• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 1,014 Views, 12 Comments

Draggin' Lessons - A Mysterious Pony

Crystal Clarity has finally done it. She got her wish. But, was it really worth it?

  • ...

What Have I Done?

Illusion smiled as his girlfriend leaned into his caressing hoof, "Mmm, I love you, Crystal Clarity ..."

Crystal Clarity sighed. She treasured every moment she spent with her Draconquues-Alicorn hybrid of a boyfriend, "*Dreamy sigh* I love you, too, Illusion. With all of my heart!"

He fidgeted as he turned away from Clarity.

Claire's face dropped and she couldn't help, but try to think of different and insane reasons of why her best boyfriend and friends since forever was turning her away.

She got her answer when he turned again, a purple velvet case perfectly balanced on his hoof and paw; sitting down in an almost-begging-like position. "Crystal Clarity?" he sniffled out, "Will you do me the pleasure of being mine forever by marrying me?" A big, toothy grin on his white-coated face; fangs and all. When he got no response he added, "Please?"

Claire looked on in shock as the opened case presented a beautifully crafted tiara; two holes where her horns would go through. The gorgeous array of gems from sapphires and rubies to diamonds and pearls; all held together by a melded gold and silver frame that curled in just the perfect places, but not too much to look overdone. "I-I ...don't ..."

"Listen--I know this is all so much to take in, but if you just give me a chance, I know we'll--" Illusion was abruptly cut off as Claire threw herself at him; locking their lips in a passionate kiss of love.

"Of course we'll work it out, Lulu. And yes. Yes, I will marry you! I've always wanted to get married and have little foals. Oh, mom is going to be so-o excited. I love you, Illusion. And marrying you would be the best thing that could ever happen to me!"

Illusion slid the tiara on her horns and smiled his sauve smile again. "I love you, too."


Claire shot up in cold sweat, her mane matted down to her forehead and her breathing ragged. She looked around to see her old room; the one she grew up in as a baby and so on. What with Hearth's Warming Eve tomorrow, she decided to stay with her mom and dad instead of going from her house to theirs for the holidays.

Seeing no ring, no Illusion, and no engagement she flopped back down onto the bed and blew out a puff of air which puffed out her cheeks. Her bed was huge and she couldn't even share out it's openness with her Illusion. Thanks, a lot, Dad ... Claire took a look from under her claws out her window and groaned as the moon taunted her with it's gleaming light. "Two hours of sleep down, eight more to go," flipping on her stomach, she closed her eyes; bottom lip puckered out. "Hopefully, no more nightmares," she tossed and turned that night; showing what her dreams were probably about.


"CRYSTAL!!!! I made breakfast!" Rarity sung as pots and pans clattered into the sink.

Claire smiled softly. The smell of pancakes, egg whites, omelets, cereal, orange juice, toast, gem and cheese sandwiches, quesadillas, yogurt and bananas, butter and crackers, iced tea, sweet tea, regular tea, regular waffles, Pongian waffles, conolies, hay fries, daffodil sandwiches, and hot cocoa filled the air.

"COMING, MOM!!!!" She grabbed her brush with her magic and styled her disaster of a mane down to its regular form. She picked up her tulip-smelling perfume and sprayed some on her neck, dabbing it on her chest, as well.

Before exiting her humble quarter, she peaked once more at her dresser mirror. Her ears flattened. Her claws, her fangs, her scales and spines, the slits in her eyes, and her double-horns! Everything not-pony. And I hate it!


And, so, that is exactly what she did.


"So, then, I said, 'I think you look great!'" Anthea, Turquoise's fiancee and best friend, told.

Spike's hot chocolate spewed from his mouth in a single, straight stream. He spit with laughter and banged on the table with joy. "Hahahahahaha! 'You look'! Get it?! Because she--?! And--! Get it?! You don't get it?!" The only sign of a response was the hot-chocolate-covered Rarity's furious glare. "Welp! I think that, you, Annie, are the best mare I have ever met in Ponyville! I mean, they're all nice, but, Turquoise, I see why you asked her to marry ya'!" Spike jabbed his son in the side and gave him a side-wink.

"Actually, Mr. Spike. Every time Turquoise tried to ask me it just came out a jumbled mess. So, I ...helped him a bit," Annie giggled. She covered her mouth with her hoof as she chewed on her daffodil sandwich.

Spike stopped chewing his gem and cheese sandwich as he slowly turned toward his son. "Is that true?" he asked hesitantly.

A small nod from the green dragon-pony hybrid. "Eyup?"

Spike got up from his seat and walked to Anthea. He grabbed her hoof to make sure she knew he was in front of her. The dragon then hugged her and chuckled. "Oh, thank you, Anthea. You've made him grow up so much! You're like the pony daughter I never had!"

"Ooh! We're doing the hugging thing. Okay!" Annie threw her hooves around Spike's thick-scaled neck and squealed. "It's fine, Mr. Spike!"

