• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 4,389 Views, 167 Comments

Very loopy - Sollace

Sweetie Belle is stuck in a time loop and the princesses have convinced her to take them with her. Chaos ensues.

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Chapter 2: A Little Cake

“Moon-Butt, this is Sun-Butt. I am in position, I repeat, I am in position,” Princess Celestia whispered into her communicator as she dangled from the roof of her bedroom clad in a black wetsuit and harness. She scratched behind her ear and adjusted the strap on her night vision goggles whilst she waited for a response.

Luna was standing near the edge of an open hole in the roof, the moonlight illuminating her from behind. Through the hole her room was just visible below in the dark. Celestia’s voice sounded in her ear. “Hold on” Luna replied. "We have to wait for Bells"

“Well, tell her to hurry up then! This wetsuit is starting to chafe.” Celestia wriggled slightly on the end of her tether, the wetsuit squeaking profusely as she struggled to get into a more comfortable position.

Luna paused for a moment to affix her harness before switching frequencies and talking again. “Bells, are we ready to proceed?”

“Almost.” Sweetie Belle was standing with her back against the wall, her saddlebags hanging at her side. Around the corner from her was a massive steel door with the words Celestia’s Personal Pantry plastered across the wall above it. “I’ve just run into some, complications.” She peeked around the corner. There were two royal guards stationed at the entrance to the vault. “It’s guarded.”

“Can you tell me anything about them?”

“Uh, yes, there are two royal guards. It looks like they’re both unicorns, and they’re just standing there in front of the vault. Do you know any way I can get past them?”

“Why not do the same you did to get past the other guards?”

Sweetie Belle frowned and her muzzle scrunched up. “But there haven’t been any other guards until now. The whole place was deserted.”

“Really?” Luna turned around and looked over the rest of the castle and indeed there were no guards visible, neither along the defensive wall, at the parapets, nor through the windows on the inside. I’ll have to make a note of that.

“Ok, you are going to have to try and distract them, lure them away from the vault. Once you’re there Sun-butt can talk you through opening it.”

“I still don’t understand why I have to be the one to open the vault; wouldn’t it be easier to have Celes- Sun-Butt do it?”

“Believe me you’re much safer all the way over there. You do not want to see us when we wake up.”

“Righ- wait, I’ve already-“

Luna cut off Sweetie Belle, “Sorry, got to go,” and leapt from the edge and swung down into her bedroom.

Sweetie Belle sighed and peeked around the corner again. She checked if the guards were still in the same place. They were. Ok, so I need some way to distract them. She tapped her chin with a hoof as she thought for a moment. Then an idea hit her as she remembered something Pinkie had told her in a previous loop.

“Of course, nopony can resist a good Heart Song. They’ll be forced to sing with me and I can lead them away.” Sweetie Belle removed her saddlebags and placed them against the wall where she can pick them up again later. She took a moment to compose herself, took a deep breath and, as she leaped out from behind the corner, let loose the first line.

“I just wanna make everypony smile; smile; smile!” She hollered at the top of her lungs all whilst wearing the widest, most sincere smile she could muster. She dashed over to the two guards and put her arms around them all without breaking step. She was just about to start the second line when she noticed they were quivering in their shoes. “Uh...”

One of the guard’s faces turned blue before letting out his breath and a loud reverberating “D’AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!” He fell backwards, hit his head on the wall, and lay unconscious. Soon after, the other guard crumple to the ground emitting a low rumbling “Hnnnnnnnnnnng.”

Sweetie Belle just stood there, staring at them dumbfounded, before a voice on her communicator brought her back. It was Luna, “What was that? Did you get them?”

“Uh...” Sweetie Belle glanced around at the incapacitated guards. “Yes.”

“Good. I’m putting you through to Sun-Butt.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and waited. Her communicator buzzed for a moment and she heard Celestia’s voice on the other end. “Yes, Bells, are you at the vault?” Celestia was hanging just above her sleeping self, a permanent marker floating inches from her face.

“Yes, I just need instructions on how to open it.”

“Okay.” She placed the permanent marker back on her belt and swung clear of the bed. “Do you see any holes in the door?”

“Yes, there’s one in the middle, just high enough for me to reach.” Sweetie Belle traced around the hole with a hoof.

“Good, what we’re going to do is trick the door into thinking you’re me. How good are you at casting intermediate spells?”

“I’m fairly ok at it, not great.”

“Right, well you’re going to have to cast a Waterjet spell. Put your horn into that hole and make sure you cast the spell to fill it up. The water will confuse the enchantments on the door.”

“And then what?”

“Keep your horn in place and think about bananas.”

“Uh, why bananas?”

“Because I always think about bananas.”

“Uh, ok?” Sweetie Belle looked around her for something to stand on and not finding anything she settled for dragging one of the guards over and climbing up on top of him. She balanced precariously on his upturned flank and slid her horn into the hole. She felt a slight buzzing sensation but ignored it as she focused on casting her spell.

A gush of water erupted from the hole almost knocking Sweetie Belle over. She held steady and pushed her horn back all the way into the hole. Sweetie’s face and mane were drenched as water continued to flow from the hole and a puddle quickly formed on the ground around her.

Ok, bananas, I have to think about bananas. Uh, they’re yellow. They taste great with syrup, they’re high in sodium- wait no it’s potassium. They grow in bundles and they’re shaped like- like- Sweetie Belle’s thoughts were cut off as the doors gave a shudder and began to separate. Sweetie Belle removed her horn from the door and watched as they opened. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she took in the magnitude of what she was looking at. “Oh my Celestia...”

Author's Note:

I made the mistake of thinking I could fit the whole mission into one chapter. I was wrong. Find out what happens next in Chapter 3: A Cake Walk!