• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 6,448 Views, 213 Comments

Earth Ponies Can Cast Spells Too - Paulicus

When mysterious creatures invading Equestria are found to be immune to unicorn magic, Applejack must step up and take on a task she never thought possible.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Locked On

Applejack woke slowly, cracking one eye. She could see the predawn light beginning to color the sky above. With a groan, she forced herself to her hooves and yawned.

Rainbow Dash was still sleeping. She had tossed and turned during the night, and now lay splayed out on her back, the sawing of her snores marring the relative quiet of the morning.

“That snoring is half the reason we need to stay up and run patrols,” Applejack thought dryly. Surveying the rest of the camp, she realized Twilight was nowhere to be seen. “Still out patrolin', I reckon.”

Applejack tossed a few sticks on the fire before reaching for her saddlebags. She produced a small metal pot and a cloth bag filled with coarse brown powder. Uncorking her canteen, she added water to the pot and set it in the coals by the fire. After years on the farm, Applejack was accustomed to rising with the sun – but that didn't mean she enjoyed it. The caffeine-filled beans from Saddle Arabia had become her familiar early-morning friend, and she always carried some, even on these extended outings. “Come hell or high water, I'll have my morning coffee. Even if it means I have it cowpony style.” Applejack dumped a hoof-full of ground coffee into the boiling water, taking it away from the fire to steep.

The sun slowly peeked over the rocky horizon. Applejack sat near camp, levitating the steaming mug to her lips. “Definitely one of the perks of this rune magic business,” she thought, feeling a little more coherent. Applejack was just starting to wonder when Twilight might return when her friend emerged from the brush nearby. Twilight glanced at the still-snoring Rainbow Dash and rolled her eyes. She sniffed the air.

“Thank Celestia, you made coffee,” Twilight said, telekinetically pouring herself a cup as she sat by Applejack. “Nothing notable happened during my watch, and I'm afraid I wasn't able to pick up any lingering aura trails either.”

“Mmmhmm.” Applejack nodded, enjoying the refreshing warmth flowing through her. After her second cup, Applejack was starting to feel more like herself. She pulled the cup away from her lips with a look of mild disgust, then spit out the coffee grains that had stuck themselves to her tongue. “Even if I have to have it cowpony style...”

“As rough as it is, I have to admit this is a pretty interesting way to start our morning.” Twilight paused to sip from her mug. “I mean, if a year ago somepony had told me we'd be hunting down Dark Fey in a desert – and would be saved from a Tatzlwurm by your magic – Well, I don't know how I would've reacted.” Twilight chuckled.

“Heh, I think I know the feeling, sugarcube.” Applejack stared into her mug, forcing a smile.

Twilight paused. “Are you okay, AJ?”

“Hm? I'm fine, Twi, just early is all.”

“No, I mean –”

A startled snort and confused “Huh?” from Rainbow Dash signaled the end of their conversation. Twilight sighed, then chuckled. “Good thing Rainbow's never needed a morning pick-me-up. I suppose it's time we move out. Right, AJ?”

Applejack nodded.

“Shouldn't you be checking out the area, Rainbow Dash?” Applejack looked up at the pegasus flying lazy swirls overhead.

“Nah, I got a pretty good look at it last night. The terrain's all pretty open past here, so there's not much point in me taking off. Besides, Twilight gets cranky if I go too far.”

“I don't get cranky! It's a valid tactical concern!” Twilight give her a reproachful look. “I thought you would've learned that yesterday.”

“Ha! As if! I had that worm on the ropes!” Rainbow Dash kicked the air in mock combat.

Applejack gave her friend a sly grin. “Just like our first outing, right, RD?

Rainbow Dash chuckled with embarrassment, one hoof scratching her mane. “Heh, I think we've all come a long way since then.”

“I'll say!” Twilight said enthusiastically. “I had never seen a fey's magic resistance in action before. That little creature jumped down from the tree and popped my shield like a bubble – as if it wasn't even there!”

“You were so surprised! The look on your face was priceless!” Rainbow Dash snickered.

“Hey, that spear cut me pretty deep, you know!” Twilight said, glaring at Rainbow Dash.

