• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 8,384 Views, 248 Comments

If I Were a Pony... - Pen Mightier

Chrysalis died following the invasion. But Tartarus wouldn't be my afterlife, and death not my reaper. No, Ponyville is my purgatory, & my socially-inept roommate, Moon-Butt, my reaper.Now I must learn to be a pony, including the singing and dancing.

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Prologue - ...This Day Really Could Have Been Perfect

Author's Note:

As mentioned, the inspiration, cover art and pictures in the story are all courtesy of the PMV of the same name by the talented Loveless Nova, used with his/her permission and blessings.

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

MLP is the property of Hasbro and the Awesomeriffic Faust.

- ...This Day Really Could Have Been Perfect -

There is a pony saying; At least Death only comes once, unlike the tax pony.

He sure is taking his sweet time, making a lady wait.

Well, it left me with free time. A lot of it. More free time than I ever remember having. While panicking had been a good distraction for a while, the novelty kind of wore off rather quickly. We changelings believe that death is but sleep. But I personally feel it makes waking up in the morning a little difficult. It makes you all stiff for a start. But I'm here, I have all the time left in the world, I might as well get some practice in. And enjoy a little luxury while I'm at it.

I dreamt.

I knew it was a dream. It was too good to be true. I mean, my cupcakes even had dainty little umbrellas on them. It was probably everything I could ever have wished for, if I could remember how to wish.

There probably was a time when my people remembered how to wish. Long before hope turned to desperation, and our wishes to hunger and greed.

Long before I lost sight of what I had and became drunk on what she had.


Alright, 'drunk' is admittedly a bit of an understatement. Judging by the hangover I've inflicted upon not only myself but my entire queendom, I was quite thoroughly bucked. That prissy pink princess pony doesn't know what she's got.

Or perhaps she does. I had wondered what allowed her to survive four months in an abandoned mine without going insane. It was most definitely not the company.

But I digress.

It was a good dream. I dreamt I was a pony. No, not one of the pale imitations my people masquerade as. A real pony, one of her little ponies, living in her ideal world of friendship and harmony. It's odd how easily death could make one honest with oneself. Or perhaps even selfish pride had become too much a luxury to indulge in. There was no strength left for hubris, let alone audacity. I was so weak, so drained, in both mind and body, a breezie could probably snuff me out now.

I kind of wish there was a breezie around to do just that.

How long had I lain here in this dusty crater, amongst my slain Queendom? The sun had seared me straight in the eyes when I crash-landed. Now the blistering orb had crawled away into the dusk, leaving me in the cold twilight. Thirst and hunger had long since become but a dull roar in the background of the cacophony of pain my injuries played in my head. My body broken, my magic drained, I was but a soul captive in a dying body. My only respite from the long, torturous wait for sweet release was that dream. Desperate to escape the pain, I prayed to fall asleep once more, to return to that dream's sweet embrace.

Such a sweet dream. It would be morning. I would rub my sleepy eyes and reluctantly roll out of my soft, comfy bed. I would take a bath, have tea with my roommate and go out to play with my friends. I'd be free to roam, never having to look over my shoulder in fear. I would be trusted, and I in turn might be able to trust.

Maybe even love...

It had taken me by surprise at first, in the brief lucid moments I had. 'Friends', 'Play', 'Free', 'Trust' and, ugh, 'Love'; How could such alien concepts, things that happen to other creatures in entirely other worlds, mean anything to me, Chrysallis, Queen of Shadows? And seem not only so familiar but also so wondrous at that? They were her things, her little ponies' things. They were things as remote to me as pain and suffering was to her.

Still, what is this strange sense of fulfilment ebbing away within me? Why do I long for it so?

I allowed myself a moment of wistful weakness. I allowed myself a wish, 'If I were a pony'.

My shame quickly reared its ugly head and corrected that. My pride is an old habit that was probably harder to kill than myself. I am the Queen of changelings, and I would die a changeling with my slain Queendom if I must.

