• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 6,286 Views, 80 Comments

Twilights Ascension - Grif_Bladefeather

one night starless night twilight attempts to force the stars out using an ancient spell.

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one starless evening

Authors note: hey everypony! This is my first attempt at a pony story, not really my style or my usual type of fan fiction. Thanks for reading and thanks again for reviewing. As you all know I own nothing from the series. Anything else is likely my own stuff added in. so review and rate, don’t think I need to ask bronies not to flame. Second chapter is in progress though I’ve been feeling down right now so it may be a bit before it’s done. Sorry I know my writing sucks but thanks for taking the time to look. Teal speckles

Twilight’s Ascension

It was a dark and gloomy night in Ponyville. It was the night of the new moon, so Princess Luna did not need to raise her charge, but at the same time no stars could be seen in the sky, leaving only a dark gloom to hang over the land. In the Ponyville library, books were scattered around as usual as the current occupant, Twilight Sparkle, read through them slowly. She was alone that night, and after the last two hectic years in Ponyville she was finally enjoying a night to herself. Spike was helping Rarity at a fashion show in Fillydelphia and the rest of her friends were at home probably preparing to bunker down for the night, leaving her to her own devices.

“Let’s see…star-seeing, star-sighting, star identifying…” Twilight searched through her books slowly. She had always had problems with nights like this. When she was a young filly, her parents had to sing to her gently before she would fall asleep. Back at school she had needed to put a sleeping spell on herself or ask the Princess to do it for her. These nights made her feel insecure, and for some odd reason her shoulders itched. She had never really told anyone about that last part though, it didn’t seem important. Tonight she was determined to find a way to bring the stars out and put her restlessness to an end, and as her friends would testify (with long-suffering looks on their faces), when Twilight set out to do something, there was no stopping her, no matter how much property damage or grievous bodily harm she suffered along the way.

It took hours but just as she was just finishing going through the ‘SSR’s,’ she pulled out the first book of the triple S’s, “Superior Stargazing Spells.” It was a small book one would usually pay little attention to, tiny and bound in dark blue with white writing and a cover decorated with images of the constellations. Twilight almost passed it up as a book a junk dealer might sell to somepony who didn’t know any better, but then Twilight remembered the incident with the ‘Super-Naturals’ book and decided she might as well give it a shot.

As she opened it, the table of contents seemed to glare out at her. The spells inside were for all sorts of actions involved with stargazing. There was even a spell for a potion to let a pony see like a telescope for an hour, which she made a note of to try later. Turning to an interesting spell called ‘Starlight Clear Night’ she found almost immediately what which she was looking for:

‘Starlight Clear Night is a spell to be used when no stars shine in the night sky. The spell will allow a powerful unicorn to brighten the stars so that they may sparkle and shine. Please be warned that this spell is quite complicated and will require much concentration and power to perform. It is best to be used only when one is alone to avoid any unfortunate accidents.’

Twilight huffed at the warning. After all, she was Twilight Sparkle! Magic was her special talent, no spell could stop her! (She conveniently chose to forget all the spells that had, in fact, stopped her in the past.) Reading the instructions over carefully twice, she sighed before planting her hooves firmly on the ground. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the stars, her horn glowing as she channeled power through it. She opened her eyes several minutes later only to see… a blank night sky outside her window. And to make things worse, now her shoulders stung. Stomping her hoof in frustration, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut in concentration to try again.
Meanwhile outside

Ditzy Doo or Derpy Hooves as her friends called her flew slowly through the night sky. She sighed unhappily as one eye stared up at the empty skies while the other focused on the ground beneath her. Usually she enjoyed nighttime deliveries even though they meant she’d have to spend more time away from her family as she got to see all the pretty stars (Yes, she had seen plenty of those stars up close while traveling with her…’husband,’ but it still didn’t compare to observing them from the perspective of an Equestriabound pony), but tonight there was nothing to look at. She sped along, hoping to get her deliveries done so she could get back to her muffins (both figurative and literal, she was growing hungry) when something caught her upward-focused eye. The three stars of Orion’s belt were shining brightly in the sky, more brightly than she had ever seen them aside from the time when they were passing through the system on a family vacation and inevitably wound up in a spot of trouble not worth discussing at the moment other than it nearly getting Sparkler declared ruler of several star systems. (She had been understandably disappointed when her ‘father’ insisted she give up the title and come home, but that’s a story for another day.) Derpy stopped and took in their beauty, feeling awed.
Back with Twilight

Twilight looked out her window. Since she couldn’t see Orion’s Belt from that angle—her window was facing the wrong way--to her it looked as if the sky was still blank. Twilight whinnied angrily. All that for nothing and now her shoulders ached worse than before! Taking a deep breath she calmed herself, reminding herself that her home was very flammable and if she burst into flames from rage she’d need to look for a new place to live. ‘One last time,’ she promised herself.

