• Published 21st Dec 2014
  • 2,177 Views, 75 Comments

Sisters - Dusk Melody

Family. Nothing is more important right? Applejack and fluttershy's twin daughters have nursed an intense hatred of each other for thirty years. When tragedy strikes can they put aside their hate

  • ...

Here And Now

“So, need a hoof or what?” Apple Honey extended her hoof once more to her fallen sister.

Cloud Blossom looked at her sister’s hoof, fifteen years of pent up rage and hate boiling through her veins, not helped in the slightest by the driving rain stinging her blue eyes, bouncing off her coat. Humiliation at her current situation fuelled her anger, which seemed to ignite like a wildfire in her breast. Chief amongst the emotions warring within her for dominance was confusion. Offering her help in any happenstance was just, not like Apple Honey.

Anger beat confusion momentarily. Lifting her own left hoof Cloud Blossom reached out to her sibling, as if she were going to accept her offer of aid. As their hooves touched Cloud’s anger snapped, and instead of accepting the offered hoof Cloud viciously slapped it away.

“Get the buck away from me! I don't need nopony’s help, least of all yours!”

Apple Honey lowered her hoof, and biting back the retort she wanted to give, silently backed away a few steps, giving her sister a few feet of clear space on the platform.

“Nghh!” Cloud Blossom grunted as she spread her soaked wings and over the course of a few minutes struggled to her hooves. Pain flourished through her powerful wings as she wet feathers brushed against each other, but at least she was upright. Pushing her pain to the back of her mind she fluttered her wings to stabilise herself as she walked slowly and carefully towards her sister, not once taking her eyes off Apple Honey, glaring daggers as she moved.

“You, uh, you want to go to Sugarcube Corner? It's just over there…” Apple honey gestured with a hoof.

Cloud Blossom looked where her sister was pointing, the bakery was indeed not far away. Utter disgust at the thought of going anywhere with her sibling warred with her immediate need to get out of the appalling weather. ‘What's her game?’ The pegasus thought to herself.

“Sure. I could use a hot drink.”

Apple Honey fell into step beside her sister, slowing her pace to match her own. Carefully she tried to extend her right wing over Cloud in an effort to keep the worst of the rain away from her.

Cloud Blossom saw the movement on the edges of her peripheral vision, and visibly flinched at the touch of her sisters wing on her back. “What do you think you're doing?” She cried out as she stumbled from under the extended wing, using her own to brush it away.

“Just tryin’ to help…” Apple Honey flicked her ears back and lowered her head as she folded her wing back to her flank.

“Well don’t! Keep your wings to yourself.”

The rest of the walk to Sugarcube Corner was conducted in silence, Apple Honey kept her head down and her green eyes forward. Cloud Blossom on the other hoof kept shooting furtive glances at her sister while she walked, all the while using her wings to adjust her balance. The pain had become a dull ache. Right now she didn't really care she just wanted to be out of the rain. Apple Honey reached the door first, and pushing it with a hoof proceeded to hold it open for her sister to enter.

Cloud Blossom just stopped and looked at her disbelievingly. “Oh no. You first, sister.” She spat out the word ‘sister’ as if it was cursed, as if the very utterance would cause her unendurable pain. There was no way she was walking in ahead of Apple Honey, too many memories of doing so in the past and having her hindleg swiped from under her resurfaced, and she wasn't keen on repeating history.

Apple Honey merely shrugged her shoulders and walked on through the open door, and Cloud Blossom hastened to follow whilst it was slowly closing.

“Will you at least share a table with me?” Apple Honey asked over her shoulder as she made her way to an empty table near the counter. The familiar smells of freshly cooked pastries, cupcakes donuts and other baked products mixed with the aroma of just brewed coffee and hot chocolate to assault their senses with their tempting scents.

“Fine, whatever let's just sit down.” Cloud Blossom slid reluctantly into the seat opposite her sister, the heat in the bakery already starting to dry out her drenched coat and feathers.

