• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 987 Views, 24 Comments

Fluttershy's Las Pegasus Rampage - Teyeson Bee

When Fluttershy wins a trip to Las Pegasus, her friends think it'll be a good way to get her out of her shell. But what do they do when she takes the gambling too far?

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Fluttershy's Prize

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the Elements of Harmony, have been through many a hard trial. They have wondered the Everfree Forest to get the Elements, defeated the Lord of Chaos himself, fought off an army of changelings, helped save an entire empire, and even took down a talent-sucking centaur from Tartarus. They were difficult, but even through all of that, they were able to handle the difficulties. All of that, however, was child's play compared to what they went through with a specific yellow pegasus in a specific city of fun and gambling.

It was a bright, sunny afternoon in Ponyville. A perfect time for ponies to be out on a nice walk, or laying out in the sun, sipping on a cool beverage. To a coincidence, that's exactly what Twilight and her friends were doing! Five ponies sat outside Sugarcube Corner on lawn chairs in reclined positions, enjoying the hot sun and slightly cool breeze that occasionally whisked by. Twilight was reading a book while Rainbow Dash was snoring away. Pinkie Pie was sipping on a cool lemonade as Applejack fanned herself and Rarity held a reflector, no doubt working on her tan. The only one that seemed to be missing was Fluttershy. Though the five didn't think much of it at first, after a while, they were starting to wonder if she was going to show up, since she didn't say she had other things to do. Suddenly, as the five sat there on their chairs in the nice sun, a shadowed figured flew down and landed with the sound of thudding hooves on the sidewalk.

"Girls!" a normally-quiet voice called out. It was per the norm for Fluttershy to not raise her voice too much, but her voice was raised to a little above normal volume, which was a still pretty excited tone for Fluttershy. The sound startled the girls so much, Rainbow jerked awake and fell out of her chair.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow grunted as she rubbed the newly formed lump on her head. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, Dashie!" Fluttershy replied with a big smile. "In fact, everything's great! Guess what I got in my mail today?"

"Oooo! I LOVE guessing games!" Pinkie squealed. "Wait wait don't tell me...uh...cake! No...uh...um...A magazine about cake? No...<GASP!> A year's subscription to a whole bunch of magazines about cake!"

"It doesn't have to do with cake, Pinkie!" Fluttershy giggled. "Do you guys remember that mailing raffle that I entered about a week ago?" The others nodded. "Well I got a congratulatory note today saying that I WON!"

"That's great, Flutters!" Applejack stated as she patted Fluttershy on the back. "Whatcha win?"

"Oooo, that's the best part!" Fluttershy said with anticipation. "I have a choice between two prizes. Look!" She then reached into her saddlebag and pulled out the letter. She opened it and read aloud, "You may choose a new, not-released-in stores-yet, top-of-the-line refrigerator," Fluttershy squealed a bit as she read on, "or a two-day, one-night trip for six to Fabulous LAS PEGASUS!" After she finished, the others' jaws dropped out of pure awe.

They had heard stories about Las Pegasus, how it was considered the funnest city in all of Equestria, but none of them had ever been there before. The fact that Fluttershy had won a trip for SIX was even better. It was such great news, that none of them could keep in their excitement anymore. In a second, five ponies were jumping up and down with excitement, whooping and cheering as Fluttershy watched with a smile.

"That's amazing, Fluttershy!" Twilight said with a big smile. "You've won something that anypony would KILL for a chance at!"

"I know!" Fluttershy replied.

"It'll be simply DIVINE to get that prize!" Rarity squealed.

"I know!" Fluttershy replied.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Rainbow shouted with anticipation. "To think: the six of us, going to the FABULOUS LAS PEGASUS!"

"I kno-" Fluttershy stopped mid-sentence and looked at the still bouncing ponies. "Who said anything about Las Pegasus?"

At that point, the bouncing came to a screeching halt as the five friends looked at Fluttershy like she had lobsters crawling out of her ears. After a short silence, Rainbow started laughing. "HA! And here I thought you didn't like joking around Fluttershy!"

"I'm not joking," Fluttershy responded seriously. "I'm taking the refrigerator."

The smile on Rainbow's face disappeared in a split second and was replaced with the others' expressions; disbelief. "What?" shouted Rainbow. "But-but-but but but anypony would leap at the chance to go to Las Pegasus! It's the most funnest place in all of Equestria!"

"Most FUN place," Twilight corrected. "Or FUNNEST place. Not MOST FUNNEST place."

"Is this really the time to correct my grammar, Twi?" Rainbow asked with an annoyed look.

"Rainbow's right, Flutters," Applejack chimed in. "This could be an opportunity that ya'll never get again!"

"I don't care," Fluttershy answered. "I need a new fridge, and this is the perfect timing for me!" She pulled up an ad of the fridge that came with the letter and held it up to her friends. "See? It's not even in market yet! It's the top-of-the-line! And it comes with a free set of salad bowls and a lettuce crisper!"

