• Published 14th Sep 2015
  • 30,357 Views, 2,918 Comments

Fractured Sunlight - Oroboro

As kids, Twilight and Sunset were best friends, but a tragic accident cut their friendship short. Years later, Twilight investigates the incidents at Canterlot High and comes face to face with what appears to be a literal ghost from her past.

  • ...

13: Journey

Dear Diary,

It’s here! School’s finally out for the summer!

Oh man, I can’t wait! This will be the first summer Sunset and I get to spend together! My first real friend, and we’ve got nothing but free time now!

There are so many things I want to do with her, and now we don’t have to wait for the weekends or worry about school.

Although I do actually like school, even if Sunset doesn’t. Well, we have some summer homework to work on, at least. Just one more thing we can do together!

-Twilight Sparkle

“What the hay, Rar?” Applejack crossed her arms, tapping her foot. “Did you really have to pack so much stuff? Leave some room for the rest of us.”

“It’s fine, darling.” Rarity let out a grunt as she pulled a suitcase from the back of her sedan. “Just need to load it all into the van. There should be plenty of room.”

“Uh-huh. And yet when we had to use bungee cords to fit it all in your car, they broke. In case you forgot, we’re traveling halfway across the country.”

Twilight glanced over at the bickering pair as she lugged her own suitcase through the yard. “I’m sure it’ll fit, don’t worry.”

Applejack sighed, rubbing at her forehead. “Dangit, Twi, don’t enable her. There’s no reason for her to be bringing so much, anyhow.”

“Hmph.” Rarity crossed her arms and turned her nose up into the air. She then looked at Twilight and smiled. “Thank you, dear. I’m glad somebody understands that it’s important for a lady to have her accessories.”

It didn’t take long to get the luggage loaded into the van, and soon Twilight could hear the now-familiar motorcycle pulling onto the block.

“Hey,” Sunset said, taking off her helmet and unslinging a small travel bag. “Did I miss anything?”

“See, Sunset packed light,” Applejack said, waving her hand in Sunset’s direction.

Rainbow Dash groaned, slumping across the hood of Rarity’s car. “Give it a rest already. I don’t want to have to listen to you two arguing for ten whole hours.”

“It’s okay, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie said, grabbing her into a tight hug. “I know lots of stuff that’ll keep us entertained during a long car ride. We can sing songs! Oh, ninety nine bottles of—”

“Not one more word,” Rainbow Dash growled, slapping a palm over Pinkie’s mouth. “I brought duct tape and I’m not afraid to use—agh, stop licking my hand! Gross!”

Twilight laughed along with everyone else, then made her way over to give her girlfriend a quick hug.

“Sunset Shimmer,” a low voice said as a sudden shadow cast over the two of them. “I thought I told you to stay away from my little sister.”

Sunset spun to find Shining Armor looming over her, arms crossed and eyes hard. She flinched, but quickly stiffened, stood up straight, and met his eyes in wordless defiance.

“Shiny!” Twilight snapped, balling her hands into fists. “What are you doing? I thought you said you were okay with this!”

They continued to glare at each other for several long moments before her brother finally burst out laughing.

“Geez, sorry, sorry, I’m just messing with you guys. It’s fine, really.”

Sunset blinked, then looked to Twilight, who could only shrug in response.

Shining Armor extended his hand for a handshake. “It’s a pleasure to see you, Sunset Shimmer. I’m sorry about how I acted when we first met; it was a bad situation, and you caught me off guard, but that’s no excuse. Thank you for treating my little sister so kindly.”

“I…” Sunset blinked, hesitated, then returned the handshake. “It’s nice to see you, too. What you said back then hurt, but it’s in the past now. You’re an important person to Twilight, so I hope we can get along.”

“You’re damned right I am,” Shining Armor said, flashing a pearly white grin. Turning to Twilight, he continued, “Anyway, you sure you’re up for this, little sis? Do you remember what happened when I went on my first road trip?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and rested her hands on her hip. “You wrecked your car less than twenty miles out, which indirectly led to Dad refusing to buy me a car when I turned sixteen. I’m well aware.”