“What can get you girls?...” Pinkie Pie’s question died on her lips as she noticed properly for the first time who was sitting in front of her. Her usual exuberant smile dimmed, her whole demeanour taking on a more serious aspect. “Now, I don't want any trouble in here ladies, understand?” She asked in a low tone only they could hear.

“Y’all no trouble from me Aunt Pinkie, ah promise.” Apple Honey assured the concerned pink mare before her.

"Likewise Auntie.” Cloud Blossom added quietly, looking at her sister, mistrust clearly written on her face.

“That's alright then! Now, what can Pinkie get you?” The bounce was immediately back in her mane and her voice.

“Two hot chocolates please.” Apple Honey ordered for the both of them.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie Pie happily bounced off to the counter to fill their order, humming to herself as she went.

A heavy uncomfortable silence passed between the two siblings while they awaited their drinks. Neither knew what to say to the other. What should they say? What shouldn't they say? Finally, after many minutes looking anywhere other than at the pegasus mare in front of her Cloud Blossom broke the silence.

“W – would, would you have done it?” She asked quietly.

Apple Honey snapped her attention to her sister, and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Done what?”

“You know what I mean. Would you have done it?” Cloud's voice was still quiet, barely audible amidst the sounds in the bakery.

“Ah’m gonna have to ask you t’ be more specific sis.”

“I'll spell it out for you then. Fifteen years ago. Our last fight. If our Mother’s hadn't burst into the house when they did, would you have bucked me in the face?”

“Oh…” Apple Honey murmured quietly, more to herself then her sister, who was looking at her expectantly, obviously awaiting an answer. She dredged up those painful memories of that day, though the last thing she wanted to do was relive it once more. Her therapy sessions with Sureheart had been bad enough. However, she owed it to her sister to be fully honest, she deserved nothing less after all this time.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Apple Honey looked Cloud Blossom square in her blue eyes as she answered: “Yes. Yes, I would have bucked you. I’m…sorry…”

Before Cloud could answer her Pinkie walked over, carrying a tray with their drinks and two large chocolate donuts in her mouth and two thick towels on her back. Deftly the pink mare placed the tray on the table and offered them a towel each. “Here you are girls, donuts are on the house, as are the towels. Enjoy!”

Cloud Blossom stared at her steaming mug for a few long seconds, stunned by her sisters frank and honest answer. “You, you would have bucked me?” She asked in a voice barely more than a whisper.

“Yes.” Apple Honey blew on her hot chocolate and took a sip.

“You would have broken my jaw, or worse…”

“I know.” Another sip of her drink.

“Momma Shy should’ve had you arrested…” Cloud Blossom trailed off as her sister gave a bitter laugh, surprising her. ‘Have I said something funny?’ She thought, confused.

"Heh hehe, she did.”

Now it was Cloud's turn to be confused, “did what?” She asked as she took a sip of her own drink.

“Have me arrested.” Apple Honey laughed again at the look of disbelief on her sister’s face. “Two days after they kicked me out of Sweet Apple Acres, I was staying with Aunt Rainbow. She kept asking what had happened, I asked her to drop it, but she wouldn't leave it alone…”

“What happened?” Cloud interrupted, her curiosity overcoming her hate of the pony opposite her. Her Mothers had never told her this.

“I attacked her, Aunt Rainbow. In her kitchen. I went for her like I went for you.”

Cloud Blossom stared open mouthed at her sister. “You didn't…”

"I did. Happened like this..."


Rainbow Dash was one stressed pony. This evening she was stressed as she flew home to her cloud house. Work hadn't stressed her. Work was easy. Managing Ponyville’s weather was a piece of cake. Family. Now that was hard. The cyan pegasus took her time flying home. She desperately wanted to get home and relax, but she knew when she got home relaxing would be impossible, thanks to her niece.

These past two days had made Rainbow Dash really regret bearing the element of loyalty. Two days of a stroppy moody teenager moping about the house. Two days since Apple Honey's parents kicked her out of their house, and off Sweet Apple Acres. Two days of eternity.

Rainbow’s shoulders sagged as she landed at the door to her cloud house. Hoofing open the door she let herself in, dreaming of a nice warm shower. “Apple Honey! I'm back, you in?”

