• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 3,966 Views, 294 Comments

Three of Hearts - Anzel

Azurite is a pony relations warrant officer for the Canterlot Palace. It was supposed to be a relaxing change from royal guard duty, but that idea falls apart when her heart is pulled in two different directions... toward a stallion and a mare.

  • ...

10. My Choice

Thursday night already. Soarin was sitting across from me looking rather pensive. “So, what do you think?”

I swallowed. “They’re probably the best raw vegetables I’ve ever had? You continue to be a food genius? I’m both swooned and excited by your knowledge?”

He laughed. “Okay, okay. I just wanted to make sure you were having a good time. I realize this isn’t the same as traveling with the Wonderbolts.”

It took effort not to frown. With a cheerful tone I replied, “And you know that doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m dating Soarin the stud pony. Not Soarin the Wonderbolt. If you quit tomorrow I’d be fine with it. As long as you keep working out.”

“Oh I see! Is it all about my physical appearance? Is that all mares care about?”

“Without a doubt! Stallions are meant to sit still, look handsome, and treat mares with the respect and dignity they deserve. That is why all alicorns are mares and most nobles are, too. We’re the top of society!”

Soarin gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “I seem to recall a little mare that much prefers to be on bottom.”

I sputtered and fumbled my squash roll. “That is different!”

The stallion laughed and winked at me. Then his expression got serious. “Listen, Azurite, I wanted to talk about tomorrow. I feel like you sh—”

Holding up my hooves I replied, “Honestly, Soarin, it is fine. You’ve got ponies to see, places to go, and a busy career. I don’t mind. I’m happy with what we have. You don’t have to explain anything to me.”

He sat quietly a moment and then shrugged. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I am! Now, pick more things to feed me!”


Friday didn’t have the same allure as it usually did, at least not when I didn’t have a date. Sunny had one of course and Soarin was off doing some sort of Wonderbolt thing. It was time for me to do my chores and get my apartment spruced up. I’d been neglecting it a bit and my fish had lectured me when I got in late the night before.

I picked up my courier bag and trotted off on my rounds. When I reached Lieutenant Brook’s office he motioned me in.

“Azurite, do you know what time of year it is?” he asked.

“Evaluation time?”

The lieutenant smiled. “You know your job quite well. Will you be able to assist me with that and help out the PLHG with their pony processing?”

“Without a doubt, sir. Any word on that officemate?”

He shook his head. “Believe it or not there isn’t another warrant officer in the palace without an officemate. I’ll keep searching, though.”

“Thank you, sir. Have a good evening.”

“You, too!” he chimed as I went on with my duties.

After distributing all of the remaining missives I wandered into Sunny’s office. “Oh, excuse me,” I said politely.

Soarin was sitting across from Sunny. It looked very military. They were both in uniform so I kept it strictly business.

“Six missives today, lieutenant. You’re popular.”

Her response was a slight groan. “Thank you, Azurite. Any chance you could tell them I’ve moved?”

“I’ll do my best, ma’am!” Then I smiled at Soarin. “Good day, vice commander.”

“Good day,” he replied before looking back to Sunny. “So… the show was a hit. I know the princess will be thrilled to see it. Spitfire is still under the impression that she wants us to perform at the delegate meeting. Is that still on?”

They were talking business and I didn’t feel like waiting it out, nor did I want to figure out how to navigate where to put my affection. After a polite salute I headed out.

I heard Sunny say, “Yes. The princess has been talking about it for a month.”

It was kind of weird to think I’d seen the new show before the princess but I guess she didn’t want to go to Manehatten just for that. Plus it wasn’t just for her: it was for all the delegates in Equestria.

I bet that was going to be a security nightmare. It was days like today that made me glad I was in pony relations.


When you get into a groove time seems to move quicker. I had been in a serious groove. A few months ago I could hardly stand to wait an hour before a date with Sunny or Soarin. That isn’t to say I don’t get super excited still but I’m more patient. Waiting a day or even a week wasn’t a problem anymore. I guess eventually the ‘new wagon smell’ wears off.

