• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2014

Prince Luna

Dedicated writer who loves to work and think of new ideas. I hope you like my fanfics - my readers are very precious to me!


Quick Warning: This story contains spoilers and characters from the Kid Icarus: Uprising video game for the Nintendo 3DS. Read at your own risk.
Pit - an angel who guards the earth - , otherwise known as Kid Icarus, comes across a crisis when the once fallen Lord of the Underworld Hades opens a portal to another world to bring the mythical draconequus named Discord to their world and free him from his stone prison. In return the Goddess of Light, Palutena, brings the Goddess of the Sun from another world, Celestia, to their world so that she and her subjects can help overcome Hades and Discord's huge army and save the world again.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 37 )

A Kid Icarus Crossover?

...FAV. Seriously, the NES game makes me feel old to this day, and knowing somepony's FINALLY brought up this childhood favorite of mine, deserves a 1-up.

563549 Have you played Uprising? A lot of the content will come from that so beware :twilightsmile:

Well, no, not really. Wish I did though. I mean, Kid F**KING Icarus, man. SO. MANY. YEARS. only two games ever existed in that series, and NOW...FINALLY!

563567 It's absolutely brilliant - best game I've played in years! You should try it as soon as you can!

It's about time someone made this! :yay::yay::yay:

563581 I Plan On it! ...as soon as I beat my high score on Ghosts And Ghouls. Seriously, game is INTENSE.

hmm...that gives me an idea on a story....

Wow, just before I logged on I thought about doing an MLP version of Kid Icarus: Uprising but it looks like I've been beaten to it. Only difference is Discord would be Hades, Rainbow Dash as Pit, and Celestia as Palutena.... :ajbemused:

But awesome story dude! Be sure to continue it! And maybe Chaos Kin can be the son of Discord or vice-versa?

563706 I'll be exploring something like that eventually :derpytongue2:

:duck:You have my attention. Now don't make me ask for a refund!:pinkiehappy:
Seriously, I was waiting for someone to do something like this. I always imagine Palutena and Celestia being great friends!

F*cking yes, f*cking yes, F*CKING YESSS! :pinkiecrazy:
Nuff said. :rainbowwild:

986252 What a coincidence you should find this now, I'm playing Kid Icarus Uprising which has encouraged me to write the third chapter at last :twilightsmile:

I would play it but-
A) I don't own a 3DS, and probably never will.
B) The controls are as useful as a wet bar of soap in the shower covered in lard, and you have no source of friction on whatever is attempting to hold it.

Chaos Ring? What's that?

1020883 I'm actually perfectly capable of holding the system and playing it...I find the controls fine myself. Guess I just mastered it quickly.

To prove my point, I'll quote my favorite youtuber, other than smosh, mysteryguitarman, [5 minutes later] and thebaglady74, one Mr. Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, and his review of Kid Icarus: Uprising. (Link)
"...What might throw up a red flag or two is that Kid Icarus comes with a peripheral. Not additional buttons or some kind of wing harness so you can control the game by flapping your elbows, but a collapsible stand on which to rest the entire handheld; Which might be strange, but rest assured, it's provided for the entirely rational reason that the controls are absolute s*** on cheesy biscuits. Move with analog stick, aim with stylus, and shoot with left shoulder button. Here's a practical experiment: try to hold a cat, while simultaneously drawing on it's back with a glitter pen, and poking it in the eye with the other hand. There's no way to hold it up except by it's throat; You're trying to torment the smug little ba*****, not strangle it. That's exactly the problem for which Nintendo apparently could come up with no better work-around, like, say, making the character shoot when the stylus is pressed to the touch screen, rather than with a separate button, that mandates the use of a stand. A stand that cripplingly undermines the very concept of a handheld. I like to play DS stretched out on the couch while someone fills my mouth with chocolate, not hunched over it at my desk like I'm making a f***ing ship in a bottle... ,and any game that's physically painful to play isn't quite ready for primetime, is it? The complete mess of mission distractions bring any sense of flow to a crashing halt, to the point that it gets harder and harder to bring oneself to play more that one or two missions it a sitting, even disregarding the encroaching back pain, that I'm sure you infuriatingly young people won't need to worry about until you all turn 30 and have spines like the last banana on the shelf. The same thing happened with "Valkyria Chronicles." If a game keeps asking me if I'd like to continue the story, I'll find myself dwelling on it more and more. Hmm, well, since you asked, game, I guess I could be getting on with some writing and it's certainly true that I'm having less fun with you than I had at my last drill bit tasting."


Honestly I think that a better comparison would be to make Discord the Chaos Kin and Spike Hades. Sort of because it'd be hilariously unexpected for Spike to join forces with Hades. Also, I think Scootaloo is a lot mor like Pit than RD.



If you're going to make any more chapters, I have some ideas to incorporate if you want.

Arlon and Luna are best friends. AAAAAW YEEEEEEEEAH :yay:
Cragalanche meets Tom the Rock (just a silly little idea) :pinkiecrazy:
The Aurum or Pyrrhon come in. The Aurum are definitely best pony. (AURUM PONIES! OHMYGOSH!) :rainbowkiss:

YayW love kid icausm will read!



I loved this! You must continue with this!

1282959 I shall eventually, I have other fanfics that I need to wash out of my brain right now :rainbowlaugh: I still have big plans for this

1284517 Good. I love what you did with this,especially with how you made the characters sound like themselves.

1284693 The narrative is one of the most important aspects of the game, I payed the most attention to it here XD

1700917 Soon, in a bit of writers block and bogged up with college work, I have ideas and they will be written soon :twilightsmile:


Thanks for the quick response, *fistpump* yeah! good to hear! :derpytongue2:

Hey, there's a Fimfic group dedicated to Kid Icarus now. I added your story to it, so come check us out.

What elegance, what grace, what fantastic storytelling! Worth more than a favorite and an addition to my Kid Icarus group, if I do say so myself!

I hope you realise that it's been over 50 weeks since you replied to my comment, writers block still go ya? :derpytongue2:



More more more, I need KIU/MLP crossover action.

Also please add dark pit somehow


What he said. What are you talking about?

1084976 What is the Chaos Kin? (no, I've never played the game)

Just saying its Burning palm not burning arm

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