• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 8,417 Views, 59 Comments

Dear Twilight - Xandalite

Princess Celestia sends a friendship report to her faithful student.

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A Letter of Friendship

Dear Twilight,

You must think it is odd that I would write to you, without it being to alert you to an event of some sort, but I have been thinking of you lately and I wanted to tell you some things. I have you send me your reports on friendship, of what you have learned during your time in Ponyville, but I would now like to send you a report of my own findings in the dealings of friendship. When I first met you, you were so nervous about passing your entrance exam to the School for Gifted Unicorns. The shockwave from Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom triggered something in you: potential. I saw that you had tremendous magical abilities, but no guidance, which is why I decided to take you under my wing. Oh Twilight, how you pranced about in pure joy. You reminded me of Luna when she was your age, so happy and care-free. I wanted to nurture you and see you grow. Remember when we brought Spike home after his first checkup? How he sat there, suckling on his own tail? It was so cute that I had to have photos taken. I still have my copy pinned to the mirror in my chambers.

How is he doing these days? He was always so helpful that I knew he would make a great assistant to you when he grew older. I know that he is the only member of his species that he knows, but while raising him, I did my best to make sure that he felt like he was part of our family. That's right Twilight, our family. I see you and Spike as members of my family. It is true that I raised Spike, but it was only with the intention of preparing him to assist you in your journey. That does not mean that I didn't love and care for him. I deeply regret not truly raising him as a son. How I would have loved to have heard him call me mommy. The pride I would have felt watching him accomplish foalhood milestones. How happy it would have made me to kiss his boo-boos better and make him smile. The joy I would have felt as he left the nest to assist you. His own dragon, not needing me to help him anymore. All of the life skills he learned during our time together being put to the test, and him succeeding. But alas, I raised him only as one of my loyal subjects, with my only intention for him being something of my choosing.

You have no idea how sad this decision has made me. As the ruler of Equestria, I am expected to lead this great country and assist our ponies in any and all ways possible: From peace talks with neighboring regions to simple matters here at home. Everyone loves and respects me as their princess, but they seem afraid of me, As if I would turn tyrannous at the slightest transgression. Oh how I wish it were different. How I wish that our ponies would love and respect me as a friend. I don't like being so distant from our ponies. How I would love to go on long walks with friends. To go out to dinner with loved ones. To have someone sit down with me and just talk with me. To just be a friend to someone. I do have Luna, but I doubt that she sees me as a friend, especially after what I did to her. As you know, Luna had been taken by an evil entity and was transformed into Nightmare Moon a little over 1000 years ago. That evil did not simply materialize out of nowhere. It was spawned from Luna's own resentment and hatred. Her hatred of me.

While we were growing up, our childhood was filled with grooming and preparations for our future of leading Equestria. As I was a child of the sun, my future was indeed a bright one. I was to be the shining beacon of hope for Equestria. To lead this great country into the light of glory. But Luna's future was only to be a companion to me. The same way the moon gains its beauty from rays reflected from the sun, Luna merely shadowed me as co-ruler of this land. While I ruled over the day, she took to the night. The sun's warmth brings light and happiness to those who dwell in the daylight. Crops and plants grow, and the daylight allows us to see our friends and loved ones. But the night, it shrouds the land in darkness. It brings fear and despair to those who dwell in the daylight, and brings comfort to those who lurk in the darkness. And you know as much as I know that the creatures that make their homes in the shadows of night are generally hostile to daytime inhabitants.

Manticores, timber wolves, hydras, and werebeasts. And those are just the creatures we know about. Ponies have been abducted and dragged off into the shadows, never to be seen again. Ponies have been killed. All under the cover of darkness. Back in the times before, ponies used to fear the night. Children were warned not to stay out too late, or the creatures of the night would steal them away. Ponies didn't venture into the woods at night for fear of being attacked by manticores and timber wolves. And stories were told of those who ventured deep into the Everfree forest in the dead of night, who were slain by unspeakable evils that lurk about in the shadows. Our ponies came to believe that the day was the only safety from these horrors, and that the night should be feared and hated. As such, Luna was feared and hated. Ponies were scared of her, all for naught. Luna was a sweet and gentle soul. She still is. She just had the misfortune of being the one to govern the night, in a period where darkness was synonymous with all things vile.

Ponies turned to me for the warmth and protection of the sun, while Luna was met with the scorn and enmity, and was blamed for the mishappenings that occurred during the night. Ponies revered my beauty: my looks, and the fact that I benevolently ruled over this land with the grace and power of the sun. As the moon derives its beautiful glow from the sun, its own beauty is often overlooked. Luna wasn't a vicious creature of the night, but was merely misunderstood. She was docile and very shy. She enjoyed reading, almost as much as you. Her imagination was filled with worlds of mysticism and grandeur. But ponies of the time couldn't see past the fact that she was the child of the night. She was so sad during those times. She couldn't see why she was hated by those she only wished to protect.

