• Published 17th Sep 2016
  • 1,415 Views, 15 Comments

Millennia: Eye of the Storm - Thunderblast

Recovery can be tough, especially for those trained for long periods to endure stressful environments. In the months following the liberation of Manehattan, a Marine deeply affected continues his fight in a gradually-losing mental battle.

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17. Silent Premonition

"Good evening, mares and gentlecolts. On behalf of all of us, here at Generation Technologies Incorporated, and my dearest assistant who, sadly, could not attend for personal reasons, we thank you for joining us on this wonderful night!"

The room had fallen silent for the younger-looking maroon unicorn stood atop a platform beside the DJ booth, holding a microphone in his hoof and a wine glass in a steady magical hold. Ponies gathered around, eyes fixated on him.

"Ah, well, I have not seen this many ponies in one spot since my high school graduation. This is better, take my word for it."

A few small chuckles went around the audience.

"Anyways, I see all of you are having a good time. Or, most of you. I hope. I can't read anypony's mind."

Some more brief laughs.

"Heheh. So, for the sake of the party, I will keep this as short as can be, so all of you can go back to what ever it was that you may have been doing before I so rudely interrupted, which is what I'm sure some of you are saying right this minute."

Pausing, clearing his throat, he began. "In my colt days, I dreamed of bettering the world. Developing technological advances and helping to ensure the dreams of others come true. By the time I was in my late teens, I obtained my start. That... one, little kick, which set off a figurative landslide, where I then received my cutie mark."

"Today, I could not be more thankful for the position I currently stand, and without you, I could not have fulfilled my destiny. Without you, I could not be here, standing in this multi-billion-bit skyscraper, droning on about serving millions across Equestria, which takes me to my next statement."

The stallion paused a second time, sipping from a small glass of water and clearing his throat again.

"As the founder and CEO of Generation Technologies—or GenTech, for short—I am proud to announce that, our operations shall soon extend beyond that of military weaponry and home electronics. In the not-so-distant year of 2016, GenTech will expand into the medical field to team up with the brightest minds around the globe, working to defeat the deadliest, incurable sicknesses known to ponykind."

Stomping and clapping erupted in the room. A few ponies here and there whistled for joy. Shadow, whom I stood beside along with Silver Edge, remained strangely silent.

"With advancements in genetics, medicinal, and disease research, I estimate no more than ten years in the future, the world shall be rid of any and all forms of the feather flu, polio, cancer, even asthma! All of these terrible illnesses, history, left in the past!"

"Who knows, we may even go further than that! Immortality, a trait inherited by our dear alicorn leaders. What if immortality... became a public option? I imagine most, if not all of you, would take that offer. Who wouldn't?! In the ever-growing field of genetic modification and magic in the medical field, it is already possible!"

"Mares and gentlecolts, beginning later this year, the first ever Super-soldier Research Program hosted by none other than GenTech is set to commence. Assuming all goes to plan, if immortality is truly achieved, there shall be nothing to prevent ponies such as you and I from extending our lives by, I dunno, a couple thousand years?"

Some gasps followed, along with more clapping and cheering. Silver and I exchanged uncanny looks with one another, while Shadow kept his grimace focused on the unicorn, taking a slow swig of whiskey in his glass.

"At GenTech, anything is possible. Further expanding upon the dream to help others and better the future, we shall work with all of you to secure it for generations to come!"

Leaning toward me, Silver muttered, "What could go wrong?"

Sharing the skeptical look on his face, I responded with a slow, concurring nod.

"Now... enough of that," the stallion waved his hoof. "The rest shall be discussed in the press meeting. But, for now, kick back, relax, drinks are complimentary if you've yet to stop by the juice bar. And again, thank you everypony for coming. For those of you proudly serving in our wonderful nation's military, I salute you."

Nodding once, smiling to the crowd, the stallion stepped down from the carpeted platform, handing the microphone to the white unicorn disk jockey at her rig who, with a scratch of a record, began a new track that brought cheers out of those on the dance floor.

"Super soldiers..." snorted Shadow, finishing off his golden beverage. "He's insane."

"We're a pacifist nation as it is, what need is there for them?" commented Silver.

The greenish-blue earth pony, from top to bottom in dress whites, fixed on to the beige unicorn. "We may have pacifist ideals, that does not make us a fully-peaceful country, Marine. We would not be here, dressed up, at this party if it weren't for the defense council."

"Who are they?" I questioned.

"Let's just say, they give all orders to ponies like myself. I take orders from them, you take orders from me. It forms a nice, flowing system that trickles all the way to the bottom. Without them, we would not exist. Princess Luna would not have been granted power to reform her army and turn it into what it is today. Truth be told, the defense council, in a way, holds more power than the princesses combined."

"To be quite frank, I would be far from shocked if the council gave the green light to Armet. For as open as I am to the new stuff, this is one rare time where I must shake my head and pray that nothing goes awry," explained Shadow.

Tilting my head, I asked, "Who's Armet?"