“Eh, we patched you up fine.” Rainbow Dash waved her hoof dismissively. “Besides, if AJ hadn't been standing there dumbfounded, we might've caught the little guy right then.”

“I wasn't just standing there, I was tryin' to get the spell to work!”

“Suuure you were,” Rainbow Dash teased. “Either way, it ended with me chasing the thing through the forest.”

“I'm still wondering how the 'Fastest Flier in all Equestria' lost to a little blue creature on two legs.” Twilight playfully stuck out her tongue.

“It was the trees!” Rainbow Dash said, her turn to be defensive. “That little jerk had the advantage. I-I would've had 'em if we were out in the open! Besides, I still managed to herd him back your way.” Rainbow Dash thought for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Oh! And seeing Applejack once I got back... Hahaha! By Celestia, so worth it!”

Applejack's face reddened. “It was my first time trying to use magic in a fight! I was nervous...!”

Rainbow Dash snickered, almost unable to speak between her bouts of barely-contained laughter. “You were floating in the air, bucking helplessly. I swear, you looked so confused, I was worried the spell had fried your brain! And then you kicked the tree... and you started spinning around... Ha!”

Applejack smiled sheepishly. “Heh, sure wasn't one of my finer moments. I learned to always triple-check my runes after that.” She turned to Twilight with a playful expression. “Though, if I recall, somepony said that was gonna to be an easy one.”

“Hey! I was working with a very limited dataset,” Twilight said with playful indignation. She chuckled. “But I'll admit it was a learning experience.”

“A fun one, too!” Rainbow Dash added, still grinning. “What did you end up calling that fey again, Twilight?”

“A Quickling.”

“That's right. Not a bad name for such a fast little guy...” Rainbow Dash snickered. “I can't believe we all had to tackle him.”

As the morning passed, the trio moved across the desert. The open sands eventually gave way to rolling hills and bedrock canyons. Rainbow Dash took her leave, likely as much to cool off in the high-altitude currents as to 'survey the area.'

Twilight and Applejack were left to walk under the steadily increasing heat of the sun. Applejack could feel the sweat beginning to soak her coat. Her hat, normally steady atop her head, began to slip on her slick fur. She found herself readjusting it more often than she wanted. Each time, she grumbled as she forced the unruly garment back into place.

“So, uh, Applejack... how are you feeling?” Twilight asked.

“Hm? I'm fine, sugarcube. A little heat ain't no problem.”

“I'm not talking about the sun. What I mean is... You've been acting strange since we started this assignment, and I need to know that your head's in the right place.”

Applejack gave Twilight a sidelong glance, her tone suspicious. “How so?”

Twilight paused to gather her words. “Well... I imagine this isn't easy for you. We're searching for the fey responsible for –”

“I don't think that's any of your business, Twilight,” Applejack said tersely, fixing her eyes on the path ahead.

“It is my business!” Twilight stopped and turned to face Applejack. “I'm the leader of this squad, and I need to know that you're in control of your emotions. The last thing we need is you rushing headfirst into danger again!”

Applejack paused and met Twilight's gaze, her eyes narrowed. Her hat, for the umpteenth time, slipped down her sweat-soaked brow. She cursed, grabbed it and threw it to the ground. “You want to know how I feel? Fine! How do you think I feel?! We're probably hunting the monster that killed my cousin! I'm chomping at the bit for a shot at this bastard, and after four gall-dang days in this desert, we're not a damn sight closer to findin' it! How do I feel? I'm pissed!” Applejack stomped the ground with her hooves. “And you pesterin’ me about it isn’t gonna help nothin’! You’re always doin’ this! When are you gonna learn to just butt out!

Twilight stood with wide eyes and hanging jaw, too shocked at her friend's outburst to respond. She took a deep breath. Compassion in her eyes, Twilight met Applejack’s glare with calm. “I'm your friend, AJ. I care about you.”

Twilight’s tempered response was a cold gust through Applejack’s anger. Sudden realization hit her, and she turned her eyes toward the ground in shame. “I... I'm so sorry, Twi. I don't know what –”

She was interrupted by Twilight's foreleg sliding over her shoulders and embracing her. “Applejack... You have nothing to apologize for.”

