• Published 16th Dec 2014
  • 5,374 Views, 117 Comments

Gandhivilization - RainbowBob

When Princess Celestia and Gandhi have tea, Celestia learns that some of the most important aspects of building a civilization is hard work, dedication, diplomatic relations, and best of all, the threat of mutual assured destruction.

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Chapter 2: Damn Frenchy

Celestia’s eyes opened. Then she blinked a few times. No, she was probably just dreaming it. There’s no possible way it could be true. But it was. By the wrath of the Ultimate Alicorn, it was!

The phone was ringing.

“I swear, if it’s another telemarketer, someone is going to get burned,” Celestia grumbled, dragging herself out of the bed to stumble and trudge her way to the phone, which was on the other side of the room for whatever asinine reason.

Nearly ripping the receiver in two when she picked it up, Celestia hissed out a, “WHAT?!”

“Heyyyyyyy, Celestia. Long time no see!”

“Are you a telemarketer?”

“Hon-hon-hon! Don’t be silly! It’s me, Napoleon!”

Celestia’s eyes drooped and she wiped from drool dripping from the side of her mouth. “Uh huh.”

“You know? Emperor of France? Leader of one of the most powerful nations on Earth? That guy who was kicked out of the Grand Galloping Gala for the fruit punch incident?”

“Wait, that was you?”

“Never fret, I already apologized for that. Anyway, I was in the need for a favor from you.”

Celestia rubbed her forehead, new wrinkles appearing already. “At two in the morning?”

“Huh, here it’s only four in the morning.”

Celestia sighed. “What do you want?”

“Don’t you think it’d be a great idea to open your borders? Because I think it would. It would most definitely, uh… help bolster our friendship with one another. Yeah, sure, let’s go with that.”

“Uh…” Celestia’s head nearly slid off the receiver, and after shaking her noggina few times she murmured, “Sure, fine.”

“Great! You’ll do it right away, right?”

“Can’t I sleep first.”

“But I want open borders nooooooooooooooooow!”

Celestia cringed. “Fine, fine!” Celestia’s horn muddled up some lazy magic, and she got about to writing an open borders letter to the nearest and currently awake border captain. “Happy?” she asked, teleporting the letter off.

“Immensely. It was foolish of you to trust me. Muhahahahahahahaha!”


“Erm, I meant to say, um… poodles taste like crust to me.”

After a few seconds, Celestia blinked once, hung up the phone, and returned to her bed for some much needed sleep.

Which lasted for around two hours.

“Sister!” Luna blew off the door to Celestia’s chambers (it wasn’t even locked) and immediately jumped to her sister’s side, or rather atop her sister, and by atop to be more specific, her back. “Napoleon just invaded!”

Celestia groaned into her pillow, drowning out her annoyance in some good old-fashioned enraged screaming.

“Ultimate Alicorn-damnit, Napoleon! It’s only two in the morning!”

“Four!” Luna corrected.

“Four! Double-Ultimate Alicorn-damnit!”

“Sister, we must hurry to defend Equestria from this foreign threat.”

“Can I have five more minutes!”

“Certainly not! We must leave post-haste at once!”

“Triple-Ultimate Alicorn-damnit!”


Celestia groaned, grunted, grumbled, growled, and even gnawed on her hoof, but it was no use. Her phone was ringing again. Why she had it all the way on the other side of her bed she still didn’t know and forgot to correct because of last time, but hey, at least she got some exercise out of dragging her half-asleep body to the ringing dread.

Picking up the receiver, Celestia whispered in a voice one would stick to a serial murderer rather than a princess, “Whaaaaaaaaat?!”

“Hey, Celestia, it’s me, Napoleon.”

Celestia had to physically bite down on her tongue to prevent herself from screaming at the top of her lungs. She tasted blood.

“Seeing how our peace treaty and everything now makes us allies, I was wondering if it’d be cool with you if you could, oh, I don’t know… open those borders?”

“Even after the bloody war you waged on me that cost countless lives?”

“Hey now, that was just a misunderstanding. Plus, what is it that saying you ponies have? Magic of friendship?”

“That means open borders now?”

“Sure it does! Friends open borders for friends. It’s a common thing to do. So, want to give it a go?”

“Hey, Napoleon, what time it is over there in France?”

“Um… I think around six in the morning. Why?”

“Look outside your window.”

“Okay, I am. What am I supposed to be seeing?”

Celestia picked up the phone and walked over to a window, where she drew back the curtains for a view of the night sky, dawn still a ways away. Celestia’s horn glowed a splendid yellow, and then the sun peeked over the horizon, illuminating the skies in a golden show of rays and beams of light.

However, one beam in particular grew incredibly bright. So much so that one could not look at it too closely without one’s corneas begging for mercy. It was like the sun just had a zit popped and now all the gooey remains spluttered on the earth below.

“Good morning,” Celestia said, her smile as bright as the sun.


Author's Note:

Basically, I'm gonna continue the fic whenever I have an interesting experience in a game of Civ that I think would be funny to include ponies with, or if one of you guys wanna share a story. The more ridiculous the better!

