• Published 22nd Jan 2015
  • 385 Views, 2 Comments

The Diary of Lily Heart - Elemental Skullgirl

Follow the story of young filly, as she goes through many obstacles, as written in her diary.

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Day 1

Day 1

As the rooster crows, Lily Heart woke up, and got up from her bed. She walked up to her mirror and saw her reflection.

"You can do this, Lily Heart", she said to herself as she brushed her green mane and used her magic to brush her tail.

She has two brushes given to her by her sister, Lovely Melody. As she was finished brushing her mane and tail, she went into her closet and found a pale yellow t-shirt and denim jeans with stars on the bottom legs. She quickly changed out of her pajamas, changed into the clothes she picked out, and put on her blue headband.

"Lily Heart, time for breakfast", a voice called out.

"I'm coming", Lily Heart shouted back.

"Did you brush your mane and tail?"


"Did you get dressed?"


"Did you brush your teeth?"

Lily Heart suddenly froze and gave herself a face palm. "No."

"Then go brush your teeth, little Lily."


Lily Heart went to the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush. She grabbed a tube of toothpaste, and began to brush her teeth.

'It won't be that bad. It'll probably be better than my old school.', Lily Heart though.

She remembers her old school. She was bullied for being a teacher's pet, even her classmates without cutie marks made fun of her. Lily Heart talked to her sister about it and she did something about it. Her classmates were later suspended or expelled. All but three of her classmates were in trouble. Three fillies who were the mean girls of her school. They made Lily Heart's life a living hell. She told her sister and her roommates, and they tried to tell the school but they couldn't find any proof. Element Rose once threatened them that she will burn the whole school down if they didn't do something about it. In fear, they decided to expel the fillies, but before that happened, something dark happened. The three fillies who were bullying Lily Heart were all found beaten to death in each of their bedrooms. Their parents thought that it was Stronghold was the one who committed the crime out of revenge. When they found out that Stronghold was accused of the crime, Lily Heart, Lovely Melody, and her roommates all left Baltimare to Ponyville, in order to start a new life. Those are the events that Lily Heart wants to forget but they are forever engraved into her memory.

As she finished rinsing her mouth, Lily Heart headed downstairs to the kitchen. There she saw Element Rose. She is a brown unicorn with black eyes, and kinky black and red mane and tail. She is wearing a white blouse, and black denim jean shorts, along with a blue apron. She even wore her usual white heart necklace, and matching hair bow. Her cutie mark is a rose consisting of seven colors that represents that elements she can control. She is also her teacher in basic unicorn magic. Element Rose turned and greeted her little apprentice with a smile.

"Oh there you are", she said. "I made your favorite. Blueberry pancakes!" Element Rose turned back to the stove. "How many do you want?"

"Two, please", Lily Heart answered.

As Lily Heart sat at the table, Element Rose served her a plate of pancakes.

"Where's everypony else", Lily Heart asked as she was pouring syrup on her pancakes.

"I don't know", said Element Rose. "All I know is that your sister went to an audition for a soap opera, so she left early."


"But she wanted me to tell you to have fun at school."

Lily Heart smiled, as she was glad to hear her sister give comforting words, even though she is not home.

"Is that pancakes I smell", Stronghold said as she enters the kitchen.

Stronghold is a burgundy, muscular earth pony, with short dark brown mane and tail. She is wearing a black tank top that is showing her six-pack, dog-tag necklace, a green vest, and camouflage cargo pants.

"Sure are", said Element Rose. "How many do you want?"

"Four, chef Rosie."

"I told you not to call me that", Element Rose said as she starts blushing.

"It's cool, Rose."

As Stronghold sat at the table, she turned to Lily Heart.

"Ready for school, kiddo", she said as she messes with Lily Heart's mane.

"Yep", Lily Heart said as she finishes her pancakes.

"Done already", said a voice.

Lily Heart turned and saw Digit.

She is a dark pink pegasus with a dark magenta, braided mane and tail. She is wearing a light brown sleeveless turtleneck sweater, brown long skirt, and round glasses.

