• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 4,918 Views, 27 Comments

A Very Chaotic Birthday - Lucky Seven

Discord decides he wants to give something special to Fluttershy for her birthday.

  • ...

For Missy, but I suppose you other people can read it too!

Author's Note:

This story was written for the best friend I could possibly ask for, Carolyn. Happy twentieth, and I hope you enjoy your present, even if it is nine days early ^^

Now, as for the story itself. I was reluctant to put a Romance tag mainly because I wrote this for my best friend and a lot of it will be based on our own friendship. For that reason, I don't view it as Romance. However, feel free to view it as whatever you guys want, be it light romance or the close bond shared by best friends. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the story!

A Very Chaotic Birthday

Written & Edited by Seven81493

Today was supposed to be a great day for Ponyville’s local veterinarian. She had finally turned twenty. There was a two at the beginning of her age. A two! And yet… she could find no excitement in the momentous occasion, not with her friends all out of town on business. She supposed she couldn’t blame them, though. They all had jobs that could require leaving Ponyville for weeks at a time, and she was just… a vet.

Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course. She loved animals, she could communicate with them in ways other ponies could only dream about. But it also meant being stuck in Ponyville when her friends were gone, and on a day like this, she didn’t find it fair in the slightest. But alas, that’s how life was for her, and she’d grown mostly accustomed to it. Looking over at her most precious pet, she let out a sigh.

“I can’t think of anything to do, can you?” she asked, to which he simply replied by shaking his head and hopping off towards the kitchen.After a few seconds, she heard something smash into the ground and shatter, the sound making her wince. “Oh, this day has turned into such a disaster…”

Picking herself up off of the couch she had been resting on for the past hour or so, she trotted off in the direction the sound had come from. Upon reaching the source of it, she let out a gasp. “Oh no, the vase Rarity got me for Hearth’s Warming! Oh… she’s going to be so mad it’s broken...”

Quickly, she gathered up the supplies she needed to clean the mess up, and went back over to it. When she got there, however, she was surprised to see the vase unbroken, sitting on the pedestal that had become its home. “What the...?”

“You know, you should really take better care of your home, Fluttershy. We wouldn’t want any of your animals to cut their tiny little feet, after all!”

She knew that voice better than anyone, and though its owner couldn’t see, she was smiling widely. Without a warning, she turned around swiftly and leapt on him, tackling him to the floor in a hug.

“Egad! I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, Fluttershy, but you know how I feel about hugs.”

Quickly getting back on her feet, Fluttershy blushed. “Sorry… I’m just so happy to see you. But why are you here, I thought you had a meeting in Canterlot?”

“Celestia told me to take the day off and come spend some time with you. Something about ‘strengthening our friendship’,” he answered, smiling. “But if I’m being totally honest, I was going to come anyways.”

“Oh, really? The Lord of Chaos skipping out on an important meeting? How unexpected!” Fluttershy replied sarcastically, to which she and Disord both giggled. “But really, thank you.”

“Oh, it was nothing, really. Any chance to get out of a meeting about the trade policies of Equestria.” He furthered his statement by shoving his finger into his mouth and making a ‘blegh’ noise.

“Well... it still means a lot to me, especially with everyone else out of town right now. I have my pets, but sometimes they’re just not enough.”

“You mean until I came here, you were alone? But it’s your birthday... Nobody should be alone on their birthday!”

“It’s okay, I didn’t mind…” she lied, and quite obviously so. Her gloomy look was not lost on Discord, but the draconequus decided not to push the matter any further though, lest he do something like make her cry.

“Well, I brought something that might brighten up your day. It’s nothing much, but it’s something I thought you might enjoy.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to get me anything, Discord…”

“Nonsense! You only turn twenty once, after all. I remember my twentieth like it was yesterday…”

“Oh? What did you get?” she inquired, curious to see if he could remember something from over a thousand years ago.

“I got imprisoned in stone…” he replied, somewhat grimly. Immediately, Fluttershy regretted asking her question and began berating herself. Discord stopped her, however, in the form of a zipper forming over her mouth and closing. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. Looking back on it, I’m… glad it happened.”