Comments ( 59 )

Oh, ok; so this is the Ghandi from Civilization that always tries to invade you from the moment you meet him, right? :rainbowlaugh:

First, use some damn toothpaste. Secondly, lift ready. Third, use a combination of Monster Energy along with around four 5-hour energies in a Big Gulf jug from 7/11, and then add around a tablespoon of tabasco sauce, and with that concoction you'll be playing Civ V like a champ in no time.
(Note: your liver will most likely give out in the process. Totally worth it.)

That elusive Complete tag must be a changeling!

It is the elusive Schrödinger's complete story! A story that is both complete and incomplete, at the very same time! Amazing!

*Looks over story*

And so we take a step further into the darkness, wondering if we'll ever see the light of day again, or if we'll continue to step further and further until we loose our minds among the blackness.

I just spent like five minutes sitting here, trying to figure out what the actual fuck I was looking at. Pretty sure this sums up my, and everybody's, thoughts on this.

It is perfection incarnate. A dubious void of unending, black-mongering emptiness that sucks out all the light until an abysmal dark is left. No life is here. In eldritch horror you look about, not yet used to this feeling of staring into the utmost amount of black there is. You scream, but there are no words, you pray, but there is no god (at least merciful ones), and finally you call out for your mother. But she's gone. She never loved you in the first place.

That, and much more, is what this story is about.


Oh hey a review. Nice.

hate gandhi so much....

… Of course. Of f*cking course. Y'know, the best part is, I was Russia this one time, okay? And France decided to get all huffy in front of me, okay? They were still barely in the Industrial era. I was in the modern era and best buddies with Gandhi. You can see how that went down. Long story short: There's a reason the French are known for surrendering: ME

That one time Gandhi threatened me with nuclear war, and then I nuked him. good times

A grand time as always.

He was a MAD old coot. MAD!

5391802 I have a private Civ server that my friend and his friend use, and he's fucking insane, and he pulls a lot of randomly strategic stuff, if ya want, i can see if he is willing to "open the borders" for you.

I don't think i have played a single non-mlp modded game of civ V in the entire 700+ hours i have wasted on it...

I have too much free time on my hands.

Get him to share with me his wildest adventures!

It sounds like you have just the right amount my friend!

He glassed the entire motherfucking planet. The bitch.

This time it was uranium outage.

Is K-mart still open?

Hey, Bob, just saying, you know you can nest quotes into single comments, right?



Ta da.

Not on mobile you can't!
(Unless you're not incredibly lazy, which I am not)


I'm one of those people who use one of those older phones before smart phones were invented. Because I'm a cheap bastard (and also because I literally can't fucking text to save my life)

Damn, should've used that for the cover art. :V




Applejack got turned into a werewolf again? GODDAMNIT!

5391474 So... (Scratches Head) I hear you're God around these parts, so I have to ask you a question...


Also,... did you just give an already hyper man the ingredients to a homemade, slightly, but not quite, entirely unlike 'medicine' to play CIV better? List I mean.

Are you ADHD?

Also ODD?

I am Bob. Now and forever.

Wait... that's a good idea...

5392381 Want to hear a story about Bobs? I'll PM you

Hit me baby. Especially in the face. That's my fetish.

I've already done it twice, she can't take much more cap'n!

Personally, I prefer playing George Washington, but I dip into Elizabeth and Napolean (call me a "damn frenchy", but it's all about culture) every now and then.
I played Deity Marathon once. Never again.

5392069 Going to put the word in for you. Go to my profile to get my steam, leave a comment on my steam profile if you are going to add me as a friend.

Sejong and Nebuchadnezzar call and ask for help with their spaceship to Alpha Centauri.

This combined with Gandhi is why we can never have nice things.

…Not that I'm complaining; popcorn please!:trollestia:

Let me tell ya, Ramses can hold a grudge. He watched me wipe Mongolia off the map within the first 50 turns, and still hated me for it in the late game.

It was fun listening to him order me to surrender while I razed all his cities. Bluster versus ballistic missiles- what an idiot.


That's the greatest sentence that anyone has ever written or will ever write in the history of the universe

As a player of Civilization V, I must say "BUCK YOU CIV5 GHANDI!":flutterrage:

Hmm, if you want you could have Celestia face off against Shaka fucking Zulu and the Impis. In Civ 4 the Zulu were without a doubt, one of the most broken civs. They mass produced soldiers like Zerglings, had military bonuses that essentially made every Impi the equivalent of a medieval Maceman, and always launched a invasion if you ever had the misfortune of bordering them. Or failing that, were bordering the nation they were currently invading.

Here's a example: once I played a game as Portugal. I was expanding all over the continent, but then I stumbled across the Zulu who were ethically cleansing the Holy Roman Empire while I was civilizing the Barbarian Huns. What happened afterwards was over a millennium of constant warfare, with each one becoming more and more desperate than the last. The Zulu were capable of producing Impi's and Catapults en masse with only one turn, while it took at least six turns for me to produce a Swordsman, and eight to build a single stinking Catapult.

It ended with me losing control of the frontier, with the Heartlands of my Empire swarming with numberless Impi hordes. The Era? The Industrial Period. A nation of steam and industry falling to Savannah hunters.

Sounds like a cautionary tale about pride.:trixieshiftleft:

How about that time in civ 5 where someone attacks you so you wipe them out and then the reat of the world hates you and won't trade for the next 1000 years?

That has happened wayyyyyyy too many times to me.

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