Rainbow Dash was greeted by no response, as was the way of her house intruder, ‘guest’ was too polite a word at this point. A cursory glance around her home betrayed signs of Apple Honey’s presence. The kitchen was filthy, the sink overflowing with dirty used dishes, work tops covered in the detritus of failed cooking experiments. The living room was in a similar state, cd’s and dvd’s scattered everywhere, her favourite Wonderbolts book used as a coaster, a coffee ring staining its formerly pristine cover.

‘I don't even want to think about the state of her room,’ Rainbow thought to herself dejectedly. Making her way to the bathroom, she still had her shower. She'd feel better after a hot shower. Thumping the on switch the pegasus almost jumped out of her fur and feathers. ‘Of course she's used all the hot water,’ she thought through clenched teeth. ‘Of course she has…’

One very cold shower later and a disgruntled weather manager was cleaning her kitchen for what felt like the umpteenth time just so she had somewhere to prepare her late tea that didn't pose a health hazard. A look through her fridge revealed a distinct lack of anything that she remotely felt like cooking. Sandwiches again then.

“Apple Honey!” Rainbow hollered from the kitchen.

“What now?” Came a muffled yell from her room.

“Tea’s done! Come and get it before it goes in the bin!” Rainbow stroked a hoof across her forehead, she didn't need to be yelling. She was fed up from working overtime, annoyed with her niece and in a generally frazzled mood altogether. This was not helping.

“Fine!” Apple Honey slammed her bedroom door unnecessarily, and proceeded to stomp down every step of the stairs. Without a word of thanks or even a glance at her aunt she began wolfing down the prepared daisy and daffodil sandwiches.

“So…” Rainbow began, putting her own barley, lettuce and tomato creation, “ya finally gonna tell me what happened the other day or what?”

“Or what.” Apple Honey replied curtly, still not deigning to grace her aunt with eye contact.

“Ya have to tell me at some point.” Rainbow sour mood was getting more so by the second. She really didn't have the patience for the teenager’s attitude anymore.

“No ah don't. Drop it.” Apple Honey felt her temper starting to rise, that familiar knotting sensation in her gut started to bloom. She really wished her aunt would leave her alone.

“Look,” Rainbow tried hard to keep the edge out of her voice, but ultimately failed. “I took you in, gave you a roof over ya head. Least ya can do is tell me what the hay happened!”

“Ah said. Drop it. Auntie…” Apple Honey muttered through clenched teeth, that old monster in her belly was wrestling with her, and she didn't want to give in to it, not here.

“Aw come on! I wanna help and I can't if ya don't talk to me!”

Finally Apple Honey turned to look at Rainbow, flashing her a look of pure malice that made the older pegasus flinch in her chair. “Why?” She spat at her aunt, “ah know you're only helpin’ so’s y’all can score points and maybe bang mah Mom!” ‘Yes!’ The monster within exulted at being let free at last.

Rainbow sat stunned at the table, mouth hanging wide. “What…wait, what…you…you take that back right now!”

“Ah won't! Ah see the way y’all stare at Momma Jack’s flanks when ya think nopony’s watchin’!” Apple Honey stood to leave the kitchen before being spun around by an angry Rainbow. “Get off ya sicko pervert!” ‘Yes!’ Her monster cried, ‘give her more!’

Rainbow backed off a few steps, breathing hard and heavy. “I'm letting that slide, on account you’re family…” she placed a cyan hoof on her niece’s shoulder to try and calm her down.

“Ah ain't ya family ya fillyfooler!” Apple Honey swatted Rainbow’s hoof away from her shoulder with her left hoof and wound up a punch that hit the older pegasus below her right eye, drawing a trickle of blood. Following through the blow Apple Honey brought her hoof back across Rainbow’s muzzle, this time catching her on her left side.

Stunned by the sudden impact Rainbow Dash staggered backwards, flapping her powerful wings to steady herself. “What…the buck…are you doing?!”

Apple Honey advanced on her aunt, "ya wouldn't leave it would ya? Now ah’ll make ya drop it afore ah drop y’all like ah dropped that useless sister o’ mine!” The younger pegasus aimed a buck at Rainbow's chest which she dodged, rolling to the side and taking to her wings.

“You're crazy Honey!” Rainbow hovered above her, out of hoof’s reach. Rainbow knew she was faster, but being raised on the Apple farm, Honey was stronger. She was also a pegasus, a fact Rainbow was painfully reminded of as Apple Honey landed a flying headbutt from below to her chest, knocking the air out of her. Wrapping her forelegs around Rainbow’s midsection Apple Honey dove downwards, driving her aunt back first through the kitchen table.

Rainbow staggered hesitantly to her hooves. ‘Let's see how she fights dirty’ she thought with a twisted grin, spitting a mouthful of blood onto her cloud floor.

Still grinning Rainbow launched herself straight at her target, pulling back her right hoof for a feigned punch. Inexperienced, Apple Honey took the bait and swung her right hoof to counter. As she did so Rainbow deflected her wings just slightly, rolling her toned athletic body to her left and under Honey’s outstretched right foreleg. As Rainbow passed under her opponents leg the cyan pegasus bought the knee of her right hind leg into Apple Honey’s chest, at the same time Rainbow adjusted her wings to rise above and behind her, bringing the elbow of her left foreleg down on the younger pegasus’s skull before she could react to Rainbow’s sudden change of direction. Pivoting as she landed Rainbow swivelled her hips and delivered a scintillating upper cut with her right foreleg to Apple Honey's jaw.

Apple Honey was unconscious on her hooves before she staggered and fell, slamming face first into her aunt’s kitchen floor.


“No way…” Cloud Blossom blinked twice, before taking a gulp of her now cold hot chocolate.

“Sure as ah’m sat her talking t’ ya sis, ah went for her good an’ proper.” Apple Honey finished her own drink, and glanced at her sister but didn't look her in the eyes.

"No, that I can believe, I just can't believe aunt Rainbow knocked you out.”

“Well she did at that. Ah may a’ been younger and stronger, but hay was she fast. Ah never saw that last combo comin’. Ah was out like a light afore ah hit the floor.”

Pinkie Pie appeared beside them just then, carrying another tray of hot drinks, and of course more free donuts in her mouth. Sliding the tray on the table the pink mare addressed the two siblings: “Everything alright girls?”

“Everythin’s jus’ fine aunt Pinkie, we jus’catchin’ up right sis?”

“Yeah…just catching up…” Truthfully Cloud Blossom didn't know what to think. Her parents had never told her about her sister assaulting aunt Rainbow, nor had they told her about Apple Honey’s subsequent arrest.

“Okie dokie lokie! I'll be serving if you need me.” With that Pinkie happily pranced off, still humming her little tune.

“So…w – what happened then?” Cloud Blossom stammered out despite herself, finally getting to know what had happened to her sister fifteen years ago.

Apple Honey’s face clouded, just for an instant, but it was long enough for her sister to notice and shrink back in sudden fear for what she might do next. To Cloud’s very great surprise her sister merely took a deep breath and held it before slowly releasing it.

"Well, the next thing ah remember after comin’ to was seein’ Momma Shy standin’ over me, that same disgusted look on her face as she had when she kicked me outta the house. She asked me but one question. ‘Why?’ Ah couldn't answer her.”


A hoof slapped Apple Honey into consciousness.

Looking for the source of the slap, and shaking her head to clear the fog Apple Honey saw her mother, Fluttershy standing before her. The young pegasus cowered before the stare of absolute and utter disgust and disappointment on her face. Gone was the kind and caring visage she had grown up with. This Fluttershy was the Fluttershy who had stared down dragons, tamed manticores and cockatrices. The look from her mother was almost palpable in it’s intensity.


Behind Fluttershy in the remnants of aunt Rainbow’s kitchen Apple Honey could see a couple of pegasi in armour she didn't know tending to her aunt’s wounds from their fight. Band aids covered her blue face where she had drawn blood with her punches, and bandages wound around her lower back abd the bases of her wings.

Apple Honey felt no remorse for what she had done. Her aunt had been asking for it, just like her sister had been asking for it. They had both got what they deserved, she had made sure of that.

“Apple Honey! I asked you why? Answer me!” Fluttershy roughly seized her chin and forced her daughter to look straight at her.

"Why? Because ah could, ‘Mother’,” Apple Honey spat the last word with as much venom as she could muster given her weakened jaw, “because ah could.”

Fluttershy dropped her hoof, letting go of her daughter. In utter contempt she turned her back on the young pegasus, flicking her muzzle with her pastel pink tail.

“She's all yours Twilight. Come see us after, won't you?” On her way out of the shattered kitchen Fluttershy paused and looked at the heavily bandaged Rainbow, “we’re sorry this happened to you Rainbow. Please stay with us while you recover.” With that the yellow mare spread her wings and left the cloud house without a backwards glance at her daughter.

Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the room then, clad in the full regalia of her station. Her calm demeanour betrayed not one ounce of emotion as her horn ignited, wrapping Apple Honey’s wings and hooves in lavender bands of pure power, immobilising her just as sure as if she'd been hoofcuffed. Her wings were secured to her flanks and her fore and hind hooves were hard tight against each other. She couldn’t move if she wanted to.

“A – aunt Twilight? W - what's goin’ on?” The full severity of what she had done hit her like a ton weight.

“ ‘Princess’ Twilight, my little pony.” There was no anger in her voice, just cold harsh authority. “Apple Honey, formerly of Sweet Apple Acres, it is my solemn duty as Princess of Equestria to place you under arrest…”

“N – no, you can't do this!” Apple Honey began to thrash wildly in her magical restraints, futilely attempting to free herself, panic showing for the first time.

Twilight simply flared her horn once more, creating a lavender bubble around the flailing teenage pegasus, holding her still. “…under arrest for the assault and causing grievous bodily harm to Miss Rainbow Dash, and causing criminal damage to the property of Miss Rainbow Dash. Do you have anything to say in your defence?”

A spark of her temper returned at that moment, and she spat at Twilight’s hooves. “Buck you, Princess.”

“Very well.” There was still no outward emotion from the Princess, she may as well have been discussing the weather. “You will be escorted from here to Clouldsdale, where you will spend one year in a Reform School for Delinquent Pegasus. Guards,” four fully armoured pegasus guards appeared at her command. “Take her in the chariot to Cloudsdale and hold her at the Reform School. If she resists you are authorised to use force Guard-Sergeant. I will follow shortly.”

Princess Twilight bent her knee to get muzzle to muzzle with her captive niece. “I’m sorry it came to this, I really am. Please, don't resist. The guards will use force.” With that Twilight levitated Apple Honey’s limp restrained form out of the main door of the cloud house to the waiting chariot, where she was immediately joined by the four guards who took up their positions, two to pull it and two to stand guard in the back with her.


“Aunt Twilight arrested you?” Cloud Blossom asked incredulously, hardly believing her sister’s tale.

"Well, Princess Twilight arrested me, but yeah, yeah she did. Ah was in Cloudsdale within th’ hour.” Apple Honey finished her second hot chocolate with a gulp and placed her empty mug back on the table, watching her sister’s reaction.

“And…this Reform School, you spent a year there?”

"More like three years actually. Th’ sentence kept bein’extended…”

“Extended? Why?”

"Why'd ya think sis? ‘Bad behaviour’ they called it, ah attacked a coupla’ guards, started fights wi’ other inmates, an’ had a general bad attitude.”

Cloud Blossom took a delicate bite out of her donut, savouring the taste of the chocolate and sprinkles, mulling over her next question. “What was it like?”

Apple Honey took her own donut, considering her answer carefully before deciding on the honest truth. After all she wasn't going to build bridges by lying. “It was…awful, honestly. Oh, not the conditions,” she said in response to Cloud’s questioning look, “th’ cells were decent enough ah guess, clean comfortable beds, writin’ desk an’ your own toilet, but a gilded cage is still a cage.”

