• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 10,482 Views, 637 Comments

Changelings: Gotta Love 'em All - Ausbrony

After failing to enslave Equestria, Queen Chrysalis searches for a new way to feed her children. Perhaps it’s time for a change... of dimension.

  • ...

Chapter Four

“All right, let’s go over this again. You have ‘captured’ this youngling—”

“Milly!” the little Changeling chirped.

“I am not using that ridiculous name.” Sync groaned. “When you display a talent, you will be given a proper name. Though right now, ‘Bubble-Head’ is starting to feel appropriate.”

“So mean.” Milly pouted as her bottom lip quivered.

Sync chose to ignore her and continue. “You say these metal balls of sealing, these… Pokéballs… they are completely harmless? And that you can release the bond the youngling has with them at any time?”

“That’s right.” Adrien nodded as he packed his bag; may as well knock off a few items from his errand list while the Changeling was grilling him. “All I have to do is connect the Pokéball to my Pokédex and select the ‘Release’ option. Easy as that.”

“Then do it now!” Sync roared. “I’m not going to have this youngling bound to your will!”

Adrien sighed; he’d already gone over this a half-dozen times now. “Milly isn’t ‘bound to my will.’ She’s free to up and leave whenever she likes, Pokéball or not. Absolutely nothing is stopping you two from walking out that door and back to your cave.”

“I don’t care!” Sync bared her sharp fangs. “Release Milly now!”

“You used my name!” Milly clapped happily.

Sync groaned. “Look, human, just release her and explain why she has so much energy.”

“Huh?” Adrien cocked his head. “What do you mean, ‘so much energy’?”

“Changelings feed on love and other positive emotions, human,” Sync said in a tone like she was explaining this to a grub. “So unless those little balls of yours have love in them…”

“Oh! Well, most Pokéballs don’t, but Milly here just happened to choose the Friend Ball I was saving.” Adrien shrugged. “That’s the only reason I can think of, really. Friend Balls raise a Pokémon’s Happiness Level to its max possible value when they’re caught.”

“Friend Ball? Happiness level? Values?” Sync groaned and put a perforated hoof to her head. “This is giving me a headache. Let’s just get what you need and go back to the Hive. Scribe can figure this crap out.”

“Finally we agree,” Adrien replied as he hunted around for his Poképuff kit; Chrysalis would have his head if he forgot that. He’d also have to swing by Oak’s lab and pick up his other Pokémon. As an afterthought, he grabbed a few books for Scribe to go through: an atlas, a Trainer’s Basics guide, and a history book.

“You know, Lady Sync,” Milly said as the pair waited for Adrien to finish his scavenger hunt, “it’s not all that bad. The ball is actually really comfy inside. It’s like… hmmm…” The youngling didn’t seem quite sure how to word it. “Kinda like getting a hug from Queen Chrysalis.”

“They really are the best.” Sync sight wistfully before coughing into her hoof. “I-I mean, it’s still degrading and I’ll make him release you as soon as he gets back!”

“He’s really not that bad.” Milly’s eyes flashed. “Do you really have to be so mean to him, Lady Sync? He’s done nothing but try to understand us so far.”

“Well… I…” Sync faltered for a moment; Milly’s bright blue eyes continued to shimmer as she awaited an answer. Where had her sudden defiance come from? She just settled on growling softly and folding her forelegs.

Adrien soon returned, his bag significantly more packed. “All right, guys, I think I have everything. I just need to leave a note and—”

“Adrien?” a feminine voice called out as the front door opened. “Are you finally home?”

Ah, crap.

“Hide!” he hissed to the two Changelings. They shared a furtive look and then dove behind the couch. No more than a few seconds later, Adrien’s mother walked into the room.

“Oh, there you are. Didn’t you hear me?” she said as she tossed her bag onto the couch. “I swear, that Oak will talk your ear off given the chance.” She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, undoing her bun in the process. “So, mind explaining where you’ve been? I know you’re a Trainer, but would it kill you to phone if you’re going to be home later than you told me?”

“Sorry,” Adrien replied. “I was doing something for the Professor in Viridian Forest. I’m not done actually, just came back to stock up.” He shrugged as his backpack rustled.