Then, she saw me. She saw how I was loved by the masses. How happy I was. How my day brought joy to many, while her night only begot fear. She grew jealous. She began to loathe the daylight. She had begun to shut herself in her room, and we spoke less and less. Then came that fateful night. There was an explosion outside above the spires of the castle. Luna's night guards came to me and spoke of hearing her raving and ranting before the blast. I flew outside, to be met with Nightmare Moon. She told me that she planned on overthrowing her sister and ruling alone over the everlasting night. Her sister. Me. At first I denied it. There was no way that this monster could be my little sister. But the more she spoke of events past, the more I saw that my sister had indeed fallen. I pleaded with Luna to return to me, but she told me that Luna was no more, only her jealousy and resentment remained, giving her the power that she never had. She came at me with everything that she had, while I was hesitant to harm my own sister, the closest thing I had to a friend. It was a hard fight, but I proved victorious by its end.

I had hoped that Luna would have returned to normal, but what she had become still remained. I couldn't keep her here, for she would still try and do harm to myself and our ponies. I would not send her to Tartarus, as I did not want my only sister to suffer through more torture than she had already gone through at the hooves of her subjects. I had only one choice: to banish her to the surface of the moon. While the battle with Nightmare Moon at Canterlot was over, that was but a brief skirmish. The war with my sister lasted the entire millennium while she was, imprisoned, on the moon. The war raged on every day that Nightmare Moon still existed. Every day that Luna wasn't smiling happily at my side, was another battle for my sister's soul that I had lost.

For a thousand years, I wore a mask of complacency. Ponies revered me for defeating Nightmare Moon, the demoness of the night. I rejoiced with my ponies for the victory over evil. No one could see their ruler breaking down, for whom then would protect them? I went about my now solo rule as I was happy, but I cried constantly under that mask. Those tears of anguish eventually rusted the inside of the mask in a sense, sealing it to my face. I couldn't feel happy, centuries after the deed was done. I knew that Nightmare Moon would one day escape, and it gave me a feeling of relief in a sense. Even though she would still be the evil tyrant that I sealed away, I would still get to see my sister after all those years. When you, along with the Elements of Harmony, defeated Nightmare Moon, You would not have been able to believe how happy I was. You shattered the mask that had plagued me for so long. When Luna came forward and asked me for forgiveness, I cried, not out of sadness, but of elation. I had my little sister back, but I still had much to atone for.

I never recognized my sister's feelings of despair, did nothing to quell her jealousy, and eventually sealed her away from her subjects for so long. I still carry this albatross around my neck, but I will make amends. I still fight Nightmare Moon to this day. But every day that Luna grows more outgoing and self-assured, every day that I can bring happiness to her, is another victory for me. Another victory for Luna. And you Twilight, made that possible. Taking you as a personal student was one of the best decisions I had ever made. As the element of magic, you helped free Luna from her Nightmare's grasp, and freed me from years of loneliness. You also introduced me to the magic of friendship. I have never felt as close as I do to you than with anyone other than my sister. You, I helped you hone you magic, helped you become the great magician you are today. And in return, you helped me regain Luna, and helped me to understand friendship.

I notice your behavior around me sometimes, Twilight. You don't need to be nervous of me. You are not just my student, but my friend, and I am proud to call you both. But more than that, you are my family. As you know, the life a monarch sometimes requires abstinence of important things like courtship and love. Of course I have my suitors, but they only want to marry the Princess of Equestria. They only care about titles and royalty. They don't care about Celestia. And as such, I have never had any foals to call my own. Except you. When your parents left you in my care, I treated you as though you were my own daughter. I kept in touch with your parents often and explained to them how I felt. And in return, they gave me a wonderful gift: you. A sweet little bundle to raise myself. They entrusted you to me, and I know that I did not disappoint them.

I gave you those bubble baths that you loved so much. You laughed heartily at my bubble beards. I warned you that when you stayed up too late, you risked a visit from the tickle monster. And when you didn't heed my warning, I introduced you to her. Oh, how you giggled and ran from her until she couldn't keep up with that rambunctious little filly anymore and retreated. How I would read you your favorite bedtime stories, and how you would drift off into a land of dreams. I would sit there for a while, just watching you as you peacefully slept thinking about how lucky I was to have a filly of my own. And then came the time to begin your studies. You were so nervous about living up to my expectations. You studied harder than any other student in the entire school. Always walking around the playground with your nose in a book. You never wanted to make time for friends, since you had all the time in the world for your studies and books. That is why I chose to send you and Spike to Ponyville, so you could learn about how great friendship can truly be. And was I not right? You have made such wonderful friends during your journey.