Applejack felt tears beginning to fill her eyes. “I'm so sorry, Twi. I'm just so torn up... I want to find this thing real bad. I want to make it pay for what it did to Braeburn, but... I'm scared too. If somethin' happens to me out here, what'll happen to the farm? To my family? Applebloom and Big Mac, they've already had more than their fair share of loss. If I die too...”

“Don't think about that, AJ,” Twilight said, holding her friend tighter. “Your friends are here for you, and I promise we won't let anything happen to you.” Twilight broke the hug, leaving a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “Your family understands that you're out here to protect them and all of Equestria. Every one of them.”

Applejack smiled, raising a hoof to wipe the tears from her cheek. “Thanks, Twilight...” –A concerned look replaced her smile– “but if somethin' happened to one of y'all, I'd never be able to forgive myself.”

“Well, I'm not worried. I feel very well-protected,” Twilight said, smiling confidently at her friend.

Applejack smiled back, the knot in her stomach slowly unwinding.

“I'm sure they're very proud, AJ,” Twilight said.

“Thanks, Twi.”

The two mares turned and continued walking. For a time, they held a companionable silence. They weaved between the sandy hills with a renewed appreciation for the natural beauty surrounding them. Their peace didn't last long, however, as a rainbow contrail came streaking across the sky toward them.

“Guys! Come with me, I found something!”

Applejack crawled on her stomach, forcing herself through the thick brambles towards the top of the ridge. Twilight was following close behind, happy to take advantage of the path left by Applejack. Rainbow Dash was lucky enough to be able to take a shortcut over the brush. For the second time in as many days, Applejack found herself wishing she could also turn invisible.

A few hours ago, the ponies had finally found a lucky break. Rainbow Dash had spotted tracks in the sand, and they were fresh. Four-toed and clawed, they certainly weren't pony tracks, or any other creature the three of them were familiar with. Twilight was pretty sure the creature that left the tracks was bipedal, which fit the description of their quarry. Twilight was also able to confirm one other thing: whatever had made the tracks, it was big.

All but certain that they had finally found their mark, the ponies followed their target, doing their best to stay hidden. Rainbow Dash had taken to the skies, scouting the area ahead and using the sparse cloud cover to avoid detection.

There was a slight rustling, then Rainbow Dash reappeared next to Applejack in a new void amongst the brambles. “I saw it, big gray brute just over the ridge.” Rainbow Dash motioned for the other two ponies to follow her.

Just as she had said, the creature was in the valley below. Applejack recognized the hulking form immediately. She felt all the rage and sorrow of the previous months boiling up inside her. Her muzzle drew back into a snarl. She made to get up and charge the beast, but was stopped by Twilight's hoof on her shoulder.

“No. Not this time, Applejack,” Twilight whispered sternly. “From everything we've heard, this creature is extremely stealthy. If it runs, we could easily lose it and wind up back at square one.”

Applejack gave a frustrated growl, but settled back into the dirt. “What are you suggesting, then?”

“I could sneak up to it, get its attention, and lead it towards you guys,” Rainbow offered.

Twilight shook her head. “You're assuming it will actually chase you. As far as I'm aware, the creature hasn't ponynapped any pegasi before. Or mares, for that matter.”

“What, then?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Hmmm...” Twilight put her hoof to her chin, observing the creature below. “It seems to be heading west. Applejack and I should go around and try to get in front of it. We can find a chokepoint and set up an ambush. Rainbow, you keep an eye on it from above. Just don't spook it.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “But that could take hours!”

“It's the only way we can guarantee it won't run off,” Twilight whispered.

“Fine, fine...” Rainbow Dash looked up, shielding her eyes with a hoof. “It's gonna be tricky, the clouds are breaking up.”

“If anypony can do it, it's you, Rainbow. Just be careful not to overuse your spells, you'll be no use catching that thing if you can't even flap your wings.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Don't worry about me, Twilight. I may not have as much magical stamina as either of you, but I'm more than awesome enough by myself to make up for it!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, grinning with her friend. “Alright, Rainbow. Look for us two ridges over. We'll be hidden.” She turned to Applejack. “I think we have better cover to the north. Are you ready?”