“So you won’t be home for dinner? That’s a shame—I thought we could have a nice sit-down together with some tea. Oh well, as long as you’re not getting into trouble…”

“Trouble? Me?” Adrien could have sworn he heard giggling from behind the couch. “Nah! I think I’m doing okay.”

“All right dear, if you insist.” His mother looked him over and smirked. “So, care to tell me who’s hiding behind the couch?”


“I’m your mother, dear, and you have ‘Guilt’ written all over your face.” she folded her arms and stared him down. “Well…”

“Mum, there’s no—”


Adrien almost had a heart attack as Milly popped up from behind the couch. He slowly turned his head, heart pounding furiously.

“Oh, it’s just you, Ventus.” Adrien’s mother giggled and rubbed the Linoone’s head. “Always the troublemaker, aren’t you?”

“You have no idea.” Adrien sighed with relief. His mum was cool and all, but until the Changelings were comfortable with their surroundings, it would be best to keep them a secret. “W-Well, I guess Ventus and I should get going. I’ll probably be back in a few days.”


“Uh, yeah. It’s part of my, uh, new mission from the Professor.” He tapped the transceiver on his ear. “I’ll just be out camping in the Forest, okay? Not far. And I’m taking all my Pokémon too—they’ll keep me safe.”

His mother just stared, hands on her hips.

“Mum? You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, just…” His mother walked over and pulled him into a tight hug. “Just be careful, Adrien. I love you. And you, Ventus—” she leaned back and scratched Milly the Linoone’s ears “—keep an eye out for him, okay?”

Milly shuddered, snuffling the foreign hand as it retreated. “Noone!” she said.

Mother smiled, sighed, and picked up her bag, departing from the living room into the kitchen.

Once outside, Adrien exhaled and wiped his forehead. “That was way too close,” he sighed.

“You know we left Lady Sync behind, right?” Milly said from his shoulder.

Adrien’s eyes widened as a small spasm of fear made him shiver. She was going to be so mad—

“I’m right here.” Sync stepped out of a nearby bush. “Please, I’m the best infiltrator in the Hive. You think I can’t escape a house with one clueless individual watching?”

“Hey! Watch what you say about my mum!” Adrien said with a raised voice.

“Consider it payback for insulting mine,” Sync retorted with a smug smile. “Now, are we done here? I’d like to get back as quickly as possible.”

“Almost. We have one more stop to make,” Adrien replied, adjusting his pack. “I need to pick up the rest of my partners. Shouldn’t take long. Then we can go back.”

“Tch! This is becoming a real hassle.” Sync sighed and shook her head. “All right, fine. Let’s get this mission done already.” She took the form of Ventus once more as Adrien recalled Milly back into her ball, much to the older Changeling’s annoyance.

Still, she could murder him later. Blending in was a Changelings job; she’d be damned if a simple change of worlds would take the title of best infiltrator from her.

Located on the tallest hill in the town. Professor Oak’s lab took up a significant portion of the acreage. Several hundred in fact, featuring a variety of artificial ecosystems for all the Pokémon he kept there: rolling open plains, large lakes, and mountainous terrain. Adrien often joked that all he was missing was an active volcano.

Oak always replied that he was still trying to get the permit for that.

Adrien was jostled out of his daydream by the determined walk of another trainer who had shown up, whistling a wordless tune as his own Linoone promptly got underfoot. The pair passed by Adrien and strode into the lab, leaving the slightly younger boy to pause for a moment. While other trainers were common around the lab, the fact he had two Changelings with him was making Adrien a little cautious.

He knew that trainer though. Darell Richards. Somewhat skilled, but a bit of a homebody: so far, Darell had only ever travelled as far as Pewter City to obtain the city gym’s Boulder Badge. He and Adrien had battled once or twice.

“Okay, Sync, you need to keep your disguise up. That’s Darell, another trainer who would most likely try to capture you if he saw you.”

“I know how to stay hidden,” Sync huffed, seemingly offended. “Let’s just get this op done already—the less time spent in this form the better.”

“For once, we agree.” Adrien nodded as he walked up the winding path to the lab’s main entrance. This should be easy. All he had to do was grab his Pokémon and head for the forest.

When he got inside, Darell was already speaking with Professor Oak… something about Bug types?

Aw crud…

“I just have a plan, Professor,” he said. “An unconventional team that doesn’t rely on the whole water-fire-grass triangle. Chris is great—”

At this, the Linoone ran over to be pet behind the ears, something Darell readily did.

