• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 3,292 Views, 158 Comments

Shadows Unseen - The Fields of Ice

When Spike begins hearing voices he knows aren't real, he quickly learns that not all things that go bump in the night are what he expected.

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Chapter One: Nightfall

Spike sat atop his bed, letting today’s fading light illuminate the pages of his book. When he was younger, he never really had much interest in the “Daring Do” series; comics were always what held his attention. However, one day he decided to finally give in to Twilight’s persistent nagging, and since then, he was hooked.

Every book in the series had a way of making him feel nostalgic. They reminded him of the many adventures that he and his friends would go on. While they were very different from those depicted in the stories, they were nonetheless dramatic.

As Celestia’s sun finally gave way to Luna’s moon, Spike reached up to a nearby lamp and flicked it on. When he did this, he noticed Twilight standing in the doorway of their bedroom. Despite the fact they were now living in a castle, somethings just never change.

“What is it, Twilight?” he asked as he laid his book down.

As Twilight began to step forward, the lamp’s dim light revealed the magnificent sapphire dress she was adorning, as well as the precision that went into styling her mane. Spike would be lying if he said he didn’t think she was beautiful, but he already knew the reason for her appearance.

She smiled to him. “So, what do you think?”

Twilight did a small twirl to make sure he saw every angle of her.

Spike returned the smile. “You look amazing, Twilight. Just like you do every time we go through this.”

And just as every time Spike said this, Twilight blushed slightly. “Are you sure? I read that wearing red makes you more attractive. Oh, maybe I should change.”

Spike let out a faint laugh, almost forgetting how adorable his friend looked when she over reacted to the smallest of detail.

“Twilight, trust me on this. Sapphire is your color. Besides, the red dress you have is more Rarity’s style.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

The dragon stood and walked over to Twilight. Being sure to make eye contact, he rested his hands atop her shoulders.

“It’s okay. Just take a deep breath, and relax. Any colt who doesn’t think you’re beautiful doesn’t deserve somepony like you anyways.”

Twilight giggled and leaned forward, just enough to peck Spike on the cheek.

“Thank you, Spike... Gosh, Rarity is missing out.”

Spike smirked as he walked back to his bed. “You say that a lot.”

She stepped forward. “Well, it’s true!”

“Well, yesterday is history,” Spike trailed off as he glanced up at the clock. “And your date will be too if you don’t get a move on.”

Twilight made a confused expression before she too looked to the clock. “Oh no!”

Quickly, she rushed down the stairs, yelling to spike as she made her way out.

“Thank you! I’ll be home around ten! See you later!”

As Spike laid back and picked up his book, he yelled “Just don’t trip and mess up your dress!”

Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind her.

As soon as Spike heard the door click shut, his smile disappeared. He was getting rather tired of this constant part he played; pretending he was fine, pretending that he was okay with her going on a date every few days, pretending that Rarity rejecting him didn’t crush him.

He didn’t blame Twilight for her happiness, but every time he saw that look in her eyes, he couldn’t help but feel pain. It wasn’t her fault, and Spike knew it, still it wasn’t easy seeing her have what he had wanted for so long; love.

Spike looked out his window to see two figures walking together in the darkness. As they approached a street lamp, he caught sight of that unmistakable slick back blue mane, and that pale orange coat. Of course next to him, he could see Twilight’s blue dress shining in the moonlight.

He looked away as he rested his book on the floor. He felt that story time was now officially over.

As Twilight and Flash Sentry walked off into the dark, Spike thought back to not too long ago. He thought of how he and Twilight would sit together and openly discus how they felt about each of their crushes. It was nice to finally be able to share their emotions with someone. Not to mention, this newfound openness brought the two even closer together, but those days are over now.

Finally, the day came when the two decided they would act on their desires. Spike would ask out Rarity, Twilight would ask out Flash. Obviously there were mixed results.

While Spike couldn’t help but feel annoyed when he saw her and Flash Sentry together, he also felt happy for her. Sure his own pain over shadowed it, but deep down, it was definitely there. Though there was one thing he didn’t expect; he missed Twilight. He didn’t know it before, but now that she was with Flash, all the time they would normally spend together was slashed.

Suddenly, Spike felt his stomach begin to growl with hunger. He hadn’t realized it, but this last “Daring Do” book had made him forget to eat something for dinner.

"And that’s how you know it was a good chapter," he thought as he slid off the bed.

Spike began to make his way down the staircase, and quickly noticed that Twilight hadn’t left a single light on, for the room below was nearly pitch black. Despite the fact that he was now a teenager, Spike still couldn’t help but find the darkness a little creepy.

As he reached the bottom, he went over to a nearby lamp and flicked it on. The last thing he’d want is for Twilight to come in stumbling around at midnight.

With a sigh, Spike turned and walked into the kitchen. It too was just as dark, but the moment he opened the refrigerator, that changed. The dragon peered through it’s various shelves, hoping to find something worth eating. Most all he could find was leafy greens, but as he moved them aside, he found something he assumed Twilight had tried to hide. Smirking, he pulled out a bag of hay fries.

As he attempted to open the bag, he found this task unusually difficult. He started to pull harder and harder until the bag burst open, scattering hay fries all across the kitchen floor.

“Shoot!” he yelled.

Embarrassed and annoyed, Spike bend down and started picking up the hay fries. It’s then that he heard it. A faint, soft, giggle.

Instantly, Spike looked up, expecting to see Twilight. To his surprise, the kitchen’s only occupant was himself.