"Please, please. To you, I'm Dad," he went back to his seat and continued reaching for another four pounds of breakfast. He broke into another smile as he saw his daughter standing in the doorway. "Hey, Clarity! Come get some breakfast! I saved you a whole pitcher of orange juice, but I could only snatch three quesadillas away from Turquoise! With some butter, of course! I know how my daughter loves her food!" He held up her plate piled high with food.

Claire put on a fake smile as she tried to forget seeing her father call her brother's fiancee the pony daughter he had always wanted. "Thanks, Dad! I could always count on you to keep me happy," she pulled out a seat and took her plate.

Although, not really in the mood to eat, she, regardless, licked her lips and dug in.


Claire burped rather loudly; she sucked, one by one, on each of her claws. This was the only time she was a total slob, but no one really scolded her about it. Except her mom.

Illusion had arrived earlier. Her overprotective father, of course, made the whole floor wet with nervous sweat. After her boyfriend, was Candy and her family, and Del and his family, Prism, and Starburst and the Royal Family; including Princess Celestia and Luna!

"Hey, kitty-cat. Haven't seen you in a while," Illusion held Claire from behind, tracing a tiny claw around the radius of her left horn.

Claire shuddered with delight and felt her anger melt. She turned and caught her boyfriend in a cute, teasing, litte kiss. "Mm, I missed you, too."

"Hey, we don't open any gifts until, like, three hours from now. Wanna' go for a walk around the 'Ville for a bit? Just ...talk--or something?" He grazed her ears down to her cheeks.

Claire thought about it for a minute. Well, what else would I do besides getting stuffed with food by my dad who wants a pony daughter and not a dragon-pony? Eh, what have I got to lose? Besides my sanity? "Sure, Prince. Let us stroll through the town! We go!"


Claire and Prince Illusion strode down the snow-plowed road of Ponyville; walking with each other, almost instinctively, so.

Claire began to worry as she saw the looks they were getting; or rather, she was getting. Everywhere they turned: ponies would give a confused, shocked, or disgusted look. She began to lower her head and flatten her ears.

Unbeknownst to Illusion, Claire hid her shame by trying to pull back her claws, push her spines down, or whatever else she could do to hide her insecurities. "Um, could we maybe hurry up this walk?" She grabbed Illusion's wing, wrapping herself in it.

"Oh, okay. You wanna' be alone and talk, huh? 'Kay. I know a great spot!"


"This gazebo was where my mom and dad had their very first thirtieth argument. And then, they went home and wanted me. So, here I am! All for you, too," The Prince laid himself down on the paint-chipening bench and stared at his fair lady. "What is it you wish to speak about?!" he looked at his claws jokingly-uninterested.

Claire laid down on him; her face on his shoulder and body lined up with his. "I don't know ..." she picked her head up to stare at his face. "I-I ...I'm just scared."

Illusion immediately knew this was not going to be an easy conversation. He put on his best serious-face and wrapped his girlfriend in a big hug. "Scared? What for? You're a big, strong dragon-pony! I'll always be here. Starburst would beat up anypony who gives any of her friends even a dirty look. And all of our friends and the Princesses love you! Can't say the same about me, but, Claire, what could you possibly be afraid of? Besides marriage?"

She was stumped, I know what he's saying is true, but ... "I know all that. And it's just what you said. But, you guys are my best friends, and probably my only ones at that, too. Ponies do not want to be friends with a freak like me--"

"You are not a frea--" Illusion cut in.

"Yes! Yes, I am! I've heard mares, stallions, even colts and fillies who talk about me behind my back! But, you never hear because I don't want you to! I do not want you to have the burden of knowing your girlfriend is getting bullied by some--some toddlers! And, besides, everypony loves you, and hates me! At first, the only reason I had fake friends was because they knew they could get close to you!" Claire had screamed into his face; her claws distending. "See," she held up her hand to his face, "even when I get angry or sad I turn more dragon than pony. I-I'm scared of what other ponies would think of me! Think of what I am! There! I said it! Okay?!" she got up and sat down in the middle of the cold, wooden floor of the aging gazebo.

Illusion followed and just held her in his embrace; not saying anything, just trying to comfort her.

After about ten minutes, Claire suggested, "We should go back to the party. There going to open presents in about twenty minutes." Illusion, not wanting to argue any further, agreed.


"Okay, Spike! It's your turn, now! Open your gift," Rarity levitated a rather large misshapen gift to the dragon, in which he took hold of.

"Ooh, I wonder what it is!" he shook up and down, but couldn't make out what it was. He tore the wrapping paper off and gasped as his dream came true. "A massage chair?!" he squealed with delight, then coughed a bit. "Uh, I mean, thanks, Twilight! Now, open my gift!"

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, smiled lightly and opened the slightly worn green and purple box. "Wow! A turbo-carbon-titanium-up-to-1000-times-magnification-magical-portable-compound microscope! This is the best present you have ever given me Spike! No offense to your paper weight, of course!"

"Eh, it was nothing," Spike's eyes widened as he saw his wife burning a hole through him. "Nothing me and Rarity couldn't handle! But, the real gift from me ...is deeper inside the box.