“But a Normal type can only take me so far,” he finished. “I caught Vlad the other day at last. Now I’d like a Bug that doesn’t just fall over at the sight of a flame.”

“No, you’ll just have two-thirds of a team weak to Rock,” Adrien muttered. Unfortunately, the lab seemed to choose that moment to fall silent, allowing Darell to overhear him.

“Eh,” Darell said as he turned. “Can’t win them all. Though I will keep those weak to it ready with a counter,” he smiled. “Hey, it’s Adrien. And Ventus is with you? Hope you weren’t coming for a rematch.”

Chris the Linoone walked forward, sniffing a little at the disguised Changeling; she remained silent, but sniffed back and looked away from the incoming Pokémon.

“Not today,” Adrien replied. “Just came to get the rest of my Pokémon.”

“Ah!” Oak moved around Darell and clapped Adrien on the shoulder. “How goes your trip exactly? Learn anything new yet?”

“N-Not yet, Professor,” Adrien mumbled.

“Is there something going on, Professor?” Darell questioned.

“Yes indeed.” Oak beamed at Darell. “Adrien here believes that he’s found a new species of Pokémon in Viridian Forest. It’s a pity I haven’t heard anything yet though.”

“Well, the forest is a big place,” Adrien said. Wow, when did it get so hot inside the lab? “Maybe I was just seeing things…”

“Hey, I know, why don’t the two of you search together?” Oak suggested and clapped his hands. “Many hands make light work after all. Or in this case, many eyes I suppose.”

“Adrien, if you don’t ditch this human, I swear I will chew your face off,” Sync growled.

“A new Pokémon in Viridian Forest?” Darell said with wide eyes. “That sounds… promising.”

“Not really,” Adrien said quickly and moved to a PC to take the rest of his Pokémon out; with Milly as part of his team for the time being, he now had six. “It was probably just a Blitzle or something. Anyway I have a lot to do—talk later, Professor!” he said hastily and practically ran from the lab.

Darell quirked an eyebrow. Adrien had left awfully fast for some reason. Normally the two would at least talk for a bit.

“Professor, was I seeing things, or was he wearing something in his ear?”

“Oh!” Professor Oak nodded. “An experimental device from JeJaMe Tech. A Pokémon translator, in fact.” He frowned as he remembered. “Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask him if it worked properly.”

“Would you happen to have another one lying around?” Darell asked. “I have Chris out right now, I could tell you…”

The old professor shook his head. “The one Adrien has is a first-stage prototype, the only one I actually received from the company. However—” Oak rubbed his chin “—hmmm. I suppose he would have said something if it wasn’t working. I shall see if JeJaMe are willing to part with another. Many hands… er, ears this time.”

“Well, that sucks,” Darell sighed. Still, if he could get one at a later date, that’d be cool. “So, you want me to head out to the forest and see what I can find?” he asked, scratching his friend behind the ears before looking back at Oak. “Anything I should watch out for?”

Oak took a seat. “Remember to be careful in the forest. Particularly the Beedrills—it’s their breeding season.”

“Okay, so pack plenty of Repel. Got it,” the trainer replied. “And I need to start training Vlad on something, so pick my fights real carefully. Don’t worry, Professor. I’m sure that with me and Adrien working on this, we’ll unravel the mystery of this new species in no time!”

“I do hope so, it’s rather exciting!” Oak replied, clapping his hands together again. “Best of luck to all of you. I haven’t been this excited since new Pokémon were discovered in Kalos a few months back.”

“Won’t need it, but thanks!” Darell said as he turned to leave. “C’mon buddy, let’s go explore the forest together!”

“Li-Linoone!” the furry Pokémon agreed. With that, the pair left the Professor to his devices.

Sync had spent the entire forest trek stealing glances behind them, but so far she’d been unable to detect any followers. Well, some good news for once today. Now if only she could get that human to release the youngling from that infernal device.

“So, would we be in danger if that human finds us?” she asked as Adrien let Milly out of her ball; Milly took the Linoone form as well and now the pair walked on either side of him.

“Probably not. Darell’s an okay guy,” Adrien replied. “I don’t know what he’s like about keeping secrets though.”