"Are you ready to go to school", Digit asked.

Lily Heart nodded.

"Alright, grab your backpack, and let's head out."

Lily Heart grabbed her backpack as she headed to the door, then suddenly she realized something.

"I almost forgot my lunch bag", she said as she grabbed her lunch bag from the counter.

"Okay, I'll see you guys la...."

Digit was interrupted by Stronghold who is grabbing her by the flank.


"Sorry, Digit. It's not my fault that you have a cute ass."

Digit rolled her eyes with chuckle, and went with Lily Heart toward the door.

"Hey, Lily", Element Rose called out.

Lily Heart turned around.

"If there is any trouble, just tell any one of us. Remember, we're here for you."

"Yes Rose."

"Good, now go learn something new."

Element Rose and Stronghold waved as Lily Heart and Digit left out the door.

As they arrived at the schoolhouse, Lily Heart hid behind Digit.

"What's wrong, Lily", asked a concerned Digit.

"What if everypony makes fun of me like they did at my old school", Lily asked.

"Nopony will make fun of you. If they do, you tell us."


"Now go to school. There is so much to learn there."

Lily Heart saw Ms. Cheerilee waving at her, and headed to the school house. She turned and waved goodbye to Digit as she left.

"You must be Lily Heart", Ms. Cheerilee said.

She is wearing a yellow blouse with a brown sweater vest, and a short brown skirt.

"Yes", Lily Heart answered.

"And that must be your sister, right?"

"No, that's one of my sister's roommates. My sister went to an audition."

"I always knew she is a rising star type."

"She always wanted to be on the screen, big or small."

"Alright then. Come on in."

Lily Heart entered the school house, and suddenly became nervous when she saw her new classmates.

"Good morning, class", Ms. Cheerilee said.

"Good Morning, Ms. Cheerilee", the class replied.

"Today, we have a new student that will joining us today. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Lily Heart walked toward the front of the class.

"Hello, my name is Lily Heart", she said. "I came from Baltimare with my sister and her roommates. I like to draw, write, and spend time with my sister and her roommates. I also learn basic magic from one of my sister's roommates. I don't have a cutie mark yet but I know I can find out what I'm destined for someday."

The class was fascinated with their new classmate.

"Oh great, another blank flank", yelled a voice.

The class started chuckling.

"Diamond Tiara, what did I tell you about interrupting the class", said Ms. Cheerilee.

Diamond Tiara is wearing a pink, frilly dress. She looked really irritated that her new classmate doesn't have a cutie mark.

"Sorry, Ms. Cheerilee", she said as she rolled her eyes.

"Please take your seat next to Sweetie Belle, Lily Heart", said Ms. Cheerilee.

"Okay", Lily Heart replied.

Lily Heart walked up to an empty desk next to a white unicorn filly, who is wearing a purple blouse and a bright pink skirt. As she took a seat, the white unicorn filly dropped her pencil. Lily Heart grabbed the pencil and gave it back to the white filly.

"Thanks", she said. "My name's Sweetie Belle, by the way."

"I'm Lily Heart", said Lily Heart. "Nice to meet you."

"Don't worry about Diamond Tiara. She and Silver Spoon always makes everyponys' life a living hell."

"It's okay. I was bullied to my old school"

"Wow, sorry to hear that. You'll have a great time at our school. Just wait until you meet my friends."

"Girls, do you have anything to say to the class", said Ms. Cheerlie, as turned towards them.

"No, Ms. Cheerilee", Sweetie Belle and Lily Heart answered.

"Alright, now pay attention."

"Yes, Ms. Cheerilee."

The class giggled, including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Suddenly, a ball of paper was thrown at Lily Heart. She unballed the paper to find the words "GO BACK TO BALTIMARE, BLANK FLANK!" Lily Heart looked up and saw Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon, who are squinting their eyes at her. She then landed her head on her desk.

This is going to be a long day, Lily Heart thought.

"Alright, class, see you tomorrow", said Ms. Cheerilee as she waved at her students.