Ugh, why does pride have to be so painful?

I distracted myself by slowly opening my weary eyes. The world was darker now, cooler too. There was just enough light to make out the dark, lumpy shadows that littered the barren desert around me. Lifeless bodies were strewn carelessly across an impromptu graveyard. Foolish children, following me to their ruin. There would be no graves for my people, no tombstone to mark the passing of our race. The cold, dry dust from whence we came shall claim us, once and for all.

I am Chrysallis, Queen of Queens, look upon my works ye mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains round the decay....

Well, aside from the irritating cackling from above. I turned my gaze heavenward at those who would laugh at Changelingkind's final hour.

I'd recognize those winged rats of the badlands anywhere, even in the half-light. Vultures. I'd hate them if I had any strength left for it. All I could manage was quiet resignation. No, there'd be nothing left for even the dust to claim.

A few had the gall to descend upon my children's remains, showing no respect for the fact that I was alive still.


Not while I still draw breath, not while I'm still their QUEEN!

"Get off." I growled. My parched voice was but a mewl. But I would not let it stop me. "Get off!" I rasped as loudly as my ragged lungs could manage. "GET OFF!" I roared at the heavens. Those with even half-a-sense immediately took flight in a flurry of panicked feathers. Indignant squawks filled the sky.

I did not get to bask in my little victory for long. A particularly big buzzard blotted out the sky above me. Its massive wings flapped mightily, stirring the dust around me. It was descending straight for me. This must be the king of all carrion fowl. Not satisfied with the dead, it must have live meat. Well, come then. I shall show you just how alive this meat is!

"Thou art loud for a corpse." The dark silhouette commented, idly, as it hovered the last few hooves before setting down nearby.

That voice. Oh, my day is now indeed perfect. Must she come to laugh at me as well?

She probably did. Probably makes her feel better when she's crying herself to sleep.

I gave a sordid chuckle, giving myself a sharp stitch in my ribs. It was worth it. "My, the reaper does come all in black." I breathed, croakily, allowing myself a grim smile as the dark figure loomed up above me. "Didn't know black came in your size."

"If only thou were so lucky." The dark apparition said in an almost bored tone. Her cold eyes glowed like fiery diamonds, the only light in her dark silhouette.

"Yes, you could have come in all the colours of the rainbow." I quipped. "Now that you're here, could you please scratch my wings? They're quite itchy."

"We would if We could find them." She said, with morbid indifference. "We hath done enough reaping today. Thou shalt not find thy reaper in Us."

"Too easy a death, is it?" I sighed, raggedly. "Where is she?" I demanded, a seething anger suddenly coming to a boil. To send her sister here to finish the job, was she too good for me?

"Somewhere pleasant, We're sure." She replied, offhoofedly.

"Too good to end this herself, is she?" I taunted, feebly, "Too pure to get her dainty little princess hooves dirty?"

"Pray, grow some wisdom. Do not challenge fate anymore than thou hast." She said, evenly. "Thou shalt find that supplies of mercy are already stretched this day."

"Do what you want, so I can return to my dream." I growled. Realization dawned in what lucid part of me was left. "Hahah, subtle, Moon-butt. Very subtle. The dream was your doing, wasn't it?" Of course, all dreams were the purview of the Princess of the Night. Stalking pervert. That would explain how all the prancy prissy pony things got into my dream. To give me respite in a dream, then taunt my weakness so. "My defeat is complete." I closed my eyes in surrender. "Take me. Do what you will."

"We intend no such thing." My reaper said, dispassionately. "What happens to thee now shall be entirely thine own choice."

"Dying in peace might not be one of them, I take it?" I wheezed.

"It could be. We can take Our leave here and now and leave thee to the fowl, even if We do question their taste." She said, frostily. "Or thou couldst shut thine muzzle long enough for Us to dictate thee thy other choice."