She concentrated again, biting her lip as she focused more and more magic into her horn. Her horn was coated in a layer of pink light, then another, then another. Twilight’s shoulders burned like fire but she still concentrated, putting everything into this spell. A purple aura began to cover her, but she was too wrapped in the spell to notice. Soon her body was encased in an ‘egg’ of magical energy. Twilight was invisible behind the wall of magic as bolts of magical energy flashed out, scorching the walls and starting small fires all over the place, causing the same catastrophe Twilight had hoped to avoid earlier. It was a good thing she was too focused on her spellcasting to notice, or else she would have been very cross, and this time wouldn’t even have had Spike to blame for the destruction of her precious books!
Outside again

Derpy watched in awe as another star came into view, then another, then another, until the entire sky suddenly erupted in a million points of light. Back at the Hooves household (Carrot Top’s backyard, where they parked the TARDIS, much to the Earth Pony’s frustration since it meant she now had FOUR ponies constantly emptying her fridge), the Doctor starred at the sky, this phenomenon was unheard of in all the time he had visited. “Okay, who’s behind this?!” he wondered incredulously. “The Daleks? No, wait, I blew them up…again…the Silence? No, I blew them up too…I think…no, wait, they made the stars go away, but here the stars are coming out brighter than ever, which is…entirely new. Huh.” He grinned. “Something new! How delightful!”

On Sweet Apple Acres, the air was filled with the incredibly loud clanging of metal against metal as Granny Smith ran around outside the farmhouse, hollering and banging frying pans together. “Is it Zap Apple season already?” Applejack groaned as she came to the window, rubbing her eyes with a sour look on her face. She’d been in the middle of a very nice dream involving none of your business.

“Eeenope,” Big Mac said from his window, looking up at the pretty stars.

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkamena Diane Pie observed the sky and yelled joyfully. “Hooray! It’s time to throw Twilight an Alicornification Party! It’s about time too; I thought it would never happen!”

Near the Everfree forest, Fluttershy came to the window, woken by the startled squawks and grunts of her animal friends outside, and stared up at the strange disturbance in the sky in wonder.

Rainbow Dash, who had been fast asleep dreaming about having a very…intimate adventure with Daring Do, the Wonderbolts, and possibly several of her friends continued sleeping obliviously.

Even in Fillydelphia, Rarity and Spike could hardly believe their eyes as thousands of stars filled the sky. Or at least, they would if Rarity hadn’t been too busy frantically designing and sewing dresses in the dead of night with Spike assisting her as her happy slave, and if the light pollution generated by the city wouldn’t have made the stars impossible to see anyway.

Even in Canterlot all were amazed by the starry spectacle. Celestia looked at the sky in wonder. She glanced her sister questioningly, but Luna shook her head, looking confused and a little scared.
Without warning, a powerful magical shockwave rocked Equestria, starting from the Ponyville library, which sadly was obliterated by the massive blast of energy in a brilliant flash of purple light. It spread outwards, and as it did more stars appeared in the sky shining brightly, not just silver but red and yellow and even blue shining radiantly. When the blast hit the palace, Celestia recognized the energy at once. The princess frantically ordered a carriage to be readied, something was wrong with Twilight.

Speaking of the unicorn, where the Ponyville library had once stood now only a purple glowing orb remained. Ponies were gathering around in alarm, worried to know the fate of the library’s only occupant, Twilight Sparkle. Four figures in particular, her closest friends, pressed in close to the edge of the crater that had once been the library, worry spattering their muzzles as they looked for any sign of their friend. It was then that an image appeared inside the magical orb. Everyone gasped and moved back, hardly able to believe their eyes.

“No…it can’t be!” Applejack gasped. Fluttershy squeaked, stiffened, and fell over in a dead faint.

“…Am I still dreaming? I think I saw this happen before…” said the confused and half-asleep Rainbow Dash.

“Hooray!” Pinkie Pie cheered, throwing confetti into the air. “A new Princess has been born! Pay up Rainbow Dash, I told you it’d be Twilight.”

“Darnit!” Rainbow Dash swore, stomping the ground in frustration.

“And that is why you never bet against Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said sagely. Fluttershy woke up briefly, saw what was in the sphere, and passed out once more. They stared at her. “We really need to do something about that.”