“I’ll have to post some watchlings then,” Sync muttered. This was turning into Equestria all over again. At least the ponies didn’t have elemental monsters and capturing stones. Maybe once the Queen was well, she could cast the spell again?

After a small hike, they reached the cave and, following another look around, slipped inside. Sync and Milly resumed their true forms as they were greeted by the Hive.

And a lot more holes and scorch marks in the walls and floor.

Adrien let out a low whistle at the destruction that had appeared in just a few short hours. “Seems they’ve had a few more accidents with their moves,” he noted to himself as Chrysalis emerged from her chamber. Sync and Milly almost ran up to her, bowing their heads as Chrysalis nodded.

“We’re you successful?” she asked them.

“I brought as much as I could,” Adrien replied for them. “Though we had a few—”

“This human captured Milly in one of his stones!” Sync snapped. “He has yet to release her from its binding spell!”

“He has yet to release her from its binding spell!”

Chrysalis’s eyes opened in shock before rapidly zeroing in on their target. Her horn glowed emerald green, lifting the human off of the ground. She paused when she felt a pair of hooves on her chest, looking down to see the youngling holding her back.

“Please don’t be angry, Your Majestyness! I let him or there would have been trouble from other humans. It’s okay, and he says I can just walk away. There’s no binding spell on me.”

Chrysalis found herself speechless. The fact this youngling was defending the human was interesting in itself. But the fact she was brimming with love energy was even more surprising.

“Are you positive, little one?”

“Yahuh! Oh, and my name’s Milly now.” She giggled. “I earned this name from Adrien.”

“You named her?” Chrysalis asked him, a quizzical expression crossing her muzzle. No one had named a Changeling before. Well, not a nice name anyhow.

“W-well, some Trainers tend to do that when we get a new partner,” Adrien answered, shaking in her grasp.

Chrysalis pondered on this new development. So the spheres worked on Changelings… That could prove problematic for the near future.

But this could also be a blessing in disguise.

“‘Partner,’ you say.”

Adrien recoiled before her. “W-well, I mean, not that I’d dream of taking her away from you—”

Chrysalis waved a hoof across her body, silencing him.

“We could use this,” she said, more to herself than anyone else.

“Um, mother?” Sync started. “I mean this in the nicest, most respectful possible way, but… have you lost your freaking mind?

Chrysalis released her hold on Adrien, barely registering his yelp of surprise as she faced her outraged underling. “Forgive me if I’m wrong, dearest daughter, but are you questioning your Queen?”

“As your Lead Infiltrator, yes, yes I am!” Sync responded. What was that in her voice? Defiance? Fear? Perhaps both? “Or should I remind you of Canterlot—”

“We will not speak of that place again.” Am. I. Clear? Chrysalis finished telepathically, causing Sync and others nearby to yelp and clutch their heads.

“I am well aware of the failures of my past. The reason we are here is because of my actions and my actions alone.” Chrysalis sighed and pulled Sync into a hug. “But we have an opportunity here now. We can learn all about this new world from a rather advantageous perspective. Look at the love that… Milly has amassed in a single day! That must be weeks worth of normal feeding. If our entire Hive could gain that on a regular basis…”

“We’d never starve again,” Sync concluded. “But still… can we even trust him?”

“He has not betrayed us yet.” Chrysalis looked at the human. She wouldn’t kill him. Not yet anyway; he had delicious treats to make first. “I believe we should be a little more open. Hiding away will get us nowhere.”

“You’ve been listening to Scribe too much.” Sync sighed and hung her head. “Fine, if that is your order, then…”

“Does… that mean I get to keep being Addy’s friend?” Milly asked hopefully, dancing from hoof to hoof.

“Provided the human knows what’s at stake… yes.” Chrysalis nodded and smiled softly. “Namely that I will not hesitate to turn him inside-out should any harm come to you.” Seeing Adrien—as well as half the changelings in the chamber—shuddering told her she’d put just enough ice into her tone.

“Now I know where Sync gets it from,” Adrien muttered to himself. “But yeah, I promise. I’d never ever hurt a Pokémon. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye!”

“I’ll hold you to that rather delicious-sounding punishment,” Chrysalis nodded. Note to self, obtain some needles.

She suddenly gasped when she felt love energy pour into her. Oh, it was exquisite, it was utterly divine… she couldn’t help but purr softly as she felt a significant portion of her power return.