"Oh, here it goes." I rolled my eyes. "Nightmare Moon called, I think she wants her balls back."

"SHUT THINE TRAP, KNAVE!" The Royal Canterlot voice shook the earth, dispersing the circling buzzards in a shower of feathers. The very badlands fell deafeningly silent, as if heeding her will. "PRAY, BEFORE OUR HOOVES DO IT FOR THEE!"

Very well, most persuasive. Muzzle is shut.

"Better. Now, hark. Thou shalt face Our simple gauntlet." She said, snappily, in a tone that left no room for negotiation. "We shalt bestow upon thee an ample supply of magic. Within the time it grants thee, thou must succeed in acquiring love." Here I was thinking it was a choice.

"Do you even know who you're talking to?" I demanded, raspily, feeling a little insulted. "Not a three thousand year old virgin, mind you. Or is it seven thousand?" When you get on like an alicorn, counting the candles on the birthday cake can prove a challenge.

"True love, freely given, might We add." The moon princess went on, ignoring my quip. "If thou succeeds, thou shalt trot free."

"Oh, please, give me a real challenge. Give me an hour and I shall flood Canterlot's streets in stallion drool." I scoffed, before breaking into a fit of weak coughs. Ouch, my lungs did not appreciate the insult.

"The conditions." She went on. Oh, this mare is so in love with her own voice. There's true love right there. "Firstly, thou shalt do no pony, dragon, mule, cow, rabbit, Pinkie Pie or any other sentient being harm. Secondly, thou shalt carry out this challenge without thine magic. Thy magic shall be sealed. Thirdly, thy form shall be permanently locked in that of a pony. And fourth, thou shalt not leave Ponyville, at least not without an escort assigned by Ourselves. Failure to comply with any of these shall be met with swift and final judgement."

What kind of sadistic game is this? "That..." I groaned my opinion, "...is the biggest load of horseapples I've ever..."

"Consider it." She asked, her tone suddenly softening along with her manner of speech. Her face, up till now shrouded in shadows, turned to face me, allowing the last vestiges of twilight to light it up. Her expression was almost...gentle? "Please. If not for thyself, then for thy kind."

What little her tone and expression had disarmed was lost in a sudden eruption of foul bile. How dare she?! How dare she bring my children into this?! "Our race...was dying..." I growled. "Now we are dead. You ponies have killed us all! There is no fixing that!" I barked.

"A hoofful yet lives." She said with infuriating calm. "We hath ensured this. One way or another, We shall impress upon them the need for co-existence. We would rather achieve this through their Queen if possible."

Some still live? Could this be possible?

Was my magic so weak that I could not feel them? Were they too so feeble that I could not sense them? Can I allow it? Can I allow myself this fragile hope?

"You would hold what is left of my kin ransom for your little game? I wonder, is Nightmare Moon really gone?" I growled.

"WE ASK YOU DO NOT CHALLENGE FATE THUSLY!" She bellowed, the glint in her eyes flaring with sudden rage. "We do not ask for much." She said, her tone still edged. "They may have freedom, either through their own efforts or thine. That much We promise. Aggressors unto any sovereign would be foolish to refuse such mercy." The princess said. "Tell Us, Queen. Would thou hath spared Us this mercy if We had been the vanquished invaders?"

I bit my lip sullenly but grudgingly conceded her point. No, I would not have been as generous. Our people had no such luxury. That these ponies can speak of anything beyond a summary execution speaks volumes of their excess.

"To prove Our goodwill, We shall release one of thy kin into thy custody. See to it that she abides by the same conditions and she is free to remain by thy side." The princess said as she lit up her horn with a gentle blue glow. A blinding spark of bluish white light lit up the twilight.

"Ouchies!" Something fell out of the fiery blue light and into the dust. I didn't need the glow of the spell upon its frail little form to recognize her. I knew every one of them by their familiar little tug on the Queen's heart. She flailed about with her little hooves in the air as she struggled to right herself. "Why is it so dark?!" She cried in panic into her light gray mane that covered her eyes.