Shining Armor laughed. “Yeah, sorry about that, too. Still, you’re a lot more mature than I was at that age. Just be careful and don’t do anything reckless. It’s a ten hour trip, and you won’t get there till early tomorrow morning, so take it in shifts.”

“Four out of the seven of us have driver’s licenses, so we should be okay,” Twilight said, nodding.

“Great,” Shining Armor said. He ruffled Twilight’s hair. “You kids have fun now. Tell Mom and Dad I said hi. Wish I could come with, but that whole ‘being an adult with responsibilities’ thing, you know how it is.”

Before he turned to go, Shining Armor leaned in really close to Twilight, pressed something into her palm, and whispered, “These are for you, just in case.” He backed off with a wink, a click of his tongue, and a grin that was absolutely full of himself.

Twilight looked down at what he had given her. It was a small ribbon of condoms. What the heck was she supposed to do with something like that?

“What’s that?” Sunset asked, glancing over.

“Nothing!” Twilight yipped as she hid them behind her back. “Come on, we still have a lot to get packed, and I want to be on the road before it gets dark.”

"Hey, Sunset," Twilight said as she pulled onto the highway. "Check through that bag at your feet. There should be a small binder in there somewhere. Could you grab it for me?”

Sunset rifled through the bag, pulling out a small case of CDs. “Hyperion? What’s that?”

“It’s an audiobook! We can all listen to it on the trip and it’ll keep us entertained.”

“Really? Hmm…”

Rainbow Dash poked her head up from the back, scowling. “Seriously? I get nauseous when I read in the car. No way.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, glancing up at Dash through the rearview mirror. “It doesn’t work like that, Rainbow. It’s no different from listening to someone talk.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Rainbow Dash said, waving her hand dismissively. “It still sounds totally lame. Let’s do something fun instead. Here, I’ve got one of our demos we could listen to.”

“Hmph.” Twilight pursed her lips, then glanced back at everyone else. “I’m not surprised Rainbow Dash is against it, but you guys are interested, right? It’s a fascinating story!”





Twilight looked over to Sunset, her eyes pleading.

Sunset shrugged. “I can’t say I’m particularly against the idea, but if everyone else doesn’t want to, there’s no sense in forcing them. It looks like you have some other books in your bag there. I might read through one later if I get bored, if that makes you feel better.”

“Fine,” Twilight muttered, hanging her head. “Give me your demo or whatever.”

“Aww yeah!” Rainbow Dash made a quick air guitar motion, then started digging through her own bag.

Sunset smiled and rested her chin on her hand as she stared out the window. "You know, I've never really been outside of the Greater Canterlot Area, or even Ponyville, for that matter."

"Really?" Applejack asked from the back. "Makes sense I guess, but dang, sug. There's a lot of beautiful country out there. You're in for a treat."

"Yeah," Sunset said, smiling. "I'm looking forward to it."


“Come on, Pinkie, really?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking up from the small cooler. “The only snacks you brought are cupcakes and soda?”

Rarity sighed and rubbed at her forehead. “Really now, Pinkie, some of us would still like to have teeth by the time we turn thirty.”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head. “I’ve never had a cavity in my entire life!”

Twilight glanced over her shoulder. “Okay, that cannot be possible.”

“Pinkie Promise! Maybe the plaque knows I’m too much fun to attack my teeth!”

“Bacteria doesn’t work that way!”


“I’m… I’m sorry, Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t see her, honest!” Rarity mumbled, wringing her hands through her skirt.

Fluttershy sniffed, tears running down her cheeks, as she scooped up what was left of the poor squirrel. She gritted her teeth. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

“I’m sorry…”

Rainbow Dash finished digging the shovel out of the back and walked over to place a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Come on, Shy. Let’s go find her a nice place to rest.”


“Eugh!” I am not going to use a bathroom like… that!” Rarity shouted, flinching backwards and shuddering.

Applejack let out a long sigh. “It’s either that or you go in the bushes. It’s two in the morning and we’re in the middle of nowhere. Ain’t gonna find anyplace nicer.”

Rarity stomped her foot, huffing. “But… it’s dark, and gross, and there’s probably an axe-wielding hobo in there, or a spider the size of a football!