Gesturing his glass-holding hoof as well as his head toward the maroon unicorn, he stared off toward him as he conversed with other ponies. "Armet Mace. Made a fortune off of his military-grade weaponry and telecommunications. Helped us win the short conflict in Tjorbahn back in '04, the hostage situation in Valkyria in '09, even end the war in the Eastern Kingdoms after rolling out a new type of machine gun."

"Since then, he's begun mass-producing anything technological that comes to mind, finding new ways to power things with magic in replacement of electricity in an effort to combat the environmental effects of extreme industrialization. A few times he's contacted the Head of the Lunar Navy, offering to refurbish our ships with the latest in radar and sonar, and every little detail in between. Even presented plans for a supercarrier, but for a high cost."

"He seems like a stallion of generosity, considering how much he donates to charities across Equestria, how he treats current and former armed service members, but any right-minded pony would know he is in it for the publicity more than anything," Shadow grumbled at the end.

Silver and I again exchanged looks, as likely we both began questioning his credibility. A smaller part of me flashed the word jealousy in my head, which may have been the case, but unlikely. Though, not often did I tend to doubt the captain. Then again, I suppose outside of the military was a whole other world.

"I'm... going to go get a drink," I then turned away, weaving between ponies on my way to the bar.

Ashfall and Anchorage had not moved from their stools on the far left of the taproom, with laughs coming from them and two other uniformed stallions standing in their little circle, each with a drink in their hoof.

The style of uniform which the other ponies wore told me that they were Army. The black along with the blue gold-striped pants, and the matching black berets gave it away, along with their rank insignias. They have certainly changed since my father was in.

I squeezed up between a couple of mares politely, watching the bartender tap one hoof to the beat of the music while using the other to shake a canister and pour out a blue slushy-like drink into a margarita glass, sprinkling a pinch of sugar on top, and placing a lime slice along the edge. The mare who ordered it giggled excitedly as it slid her way further down.

Wiping down the counter with a single swipe of a clean cloth, the bartender glanced up to me. "Hey, there. What'll it be?"

"You got cider?" I asked with a questionable grin.

"Non-alcoholic or alcoholic?" he turned around, opening a mini-fridge opposite of the counter.

"Alcoholic, please," I responded, reaching back to grab for my wallet, before realizing. Right, complimentary. That, and I didn't exactly grab my wallet before leaving.

Must I say, quickest bartender I have ever seen? Not even a minute it took for him to scramble the mixture, pour it into a basic glass mug, and scrape off the foam head that had begun to flow over the tops, before finally sliding it right into my hoof.

Man, if I were allowed to, and if I had money on me to begin with, I'd tip him for such a stupendous job, and for the show he performs while doing it.

Heading back to Silver and Shadow, I stopped a short distance as I emerged from a cluster of ponies. The two of them stood in a tight group, talking with who? Armet Mace. Oh boy. Shadow did not appear too exultant, either.

Silver had already peeked in my direction, leaving me without a choice but to join them. Perhaps it was the fact that somepony with such wealth and power was right here in front of me that had my heart pumping, and anxiety flowing through my veins. The voice in my head repeated the words don't notice me, don't notice me, don't bring me into the conversation as I meandered up beside Silver.

"So, Captain, still not keen on it, or would you like a second glance at the project plans? If there is anything you find concerning about it, I can order changes to your liking," the unicorn persuaded, adjusting his tie with a faint glow of his horn.

"I am most concerned about the price, Armet. We went over this. I am not in charge of funding, but, I may speak on behalf of the fleet admiral and the Head of the Navy when I say two and a half billion bits for a ship we have no need for is outrageous," Shadow firmly asserted.

The maroon stallion's maw parted, only to pause himself before the words came out. He was silent in a muse for a few moments. "What if I speak to the Head myself, and he says yes?"

"Then it is up to her highness to decide," Shadow commented, blinking neutrally. "I am sorry. While I am all for the best and the newest for my crew, my ship is fine the way it is. We do not need a bigger, badder variant. Just who are we attempting to strike fear into, Armet?"

"The enemy, Shadow. The enemy. To prove who Equestrians are, and that an attack on our homeland shall not force us into our homes while they run rampant in our cities, bombing office towers and preschools, all because of mistreatment based on a few locals," he said, lowering the volume of his voice to keep it between them two, despite Silver and I standing directly beside them both.

Furrowing an eyebrow while promptly swallowing the half-swig of his newly-replenished alcoholic beverage, Shadow rejoined with, "What enemy? I don't believe we are on the same page with how we classify Equestria's foes."

"You know just what I am talking about, Shadow. I admire your ability to keep cool with your deception, but it does not go unnoticed," Armet's eyes darted to the left, him taking note of our presence. "Let us meet at a later time, we will discuss this then."

"Whatever you say, Armet," he curtly said, hoping to put a swift end to the conversation.

Placing a hoof on the captain's shoulder, the unicorn leaned in, holding his volume low. "Listen, I want a civilized conversation between the both of us. That cannot be achieved if you are unwilling to hear what I have to say before I even say it."