Things had been going very well for me. A date with Sunny, then a date with Soarin, then she’d have a date and he’d be off doing some show. Then it would all repeat again. Lieutenant Brook had given me a very positive review and it looked like I might even make senior warrant officer next year. It felt really good to get rewarded for doing something I liked.

My nerves were also doing better. I went to see Sandy every single week and we were starting to be friends again. We did stuff, too: plays, games, and the likes. She was showing me that being injured wasn’t impacting her life like I had imagined. Sandy lived well. She’d even met a stallion last month. To help that along I’d given her all my tips… which only took about three minutes. All in all I was extremely happy.

“Azu, hello?” Sunny said, waving a hoof in front of my eyes.


“I asked if you were having fun.”

A small faire had come to Canterlot and Sunny had insisted we go there on our date. We spent a lot of time avoiding crowds but we had managed to ride the ferris wheel, the carousel, and the tea cups. Now we were sitting and eating funnel cake. I lust for funnel cake.

I smiled at her and replied, “I’m really happy.”

Sunny blinked. “Oh? Then you are having fun.”

“Yes, with the faire, sure… but Sunny, I’m really happy.”

The mare smiled and folded her hooves on the table. “I’m glad. Is there a particular reason?”

Settling my hooves on hers I shrugged. “My panic attacks are getting a little better, I get to date you, and my life is really together. I don’t know. I’m just grateful. Does that make sense?”

There was a nod of agreement and then she asked pointedly, “Are you thinking about getting serious?”

That was a turn I had not expected. “I, um. Are things not serious?”

Sunny giggled. “We’ve never talked about being serious. You seem comfortable with me seeing other ponies and you’re seeing Soarin, too. I’m not complaining, but you and I are very different ponies. You’ve always struck me as the mare that is going to want a commitment at some point.”

Okay, seriously, not how I saw this date going. Inner Azurite was now involved and considering the situation. “Oh, that is fair. Are you the kind of pony that could commit? Commit to a little mare like me?”

“Well, I’ll be honest, planning for that sort of thing hasn’t been for me. My belief has always been that my love line would lead me to the pony I’m meant to be with. You and I started going out and the number of ponies I’ve been seeing has been dramatically reduced. That is kind of a commitment so… yes. I think I could commit. If you chose me.”

Me choose? That was just silly. I’d been waiting for Soarin or Sunny to ask me. After all, I’m a wing pony. “What do you mean me choose?”

Sunny’s head tilted. “What do YOU mean?”

“Wouldn’t you or Soarin decide whether or not to pick me?”

“Well… I’m going to ignore how strange that is to hear from you and rephrase. Let’s assume that Soarin and I both propose to you at the same time. Doesn’t that mean you have to choose?”

I let her hooves go. Why did she have to be right? “I have to choose?”

“Yes, sugar. You’re the only one holding the process up.”

Great. I had been so happy just minutes before. With a grumble I asked, “Do I have to choose tonight?”

Sunny laughed and shook her head. “No, come on. Let’s go have some fun.”


Dinner was going awkwardly. I’d been up in my head fighting with inner Azurite for a week straight.

“Are you alright, Azurite?” Soarin asked me between bites of pie. Of all things he liked pie the best.

“Yes, I’m sorry. Sunny Day got up in my head. I can’t shake it.”

Soarin looked at me curiously, his expression getting serious. “Honestly, she’s up there while we’re on a date?”

Quickly I waved my hooves in front of me. “Not like that! She told me last week that everypony was waiting on me to choose and that I shouldn’t be waiting to be chosen.”

“Oh, that is different then.” He nodded. “And yes, she is right.”

With a squeak I asked, “You, too?”

He shrugged, “Listen, I like you. I like you a lot. We have a lot of fun and I think we’re good together. You never talk much about going exclusive, you still see her, and when we do our thing you don’t complain. It isn’t bad. It works for my life… but if you were sitting there waiting, I have to agree with her. It is on you.”