Twilight placed the microscope down on the box's side and took out the pink tissue paper. She gasped with joy, "*Gasp*! Spike! A photo album of when we were all younger!" she flipped through the pages and began tearing up from the old memories. When Spike was first born to her first and even last friendship lesson. She laughed at how furious she looked when battling Tirek. "That was a fun fight, uh, battle."

"Whoah! Mom, I didn't know you fought Tirek! He's, like, the baddest, evilest, bad guy ever! Did you win?!" Starburst shouted at her mom, now a bit more intimidated, though.

"Well, how do think I got my castle?" That's all she said to her daughter before Starburst passed out. Her brother, Night Light, sighed as he dragged her to the nearest couch.

"Thank you, Spike. None of this, our family would be here without you," Twilight hugged him. "Number one assistant; always."

Illusion and Claire had just walked in when Claire's name was called.

"CRYSTAL?! Come over here and open my present for you!" Rarity held a nearly wrapped blue present with white stars and a perfectly tied, light pink bow. "I think you'll like it."

Claire looked at Illusion who stared back with a look of encouragement; she sucked it up and broke into her fake smile again. "Oh, I wonder what it could be!" She sat next to her mom and hugged her. She took the box with her magic and carefully and slowly opened the box. "*Gasp*! Wow, mom! Leg socks! Designer, too!" I love socks! They make me feel like a cat, plus, they're so comfy! she hugged her mother again and pulled the fabrics up her fore and hind legs. Crystal Clarity noticed the three holes where her claws would extend out and frowned. "Claw holes ..." she tested them out, "Comfy ..."

Rarity mirrored her daughter's expression. "Do you not like it? I sowed them myself. Even remembered to put the openings, so they wouldn't tear like the last ones," Rarity put her arms around her daughter's form. "Crystal ...?"

The offspring was quiet. Her face covered by the fact that she was facing downwards.

Splat! Splat!

"A-are you alright, dear?" Rarity asked, coming closer.

"*Sniffle, sniffle *" was Claire's response.

"Darling? Are you crying? What's wrong?" Rarity pried.

Finally, the dragon-pony looked up at her mother; tears had welled up in her eyes. "No! I'm fine, mom! I'm perfectly okay! I'm fine with the idea that everypony thinks I'm a freak show, including my own parents!" she jumped off the couch and fled upstairs to her room. Quiet sobs were heard all the way.


Claire kicked the door to her bedroom shut as softly as she could, but still ended up slamming it into the frame. Grawwwrrr!! She turned around and blew a fireball at the offending door, burning the middle to a crisp. "I hate this! I hate myself! I hate my life! I wish-- ...*Sigh*" The dragon-pony slumped over to her bedroom window and rested he head on the windowsill. She blew out a puff of smoke.


She looked up to see a very bright star twinkling in the distance. I wonder... "Starlight, star bright,"

Knock, knock! "Uh, Clarity? It's
Spike, it's Dad. Your mom wanted me to talk to you; she's, uh, a little torn up," he knocked again. "Crystal Clarity? I know you're in there, I can see the singed door frame from out here."

Claire did not deter from her poem, "the first start I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might,"

"Wait, you're not saying that poem, are you?" Spike put his ear to the door to listen to his daughter.

"have the wish I wish tonight:"

Spike ran into the door headfirst as hard as he could. "NO! CLAIRE! STOP! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!"

Claire's eyes were the size of saucers as she finished, "I wish I was born completely pony!"

BANG! Spike had finally managed to bust open the door; he had fallen on the floor. He gasped with shock as he witnessed his daughter being encased in a blue aura. "CRYSTAL CLARITY?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Spike was grasped by the same aura, but lifted into the air.

He looked at his hands and claws to see them becoming translucent. He saw right through them and his daughter was what he saw. "CRYSTAL! CRYSTAL! No matter what happens, I will always love you!"

Claire's face was one of confusion, horror, and fear; her father was disappearing in front of her very eyes! "DAD?! WHA--,"



Claire shot up in cold sweat, her mane matted down to her forehead and her breathing ragged. "Whew!" she rubbed of some of the wetness with her hoof. "Wait ..." she did a double-take. Claire ran to her bedroom mirror and screamed with all her might. "WHAT?!" She looked herself over; from horns, er, horn to tail. Her mane was, instead of a spiky mess of style, was smooth, and flowing freely and long. There was a long strip of blue highlight in it that also caught her eye. She had only one horn; well sized, too. Her eyes were the same, except there were no dragon slits. No fangs, no Dragon Breath, no spines, no claws, her tail was like her mane, long and silky; not a huge appendage, but actual hair. And her flank! "I have a Cutie Mark?!" Indeed, she did. It was of two knitting diamond needles making a violet and tulip beanie hat.

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

Claire's door slammed open and a very familiar stallion was in the door. "Crystal?! What's wrong?! I heard you scream!"

Claire screamed, "FANCY PANTS?!"