"Because I am uninterested, as plain and simple as that. By all means, share it with the Head of the Navy, share it with the defense council, hell, mail it to Canterlot for the princesses to decide. This is not my decision to make. However, that does not mean you have my support. Is that clear?"

Recoiling back just slightly, faintly frowning, the unicorn responded with a gentle nod. "I understand." It wasn't a moment later when his attention returned to me and Silver, where he regained a warm, genuine smile. "How are you two enjoying the party?"

Caught off guard mid-sip, I spit the contents in my mouth back into the glass, placing a hoof under my chin, coughing, and wiping my muzzle free of leftover cider before clearing my throat, returning a smile to wave off the awkward moment. "It's wonderful, sir. Best party since graduation."

The instant the words left my maw, a mental hoof smacked me in the back of the head. That was easily one of the stupider things I've said thus far, considering this was the first party I have attended since graduation. Silver took notice, tossing me a look. Thankfully, Shadow nor Armet caught on. Rather than with words, Silver answered with an innocent nod of his head and a matching smile that Shadow certainly did not overlook.

"Well, so it seems it was not a bust after all," Armet flashed a sly grin at the captain, who grumbled incoherently as he raised his drink to his mouth to sip. "Still, so much work to be done. It will not be long before this place is put to the true test. Have to have the strongest and the tallest around, am I right?"

Silence between myself, Silver, and Shadow followed the maroon stallion's comment, with me blinking in bewilderment. Chuckling with what sounded to be embarrassment, and grinning further to cover it up, Armet proceeded to stand tall and offer a hoof out to the captain.

"Shadow, it was lovely to meet you once more. I promise, next time shall include less hostility, yes?"

Briefly examining his outreached hoof, Shadow took it and shook with his own firmly, his expression level and kept cool, nodding once. "I suppose that can be arranged."

Shifting his attention to me next, Armet extended his hoof toward me, which I too shook, as did Silver a moment after. "It was nice to meet you two as well, and thank you for your contributions to Equestria."

After lowering his hoof and trotting off the other way, I noticed Silver mouth the words, "You're welcome?" before our eyes locked with one another, trading muddled glances for the third time that night.

"Now, this may be out of the blue, but... has anypony seen the second lieutenant?" Shadow mentioned, his gaze fixing between the two of us.

I blinked twice. "Sure we did, he was downstairs when we arrived."

Scanning around him, some concern grew on Shadow's expression. "I thought he would have found me by now. I should go find him, at least."

Shrugging, I nodded in subtle agreement as he left as well, leaving Silver and I to our selves.



The key card swiped through the slot, with the lock it was wired to clicking not a moment later, followed by the door sliding wide open for the iron-grey earth pony standing by. Taking one more second to check his surroundings, he entered the room, allowing the door to shut itself behind him and lock.

Most of the computer monitors in the vast room were idle or off entirely, with tiny lights of red, blue, green, and yellow up and down the centers of equally-sized server towers blinking rapidly in patterns. Faint beeps of the computers processing held their place above the pony's silenced hoofsteps, done to avoid sound sensors that would trigger an alarm if they were currently active.

Passing a desk, his shoulder caught the edge in the shadowed room, unintentionally tipping a plastic cup with three pens sticking out the top. In a swift, quiet motion, he snatched the cup in one hoof, and the pens in his other a mere millisecond prior to impact on the tiled floor, all without breaking a sweat.

He placed the cup and pens in their previous position on the desk ledge, cautiously advancing to a small monitor along the wall, visibly wired to the alarm in the room, and swiped the lanyard card a second time, before a new screen opened. From there, as simple as can be, with the press of the 'enter' key, the system deactivated, granting him to relieve the breath he held in the minute it took to cross not an eighth of the room's length.

"All right, you sneaky bastard, it'll take more than a noise detector to stop me," he muttered, advancing down the narrow aisle between the seemingly countless rows of electronic towers, housing billions of bytes of data all at once. Along the way, he extracted a small black device from his opposite pocket, twisting it gently in his hoof while he searched for a driver port.

About half way through, he paused, strolling between two towers on the left row and taking hold of a short wire hooked into a port on one of the disabled hard drives, pushing a plastic knob on the side of the device to open the plug and insert it into the port at the other end of the wire.

A quiet beep of the device activating perked his ear, a blue bar on the flat face glowing to display the flash driver's capacity, with the hard drive powering up under the smaller device. Looking down, the purple eyes of the stallion focused solely on the blue bar while data from the server copied and extracted itself onto the flash drive, the bar growing steadily until filling entirely.

Removing the device from the plug, the larger drive shut off instantaneously. He tucked it back into his pocket, moving the way he came on his way to the door. Before leaving, he re-initiated the noise sensors, timed to boot up just perfectly as soon as the door slid closed behind him, leaving not a trace of his visit—all, but a conspicuous jet black follicle of Arc Nobis' mane fallen on a tile between towers.

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