“There we go.” Milly smiled, stumbling, a little woozy from the sudden transfer. “Now you can feel better and so can everybuggy else!”

“You are far too sweet, little one.” Chrysalis leaned down and nuzzled her. “I shall do just that.” She stood back up and looked around. “Someling find Scribe and—”


Chrysalis whipped her head around to the chamber entrance; the culprit drone ran in and bowed quickly before her, panting. “There’s an intruder heading for the cave!”

“I knew it!” Sync growled and pointed at Adrien. “This is all your fault!”

“Mine? How is this my fault?” the boy retorted. “You’re meant to be the supposed ‘Best Infiltrator’ and yet you didn’t notice anyone following us.”

“Enough!” Chrysalis roared, rattling everyone just a little. “I have more than enough energy now. I shall take care of this myself. Everyling else to the rear chamber. Sync, you are to act as their vanguard. Protect the Hive!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Sync bowed her head as Chrysalis’ carapace flicked open and her wings sprung out.

Time to deal with this ‘intruder.’

To be perfectly honest, she was worried. Especially since the discovery that those human Pokéballs could ensnare her beloved children. They were still not used to their new abilities, whereas the creatures of this world were born with them. If some human was attacking with a Pokémon of great power… Chrysalis was unsure if she could even stop them.

“All right, give me the report,” Chrysalis said as she strode towards the cavern entrance. “What manner of intruder are we dealing with here?”

The scout nodded. “Another human, Your Majesty. Male, taller, possibly a little older. He is also accompanied by two creatures that I can tell. One appears to be the same as Adrien’s, a small furry rodent, while the other looks like an eyeless vampire fruitbat.”

“How did they find us?” Chrysalis asked.

“We’re not sure, though it could be possible they followed Adrien here.”

“Which could mean experience…” Chrysalis tapped her chin. “I will sort this out myself.” She looked down at the scout. “Wait a fair distance behind me. If I cannot drive back this intruder, fetch Sync and the rest of the guard.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” The Changeling saluted.

Chrysalis turned back to the cave’s entrance as her horn flared. Time to give this intruder a scare.

She saw his shadow enter the mouth of the cave. His steps were careful, cautious but unrelenting.

The scout was right—he also had two of those creatures with him. Now, what would be the best way to deal with him…?

“Okay, so I’m pretty sure he must have gone into this cave,” the boy muttered to himself. It was a fairly run-of-the-mill cave, save for a faint green glow that seemed to come from further in. Admittedly, he was grasping at straws; it was the only cave around for miles and he hadn’t seen the boy in the forest anywhere.

His Linoone, Chris, seemed confident this was the right place; Linoones had a great sense of smell. That said, the Pokémon had led him astray three times already, and always wound up at a berry bush.

“I swear, Chris, if all we find in here is mushrooms—”

An explosion detonated in front of him at the same time as the walls exploded in emerald flames.

“That’s not mushrooms!” he yelped. He fell onto his rear and stumbled back from the searing flames…

Hold on. Somehow his eyes and nerves had conspired against him. The flames gave off no heat, nor did they produce any smoke.

Then something from his nightmares stepped through, parting the firewall. It stood almost six feet tall, its lithe body covered in a black carapace with a green shell on its back. Translucent green wings flickered angrily and it had a long, wickedly curved horn, curtained by even longer hair that could have been moss or seaweed.

But its eyes… they seemed to fill its face, leaving room for nothing else. Each one had a large white sclera with two types of green for the cornea. Cat-like irises stared directly into his and he found he couldn’t even form words.

Then its lips parted, revealing rows of gleaming white fangs…

Chrysalis smiled. The way he halted in his tracks upon beholding her, motionless but for his jaw working uselessly… even without eyes, any Changeling could easily tell. Fear could be delicious: an acquired taste for sure, definitely no substitute for love, but an addicting feeling nonetheless.

Perhaps I’ll harvest what I can from this monkey and then threaten him away.

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than she chastised herself. She was trying to make a better life for herself and the others. If she tormented this monkey now and then set him free, he could return later, better prepared—perhaps even with others. Adrien had at least proven to be somewhat submissive, but he was clearly young, far from an adult. It would be too dangerous to assume that all of humankind shared his admittedly docile nature.