"OooOOOOooo!" Pinkie gawked as she eyed the ad. "A FREE set of salad bowls AND lettuce crisper? Maybe you SHOULD get the-"

"NOT HELPING, PINKIE!" Rainbow scolded. Pinkie blushed with an embarrassed grin and gave the ad back to Fluttershy. "Why don't you want to go to Las Pegasus, Fluttershy?"

"I just don't feel like going," Fluttershy responded as she tucked the ad back in her bag. "I mean, all the flashy lights, loud music, endless casinos..."

"But that's the best part, darling!" Rarity intervened.

"But it's not me!" Fluttershy replied. "Besides, with all the gambling that goes on there, I don't want to end up like my Auntie Ladybug..."

"Your Auntie Ladybug?" Twilight repeated with a raised eyebrow. "Who's Auntie Ladybug?"

"She's my Auntie," Fluttershy answered.

"No kidding," Rainbow muttered sarcastically.

"She went to Las Pegasus once on vacation," Fluttershy continued. "But the thing was, she had a horrible gambling addiction! Ever since she visited her first casino, she couldn't stop gambling. I remember once, my mother actually had to pry her away from the slot machines, and I mean LITERALLY pry her away...with a crowbar! Anyway, she lost everything because she gambled it all away! Her house, her clothes, her jewelry, her pets! Her PETS for Celestia's sake! All for the temporary joy of gambling! I don't want to risk being like her. The addiction might be hereditary."

"I don't think an addiction can be hereditary, Fluttershy," Twilight sighed. "Besides, there's more to do in Las Pegasus than just casinos you know. There are museums, restaurants, different shows..."

"I'm sorry guys," Fluttershy said with a stern tone, "but I won the prize, so I get to choose what I get, and I want the fridge." As Fluttershy started to trot away, the others' once excited tones melted into a chorus of sulking sighs. Their one chance to go to Las Pegasus, and now it was gone because Fluttershy was too afraid. As the others went back to sulk in their chairs, Rainbow straightened up and stared with intensity toward Fluttershy.

"This isn't over!" she announced as the others looked toward her with confusion. Before any of them could ask, Rainbow soared off toward Fluttershy. It didn't take long for her to catch up with her, and although the other four didn't see, they heard what sounded like a struggle going on. Soon enough, They saw Rainbow coming back over the hill, carrying a struggling Fluttershy on her back. The others looked at each other. Rainbow wasn't normally this aggressive, but she really must've wanted the trip. As Rainbow returned to the others, she plopped Fluttershy down not-so-gently. Fluttershy quickly got up, dusted herself off, and stared at Rainbow with a look of annoyance mixed with disbelief on her face.

"What was THAT about?" Fluttershy asked in her annoyed tone.

"It's about YOU!" Rainbow responded sternly. "Look, Flutters, I know you think you don't want to go to Las Pegasus because you don't want to get an addiction, but I know what it's really about! You don't know how to have FUN!" The others' mouths fell open at Rainbow's comment as they looked towards Fluttershy, who's mouth was also ajar, for her move.

"Th-th-th-that's ridiculous, Dashie!" Fluttershy stuttered. "I know how to have fun!"

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. "Name one thing you've done that's considered fun?" Fluttershy opened her mouth to answer. "And the time you watched the Butterfly Migration doesn't count!" Fluttershy closed her mouth as she started to think. After a minute, Rainbow leaned up again Fluttershy. "You can't think of anything can you? Then that should be enough. Look, Flutters, I know that shy is kinda your thing, I mean, it's in your name, but sometimes, you gotta know when to come out of your shell!"

"But Fluttershy isn't a turtle!" Pinkie chimed in. "How can she come out of her shell?"

"A metaphorical shell, Pinkie!" Twilight answered as she rolled her eyes. "And I agree with Rainbow, Fluttershy. You don't seem to do much fun stuff as much as the rest of us. We just want to help you live a little. Have a little fun!"

"And what better place than Las Pegasus!" Rainbow concluded as she put a hoof around Fluttershy's shoulder. "C'mon, Flutters! Don't do it for us, but for yourself! For the sake of your fun! For the sake of letting it all go for once...and it wouldn't hurt to do part of it for us. PLEEEEEASE?" At that point, a sudden chorus of "Please" echoed around the yellow pegasus as her friends crowded around her with big, pleading smiles. Fluttershy looked from pony to pony, starting to feel overcome by the peer pressure. Finally, it burst.

"Alright! ALRIGHT!" Fluttershy called out as she pushed her friends away. "I'll take the trip." The bouncing continued as the five friends whooped and hollered as they jumped up and down. The Mane Six were going to Las Pegasus!

The six all met at the station around 4:00 pm and got on the first train to Neighvada, where Las Pegasus was located. The trip took about four hours, but when all they could see was desert, the ponies knew that they were getting close. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the six got a signal from Pinkie that the lights of the city were in view. Everypony ran to the windows just in time to see the train enter the city. After they had exited and grabbed a cab to take them to their hotel, everypony had the chance to look at the amazing sites of the city as they passed. The colorful, flashy lights, the height of the skyscrapers, the different street performers, doing whatever they did best. Even Fluttershy had to admit that it was really a beautiful site. After a 15 minute drive through the city, the cab stopped outside the Grand Plaza Hotel, where they would be staying. The hotel was at least six stories high, and had a huge neon sign at the top, blinking the name of the hotel in blue neon. The girls reveled in the site even more as they entered the "simply divine" establishment. They quickly got their room keys from the desk pony and before they knew it, the six friends were on their way up the elevator to rooms 518 and 519.

When the six opened the door to the first room, they were all astounded by how amazing it looked. There was a little fridge, a huge, flatscreen TV, and an amazing view of the city.

"This...is...AWESOME!" Rainbow squealed as she could barely contain her excitement.

"It really is a site!" Twilight agreed. "Ok girls, since we have two rooms, let's split into threes. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity will take one room. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and I will take the other. Everypony got it?" The four ponies nodded. Four? Twilight suddenly noticed that Pinkie wasn't with the others. She sighed and turned around to see Pinkie laying on the bed. "Got it Pinkie?"

Pinkie wasn't listening due to the fact that she was trying out the bed's "Magic Hooves" function, where a pony would insert a bit, and the bed would vibrate, acting as a massage treatment. Pinkie was enjoying it a little too much. "So-o-o-o-o m-m-m-magical-al-al-al-al..." Pinkie sighed as she felt the vibrations melt away her nerves. The others just stared with stunned looks.

"So I guess we'll take THIS room," Twilight chuckled. The others nodded and Rainbow, AJ, and Rarity went to the room next door. As Twilight put her suitcase by the bed, she noticed that Fluttershy was looking over a brochure of the city. "Ah-HA!" she said with a smirk as Fluttershy looked over at her. "Looking at good attractions are you?"

"Well, I might as well find something fun to do while I'm here," Fluttershy responded. "I'm gonna prove to you guys that I CAN be fun!"

"Oh Fluttershy," Twilight sighed. "You don't have to prove anything to us..."

"YES SHE DOES!" Rainbow shouted from the other room.

"You're not HELPING!" Twilight called back through gritted teeth. She then turned back to Fluttershy with a smile. "So, what do you want to do?"

"Well, if you want to know," Fluttershy replied with an excited grin, "I found a little park at the center of the city! It has a little pond with ducks, and squirrels! We could explore, and then we could eat at a lovely little bistro at the corner of town, and then we could go to the National Insect Museum and check out-" Fluttershy was cut off by the sound of gagging coming from their door. The ponies turned to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and Rainbow was holding her stomach.

"Sorry," Rainbow chuckled. "Something stuck in my throat. It was a big ball of BORING!" She whisked over to Fluttershy's side. "I mean c'mon Flutters! Bistro? Insect museum? A POND? This is Las Pegasus, not...Bambi!"

"Hey! I thought you said you liked that movie!" Fluttershy sternly said.

"I said I liked the END of the movie," Rainbow stated bluntly, "like, when it ended, but I digress. What I mean is that you're missing the best part of the city; the casinos!"

"Oh no!" Fluttershy said as she pushed away from Rainbow. "I said I would come to Las Pegasus. I NEVER said that I would go to a casino!"

"Aw c'mon, Flutters," Applejack chimed in. "It's the best part! And ah don' know 'bout you, but ah wanna check out the Blackjack table!"

"I was rather hoping to see how Craps works," Twilight added.

"You see?" Rainbow said to Fluttershy. "Everypony else wants to go! C'mon! It'll be fun! It'll be an experience that you'll never forget, and you can stop gambling anytime you want when you feel enough is enough!"

"That's exactly what Auntie Ladybug said," Fluttershy muttered, "before she sold her husband's life insurance...and her husband."

"You're making that up Flutters," Rainbow scoffed.

"I wish I was..." Fluttershy responded. The others looked at Fluttershy with a half surprising, half disturbing glance for a second before brushing it off. A moment of silence passed between the friends as they all looked at Fluttershy with anticipation. Finally, with a big sigh, Fluttershy said, "Ok ok. I'll go see a casino." She knew that her friends would start pleading like children if she said no.

"GREAT!" Twilight exclaimed as the others smiled big. "I happened to see one just a few blocks from here!"

"Alright!" Rainbow grinned with anticipation. "C'mon everypony! We're going gambling!" The others cheered as they started out the door, before realizing that Rarity wasn't with them. Rainbow rolled her eyes as she flew over to the other door and pounded on it. "C'MON RARITY! WE'RE LEAVING!

"I'm coming!" Rarity yelled from inside. Soon, the door opened, and there stood Rarity in a beautiful, sparkling red dress and with her hair tied up in a fashionable way. The others stared at her overly-dressed self as she posed. "What?" she asked when she noticed the others' looks. "This is my Lucky Dress!"

"Lucky Dress?" Applejack asked in a mocking tone. "What kinda lucky YOU talkin' about? You lookin' to get lucky or GET LUCKY?" The others chuckled at the joke.

"Oh hardy har har, Applejack," Rarity scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "C'mon girls! I'm feeling lucky tonight!"

And with that, the six friends happily galloped to the elevators to head out for the casino.