Slowly, he stood, now less concerned with the mess, and more with the possible intruder. As he stepped into the throne room, he looked around carefully eyeing every shadow. There too was nothing.

"Ugh! I bet Flash talked her into playing a prank on me."

“Twilight!” he yelled. “I’m not in the mood!”

There was no reply. Not even the slightest sound of movement. It’s now that Spike was starting to feel genuinely uneasy.

“Twilight, this isn’t funny!”


Quickly, he spun around, certain that he heard his name called from behind. He eyed every possible hiding spot, but saw no one. Cautiously, he made his way over to the phone. He remembered Twilight saying she left the restaurant’s number in case of an emergency.

As Spike picked up the phone and began dialing, he continued looking all around, worried someone might sneak up on him. After a few rings, a young sounding colt answered.

“Thank you for calling Rosemary Gardens, would you like to make a reservation?”

“Um no, I’m calling to check up on my friend. I’m Spike, Twilight Sparkle’s assistant. Is she at the restaurant?”

“Oh yes, she and her date were just seated. Would you like me to take a message to her?”

Spike could feel goose bumps crawling up his arms. “No, th-that’s not necessary. Thank you.”

Before the colt could say another word, Spike laid the phone back down, and looked over his shoulder. He was now fully on high alert.

“Whose there?” he asked. “If you don’t show yourself, I’ll have the royal guard up her in seconds!”

Silence was his only answer.

“Show yourself, now!”

Spike looked around, but saw no one. Still he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t alone.

Despite that, he knew if Twilight came home to find hay fries all over the place, she wouldn’t be in the best of moods. So Spike headed into the kitchen, though this time, he flicked on the ceiling light.

He bent down and continued picking up the hay fries. As he did this, he started to wonder if he had even heard anything in the first place. Perhaps it was just his mind playing tricks on him. After all, being alone in a dark castle would creep anyone out, wouldn’t it?

As Spike threw the last of the hay fries in the garbage bin, he started to feel a little silly. Had any of his friends in the Royal Guard seen him yelling like a maniac, they surely would have made fun of him for weeks.

He walked back into the throne room, about to ascend the stairs to his and Twilight’s bedroom, only to realize that he had left the bag of remaining hay fries on the counter.

Sighing, he turned and was about to enter the kitchen, when he saw something that made his blood run cold. He just caught a passing glance, but there was no denying it; someone had just walked past the doorway.

Spike almost fell back he was so startled.

‘They were right there watching me, this whole time,’ he thought.

Fearing that the Royal Guard would not get there in time, Spike silently walked over to a shelf, and picked up a bronze statue of Celestia. Clutching it like a bat, Spike brought it back ready to strike the intruder. As he approached the doorway, he could feel a cold sweat run down his back. Taking in a deep breath, Spike prepared to lunge forward.

The young dragon burst into the kitchen. He first looked to the location he saw the figure walk towards, but saw nothing. Frantically, he looked around the kitchen for where the intruder might be hiding. He then realized something; the only place left for one to hide was the pantry.

Spike could feel his palms grow sweaty around the statue. Not willing to think about what might lie behind the door for any longer, he reached forward, and in one swift movement, he threw the door open. Nothing.

Spike lowered the statue, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him now too. That’s not to say he wasn’t still sufficiently creeped out.

Grabbing his bag of hay fries before heading to his bedroom, the young dragon decided that him and Celestia would be spending the rest of the night together.


As the morning’s light broke through the window, Spike’s eyes began to flutter open. As consciousness returned to him, he felt his hands laying against something cold. He looked down to see that he was clutching the statue of Celestia like a teddy bear.

Spike felt a little embarrassed, thinking of what might happen if Twilight or Celestia herself found him like this. Thinking of Twilight made Spike look up to her bed, only to find that the sheets hadn’t been touched.

“You have got to be kidding me,” he muttered.

Spike slid out of bed, ready to await Twilight’s arrival, and her eventual scolding, but before he went down stairs, he slid the Celestia statue under his bed. Just encase.

He only had to take two steps down the stairs before a familiar smell hit his nose. It was Twilight’s famous “I’m sorry” pancakes.

Spike prepared his glare as he turned the corner to the kitchen, already knowing what to expect. Twilight was sitting at the table with a half eaten plate of chocolate pancakes, and across from her was a fresh plate of sapphire gem pancakes.

"How fitting"

“Good morning” he said sarcastically.

Twilight looked up to him with a smile, but it quickly faded when she saw the look on his face.

As Spike took a seat across from Twilight, he just stared at her without saying a single word.

Twilight awkwardly picked at her food with her fork. She didn’t even have to look up to know; she could feel his eyes burrowing into her skull.

“Spike, I-”

“When did you get home?” he asked, interrupting her.

Twilight laid her fork down, still unwilling to make eye contact. “An hour ago…”

He nodded. “Okay, now just answer me this; did you two do anything.”

She looked up at Spike, wanting to be sure he could tell she wasn’t lying. “Nothing happened.”

Spike picked up his fork and began to cut his pancakes. “Okay then.”

“That’s it?”

He swallowed his pancake before speaking. “That’s it.”

Twilight was about to start defending herself further, but stopped when she noticed how bloodshot Spike’s eyes were.

“Spike, did you wait up for me?”

Spike mentally chuckled. “I guess you could say that.”

Twilight’s face took on a regretful expression. “Spike…”

He laid his fork down. “Look, from now on, could you just be home when you said you’d be?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

Spike eyed her. “Promise?”

“I promise.”