• Published 6th Nov 2011
  • 4,380 Views, 35 Comments

My Little Human: High School is Magic - TidalWave

This is about the ponies as human highschoolers, real life experiences as well as ones from the show

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Ch.3 Part 1 Duty Calls

My Little Human: High School is Magic

Author's note: I guess I'm doing this again. Yep. It's going to be all out of order. But whatever. I'm hungry. Have a good day.

Chapter 3 Part 1:

“Hey Dash! Wait up!” a voice called from down the hall.

Dash felt a tantalizing urge to make a bee-line for the nearest storage room, but from the sound of that voice, she had already been spotted.

The voice called again, closer this time, “Dash! Dash, hey!”

She stopped walking. What was the use? The little punk would only catch up to her again. Rolling her rose-tinted eyes, she
turned around sharply. “What do you need squirt?”

Just as she said this, a small, slender body, collided with hers. The kid stumbled backward and fell to the ground. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry Dash! I didn’t mean to run into you I promise!” She quickly went to collect her books that had dropped when she fell.

Dash kneeled down and helped the girl pick up her books. “Don’t worry about it! Are you okay Sam?”

Sam stopped suddenly and gazed up at the older girl above her. “You- You know my name?” Dash could see her chest heaving through her orange t-shirt. She looked as if she had just run a marathon.

Dash grinned. “Well of course I do! You’re the little 7th grader that keeps trying to beat my records down at the middle school!”

“Hah, yeah!” The little girl stood up, brushing her short maroon hair back into place. “I’m not really that close though.”

“Well of course not, I’m the fastest swimmer this school’s ever had.” She laughed. Then, seeing the smaller girl’s sudden frown, added, “Oh but you’re getting a little too close to my 50 meter freestyle record. I’d better watch out!”

“Heh. I’m the best on my team!” Sam leaned in toward Dash and whispered, “Don’t tell anyone this, but I can even beat the boys!” Her tan face was totally serious.

Dash frowned. “Why shouldn’t I tell anyone that?”

“Because I don’t want to make any of them cry!” She burst out laughing.

Dash grinned and handed a few books to her “You know what Sam? You’re alright!” She ruffled her messy hair, and then added, “For a squirt.”

Sam beamed, “Scoots.” She said through giggles.


“Scoots. Most of my friends call me Scoots or Scootaloo.”

Dash cocked her rainbow- colored head to the side. “And why is that?”

“Cause when I was little, I was the fastest on the scooter.” Her smile grew. “Everyone would try and race me, but I’d always win!”

“Alright then Scoots.” It was odd, the name sort of fit in Dash’s mouth, in a way that she couldn’t quite understand. “So why are you at the high school anyway? I don’t think that you classes have let out yet, have they?”

Scoots shook her head. “No, I was at swim practice. The coach needed someone to come over here and get you, so I volunteered.”

Dash nodded, knowingly. She was the high school captain. Always had been. Even though she didn’t attend the school practices, but she had more important practices to attend. Real swimming. Her year-around competitive swim team was a top priority for the sophomore. Even though she was young, colleges all over were already looking at her for scholarships. And boy did she need one; Dash might have been the fastest in the pool, but in school, not so much.

“She said something about a new swimmer.” Scootaloo continued. “Also that you’d be excused from your next class…”

The older girl’s eyes widened as she grabbed Scootaloo by her small arm and took off down the hallway in a dead sprint.

Her long legs were built strong after many days of long exhausting work outs, and they carried her efficiently through the
crowded hallway. Students all around only saw a rainbow streak fly through the hallway before the two girls were gone.

The campus of the Ponyville Private School was immensely vast, covering about 30 acres of land, including many buildings. There were, of course, two main buildings which were the High School and the Middle School that the students visited every day. Both schools were very close to one another, sharing one large hallway connecting the two. Then there was the track, the football field, the soccer field, the lacrosse field, the gym, the student dormitories, and the swimming and diving facility.
Bright yellow light shone in through the clear, glass doors of the high school, causing Scootaloo to shield her magenta eyes with her hand. The two girls busted out of the school and onto the hot concrete as they made their way to the huge swimming dome.

“Dash!” the younger girl tried to free herself from the older one’s grasp.

Dash looked down, “Oh hay! Sorry kid, I just really needed to get the heck outta there.” She smiled guiltily.

At Scootaloo’s confused expression she added, “Because I have an Algebra test that I totally didn’t study for next period.”

“Oh, well that makes sense! Come on; let’s go talk to coach Misty.”

They were greeted by the thick smell of chlorine. Dash breathed it in. It was what she had become accustomed to after an entire life of practically living in the pool. She smiled, becoming more complete and feeling a growing sense of warmth throughout her.

Suddenly a tall woman with pall blue hair and a dark blue hoodie ran around the corner almost colliding with the two girls.
Her large chest nearly knocked the three of them down.

“Oh! Miss Dash! There you are!”

Dash glared up at the woman. “And there you are hoodie and all.” She smirked. “Say coach, why do you always wear that hoodie anyway?”

Misty whirled around to face Dash. “I’m sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you.”

The two girls suppressed giggles. “Oh nothing, nothing coach. What did you need me for?”

The woman brushed it off. “Well you know with your friend Gilda’s leaving, we now have a spot open on the team.”

Dash cringed. “She is not my friend, and she didn’t leave, she was expelled. Good riddance I say.”

“None-the-less we have an open spot, and what do you know we have a new student!” Said Misty, as she shrugged.

Scootaloo stood beside Dash quietly. Looking down at her feet.

“Yeah and…?”

“And I need you to check him out. See if he’s good enough.”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Coach this is high school swimming. It doesn’t even…”

“It matters if you want to make it to regional’s.” She raised a thin eyebrow.

Dash breathed out a deep sigh. “I guess you’re right. We do need some new guys on the team. Even though we’re already going to win.”

The grin returned to Misty’s face, and she clapped her hands together, “Wonderful! You can come with me right now.”

“But, what about class?” Dash’s eyes widened with false concern.

Misty chuckled. “Oh don’t be silly. I can write you a pass! The team needs you now more than ever!”

“Awesome.” Dash winked at the younger girl and smiled.

Misty looked down at Scootaloo and inquired. “Now aren’t you supposed to be at practice?”

“Oh um… yes mam!” She jumped from Dash’s side and started walking over to the pool door, her eyes fixed on the elder girl.

After the girl was gone, Dash chuckled and shook her head. “Kids these days.”

"That reminds me! I need to coach the middle school practice, I'm sure you can talk to the new student on your own. He's down the hall in the warm down pool area. Why don’t you go say hello and introduce yourself?”

Dash nodded and began walking the direction of the pool, her long rainbow hair swaying as she walked.

“Oh, and one more thing.”

Dash stopped walking. “Yeah?”

“These kids," She began, "they look up to you. Be careful what you say around them.”

For the third time that day, Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah I know.”

When Misty finally walked off to follow Scootaloo, Dash breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she disappeared through the door,
unsure of what awaited her.