Besides, she thought she detected an intriguing smell about him. Her nostrils flared—no, not him, his pack.

No, this is the better way.

Her horn and eyes lit up in sync.

Rooted to the spot, Darell remained eerily captive to the eyes. His mind seemed to have frozen, like it had suddenly decided he possessed not enough badges to command his muscles properly. Still fighting to get a single word out, he noticed the glow around her horn.

Suddenly, his brain reconnected with his mouth. “V-Vlad! Use Supers—”

Too late.


Vlad dropped off first, instantly falling out of the air.

Finally, Darell’s brain reconnected with the rest of his body; he caught the little snoring Zubat before it could hit the ground. With Vlad cradled in his arms, Darell looked at Chris, who had also succumbed and was already snoozing.

He gulped and took a step back. One hand released Vlad and went to his belt.


Once again, Darell was petrified.

Follow me. Any sudden moves and I’ll paint the cave walls with your innards.

The unexpectedly feminine voice rang in Darell’s mind. He gulped loudly and as such, slowly leaned down to pick up Chris. With both ’mons in his arms, he cautiously followed a short distance behind the large Pokémon. What on Earth was it? Only a handful of Pokémon in the world were capable of telepathy—could this one be a Psychic type? Maybe, but they had notoriously weak defenses on average, and its body seemed covered by a hard shell rather than fur or hair. A Bug type, then? A hybrid Bug-Psychic type?

He lifted his head and readjusted his grip; Chris was heavy. Draping the Pokémon over his shoulder, he reached for his Pokéballs to put them back inside—

Don’t even think about it. Keep your slaves where I can see them.

It hadn’t even turned around.

An involuntary shiver zipped down Darell’s spine. While he had come looking for a new Pokémon friend, this wasn’t how he’d imagined his trip going at all. His thoughts turned to the Poffins and Pokéblocks in his bag. Pokémon the world over loved those delicious treats, tending to gravitate more toward humans who spoiled them with such delicacies. He’d just finished his latest batch of both, hoping to gain a new member for his team on a good footing.

Hopefully he could buy his freedom.

The unknown Pokémon led him further inside, until the narrow tunnel opened into a large chamber of sorts. It was mostly empty, save for a smaller version of his escort over by a far tunnel. It looked to be standing guard.

Adrien’s backpack was leaning against a nearby rock.

“So you do have him,” Darell grunted as he looked around. Where was – she, he decided – leading him? His heart began to race again.

She paused in the centre of the chamber and looked at the smaller ’mon. They shared some small head tilts and the second nodded, disappearing down the tunnel it was guarding.

Wait here.

Darell stopped, taking the chance to kneel and put his friends down. He draped Vlad atop Chris’ back as he sat nearby, massaging his shoulders. Maybe putting Chris on a diet wasn’t such a bad idea.

Speaking of food… he slid his pack off and prepared to unzip it. Perhaps that was why she had captured him? Had she smelled his food? Then again, those fangs looked very sharp. If they weren’t just for intimidation—

What are you called, human? the Pokémon asked.

“Darell Richards,” he said. “What Pokémon are you? Some kind of zombie Rapidash with wings?”

I am Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, and you will address me as such!

“Hey,” he said, raising one hand. “Calm down, I’m just a guest. And I’m sort of worn out after carrying my friends that you knocked out back there. Maybe if I hadn’t had to do that, I’d talk to you with more respect, Your Majesty.

She flicked her tongue out with a short hiss. Are all you humans so difficult?

Darell would have replied, but he noticed another… Changeling… emerge into the chamber. It was larger than the departed sentry, though still smaller than this Chrysalis thing. The Changeling, however, was not responsible for his lingering stare.

That honour belonged to the boy following it.

Adrien hadn’t heard anything since being ushered into the back tunnels. He’d kept one hand on his Pokéballs the whole time, in case whoever it was had come for the Changelings. He wasn’t sure if he could do much, but he wouldn’t just do nothing.

“Okay, Sync, what’s all this about…” Adrien took one look at Darell and facepalmed. “Are you kidding me? He’s the intruder?”

“And a disrespectful one at that,” Chrysalis snorted. “He barges into our home and takes that attitude with me?”

Adrien groaned. Dang it, and I just had her in a good mood too.

“Okay, first, what the heck are you doing in here—” Darell pointed at Adrien “—and second, I had to carry Chris in here, so forgive me if I’m a tad annoyed because of that.”

