?”

“It was… s-some kind of black sphere,” he said. “While it built up in my horn, I… it felt dark, and c-cold. I don’t really ling.”

Chrysalis shared glances with Sync and Scribe, all three biting their lips. Had he used dark magic? Based on their dubious expressions, they too had already confirmed that wasn’t the case.

What the heck is going on here?

“M-maybe I could Change it again-ling!

Chrysalis cocked her head and raised an eyebrow at her youngling. Does this one have a nervous tick or something?

“Clarify,” she stated simply.

“Well, Changeling, ling Change!

“Would you speak some sense!” Chrysalis snapped. “This is important!

Chaaaangee! Lingling, chaaa!

Scribe, Chrysalis and Sync all looked at one another as the youngling blinked in confusion, tapping his throat.

“Is he… broken?” Sync asked.

All present stared at the spluttering youngling like he had just grown a second head. Why on Equus was he just saying ‘Changeling’ over and over again?

“Something very strange is going on here,” Chrysalis muttered as Scribe examined the indignant youth. “What could it—?”

It will require change…

Chrysalis froze as the memory resurfaced. Was it that? Did the ‘change’ involve turning her children into incomprehensible idiots? Was that what that voice had designed for her children?

“I’m talking plain Changeish! What is wrong with everyling?”

Chrysalis gasped. The voice had not come from her youngling’s mouth. It had come from her youngling’s mind.

And she had heard it in hers.

“And why does the queen keep staring at me? What the shedding skin is going on?”

Wha—is… is that you, little one?

The Changeling’s eyes widened as he stared at Chrysalis. “Oh. My. Carapace! Her Majesty’s voice is in my head…”

“And yours is in mine…” Chrysalis looked at Scribe and Sync; both just stood there, mouths open at the Changeling that forgot how to talk. “Can you not hear that?” she asked. “This one’s voice is not also in your heads?”

“Um… no?” Sync and Scribe exchanged quick looks, before Sync chuckled and touched Chrysalis’ leg. “Okay, Chrissie. Let’s get you back to bed and you can lie down—”

Chrysalis swatted Sync’s hoof away. “I am not crazy,” she snapped. “Or am I? I don’t know…”

Sync and Scribe gasped, looking at their queen. There was no way they had just heard that, right?

“Is this madness contagious or something?” Sync backed away from Chrysalis.

“Telepathy!” Scribe suddenly shouted. “You’re using Telepathy magic, aren’t you?”

“I am using no such spell,” Chrysalis replied. “I have no magic to cast with. It’s… just something I thought.”

“Wait, so… you’re doing it… naturally?”

Sync sniggered and jabbed him in his side. “Is there any other way of doing it?”

Scribe frowned. “Well of course there is: magic, latent psychic ability…” He paused as Sync’s snorting delved into full-blown laughter. “Aaand telepathy wasn’t what you were referring to.”

For the love of…” Chrysalis smacked her forehead. “Okay, so I appear to have telepathy now. This is new, but not necessarily a bad thing.” She looked back to the bewildered youngling in front of her.

All right, young one. Begin with what you can tell me.”

Author's Note:

Ah, so we're finally makin' some headway. Once again, Cerulean Voice has taken this coal and made a diamond out of it. Also, change is on the wind, can our survive without driving each other nuts?

Only time will tell....