• Published 25th Apr 2015
  • 2,052 Views, 15 Comments

Ninja Pikachu - Raichu

Something is out there. It had powers that seem unstoppable. It is not of this world. It also says 'Pika' a lot.

  • ...

The Battle

Finding berries? This was stupid. The last few things that had tried to eat had nearly poisoned them so how would berries make a difference? However, if Zaps hadn’t offered to grab the food supply then they probably would have given him a kid’s task like fetching water or starting the fire. Steel and Tufts always liked to boss Zaps around like he was the child. Not that he wasn’t a little young for even a Pikachu. In fact, his evolution from a Pichu to a Pikachu was unlike anything his clan had seen. He was a little young for an evolution so when he evolved, his clan regarded him as their long lost hero. He tried to be their hero but he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough. So one night he made a wish and ended up the next day in a land of ponies as Steel called them. At least he was surrounded by others.

Zaps picked some suspicious looking berries off of a bush. They looked like Oran berries only if Oran berries had orange stripes and looked like Pecha berries. He picked a few off. They were probably edible.

In this world, he could fulfill his dream. He could become the hero that he had always wanted to be. They wouldn’t let him. Tufts and Steel. They treated him like a little kid. They refused to let him fulfill his wish. He was obviously brought to this world as a possible test or a way to start anew. He knew they were also right and that if they got caught then they may never find their way home again.

But did he really want to go home?

Zaps listened. The forest was silent again. There was a crackling noise though like something was crushing leaves. Zaps jumped into the nearest bush and peeked out. It was that pony that he saved from before. Scootaloo. She seemed to be looking for something.

“Pikachu?” She called out unexpectedly. “Pikachu?”

She seemed almost nervous. She was walking very slowly and kept looking around.

“Hello?” She called. Zaps leapt out of the bushes.

“Hello?” He asked. She looked towards him and smiled.

“Hey Pikachu.” She said happily. “How’s it going?”

“Great,” Zaps replied. He knew she probably wouldn’t be able to understand him but he decided to ask anyways, “What are you doing here?”

“Uh… so you’re probably wondering what I’m doing here. You live here, right?” Scootaloo asked and looked around. “Nice place you’ve got here.”

Zaps chuckled. Very nice place indeed with all the dead leaves, creepy howls and shadows that moved. At least this place was only temporary.

“What have you got there?” Scootaloo asked. Zaps dropped the berries he was carrying. “Uh… those look delicious. Do you know if they’re edible?”

Zaps shrugged. For all he knew, they were probably poisonous.

“I could bring you some apples if you want! If you eat apples.” Scootaloo said cheerfully. “It would probably be better than those berries.”

“That’d be great.” Zaps said with a nod.

“Ok! I’ll be right back!” Scootaloo said and ran off.


“This is all I could carry. Mom thought I was crazy when I started bagging this many apples.” Scootaloo said as she set down a burlap sack. “I didn’t know how many you might want.”

“Thanks.” Zaps thanked. “This is enough for my friends!”

“You have friends with you, right? Do you need some help carrying these?” Scootaloo offered. Zaps nodded. He would need all the help he could get.

“You have parents right?” Scootaloo asked as she grabbed the back end of the sack. Zaps grabbed the front end and they began to tug it in the direction of the camp.

“Uh, yeah.” Zaps nodded. He hadn’t thought of his parents since he got here. They were probably worried about him. His mother was a sweet Pikachu and his stepfather was Raichu. His first father was a Ditto who cheated on his mom for some Kirlia. The clan had always said that Ditto was no good, but she never listened until Ditto ran away with that other girl. Then the clan leader’s son stepped in and began helping out his mom until he hatched. Then they stayed together once they fell in love and married.

At least he had parents. It could have been worse. His parents probably were worried sick and the clan was probably assuring them that if he was the chosen one then he could take care of himself.

“Well, my dad died before I was born so all I have is my mom. She has to work double shifts so she’s not around much. Anyways, enough of the sad stuff. Is that your camp?” She pointed towards the clearing. Zaps nodded and they pushed the apples out into the clearing. Instantly a shadow darkened the area and Zaps looked up to see an angry Steel.

“Oh, hey Steel.” Zaps said nervously. “I found food.”

“You brought a pony over here!” Steel shouted. Zaps’s ears drooped. He probably should’ve thought the plan through.

“Wow! Is this one of your friends?” Scootaloo asked and tried to walk up to Steel. In one swift motion, Steel swung out his foot and she flew back and slammed into a tree.

“You could’ve killed her!” Zaps yelled as his cheeks sparked with electricity. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“We can’t let anybody find out we’re here! Anybody!” Steel said angrily. “Not even your little friends!”

“We can trust her!” Zaps said and ran up to Scootaloo who tried to sit up. “She’s alright.”

“She might turn us over to the government!” Steel growled. “And I want to go home, unlike you.”

“You think I don’t want to leave? I do, but I also want to take a risk and explore.” Zaps said and put a paw over Scootaloo’s hoof. “I want to be the hero I wished to be.”

“Pikachu?” Scootaloo muttered. She looked at him and smiled despite her black eye.

“I won’t let you hurt anybody else! Every hero has a villain and it must be you.” Zaps said and unleashed an electric attack. Steel stood up tall and shook it off.

Zaps jumped into the air and began to use iron tail as he fell. He stopped as Steel caught his tail. Steel threw him into the air. Zaps used a thundershock attack but Steel shook it off and shot a blue orb at him.

“Aura Sphere?” Zaps asked in surprise as the ball hits him. It exploded on contact. Zaps dropped out of the sky and hit the cushiony ground.

“The ground is much more soft here than back home.” He muttered. Back home, if you hit the ground, then it could be half of the reason that you lost a battle. Here, the ground felt like pillows. Zaps shook himself up and looked up just in time for Steel to kick him hard. He slammed back into the nearest tree with full force. Leaves fell on top of him and he could feel himself beginning to black out.

“I lost.” He muttered. He heard footsteps and struggled to look up. Steel looked down on him with pity.

“I’m sorry, Zaps. I had to do what’s best.” He said. “Even if that means I have to take you out.”

Steel stood up and walked over to Scootaloo. The last thing Zaps saw before he blacked out was Steel crouching beside Scootaloo with a paw over her a greenish light flooding over her.