“Well in the Queen’s defense… you really should exercise him more,” Adrien stated. “And why didn’t you just put them back in their Pokéballs?”

“Because your Queen there wouldn’t let me,” Darell replied, eyes flicking in the direction of Sync’s sudden growl.

“Yeah, uh, I wouldn’t diss her mum if I were you,” Adrien said. “Trust me, she’s rather fond of the dismemberment threat. I wouldn’t put it past her either. She seems pretty rash, if you know what I mean.”

Darell leaned back. “I’ll keep that in mind. But if everyone would just calm down—” he raised his hands toward Chrysalis “—I come bearing gifts.” He grabbed his bag and unzipped the main pocket; the smell of freshly baked Poffins wafted out. “I figured you weren’t going anywhere with an actual door, so I came prepared.”

The scent of food roused Darell’s Linoone from his sleep, the Pokémon drooling slightly.

Chrysalis was also drooling slightly; Adrien smirked.

“Hey, down, Chris,” Darell said as he petted the Linoone. “You’ll get yours when we get back, promise.” He lowered his voice to a whisper and said something else.

“Awww.” The Linoone lowered its head; Adrien smirked again at his adorable pout before the Linoone and Zubat vanished in two red flashes of light, Darell finally having been able to pull his Pokéballs from his belt.

“Tch! Another one of those annoying rats?” Sync muttered after the Linoone disappeared. “Did the store in town have a bargain sale on them or something?”

Adrien would have said something along the lines of, “Don’t make me sic Ventus on you again,” but the aura suddenly surrounding Darell’s bag distracted him.

Thank you, human. You serve your new Queen well.

Every Poffin inside flew over toward Chrysalis, and she trotted from the room with the lot.

“Hey! Those are—”

No sooner had Darell lifted a hand than Sync appeared before him and Chris, wearing her own glare.

“—Those are, uh, sure, just take ’em,” he finished with a sigh, prompting Sync to flit backwards and stand near Adrien. “Well, there goes half my bribes. Guess I’ll have to try just talking my way outta here.”

“They won’t hurt you, Darell.” After sharing a glance with Sync, Adrien walked over next to him. “They’re just being really careful. They’ve never seen people or even any other Pokémon before. We’re the first ones.”

“Okay, hold up. Hold up a second.” Darell chanced another look at Sync, then looked over toward the opening where Chrysalis disappeared through. “How do you know all this?”

“They told me.” Adrien tapped his translator antenna. “I’ve been talking to some of them a bunch, and they don’t seem to recognise this world, much less anything in it. Anyway, it’s a long story, so you’d better listen.” He motioned toward the tunnel entrance, where dozens of blue eyes peered from within the gloom. “Come see.”

“You know, I might think about that if that Queen Chrysanthemum—”


“Whatever—” Darell waved his hand “—hadn’t told me to wait here. Maybe you could clear it with one of them first before I go any further?”

Adrien looked at Sync. “We good?”

She rolled her eyes, but said nothing; instead, she made an odd clicking sound.

Like water through a leaky dam, about a hundred or so Changelings swarmed inside, quickly filling the room as they chittered and stared at the new human.

“Oh wow,” Darell said, looking at them wide eyed. “Is this what you were hiding?” He reached for a pocket on the side of his bag.

“More or less,” Adrien responded. “Look, you can’t tell anyone about them yet. They’re not used to… well, anything yet, and it could be dangerous out there for them.”

“So, basically, treat them like kids and teach them everything we know?” Darell asked. He fished out his Pokéblock case and flicked out a green one into his left hand; the Changelings froze as Sync seemed to stare at him with what looked like horror.

“Is… that… candy!” Adrien heard her ask. Why was she getting so freaked out over a Pokéblock?

“These are not easy to make, but they’re delicious. At least, judging by the way that Chris here scarfs them down,” Darell said, shaking out a few more.

“Real good,” Chris agreed.

“You don’t understand!” Sync roared. “If that’s sugar then—”

“Changeling! Change ling ling—”


Darell felt his hand inside something warm, wet, and somewhat spiky.

“Ah,” he said simply as he looked down at the little Changeling that had taken the candy and his hand with it. “I don’t suppose I could have that back? I’m rather attached to it.”