As the other foals left the school, Sweetie Belle and Lily Heart were that last to leave. They both see an orange filly pegasus, and a yellow earth filly who are waving at them.

"Oh, there they are right now", said Sweetie Belle.

They both ran towards them. The yellow earth filly is wearing overalls over a red shirt, and the orange pegasus is wearing a dark blue hoodie over a white t-shirt, and dark denim jeans.

"Hi Sweetie Belle", said the yellow earth filly as she waved at Sweetie Belle and Lily Heart.

"Hi Applebloom", Sweetie Belle said. "I would like you to meet my friend, Lily Heart. She's from Baltimare."

"Howdy, ah'm Applebloom, and this is Scootaloo."

"Nice to meet you guys", said Lily Heart.

"So you don't have a cutie mark, right", asked Scootaloo.

"No, but I'm hoping to find out what I'm destined for."

"Cool, you know we have a club dedicated to helping foals find out their destiny. Well, there are only three of us, but we're looking for a fifth since Applebloom's cousin already became our fourth. So are you willing to join?"

"I'll think about that."

"Hey blank flanks", shouted a voice.

The girls turned to see that it was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon was wearing bright gray shirt, and jean shorts. They both walked toward them as they prepare for their daily torment.

"Looks like you have a new friend, Cutie Mark Failures", Diamond Tiara said with a smirk on her face. "and it looks like the blank flank from Baltimare."

"Diamond Tiara, will ya leave us alone already", Applebloom complained. "It's starting to get old."

"Why would we", said Silver Spoon. "You obviously still don't have your cutie marks, so you're considered to be blank flanks."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both laughed hysterically until a brown unicorn mare stood right behind then.

"And what's wrong with not having a cutie mark", the mare asked with her eyes squinting.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both looked up behind them. It was Element Rose who is angry as a storm is starting.

"Who are you", Diamond Tiara asked in fear.

"I'm Lily Heart's other sister", Element Rose said. "If you don't leave those fillies alone, I'll make sure I have to tell your parents about what you've been doing. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes, ma'am", said Silver Spoon.


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both ran away, as Lily Heart, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo turned back at Element Rose, who was calming down, as the storm was going away.

"Wow, that was so cool", said Scootaloo. "How in equestria are you doing that?"

"Well, it's what I'm destined to do", Element Rose said, as she showed the fillies her cutie mark, and covers it back up. "I see you made some friends. Mind introducing them to me?"

"Element Rose, this is Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo", said Lily Heart. "Everypony, this is Element Rose, my sister's roommate and my other sister, no biologically though."

"You're so pretty", Sweetie Belle said, as she was admiring Element Rose's physique.

"Oh, thank you", Element Rose said. "I get that a lot from every pony I meet. Ready to go, Lily?"

"Yes Rose", Lily Heart answered. "Bye guys, see ya tomorrow."

Lily Heart waved to her new friends as she was walking with Element Rose.

That night, Lily Heart was getting ready for bed. As she got on the bed, she took out her diary and her pink pen, and started writing.

Dear Diary,

Today was an interesting day. I made three new friends, Sweetie Belle, who loves to sing, Applebloom, who lives on a family farm, and Scootaloo, who couldn't fly but always has her scooter with her. How do I know? Well, Sweetie Belle told me. Ms. Cheerilee is a kind teacher, she's much better than the teacher from my old school, who would always yell at me, for being worthless, even though I was a teacher's pet. I also met Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They already hate me and today was my first day. They already annoyed me too, calling me and my friends blank flanks. Rose managed to stand up for me and my friends, though, but she told that I have to stand up for myself. I will someday. Also my sister came home, and had some high hopes to be in the soap opera. I really hope she gets the role. Despite that fact that I made two new enemies, I think I'm going to like it her in Ponyville. Well, good night.

Lily Heart

Author's Note:

Do you like this story? Do you despise it? What do you think of the characters so far? I would like you opinion at the comments section.

Hope you enjoyed it! :pinkiesmile: