• Published 6th Jan 2015
  • 346 Views, 23 Comments

War of the Creators - Paradox Theory

An old enemy's return threatems Equestria

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Chapter 6: The seventh element.

Author's Note:

For better experience: Listen to this during the speech segment:

Paradox's POV

"Life, it's meaning has been lost for awhile, but I know what it is." I told Death.

"Impossible! Your people have searched for 20000 years for that, and still haven't found it." Death objected.

"And where is the best hiding place Death?" I retorted, "In plain sight."

Death only growled.

"My people have been over thinking it! It isn't our possessions. Not our advances in science." I explained, "It's 20000 years older then that."

"Then do tell." Death said with a sneer.

"It's seven special things that hold family and friendship together." I whispered, "Seven elements that, when used, can overcome anything."

Death roared, "You have nothing!" He lunged, only to be blasted back.

"It's the power to tell the truth, to show we are worthy to be trusted." I stated, an orange glow appearing behind me.

I smiled as I felt my powers return.

"It's our loyalty, to always be there no matter what, to prove our commitments." I explained.

A red glow appeared next to the orange one. "Aw yeah!" I heard Rainbow shout.

"It's the kindness we show to others, the willingness to help everyone, good or bad." I said with confidence.

A Pink glow then accompanied the orange and red.

"It's our willingness to share and give all we have, no matter the cost," I told Death, smiling as I did, "Our generosity to others in need, with no thought of reward."

A deep Purple glow then joined the three before it.

"it's our desire to spread cheer, to make everyone happy," I looked to my dying sister, "To spread pure joy to those who have none."

A blue light flashed to life as a cannon fired off and Pinkie yelled, "Nailed it!"

"It's the ability to spread friendship, to create everlasting bonds between others." I whispered.

A Magenta light then joined the rest, creating a near rainbow effect.

"But you still have yet to say the last element!" Death retorted.

I shook my head, "I was getting to that."

Death fell silent as I nearly shouted, "All of this would have died eons ago if it weren't for the seventh element."

"And what is it?" Jane managed to ask.

"The ability to forgive those who really search for, and deserve forgiveness." I finished, turning to the tree in time to see another branch form and a green gem appear on the end.

Turning back to Death I said, "Life fell because he did not ask you or listened to you. You wanted to help, and he betrayed you."

Death began to visibly shake. "And though I can't apologize for his actions, I can say this: I forgive you."

As I said this the music swelled, "And it's because of this element I spent 2000 years, traveling to every multiverse and asked the people in each one to show forgiveness and stop their pointless wars."

Death was stunned into disbelief.

I turned to the tree with a tsk, "Now all the tree needs is experience, and I have it."

I then told my life story, "I traveled from one edge of the multiverse to the other. I watched Life create the universe, and I watched when time ran out. Moment by moment until nothing remained. I marked the fall of Life, and walked away from the last great Creator war. I've seen universe freeze and creations burned. I united all life in perfect harmony! I have seen things you will never believe, I have lost things you will never understand!" As I spoke, golden light traveled to the tree, taking all my magic, and my life.

Turning to Death, I said, "And I know things. Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken. Things, that would make even Death die!"

I turned back to the tree, "So you take it! Take it all, baby! You have it all!"

And then the lights died, and I looked up at the tree. I saw my reflection, a greying man stared back at me. A long silvery beard fell to the floor.

Slowly turning to Death, I smiled, "And now, you are trapped for eternity."

To my surprise, Death laughed. "No, you are."

Suddenly Death disappeared. And I was alone.

With a sigh I turned to the tree.

"Paradox!" Jane shouted, "He lost a lot of power. We won!"

I shook my head, "Without my powers, he will kill the universe, the Tree will shatter once more."

Rose paused for a moment, "W-what are you saying?"

I placed a hand on the Tree, "I an trapped here, the only escape is death."

Tears started to stream down Rose's cheeks. "B-but, you can't! I don't want to lose you!"

Tears streamed down my face as I answered "No, in nine months, you will have a piece of me."

Rose had a baffled look on her face as her hand fell to her stomach, "I'm. .. . .?"

I nodded, "Yes, you are."

Rose smiled, "I promise that I'll take care of him."

"Him?" I laughed, "She, will be a great daughter."

Rose looked at me in surprise, "You looked ahead?"

I nodded, "I wanted to see my only child once. She has her mother's beauty."

Rose started sobbing as I told her, "Tell my Daughter, that I love her no matter what. And that I will miss you both dearly."

With that I turned to my still dying sister.

"I'm sorry." Jane whispered.

As I placed my hands on her head, I whispered, "Don't be."

Then everything turned white.

Jane's POV

I gasped as I woke from my nightmare. To find myself in a hospital room.

How did I get here?

To be concluded,

In the Epilogue: Real Life.