“Y’all know that ain’t even remotely likely. Do you need me to hold your hand or something?”

“Of course not, don’t be ridiculous. Maybe… just check it out first?”

Applejack glanced back at the car full of her sleeping friends, groaning inwardly. “Alright, fine.”


Sunset squinted down at the map on her phone as she parked the van in front of the large suburban home. She was pretty sure this was the place.

“Hey,” she said, her voice booming in the silence left by the absence of the engine’s hum. “Wake up, we’re here.”

Twilight groaned from the passenger seat, and Sunset could hear some stirring from the back, but nobody leapt to attention—not that she could blame them. Sleep sounded heavenly at the moment.

Sunset stepped out of the car and stretched, yawning and taking in the night air. Though it was hard to tell in the dark, the suburbs of Baltimare didn’t look all that different from the suburbs of Canterlot, although this particular neighborhood seemed much ritzier than the ones she was familiar with.

She cracked her knuckles as she moved around to the other side of the car, grumbling to herself. What did she really know about human socioeconomic mobility, anyway? She knew that Twilight had ‘money’, but it didn’t really mean anything to Sunset.

"Hey, sleepyhead," she said, opening the side door and shaking Twilight. "Come on, let's get you to your bed."

"Nnn-mm," Twilight mumbled, shifting slightly. "Carry me."

Sunset rested a hand on her hip. “Are you serious? Come on, this is your house, Twilight.”

Twilight merely made a pathetic whining sound in response.

“Unbelievable,” Sunset muttered, reaching down to free Twilight from her seat belt. “Come on, you lazy bum, get on.” With Twilight’s limited assistance, Sunset hoisted her onto her back, grunting with the effort.

“Hey,” Sunset said, banging a fist on the side of the van. “The rest of you need to wake up too.” She trudged across the lawn and up the well-maintained front porch. “You’re heavier than you look, you know,” she grumbled to the dead weight on her back.

“No, you,” Twilight said with half a giggle, tightening her grip and burrowing her face into Sunset’s hair.

When she made it there, she found a note stuck to the door.

Welcome home, sweetie.

We’re asleep by now, but the guest room is all set up for everyone. The door is unlocked. I hope you had fun on your trip! Just make sure you’re quiet coming in.


Well, that forestalled any awkward encounters until tomorrow morning at least. Sunset edged the door open and tiptoed inside. She kicked her shoes off when she made it into the foyer, then looked around, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.

“Which way is your room?” Sunset whispered.

“Up,” Twilight murmured, tugging Sunset to the right. “My room is left, guest room is right.”

Sunset stared up the winding staircase, then sighed. “Alright, hold on,” she said, adjusting her grip and starting the climb. The stairs creaked horribly, but with the extra weight there was probably no avoiding that.

She made her way into Twilight’s room and flicked on the light, much to her passenger’s displeasure.

Just like Twilight had once mentioned, her room here had a lot more personality than the one back in Ponyville. Posters littered the walls. Some were from that movie they had watched, Star Wars. Others featured old men in lab coats captioned with inspirational messages about science. A massive bookshelf dominated one wall, while another corner was taken up by a beast of a computer tower and several large screens.

Sunset set Twilight down on her bed, where she proceeded to pull the covers around her and bury her face into the pillow, murmuring, “Thank you.”

A smile came to Sunset’s face as she stood back up and rolled her shoulders.

Something caught her eye: a framed picture on Twilight’s dresser. Sunset picked it up to get a closer look.

In the photo stood Sunset and Twilight, each maybe nine years old or so. They wore muddy overalls, and both were presenting large bullfrogs to whomever took the picture. Their smiles, each with a missing tooth or two, were as wide as their faces.

Childhood in its purest form. For all Twilight had told her about the other Sunset, it had never really sunk in how real all this was. It was one thing to hear about her deceased counterpart and to see how much everyone had cared about her, but to see a picture like this?

Sunset couldn’t help but feel a small twinge of jealousy. Not for Twilight and the relationship she used to have with her doppelganger, but because she could never remember smiling like that, or having that much fun when she was a filly. Just how different would her life have turned out if she had met Twilight at the right time?

Sunset put the photo back on the desk, smiling and shaking her head. The past was in the past; she had Twilight now.