"Willow Wisp..." I whispered, softly, almost in disbelief. She was a drone, just barely. Not many children survive to their second molting these days.

"Y-your majestiness!" The child gave a squeak, her deep blue eyes widening with surprise as she finally untangled her mane from her face. "Y-you're alive!" Foregoing all decorum, she leapt at me, crushing what few intact ribs I had in a tight embrace.

For some odd reason, I felt better for it.

"You're alive! I'm not alone!" The child broke into feeble sobs of earnest relief. Children, always so sticky and wet, loud and whiny.

But for some reason, I did not mind it so much.

"What desperation or madness would bring thee to involve mere children in thy invasion?" The lunar sovereign sighed, shaking her head in obvious disgust.

What desperation indeed. 'Every changeling for the Queen' we had said. But no, not even my foolhardy self could justify it. We simply had no choice. Either they came with us or stayed behind and starved.

You see, the thing about 'evil' is, evil has a choice.

"This little one has proven courage and loyalty far beyond the call of duty of any mere soldier, far beyond her very years." The princess went on, "We caught her disguised as you. She led Our troops on a merry chase through half the countryside before they finally caught her."

As me? Foolish child!

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, your majestiness! I failed! Bad!" The child squeaked, suddenly releasing me and falling back on her rump in fear. "I try and try so hard, but..." Her lips quivered, her sapphire blue eyes quickly watering up. "I just could never do good for you, your majestiness." She gave a forlorn wail into her little forehooves.

A treacherous part of my mind couldn't help but question; What? What have I done to deserve their loyalty? What have I done to deserve Willow's?

My eyes strayed to the unmoving forms littering the ground around us. They would never move again. And for what?

I choked back weary tears. What little pride I had left gave an indignant scoff, 'Is it for a Queen to apologize, let alone seek atonement?', it demanded of me.

'It is, for a sane soul', I argued back, heatedly. And I have at least that if nothing else.

Casting decorum, pride, and all the trappings of the Queen, I decided I would do right by what remains of my people. I painfully put all the strength I had left into my one good front hoof. Slowly, gently, I brought it up towards the child. She flinched, closing her eyes in fear.

I hesitated.

'When else?' I asked myself. Later? Tomorrow? Next week? Those things happen to other people. I have nothing else but this moment, I reminded myself.

I pulled her by her withers against me. She stiffened in my hold, unsure of what to do. That made both of us.

But we shall have time to get used to such foolishness. I shall make it so. I may not deserve it, but Willow does. My kin and their memory does.

This pony princess knows how to manipulate her prey so annoyingly well.

"Co-existence." I muttered, grudgingly. "Would you not take my word for it?" No, I wouldn't take my word for it. Not after everything we had done.

"No. We cannot." Credit where it's due, this princess is firm. Bluntly so. "But We shalt at least give thee the opportunity to prove thyself."

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. "Why all this?"

The regent took a deep breath before allowing herself a weary sigh. "Because thine art a dying race. Because enough blood hath been spilt this day. Because We would rather not have Our niece's anniversary be remembered as a day of genocide. Because it is what she would have done. Because We want to. The choice is thine."

Because if Nightmare Moon can be forgiven, why can't I?

But I kept that to myself.

"Very well, you want me to be a nice pony, one good enough to earn affection." I summarized.

"Simply put, yes." She nodded.

"Can I avoid the singing and dancing?" I asked, hopefully.

"Afraid not." My hope was summarily denied.

"Curses." I muttered. I took a slow breath as I gave my choice one last thought.

If I were a pony...

Nope, nuh uh, down that road madness lies. Just satisfy this crazy mare's whims, free my people, and salvage what we can. Nothing more. There shall be none of this pony nonsense, not even the cupcakes with dainty little umbrellas in them.

I gave a little sigh. "Where do I begin?"