• Published 4th May 2012
  • 2,293 Views, 19 Comments

Mother's Day - SkyeSilverwing

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Heartache in the Night

Mother’s Day
By Skye Silverwing
Prolog: Heartache in the Night.

“Hush now, Quiet now, It’s time to lay your sleepy head,

Hush now, Quiet now, It’s time to go to bed,

Drifting off to sleep, Leave exciting day behind you,

Drifting off to sleep, Let the joy of dream land find you…”

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Fluttershy awoke, the lullaby still echoing softly in her head, and tears flowing down her face. She looked up at the Moon, hanging in the Night Sky, Stars Twinkling around it, framed in the window of her little hut. The Lullaby brought back the memories again. She turned into her Pillow, and sobbed softly, letting a deep desire come to the surface, she clung to the pillow and buried her face in it. “Momma.” She whispered.

Angel Bunny, Fluttershy’s most loyal pet, watched her cry, with his ears drooped, and a sorrowful expression. She always got like this on Mother’s Day, for as long as he had known her. The poor white rabbit could hardly stand to see the kind hearted Pegasus Pony in such a state.

He thought about it more and he realized that he was the only one that could do anything about it. Fluttershy put on such a brave face in front of the others. They could not be aware of how much missing her Mother hurt her.

Maybe they should.

Raising his head, Angel made the decision. Someone had to do something about this, and he was the only one that knew. Nodding to himself, the rabbit slipped out the pet door and headed for town. He needed a Pony that would understand her plight. He made all haste. There was only one answer.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Rainbow Dash awakened as she felt something bounce off her head. Cracking one eye, she surveyed the room. Seeing nothing, she rolled over, intending to go back to sleep. Then she felt something hit her again.

With an irritated frown on her face, she waited; eyes open, watching for whatever was assaulting her. She was rewarded a few moments later, when an acorn, falling straight through the roof of her cloud house, bounced off her head. Catching the offending seed, Rainbow flew out her window, intending to give whoever had been pelting her with these things a piece of her mind.

Outside, hovering above her home was a Bunny piloting a borrowed hot air balloon. Rainbow quickly recognized him as Fluttershy’s pet. “Angel?” The Rainbow-maned pony asked. “What are you doing out here, and why were you throwing nuts at me? Those things hurt.”

The rabbit pointed toward the ground and began to lower the balloon, signaling Rainbow to follow.

The Pegasus Pony followed curiously, wondering idly as she did how a bunny had learned to fly a hot air balloon.

Angel led Rainbow back to Fluttershy’s home and indicated the open window.

Rainbow looked inside and her heart broke. Inside, she saw her childhood friend crying into her pillow. She opened the door and stepped inside, a concerned look on her face.

Hearing the door, Fluttershy looked up and her tear-streaked eyes widened slightly. “Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?” she cried, trying ineffectively to hide the fact that she had been crying, too ashamed of her reasons to want the question asked.

Rainbow smiled softly at her friend and looked into her eyes. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

Fluttershy looked at the ground. “Nothing.” She said, “Nothing is wrong.”

Rainbow Dash knew a lie when she saw one. “Fluttershy,” she said, a little more firmly, “You and I go way back, and I know that you don’t cry like that unless there is something wrong. I… I just want to help.”

The sincerity in Rainbow’s voice made Fluttershy feel ashamed for lying to her. She sighed, and looked up at her. “It’s just…” she said, pausing as she struggled to put her feelings into words. “Tomorrow… Tomorrow is Mother’s Day.” She lowered her gaze, her pain obvious on her face. “I… I haven’t seen my Mother in six years… Not since I left.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened slightly as she ran the math. “Six years?” she asked, “Wasn’t six years ago when we all got our cutie marks?”

Fluttershy nodded. “When I fell from the Clouds during the Pegasus race, I discovered a whole new world.” She said sadly. “And… a way to escape.”

Rainbow looked at her friend with a deep curiosity. “Escape?” she asked. “Escape from what?”

Fluttershy hung her head. “I… I don’t want to talk about it.” She said, beginning to cry again.

Rainbow Dash nodded to herself, and wrapped her friend in warm hug, rocking her gently as Fluttershy cried herself to sleep.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

Spike the Dragon stared out at the night Sky. He was thinking about it again, as he always did when Mother’s Day came around. The questions “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” loomed large in the Dragon’s head. Twilight was never able to answer the question of where the egg he had hatched from had come from; Where his mother was, or if she even knew that her egg had hatched.

He had never had the courage to bring the question up to Princess Celestia, and she was the only one that was likely to know.

Twilight Sparkle looked up from her book and sighed as she watched the Dragon watch the sky. She knew what was going through his mind. It was always the same. He wanted the answers to his questions, and she wanted to give them to him. If only she had answers to give. She had a few questions of her own about him, as a matter of fact.

Like how, though the entrance exam for Celestia’s School requires the hatching of one, she had never seen another Dragon with any of the students. Or why hatching a creature whose nature was generally unknown could be a part of the exam in the first place.

Nodding to herself, Twilight made a decision. “Spike,” she asked, “Would you like to come with me to Canterlot Tomorrow?”

The young Dragon looked at the Unicorn curiously. “Why?” he asked.

Twilight smiled at him. “I am going to see my Mom for Mother’s Day, and I am also going to Princess Celestia to talk to her about your mother.” She said, “I thought you would want to be there.”

Spike’s eyes widened and then teared up. “Really?” he asked, “Do you mean it?”

Twilight nodded and embraced him. “Absolutely.” She replied. “No mother should be without her child on Mother’s Day.

Spike hugged Twilight tightly. “Oh thank you, Twilight!” he cried, “This will be the best Mother’s Day ever!”

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

In a dark room above a pastry shop, a Pink Mare awoke with a start. There was a slight pinch in her left ankle, and a single hair was standing on end in her normally curly pink mane.

Pinkie Pie had seen these signs before, and her Pinkie Sense never failed her. Secrets would be revealed, a quest would be embarked upon, and her friends would learn things both happy and sad. Soon, many things would be different, and some things would never recover.

Pinkie sighed. Sometimes it wasn’t easy being her. She got up and went down to begin baking. By the end of this day, someone was going to need cheering up, someone would need her help, and someone was going to want to celebrate.

All in all, that meant a lot of parties. But hey, she was Pinkie Pie. That's what she does.

.o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o. .o0o.

A.N. A little short somber piece. I am not used to doing non-crossovers. I am going to see if I can get this story finished by Mother’s Day, but I implore you to tell me what you thought of it so far.

Also, if you are wondering why Applejack and Rarity did not put in an appearance, the reasons are that they simply did not have any reason to be active the night before Mother’s Day. Both will be active with their own rituals and such on the Day itself, but they are simply not center stage in this fiction.