The burnt yellow pegasus took another bite before continuing; “Th’ days were all th’ same. Sixteen hours in th’ cells, an hour in th’ dinin’ hall, two hours therapy sessions an’ five hours ‘free’ time.”

“Therapy? Therapy for what for exactly?”

"After the first six months inside, and after mah sentence was extended for th’ first time, ah was diagnosed with ‘Intermittent Explosive Disorder’, IED th’ doctors called it.”

Taking a bite out of her second donut Cloud Blossom considered what she'd been told. Certainly it sounded like manure to her. A convenient excuse her sister had concocted. “Well, I always thought you were mental.” The pale green pegasus said with a snicker.

Her snicker died on her lips as she noticed the glassy faraway look on her sister’s face. Apple Honey was also taking several large deep breaths, which Cloud had taken note of her sister doing more than once since they had met on the platform. Intrigued Cloud waved her hoof across her sister’s face, getting no response from the zoned pegasus.

Apple Honey allowed her eyes to slide out of focus, taking those long deep breaths just like Dr. Sureheart had taught her. ‘I'm in control. I'm in control. I'm in control.’ She told herself over and over as she held her breath. Breathing in she held it to the count of five and on the exhale visualised her stress leaving her body. She repeated this process until her little monster was silent, and she focused her eyes once more, as Cloud Blossom was waving her hoof across her face. Ignoring her irritating sibling Apple Honey closed her eyes and repeated her calming mantra once more. ‘I'm in control. I'm in control…’

“Apple Honey…sis? You in there?”

“Sorry, what?” She asked as she came back to herself to see her sister looking at her questioningly with a puzzled look on her face.

“You…kinda spaced out there…”

“Yeah. It's better ah take a moment to collect mahself and think about mah actions afore ah hurt somepony.”

"You...you were going to hurt me?" Unease settled in Cloud Blossom’s gut, maybe her sister was being genuine after all.

Apple Honey took another deep breath before answering, “After what y’all jus’ said th’ thought did cross mah mind, but no, ah ain't gonna hurt ya again. Ah hope ah don’ ever hurt ya again sis.”

"Can I ask, what was it you just did?”

“Sure sis. It was a relaxation trainin’ technique mah therapist Dr. Sureheart taught me, helps me ta stop lashin’ out for no real reason.”

“I – I’m sorry, I thought you were making it up. I shouldn't have said you were mental.” Cloud blushed a little, ashamed of her thoughtless outburst.

“It's okay, ah been called a lot worse. Th’ relaxation techniques help a lot.” Apple Honey placed a hoof on her sister's, and she was pleased to see Cloud didn't pull away from her, though she did flinch a little. “Ah’m on medication too, actually it's about time ah took ‘em, d’ya mind?”

"Of course not, go ahead.” Cloud Blossom gave her consent as her sister asked aunt Pinkie for a glass of water.

Apple Honey reached into her saddle bags and retrieved three medicine bottles. Laying them on the table in front of her she caught her sister’s eye and began to explain what they were for. Tapping them with a hoof she went along the line. “Fluvoxamine, that's an antidepressant. Sertraline, is a serotonin inhibitor and Lithium is a mood stabiliser.” Unscrewing each bottle she carefully tipped two pills from each bottle before rescrewing them. “Ah have ta take two of each twice daily.”

Cloud Blossom watched in silence as her swallowed her pills with the glass of water Pinkie had bought over.

Apple Honey placed her hoof back on the table; “Cloud, ah don' regret what ah did, ‘cause regrettin’ it won' change th’ past. Ah did hurt ya bad though, an’ ah’m sorry for that, ah truly am.”

Cloud Blossom took her sister’s hoof once again. “I accept your apology Honey. You did hurt me, a lot, and I am sorry but I can't forgive you for that.”

Apple Honey’s face fell at that, her tiny smile wiped away. “At least, not yet. Give me some time?”

"Deal." Apple Honey’s smile resurfaced like a reborn phoenix.

Author's Note:

So, Apple Honey's mental illness is a real thing.


Apologies to anyone reading this who suffers from this illness.