• Member Since 17th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2020


Hello everyone! I usually write stories that have something to do with blood and gore associated so that's mainly what you're going to get from me if you decide to read my stuff ^~^


This story is a sequel to Pinkamena's Awakening: A Promise Unforgotten

It's been about 2 years since Pinkamena was sealed into The Apocrypha by Eternal Sleep, The Embodiment of Death and Lilith's Guardian. In that time, Eternal Sleep has made residence in Canterlot Castle for the time being to oversee Lilith and everyone else and make sure everything continues to run smoothly. After being imprisoned for so long, she is finally given an opportunity by her watcher, Hermaeus Mora, to leave her prison in an attempt to lead the natural life she once so desired. However, if she is to show her face again on the outside, then some changes will have to be made...

This is the final story in the Pinkamena Trilogy!

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 55 )

Wow this finally came around the corner. Now to see what situation you will create that will force Einna to reveal her powers.

5486999 I know right it's finally here? :rainbowwild: now you just gotta wait and see :pinkiecrazy:

One of the very first fan's fictions I've ever read, good to see it again.

5487966 Thanks :twilightsmile: I'll try my best not to be lazy and update regularly :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, don't worry, take your time. I prefer to wait for a good fic over than have a rushed one in time.
(also, I'm in no moral ground to ask for quickness in a fic's writing)

5487974 Don't worry I'll try to do my best I can promise you that! :pinkiecrazy:

I wanna do cover art for this story.
Even though there already is a cover photo.

5489545 If you'd like too be my guest :heart: I'd very much so like to see it :pinkiecrazy:

Reason!Wave: According to my calculations, shenanigans are just a turn away.

Emotion!Wave: Actually, according to my calculations, hilarity ensues.

R!Wave: Well, according to my calculations, you don't have any calculations!

E!Wave: And according to my calculations, you're an idiot!

Wave: Guy, guys! Stay on topic, this chapter is good or what.

All: It's good.

Hmmmm I don't know what to think exactly of Einna being so shy. Any reason why she is acting like she is right now?
Also that sentence at the end just doomed her didn't it.

5492538 She's not exactly shy, it's more of an awkward personality. She's finally here and just doesn't exactly know anything on living normally and she doesn't wanna mess anything up. She's trying to be more careful and cautious than anything. :pinkiecrazy:

Odd to see Hermaeus Mora being.....nice. Because when he is being nice, he has something that he planned with.

I notice each new chapter has more words than the last.
Keep that trend going and I may have to go around recommending this fic to people.

Poor Pinkamena , she is so awkward.
Plus , I think that she deserves forgiveness , for she did nothing overly wrong (when compared to Discord , who was forgiven twice... the second time without deserving it.) and at least tried.
To quote Paarthurnax : "What is better- to be born good , or to overcome your evil nature though great effort ?"

Not a bad chapter, one can feel it for Pinkamena/Einna. She screwed it up, big time, and now she has to bear with being the monster in the story about her life.

'Draco in leather pants'? Maybe, but at least it's well executed.

I'm wondering what is up with Mora. Is he for some reason losing power? Maybe because of all the locks placed on the book?

5502925 Mmmm he isn't losing power, he's just being... quiet let's say :pinkiecrazy:

Well, after all this seems to be entertaining. Being honest, I'm not very fond on the 'slice of life' genr, but this is good enough to keep my atention.

Keep going!

5504256 Don't worry, give it a chapter or two and things will start to... change I should say :pinkiecrazy:

So, it's normal that I'm hearing Hitchcock's anthology score in mind right now?

5584352 Thanks! :pinkiecrazy: I've been caught up in college work so it might be some time before I can get another chapter out but I'll get to it don't worry

5911094 Remember not to pressure yourself though, I did it and ended up with the writers block for two weeks, just a warning.

But as a question though I must ask, why do you add those large blank spaces in the chapters of this story and the previous ones?:rainbowhuh:

5911198 I don't do it intentionally, I'm in college and it ends up taking a lot of time so I don't have time to write my story sadly :fluttercry: Recently I've been coming up on my finals though so there isn't any other work being assigned so now I have more time to write :pinkiecrazy:

I really love that you started writing again. I like the way you portrayed the powers, having to feel the emotions they were created by to actually have strong powers. Keep up the good work.

5911373 Its fine I was just asking, good luck though.:pinkiehappy:

You started again! :pinkiehappy:
I had to flick through the previous chapters to refresh my memory lol

Looking forward to more!

5911834 Glad you liked it :pinkiecrazy: sorry I take such long long unannounced breaks, with college I just don't know when I'll get a chance

5912967 As long as nothing else gets in my way I'll try my best to get more out :pinkiecrazy:

Glad to see this fic still running and faithful to the spirit of the previous parts. Good job, dude.

5918049 Thanks! :pinkiecrazy: If I could have steady writing sessions I'd get chapters out quicker

5919170 I had a feeling she forgot something.

Look like things are finally going to take a turn for the better for her (and she deserve it , she isn't a bad pony , just a misguided one)... Then again , given who is the author , things might take a turn for the worse and go straight to the depressing area.

I'm looking forward to Hermaeus Mora's return!

I don't know why, but this chapter rubs me the wrong way a bit. I think it is the way they forgave Einna so quickly and welcomed her with open arms. I think it happens too fast for it to feel real. Though I guess like this it can happen quicker and we can get on with the story faster.
Besides this nitpick of mine I still enjoyed reading this chapter and can't wait for the return of HM.


I just KNOW something bad is going to happen!, I can feel it In the force.

LOL, just kidding about the force. :rainbowlaugh:

Hmmm I'm getting the feeling that Mora's betrayel hit her quite deeply.

Feel the story has lost the balance of realism, it's too weighted towards everything going well.
No pony has any issues with her whatsoever, and on top of that, Pinkamena is having no dark thoughts at all.
I want the story to have a happy ending, but not this easily.

That's just my thoughts as I've been reading. Looking forward to more :twilightsmile:



They need to fuse the two... and hope that Einna reformed goodness is stronger than her past hatred.
That way Einna would be a bit more evil , but a bit more powerfull also. She can spare some goodness anyway. :scootangel:

Whoa! Talk about confronting your own demons.

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