His hand was soon released, now covered in an excessive amount of drool. The Changeling stood there for a moment, his eyes wide as his body started to tremble…

A second later, he was zipping around the room at speeds no one could follow closely; a trail of light was the only indication he was still in the room.

“And apparently they also know Quick Attack,” Adrien said, pulling out a pocketbook. “Maybe Agility?”

“I was going to go with Extreme Speed, myself,” Darell said as he wiped his hand on his jeans. “Okay, raise your… what are those, hooves?” He got a confirming nod from the closest Changeling. “Raise your hoof if you’d like one.”

The larger Changeling seemed to be yelling at him again as a second Changeling hopped up and down in front of him.

“Milly!” Adrien frowned at the bouncing Changeling. “You just had like a dozen Poképuffs.”

“Lingling, Chaaaa.” It drooled, pointing at the gift-giving human.

“Unbelievable.” Adrien sighed.

This time, Darell had the sense of mind to not hold the next one in his hand and gently tossed the pink Pokéblock through the air at her. She caught it and nommed on it cutely before smiling widely. She turned and said something to Adrien.

“Most likely,” Adrien replied as the Changeling trilled happily.

Really wish the Prof’d had a spare. What I wouldn’t give for that translator…

While a high-pitched chorus of “Changeling!” filled his ears, Darell turned to look for a break in the black-and-blue ocean—and spotted a bespectacled Changeling approaching slowly. Bigger than the rest, even the one left in charge, it suddenly flittered above the ground and dropped in front of him. Surely it had to be about his height… if Darell was standing up. This one looked male; it had a squarer snout and smaller, edgier eyes. Its lengthy horn shone as Darell felt his mouth open of its own accord, to which the Changeling peered inside, humming.

“Uh, Ahfreen… whaff he haying?” Darell asked as best he could.

“You don’t want to know.” Adrien shook his head. “Just uh… sleep with one eye open, eh?”

“…You fill me with so much confidence,” Darell said, rubbing his jaw once the Changeling released him. He looked at the new Pokémon, noting the anomaly of it wearing glasses. Now why would he have glasses if he’d never interacted with people before? Were the males born with them?

Heh, wouldn’t be the strangest thing about this world, that’s for sure.

“You strike me as the intelligent sort,” Darell said. He opened the case up and pulled out a green block. “Can I perhaps buy you off with a treat for the time being?”


Surely Scribe had misheard. Was this human serious? Did he think some paltry treat was going to dissuade him from being the first changeling to learn about humans? While he didn’t have all his tools anymore—so dissection was out of the question, unfortunately—he did know a few invasive scanning spells that would help.

Scribe started to drag the human away with his magic. “Come along now. I have many tests to run.”

“Uh, little guys?” the human looked at the rest of the swarm. “Help? If he takes me away, I can’t give you any more candy.”

Scribe immediately fell to ground beneath the weight of a dozen changelings pinning him down. Curse the power of sugar.

“That was mean,” Adrien said, stifling a laugh. While he wasn’t overly fond of Scribe’s… odd behaviour, the poor Changeling probably hadn’t deserved being crushed under a swarm like that. “He just wanted to study you. I mean it’s only fair, right?” He winked, following that up with another laugh that spilled out freely.

“Yeah maybe, but I’m not being a test subject today,” Darell said as he sat near his bag again. “I have a home to get back to and all that. A garden to look after. Now, if he wants to accompany me back home and look up all the world’s information on my PC, that’s another story. But I am not being experimented on in the middle of nowhere. That just doesn’t seem wise to me.”

“No one ever wants to be dissected,” Adrien heard Scribe grumble from under the bugpile. He shook his head and sighed. Still, it was good to have another person around. He just hoped that Chrysalis would be in a better mood when she came back.

“Uh, anyway, I’ll run you through what I’ve learned so far,” he said to his friend. “This might take a while.”

“Why don’t you tell me as I feed these guys?” Darell asked as he held up the green block; the swarm looked as one to his hand. “Who likes bitter food?”

Several Changelings raised their hooves as Adrien sat back down. This was turning out to be a rather interesting day.

Chrysalis lay on her bed, rubbing her belly as she finished destroying those delicious treats. Well, now she had a reason not to kill him. And he could be useful for her experiment.

Now to get Adrien to make more of those treats of his.