Applejack grunted. “Fine. Let's get on with it. I'm not losin’ this bastard again.”

The two earthbound ponies made a wide circle around the fey's path, careful to stay out of its sight. As planned, they looked for a place to set an ambush on the second western ridge. Luckily, a combination of dry river canyons and steep cliffs formed a natural chokepoint that Twilight said would work perfectly. The duo moved quickly to find hiding places among the rocks.

The fey was apparently traveling slower than they had expected. It took another hour before the waiting ponies heard Rainbow's hushed voice floating above them. “He's headed this way. You picked a good spot. He should come right past us.”

Twilight indicated a narrow portion of the pass with the fewest escape routes. “Then we wait until he passes that rock. Spread out, ponies.” Applejack and Twilight took up positions near each other, ready to block off either side of the pass. Rainbow, still invisible, perched somewhere overhead.

Minutes later, the fey creature finally came into view. It was large, probably more than two ponies tall. Its skin was a dusty gray color that blended with the surroundings. It stood on two legs and had long, muscular arms that nearly touched the ground. It was dragging what seemed to be a large stone ax in one hand. Beady black eyes and pointed ears adorned its bald head.

“Ugly lug, isn't he?” Applejack whispered. Twilight shushed her.

The fey slowly made its way up the pass, seemingly oblivious to any danger. However, it paused just before reaching Twilight's ambush point. The creature's ears perked up. It scanned the area, sniffing the air. Then, it vanished.

What?!” Applejack hissed, scanning the pass. “Where in Tartarus did he –”

Suddenly, the creature appeared behind Twilight, ax raised to strike. It let out a deep bellow and brought the ax down on the smaller unicorn.

Twilight spun to face the creature. Acting on instinct, she reached out with her magic to deflect the weapon, but achieved nothing more than a slight alteration to its course. Twilight cried out in pain as the ax struck her squarely, narrowly missing her spine and cutting a deep gash in her shoulder.

Applejack heard Rainbow Dash yell before the pegasus appeared next to the Dark Fey. Her hooves were planted firmly on the creature's skull, the full weight of her body behind them. She followed the fey to the ground, landing on its chest. Her hoof pulled back to strike again, but the creature grabbed her with one massive hand and slammed Rainbow into the ground, sending her tumbling. The fey leapt to its feet with more speed than a creature that size should have.

“Pick on somepony your own size!” Applejack charged toward the fey, forehooves striking its chest. With a grace developed over years of apple-bucking, she spun and delivered a solid follow-up kick to the same spot. Applejack could hear the crunch of the fey's bones under her hooves. The creature staggered backwards, hoofprints visible in its chest.

Applejack stole a glance towards Twilight and saw her friend struggling to stand. Blood ran from the gash on her shoulder, staining the unicorn's fur a deep crimson.

Twilight gasped, collapsing back onto the ground and cursing under her breath. “I can't move... Applejack, I need time to –” Twilight's expression shifted to one of surprised horror “– It's coming back!”

Applejack turned back to face the monster. She saw nothing but rocks, and Rainbow Dash shaking off her daze. To her left, she heard the scuff of a step in the sand. She rolled away, narrowly dodging the ax as the creature rematerialized behind it. “I'm wise to your tricks now, you sumbitch,” she thought.

Before she could respond, Applejack heard Rainbow Dash's battle cry once again as the pegasus leapt onto the fey from behind. She wrapped her forelegs around its neck, beating at its eyes with her wings and hooves. The creature struggled a moment before grabbing her again and tossing her over its shoulder towards Applejack. This time, the pegasus rolled and landed neatly on her hooves next to Applejack.

“You okay, RD?”

“You know it, AJ.”

The duo sunk low, digging their hooves into the dirt. Their opponent stood in a seemingly cocky manner, its tiny black eyes alternating between the two ponies before him. Muscles rippled under leathery flesh. An eerily wide grin split the creature’s face, revealing rows of dagger-like yellow teeth. A low, scratchy sound emanated from its throat, almost as if it were laughing. It raised the ax to its mouth, licking the fresh blood with a pointed black tongue. The ponies could see its wounds stitch together before their eyes. The hoofprints in its chest popped out with a sickening crunch.

