• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 1,200 Views, 10 Comments

Sweetie Belle learns Magic and very, very, weird things happen. - Belle Pepper

Sweetie Belle wants to use magic. So, who else but the wielder of the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle? Thing is, nothing is ever as it seems in Ponyville, and turns out Sweetie has a much larger destiny than anypony thought the little filly had.

  • ...

Magical Mania

The recess bell had rung, and all the fillies had rushed outside with shouts of joy. Only one downcast, white, filly was left behind the herd of wild animals charging out to the playground.

She saw a leaf get stuck in between the branches of a tree, and attempted to use her magic to get it out. All that happened was a spark out of her horn, nothing more. Again, she attempted to levitate the leaf.

"Oh look, the little blank flank is trying to use magic! How cute!" Diamond's abhorrent voice emanated through the playground.

Sweetie Belle was angry. She kept trying to levitate the stupid, annoying leaf, but to no avail, as everypony laughed at her.

"You'll never be worth anything, Sweetie Belle!" Diamond teased.

"You'll never be able to do anything!" Silver Spoon agreed.

Sweetie Belle felt anger building up inside her, barely containing itself. If everypony could get Cutie Marks, why couldn't she? If every Unicorn could use magic, why couldn't she? If everypony got teased, why was she the main target? Why, why, why, WHY!?!? She felt her power growing tenfold, being overwhelmed with everything.

"ENOUGH!!!" Sweetie yelled as she lost all control. What everypony saw was Sweetie Belle levitated herself in the air, her mane and tail rising upward. A giant magic blast came from her horn, heading right for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. After the blast, Diamond and Silver were pretty roughed up. They had been blasted into a tree, and they were covered in and twigs and leaves. They were more angry and shocked than hurt.

Sweetie Belle lowered down from the sky, and regained her ability to observe the world. Realizing what must have happened, Sweetie Belle just stared at what she just did. For a long, long time. One pony started to cheer. Then another. Then another, then another. Still, more cheering.

"Whoa, Sweetie Belle, that was awesome!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Guess you showed them, right, Sweetie?" Apple Bloom said encouragingly.

But Sweetie Belle just looked at what she did in absolute terror. She took one, two, fearful steps back. Then she ran, ran away from the teasing, away from the terror, away from everything. All she needed to do now was find her sister, and run back home.

Rarity was just done explaining to the Ponyville Fire Department that there was actually no fire when the phone rang.

"Yes?" asked Rarity, levitating the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, Rarity, it's Mrs. Cheerilee. I'd just like to inform you something very... strange is happening, and it seems to be concerning Sweetie Belle."

"Did she try to do magic again?" Rarity questioned.

"Well... yes, sort of. I heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon teasing Sweetie, but right before I got outside, I saw from the window that Sweetie somehow... levitated herself up in the air, her eyes went white, her mane and tail flowing, when she blasted the two bullies into a tree 50 feet away!"

"Oh my stars!" Rarity exclaimed, falling on her fainting couch.

"But after I got outside," Mrs. Cheerilee continued, "She was gone. Her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, said she ran away in the direction of your boutique."

Suddenly Sweetie Belle burst in, ringing the bell on the door.

"Rarity!" she yelled in terror. "HELP!!! I got a huge problem! I got mad and my magic went all crazy and I blasted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon into a tree and I'm scared and I don't know what to do and..."

"Shh, Sweetie Belle," Rarity cooed, comforting her sister, hugging her. "Everything's going to be alright. Now let's go find Twilight, okay?"

"Okay..." Sweetie Belle said, still sobbing, looking up at her sister with fearful eyes.

"Shh, everything's going to be alright."