“But… why?” She was confused, and rightfully so. How could anyone be glad to have been trapped as a statue for over a thousand years? His answer stunned her.

“Because I would never have met you if I hadn’t been, Fluttershy…” he said, shyly. He still had trouble sharing his feelings with others, so Fluttershy found it especially nice that he had said something like that to her. “Darn it, that sounded too sappy.”

“I didn’t think so. It sounded nice, and I’m glad you cherish our friendship as much as I do,” she smiled back, eyes closed. They were forced open, however, when a large box was shoved in her face without any warning. “Huh? What’s this?”

“That’s your present. I’d love to stay and watch you open it, but I kind of lied about Celestia telling me to come here. I should be getting back to Canterlot before she enters one of her ‘moods’.”


“It was great seeing you again, Fluttershy,” he interrupted her,” Au revoir!” He exclaimed. At that, he snapped his fingers and disappeared from her home. The shy pony he had left alone was a mix of sad and happy. She was sad to see him go, but happy that he had come to visit her in the first place, even if it had been very brief. Turning her attention back to the box at her feet, she smiled.

As she ripped away the wrapping paper and took the lid off of the box, her mouth made an ‘O’ shape. Her feelings began to get the better of her as she took the gift out of the box, and a few tears escaped from her eyes. It was a statue of the two hugging, with the words ‘For Butterslice’ engraved at the bottom. The silly nickname made her giggle, and she knew he had to have come up with it on the spot. Looking back in the box, she noticed there was a note to go along with it, so she picked it up and began reading it.

Sorry I had to leave so soon, Fluttershy, but I promise we’ll talk again soon! That is, if Celestia ever stops having these silly meetings…

But I just wanted to wish you a very chaotic birthday and I hope you enjoy the gift. It only took me a snap of the fingers to make it, but it took almost three weeks to get the design just right in my head. Heh, look at me, planning things!

Ahem, anyways! Have a wonderful day, and don’t break that statue like you broke Rarity’s vase!

Yours chaotically, Discord

As Fluttershy folded back up the note and placed the statue on the end table next to her couch, she couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you, Discord…”

Comments ( 27 )

I'm smiling like an idiot, thank you, you piece of shit.

Also, Butterslice. Just great.

Absolutely Flarping, dear fellow

so kawaii!!! *coos*

Twas very cute.

This is the most adorable thing I've read in forever!!! You've earned a favourite! :twilightsmile:


Lol: "For Butterslice" love that name

Aw~ This was adorable. ^_^

Dat DiscoSlice :heart:

This was really cute! :heart: :yay: :raritystarry:

Only one phrase can ever fully summarize the events foretold here...
D'AWWWWWWWWWWWW :yay: :heart:

:pinkiehappy:Fanaticly cute

Guess who read you're story and on audio book

Daaaw, this is really nice.

There was a two at the beginning of her age. A two!

That is a momentous occasion considering that horses live about thirty years.

she asked, to which he simply replied by shaking his head and hopping off towards the kitchen.After a few seconds, she heard something smash into the ground and shatter, the sound making her wince.

Missing space.

he interrupted her,” Au revoir!”

This quotation mark is in the wrong spot.

Turning her attention back to the box at her feet, she smiled.


This was cute. And the reading by Doctor Wolf cinched it. Though my only problem is the suggestion that Discord was only a teenager when he enslaved Equestria. Even though that does make a sick kind of sense.


Author Interviewer

If this had had a Romance tag, it would've ruined the story. <.< I liked it, though!

5865307 Thanks! Glad to see some appreciation towards the lack of a Romance tag, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

This story is wonderful.

“Oh? What did you get?” she inquired, curious to see if he could remember something from over a thousand years ago.
“I got imprisoned in stone…” he replied, somewhat grimly.

... Awkward...


sutch a sweet fluttercord like fic


Heartwarming, and touching. Your emotion wrote its way onto the page, and it showed with the tremendous quality of this fic. Short and sweet. I'm starting to get the feeling you're more of a softie than you lead on. :ajsmug: Great job babe. Loved it!

This fic was great. That's all there is to it. I found this story on Youtube and I freakin loved it. Well done.:twilightsmile:

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