Sunset sat down on the bed next to her sleeping girlfriend and brushed the hair out of her eyes. She really was cute. It was strange; these past two weeks had been new and unfamiliar and wonderful—not unlike when she had first accepted everyone’s friendship last year—but this felt different. The way her heart tightened when she looked down at Twilight… that meant something, didn’t it?

If this relationship really meant something her, just what was she going to have to do to make it all work?

“Good night,” Sunset whispered, planting a soft kiss on Twilight’s forehead. “I’ll be back soon. Gotta go let the others inside.”

Twilight hummed in response as Sunset turned off the light and left the room.

Sunset crept through the halls of Twilight’s house, using the light from her phone to guide her steps.

It hadn’t taken her long to lead the army of sleepy zombies up to the guest room, where they promptly conked back out.

They probably hadn’t woken anyone up,

Her destination now was the kitchen. While the others were off in dreamland, Sunset was still burning late night adrenaline. She was bound to crash, and soon, but before she went to bed she wanted to grab a glass of water and maybe a light snack or something. It felt a little weird to be walking around somebody else's house, taking somebody else’s food, but she knew it wouldn’t be a problem. Worst case scenario, she’d just have to apologize for being presumptuous.

Familiar or not, one kitchen was much like any other. After finding it, she was soon halfway through making a PB&J when she heard a creak on the floor behind her.

Sunset spun, tensing up reflexively.

“Twilight? What are you…” Sunset blinked, then rubbed at her eyes. “You’re not Twilight.”

“Actually, I am.” The older woman extended her hand. “Twilight Velvet. It’s so nice to finally meet you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh. Um, nice to meet you too.” Sunset hesitated briefly before shaking her hand. Twilight Sparkle apparently took after her mother in a lot of ways, though it would be a long time before she grew from a spindly teenager to a full-figured matron.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Mrs. Velvet said, moving past Sunset and heading for the coffee machine. “As I understand it, you’re currently dating my daughter?”

“Y-yeah,” Sunset mumbled. Damn, she had been hoping Twilight would be with her when she met her parents. “I’m, uh, sorry if we woke you when we came in.”

Mrs. Velvet waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it, dear. I’m an author, so I don’t always stick to normal sleeping hours anyway. Drives my husband nuts.”

Sunset frowned and rocked back on her heels as she clasped her hands behind her back. “Uh… is that really it? I’m sorry, just, considering who I look like and all, everyone else who knew the other Sunset has reacted a bit more strongly when they first saw me.”

“Ah.” Mrs. Velvet smiled, though she seemed to stare past her. “While conversations with Twilight about the details of her personal life are known for their brevity, Cadance is fortunately much more talkative. I’ve been informed, and I got it out of my system a while ago. If my daughter accepts you, then you’re welcome here as you, not as anyone else.”

“Thank you.” Sunset said, bowing her head. “I know it’s weird, but I’m trying my best. Twilight is too.”

Twilight Velvet stared into her coffee. “‘Weird.’ That’s one way to put it. This world is full of many strange and mysterious things, apparently.” Looking up to meet Sunset’s eyes, she added, “What do you think of my daughter?”

“She’s headstrong, stubborn, intelligent, funny, a bit naive, and cute as a button,” Sunset said without skipping a beat. If she had to undergo a parental interrogation, she might as well do it right.

“Mmm. I see.” Mrs. Velvet sipped at her coffee, then rubbed at her chin. “Do you love her?”

Sunset felt her cheeks color, but she kept a straight face. “I don’t know. I’ve never been in love before. But… maybe. At least, I think I’m on my way to that point.”

Mrs. Velvet set her coffee on the counter, and crossed her arms. “Good enough for me. Welcome to the family, Sunset. Feel free to make yourself at home.”

“That’s really not…” Sunset trailed off, then shook her head. “I mean, thank you. I’ll do my best not to abuse your hospitality.”

Mrs. Velvet smirked, then glanced over to the unfinished sandwich still on the counter. “I don’t suppose you need me to cut off the crust for you?”

Sunset turned back to the sandwich and resumed her work. “I can see where Twilight gets her sass.”

“I do my best.”