But although you took so long to start making friends, you've always had one friend from the beginning besides Spike. Me. I always wanted you to see me as a friend, but I always saw you as my friend. We were partners in crime back when you still lived at the castle. Remember our sweet runs every now and then? We used to sneak around the night guards to the kitchen and raid the sweets pantry. We would always bring back a donut for Spike, and he would absolutely devour it. I never knew that a baby dragon could eat so fast! And we would always play pranks on the guards. I loved when we'd use invisibility spells to shield buckets of water. The guards never knew when to look up! And then there were those model magazines. You would love to think up ideas for fabulous dresses that you wanted would wear when you were older, and you would always blush at the hot stallion centerfold. Oh, the haunches on some of those guys! And as you grew older, you would retreat into your books more and more, but I would still take time out for you, no matter what.

And now, I would like you to return the favor, because I always have time for you. You see Twilight, my sister and I are divine beings, and as such, have a much longer lifespan than normal ponies. By the time I reach the end of my time here, you, and everypony I know now will have been long gone. As such, I want to spend as much time with you and Spike as possible. So I want you to practice your teleportation spells more, so you and Spike can come to Canterlot more often. We could have fun like times past. I could even call up the tickle monster so you both could have a reunion! I just want to spend as much time with you as I can before you graduate and decide to see the world. You are the closest thing to a daughter I have, and I love you. Everypony else sees me as their ruler, but I am eternally thankful that you see me as a friend.

Your faithful mentor and friend,

Comments ( 59 )

Other than the wall of text, I really enjoyed this. Perhaps someone who is more familiar with submitting and formatting stories can help you.

It was really sweet. I love the relationship between Twilight and Celestia. Even if I usually prefer it to be less familial. :rainbowwild:


I'm not sure I can describe how I feel after reading this,
But Pinkie does it best with this: :pinkiesad2:
Great letter!

I need a manly tears emoticon

I pumped this out all in one sitting today. It can't be that good.

Enjoyed it a lot, very touching and sweet.

"I didn't want her to go through anymore torture so I banished her to the moon"
Seems legit
Seriously though, loved it. Poor celestia, all alone
You should also write one from luna

Really? Only one sitting? I did that and I got a tton of dislikes, but this is awesome!

Fortunately, you are wrong. True, it might be luck that in one sitting something like this could be made but you are wrong with your judgement. This is an excellent letter and openly admit a tear or two was shed, manly or otherwise. It went right to the core of Celestia, or at least as I see her. A pained immortal who hides behind her title. This is a beautiful piece of literature and more than happy to give it the recognition it deserves(That being a thumbs up, fav, and a comment complimenting it).

Heart-warming. Great job. :pinkiesmile:

532593 if this is just after one day i would love to see what you could put into a full story. Man wheres that teary eyed big mac emoticon when we need it


That was sweet. Very sweet. You make a very good return friendship report.

I feel bad for Celestia all alone...nice story by the way.

Hmm. Not bad. However, the entire thing suffered from a serious case of show vs telling. Unfortunately for you, this is an incredibly common flaw of your chosen medium, so probably not entirely your fault, per se. Letters (or diary entries) are a tricky, tricky beast to write with. Why? Because it's far too easy to just state facts or emotions, and without build up or context, the story suffers. This is especially true when the entire story is just a single letter. A lot of the potential impact this story could have had was lost because there was no build up. The entire thing felt like the pay off to some kind of trial - the resolution where Celestia reveals the lesson she has learned - but there was nothing behind it. It was just that, a conclusion without a body.

You're writing itself seemed fine enough. There were a few sentences that did not feel in character for Celestia at all, but apart from that things were ok. Grammar was fine and nothing stood out too badly. Well... apart from the paragraph structure. But looking up it seems you already know you had some trouble with that one.

Either way, not too bad. The major complaint I have with this story was its medium, but it's unbelievably hard to pull of letters, so don't feel too bad with that one! Keep writing! :twilightsmile:

I'm a shitty writer, so it won't be perfect, but i'm just glad that it turned out well enough to avoid death threats.

532448 May I recommend OpenOffice. Its free and pretty dang good too.


No but seriously this story was.. well, let pinky do the talking.


Zanmatsuken basically put it in a nutshell for my opinion...

this part mostly " It went right to the core of Celestia, or at least as I see her. A pained immortal who hides behind her title."

Excellent letter, but paragraphs would have been nice.

Very good! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Silver out!