“What the buck?!” Rainbow's eyes widened in shock. “That's gross!”

Applejack stood in furious silence, teeth clenched and eyes narrow. She recognized that laugh. She'd heard it the day Braeburn was taken. “It's laughing at us...” Applejack thought. “The bastard's laughing at us! He thinks he's already won!”

Applejack felt a sizzling rage rising within her. Red haze clouded the edges of her vision. “I'LL SHOW YOU!” she yelled, focusing all her rage towards the beast that had killed her cousin. The air around her began to distort, bright red energy flowing over her bodily runes. Her mane, cut loose by the unexpectedly sharp stone ax, danced in the growing heat. Wispy flames burst into existence around her as she charged.

Applejack moved blindingly fast, closing the distance to her foe in less than a second. She lunged, hooves outstretched to strike. The fey swung its ax and deflected her blow. She countered by spinning wildly and delivering an arcing kick to its knee. The fey growled, raising the ax overhead – but Applejack was too quick. She slammed her head into the fey’s stomach, matching its feral growl with one of her own. The fey staggered back, its skin sizzling from Applejack’s fiery aura. Applejack lunged again, but her hooves were held at bay by the fey’s upheld ax. She snarled, snapping at the fey with her jaws like a madmare.

The pale green glow of Twilight's healing spell faded. She had stemmed the worst of her bleeding and was hurriedly digging through her saddlebags. “Ah-ha!” She produced a number of small vials filled with a black liquid. She turned her head, carefully watching Applejack and the fey. She muttered soundlessly, counting to herself. “Rainbow, grab it! Now!”

Rainbow Dash looked apprehensively at Applejack and the fey, glancing at Twilight. “Are you –”

“Just do it!”

Rainbow Dash flared her wings and kicked off the ground, determination replacing the doubt in her eyes. She charged toward the fey and wrapped herself around its massive form, trying her best to control its arms and head. Just as she did, the beast faded from sight once again.

Twilight sent the vials soaring towards her grappling friend. They shattered on impact, outlining the invisible form of the Dark Fey with ink. Twilight smirked, clearly satisfied with the results.

The flames around Applejack grew thicker as she fought. Red energy suffused through the whites of her eyes. In the distraction caused by Rainbow's entrance, she stomped the ground, planting her hooves. She glared murderously at the monster before her. The flames around her flowed to her front, coalescing into a molten orb above her head.

Rainbow Dash, still grappling with the ink-covered fey, saw Applejack's spell coming. Her eyes went wide, and she dropped her foe, quickly diving out of the way. Applejack's fireball let loose, striking the fey directly. A soft boom and a gust of wind punctuated the explosion. Flames consumed the area, obscuring everything in its radius. Applejack stood panting, the whites of her eyes returning to normal.

Twilight watched with awe. She started to stand, but winced. Her attention returned to the wound on her shoulder, the pale green of her healing spell returning to her horn. Slowly, her flesh began to knit itself back together.

Rainbow Dash stood, her wings singed from the flames. She turned towards her friend. “Applejack! What the hay?!”

“I... wha...?” Applejack shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

“Is that all you have to say? You nearly blew me up along with that thing!”

“You shouldn't have gotten in the way then!”

“You would've gotten yourself killed if I hadn't!”

“I was –”

Their argument was interrupted by a familiar roar. On the rock above them, a partially visible creature, outlined by black char, leapt down to attack. The two ponies jumped back, once again adopting battle stances. They heard the crunch of stone on stone as the Dark Fey reappeared before them, half-burnt and covered with charred dye, axe buried in the ground they had been standing on.

“That was a direct hit from a fully-charged fire spell! How are you still alive?!” Applejack shouted at the fey.

The creature roared again. It swung the ax back as it readied to charge, but a thick net struck it from above, ensnaring the creature. It thrashed wildly, trying to tear through with its claws.