“Here you go, my special pancake surprise!”

Night Light passed out plates to the gaggle of sleepy teenagers sitting around the breakfast table.

“Ooh!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down in her seat impatiently. “What’s the surprise? I love surprises, especially when those surprises involve pancakes! Is it the smiley face? I bet it’s the smiley face!”

“I dunno,” Night Light said with a wide grin. “Why don’t you cut into it and find out.”

Twilight thumped her head against the table and groaned loudly. “Daaaaaad.”

Pinkie Pie eagerly sliced open the first pancake, which began to promptly ooze strawberry syrup. Followed by a blood curdling scream from Twilight’s father.

“My gods! That’s no mere pancake, it’s a living thing? What have I done? What horrific tragedy have I wrought upon this poor innocent flour? Nay, what have I been doing my entire life! Don’t look, children, avert your eyes! I’m sorry, I’ll never bake again, I swear!”

“Mmm, this is really good!” Pinkie Pie said in between mouthfuls of dripping pancake. “I love strawberries!”

The rest of the table burst into laughter as Twilight continued to slam her forehead down.

“Yes!” Night Light shouted, pumping his fist. “I have waited far too long for the chance to embarrass my teenaged daughter in front of all of her friends. My work here is done; I can retire in peace.”

Night Light bowed, then backed out of the room. “Enjoy your meal, ladies.”

Applejack chuckled, shaking her head. “Ain’t family grand?”

Rarity nodded, slicing her pancake into neat squares. “Don’t I know it. Tell me, Twilight, what exactly are our plans for the day?”

Twilight sighed, then pushed herself up from the table. “More driving, I’m afraid. It’s about two hours to my cousin’s beach house from here.”

“Do we have everything we need for a beach trip?” Applejack asked. “I mean, I packed my swimsuit and all, but didn’t grab no beach chairs or nothin’.”

“Actually, I was about to head to the store to pick up a bunch of supplies, snacks, et cetera. I made a list, but feel free to add anything you need to it,” Twilight said as she pulled a piece of paper from her pocket and passed it around.

"Ooh, we should totally get beer!" Rainbow Dash said, slamming her fist on the table for emphasis.

“Darling, you're not eighteen yet,” Rarity said, crossing her arms. “And I certainly won't be buying it for you.”

"Aww, come on!" Rainbow Dash whined. "AJ?"



Sunset grinned. "Not unless Twilight wants to. She’s the one throwing this party, after all."

Twilight smiled and leaned down to kiss Sunset on the cheek. "I think we'll pass on the alcohol. We should be able to have plenty of fun on our own."

"Bah." Rainbow Dash blew her bangs out of her eyes with a huff, pouting. "You guys are no fun."

"Anyway, will you come with me, Sunset?” Twilight asked. “Should take an hour at most."

"Sure, no problem."

Rarity stretched, yawning. “That's fine, take your time. If it’s alright, I could really stand to use your shower.”

There were murmurs of agreement from around the table, and Twilight and Sunset made to leave. Before she could make it out the door, however, her father whistled sharply and motioned for Twilight to come over.

“Here,” he said, leaning in close with a conspiratorial whisper and pressing something into her palm. “Just in case.”

Twilight stared down at the ribbon of condoms in her hand.

“Oh come on! It wasn’t even funny the first time!”

Author's Note:


Are any of you still alive, or have you all suffered acute heart failure from sudden onset adorabeetus?

Story time: This picture was the first one I ever commissioned from Zorbitas. When I wrote the scene, I had that image pretty clearly in my mind, and eventually stumbled upon her DA page, saw that her commissions were exceptionally cheap, and figured, hey, why not.

Afterwards I was so impressed that I struck up a deal for her to illustrate the entire fic. Worth every penny.

A note on skin color: I prefer humanized artwork to Equestria Girls coloration.*cough*skittle bitches*cough* So I commissioned the artwork to reflect my own tastes. That being said, this story still takes place in the EQG universe. Skin color is never once mentioned in the narrative. Feel free to picture whatever style you prefer in your heads.

... now that I think of it, maybe I should have gotten Rebecca to sign this picture instead. I bet she would have loved it. Maybe next year.