Hm. Not bad, kid. But not perfect, either.
Other than what Crystal already said, you made a couple grammar mistakes ("You I helped you hone you magic, helped you become the great magician you are today," what's wrong with that sentence?).
And this is more of a personal preference, but I've never heard anyone call Celestia by "Celly." I believe a popular thing amongst the bronies is the nickname " 'Tia."

But stop beating yourself up, seriously. For one sitting, this is amazing. :yay:

I love when MS Word's spell check tells me that nothing is wrong with a sentence that has a missing comma, but will tell me that correctly spelled words are wrong, and will suggest that I change them to the exact same words.

And I've read some stories where Celestia is referred to as Celly, and I just like it better than Tia. It sounds more nickname-ish.

Sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel SEQUEL!! :rainbowkiss:

Oh, And you made it onto EqD :3

that was just beautiful :twilightsmile:

Nice job of presenting what Celestia thinks behind the 'mask' of immortal ruler we see in the show. Quite touching. Perhaps one day we can get a response from Twilight?

I--oh wow. This is amazing. :eeyup:


Her only suitors care mainly about titles? I cannot believe that.

Congrats on winning the EqD lottery.

> You see Twilight, my sister and I are divine beings...

Erm. I think this would have worked just as well without the "divine" bit.

bravo, bravo i say. this is quite the brilliant piece of work you've got here. i can't say im not impressed, because i am. genuinely good read, im glad you wrote this.

I love stories that make me happy after I read them. This is one of those stories. :pinkiesmile:

This was so utterly sweet! Don't put yourself down. You created something wonderful.
I certainly hope you decide to writ Twilight's reply! :twilightsmile:

it occurs to me that the events of "Eternal" could have been completely avoided if celestia had written this letter

I'm still not sure why.

Shit, well, maybe.

Maybe. I just wanted to emphasize the "lonely immortal" aspect.

Very Heartwarming story...
Also, please have a response! Though maybe not just from Twi but also Spike?

never thought of it that way. good job sir. :trollestia:

Nice. Even in the show, Celestia spends most of her time under the veil of Princess, Goddess, what have you. I enjoyed seeing her deeper feelings brought to the surface. Have a mustache.


Great piece, nice idea on POV and the sort of shared internal monologue that Celestia shares with Twilight in a letter. Hope to see more good stuff from you :twilightsmile:

532785 i agree 100% with that

532658 Tartarus is far worse than the moon. It's almost as bad as Mexico! >:D

585080 The lonely immortal idea was what I had in mind for the re-write of the lyrics to "Arthur's Theme" (originals by Christopher Cross), which I have posted on DA for now until I figure out how to properly post here: "Luna's Theme" http://charlesdeleroy.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4u9eo2

I also want to re-write his other mega-hit "Sailing", with a pegasus theme and title it "Soaring". The melody works very well for flying as well as sailing! :3

It feels so...real, for lack of a better word. So true. It really feels like a letter Celestia could have wrote to Twilight.
Well, with maybe one or two weird things (Twilight interested in dresses ? xD).

But overall it was a nice reading and a good time. Thank you, sweet Sir.

You say you're not sure how this made onto EqD? Surely you have submitted it yourself. :rainbowlaugh:
And good thing you did it, too. Let me quote :unsuresweetie:: "Aww, that was such a sweet story."

They told me that I needed to fix it before I re-submit, and I hadn't gotten around to doing it. Maybe someone there thought that it was fine just the way it was.

Huh, so you just out-waited them? I didn't think that would work. :pinkiegasp:
Though, on the other hand, I've read the story today and didn't stumble upon any drastic mistakes. It may be because I'm not a native English speaker and they simply slipped by, though. Or the EqD pre-readers are just perfectionists. :pinkiehappy:

I didn't out wait them. I just have ADD, and i'm a total slackass. I would've did it eventually. The key word being "eventually". :twilightblush:

That was so sweet! I'm nearly crying tears of joy right now! :twilightsmile:

You know what I'd love to see? A followup to this, in which Twilight grants Celestia's request. Could you please make that happen?

Not sure what it is about this that rubs me wrong. I think something about it makes C come across as, well...

Remember those friends you had as a child, and you grew out of the friendship, but they didn't? C kinda reads like that.Plus, some of the wording seemed like the kind of thing a person would write after a few drinks; just a touch too sentimental and whimsical and full of longing to really come across as believable or heartfelt.

Maybe I've just been reading a lot of C/TS stories lately, and the really stellar ones over shadow the others, but I can't really say that I enjoyed this one. Not enough to downvote; it wasn't bad, per se, just not to my tastes. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading; maybe we'll click better on some other story.

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