“I was going to say... there's a chance that it's fire-resistant, since it lives in a desert,” Twilight said as she trotted towards the ponies, panting as she did so. The cut on her shoulder had been hastily healed, replaced with ugly red flesh. It was enough to allow her to walk, though she still favored that leg. She gave Applejack a reproachful look. “If you had stopped to listen, we might be finished by now.”

Applejack gave a begrudging grunt, turning her eyes back to the fey as it started ripping through the ropes holding it.

Twilight telekinetically opened her saddlebags, lifting up another tangle of ropes. She looked at the fey with determination. “Let's do it right this time,” she said. The other ponies nodded in unison.

Twilight unfurled her contraption. It was a length of rope, adorned with strips of hooks and bells. A stout metal spike was tied to each end. The ropes shot forward, anchoring into the rocks around the fey, forming barriers on either side.

Rainbow Dash surged forward, batting the fey with wings and hooves, forcing the creature back against the rock face. Between the pegasus, the cliff, and Twilight's barriers, there was nowhere left to run.

Applejack moved to get a clear shot at the fey. Her runes began to glow with a deep blue light. The air around her began to chill, sinking to the ground. She could see frost beginning to form around her hooves, quickly covered up by a thin layer of mist rolling off of her. She formed the shards into tiny spikes, sending them forward in a spray of frigid air and sharp crystal. The beast cried out as the tiny knives pierced its flesh. It turned, looking frantically for an escape. With no other option, it ran through the rope barriers, catching the hooks and tearing the anchors from the rock. It fled with an almost comical jingling sound. In the panic, the wicked stone ax was left in the dust.

Applejack started to chase the creature, but Twilight stopped her with a hoof on her shoulder. “Hold on, I want to see where it goes.”

“And risk losing it again? Uh-uh, Twi,” Applejack said.

Twilight shook her head. “Don't worry, we won't lose it this time. I noticed something during the fight.” She cast a spell. A pale purple-white light surrounded her horn, occasionally pulsing brighter. “I couldn't find it with my detection spell before. Between the invisibility and whatever ability allows it to conceal its own aura, it's no wonder why this particular fey was so hard to track down. But,” –she smiled knowingly– “that invisibility spell still leaves an obvious trail.”

Applejack grunted. “...Fine.”

“Oh, and, Applejack?”



Applejack turned her head back towards Twilight, blinking off her daze. She felt more shock than anger at her friend's behavior.

Twilight glared at Applejack. “What the hell was that back there?!”

Applejack unconsciously raised her hoof to her cheek where Twilight's strike had connected. “I…”

Twilight raised her hoof to her head in frustration. “Nevermind, I don't even want to know. You were reckless! You promised me you wouldn't go rushing into danger again, and you did! You left yourself open, and worse, you nearly hurt Rainbow Dash in the process!”

“I... I wasn't thinkin'.”

“No, you weren't.” Twilight stomped one hoof to emphasize her point. “You need to get better control over your emotions, Applejack. If you continue to act recklessly, I don’t know what might happen! It could be dangerous!”

Applejack hung her head. Memories of her parents scolding her as a filly floated through her head. The salty sting of tears began to form in her eyes. “I'm so sorry, both of ya. It won't happen again, I swear.”

“It had better not.” Twilight started walking, following the fey's trail. She looked back and gave Applejack a small smile. “Come on, let's finish this.”

“Are you sure this is where it went?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Positive,” Twilight said.

The ponies found themselves at the base of a steep sandstone cliff pockmarked with holes. A narrow, vertical fissure led into a dark cave beyond. Twilight's detection spell was pulsing faster as they approached, leaving no doubt as to the Dark Fey's hiding place.

“We don't know what's inside, so be ready for anything,” Twilight whispered, stepping into the crack. “We're all tired. Be careful.”

The crack opened into a large, sloped tunnel that lead directly into the cliffside. The ponies followed it, doing their best to remain alert. The tunnel curved as it ascended, eventually heading back towards the cliff face.

“This cave definitely isn't natural. Look at the marks on the walls,” Twilight whispered.

“So we're on the right track, then?” Applejack wore a determined look on her face.

Twilight nodded.

As they approached the cliff face from the inside, the ponies began to see sunlight filtering down the tunnel.

Rainbow Dash paused. “Do you hear that?”

The other ponies stopped and listened. Just on the edge of hearing, they picked up the scratchy sound of their quarry's voice. But there was something else, too.

“...Crying?” Twilight wondered aloud.

They looked at each other, surprised expressions on their faces.

“Let's go!” The three ponies took off towards the sound.

They arrived in a comfortably-sized cavern. Sunlight streamed through countless holes in the sandstone wall and ceiling, providing dim light throughout. In the center, they spotted their prey. It held a stallion, gaunt and dirty, covered in cuts and bruises. He barely had the strength to struggle against his captor. The fey was holding him aloft, scratching at him with wicked claws and trying to catch the stallion’s blood in its gaping maw.

Applejack acted on instinct. Blue energy once again suffused the runes on her body. The familiar chill of cold air tingled her ears, and the moisture around her condensed into a light fog. A small orb of freezing air and ice flew towards the fey, striking it center mass and sending it toppling backwards. Twilight caught the stallion in her magic as he fell, gently lowering him to the ground.

Applejack ran towards the fey. This time, it didn't run or fight. It shuffled into the corner of the cave, holding two large hands up between itself and its aggressor. It huddled there, shaking and emitting a woeful whining noise, as if begging for mercy. It was pitiful.

Deep blue light began to slowly swim through Applejack's runes. The arctic chill spread with it, covering her entire body. Applejack was calm, but focused. This monster was finished; it wasn't getting away again. She gathered her remaining energy, focusing it into a single, razor-sharp point. “This is for Braeburn, you bastard.” Her magic coalesced into a mass of ice that she aimed directly at the creature's heart...


She turned to see Twilight standing beside her. She looked pitifully toward the fey, then back at Applejack. Twilight pleaded with her eyes.

Applejack sighed, allowing the magic to wane and dissipate. “Okay, Twi.”

She focused her magic on a different rune, this one located centrally on her chest. It was a relatively simple rune made up of lines intersecting at right angles, similar to a cage. However, where a cage would have a top, the lines of this rune spread out like a pair of open arms. A pale lavender light began to flow from it, eventually reaching out from the rune in tiny strands towards the cowering fey. The strands wrapped around it, covering the creature from head to toe until nothing was left to see but the near-white light. The shape slowly shrank, disappearing into a tiny point of light that soon faded to nothingness.

When it was finished, Applejack sighed again, a bland look on her face. “Happy, Twi?”

Twilight smiled softly. “Yes,” she said, placing a hoof on Applejack's shoulder. “It's back in the First World, where it belongs. I'm proud of you, AJ.”

“As long as it can't hurt any more ponies, I guess...”

“Uh... guys?” Rainbow Dash called from an adjacent chamber. “You need to see this.”

Twilight turned to finish attending the stallion on the cave floor. He was barely conscious, but stable. “Go, see what she wants,” she said to Applejack.

“Whoa.” Turning the corner, Applejack was shocked. Before her were half a dozen ponies buried in sand up to their necks. All of them were dirty and malnourished, covered in cuts like the stallion outside. Semiconscious, they stared at their saviors with confused looks, heads lolling about in the sand.

“It looks like he was keeping them alive, probably to harvest their blood... sick,” Rainbow Dash spat out.

As she surveyed the crowd, Applejack spotted a familiar shape in the back. She looked closer, not believing her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the light, however, it became obvious what she was seeing.


Author's Note:

Whew! Finally, this one's finished. Sorry it took so long! Balancing a job and thesis work doesn't leave much time for writing. I'll try to get the next chapter out a bit quicker, but I make no promises! Speaking of, next chapter we'll be getting away from the exploration-and-fight-scene formula to hopefully do a little more world building.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, I had fun writing it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks to my pre-readers MindAssassin and AlicornPriest! The story is much better thanks to their input.

PS - If you read Chapter 1 when I first posted it, the whole Braeburn thing might not make sense. Reread the beginning of chapter 1 to see the introduction of the fey and Braeburn's disappearance.