“So you’re saying you could commit to me?” I asked rather pointedly. Stallions are terrified of commitment. Maybe I could shift it back to him.


Soarin, I will smother you with a pillow! “Oh. Yay.”

“You don’t seem pleased. Have I gotten us wrong?”

“No! I’m sorry. You have us right. I really like you. I just hate the idea that everypony seems to be waiting on me. My whole life has been designed around not being that pony.”

Soarin shrugged. “Don’t sweat it, Azurite. I’m not going anywhere. If you’re not ready you’re not ready. We can all keep this up. No pony’s feelings have been hurt yet.”

Softly I sighed. “Okay… but if yours are you have to tell me. If for one second you think I’m just playing with your heart I’ll die.”

“I don’t think that at all. Come on, sooner or later it will come to you. For now, why don’t we just have a good time?”


Everypony was counting on me to make a decision. It had been months and it was time to act like an adult. Was it Sunny or was it Soarin? One of them deserved to be allowed to move on. I could do this and, thankfully, neither of them were around this weekend for me to see. It gave me time to consider what was best.

Lists were all over my apartment. Soarin’s pros and cons. Sunny’s pros and cons. Data points on how much fun I had on dates. Graphs on compatibility. Quiz after quiz out of Mares Monthly. There had to be a logical answer.

Silly Azurite, looking for logic when it comes to the heart. After completing another useless Mares Monthly quiz I tossed the magazine on the floor. It fell open to a picture of a ridiculously pink pegasus mare. Four different shades of pink to be specific. It certainly got my attention.

Can’t see your love line? Is your path to romance unclear? Let Lovey Dovey help you! Lovey has made over 1,000 successful matches with a 100% record of success. Drop in for an appointment today!

“How ridiculous…” Something on the page caught my eye. Love line. Wasn’t Sunny always talking about that? “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk to her.”

The address was in Canterlot. Tomorrow I’d go see Lovey Dovey and see if she could help me with my love line!


Lovey Dovey was, evidently, a big deal. She was renting a temporary office in Canterlot and I had waited until after lunch to go over. That was a huge mistake. The line of ponies stretched out of the building and down the block. I didn’t have anywhere else to be, though, so I waited it out. Ponies in straight lines aren’t scary and you can just gallop off if you need to.

Well after sundown I found myself sitting on a pink pillow looking across a pink coffee table at a pink pegasus with what had to be a million hearts on her flanks.

“What can I do for you?” she asked in a sugary sweet voice.

“You see, Miss Dovey, I’m in a bit of a bind. I’m dating two different ponies.”

The pegasus bounced on her pillow and nodded. “You can call me Lovey.”

“Right. So I’m dating two different ponies.”


“And I want to get serious.”


“And… and I’m dating two ponies and I want to get serious?”

“Right. Go on?”

Was she some kind of loon? “I really like them both. My heart can’t make up its mind on which one I should be with.”

Lovey Dovey looked at me like I was crazy. She looked at ME like I was the crazy one of the two of us.

“Mostly I help ponies that don’t know where their love line ends,” she said finally.

“But I don’t know where mine ends. There are two ponies.”


“Right? I know I don’t know!” I said a little louder than I intended. “What should I do?”

The pegasus shook her head. “What should you do about what?”

“My love line!”

“Everything looks fine to me!”

Deep breaths, Azurite. She’s bigger than you… tackling her wouldn’t solve the problem. Slowly I rose and nodded. “Okay, thank you.”

“You’re welcome! Have fun!”

Quickly I left the crazy mare’s office. There was no help there. All the way across town for nothing. The Mare Contraire wasn’t too far away and I headed over there. It was still somewhat early for a Saturday night.

Dolly waved at me when I arrived. There weren’t too many ponies in the place but I made a note to keep an eye on them. Crowds were still too much for me to handle. After I climbed onto a stool the not-as-insanely-pink bartender came over.

“You look sour tonight, Azurite. What can I get you?”

“The usual. I’m in a mood,” I replied.

My usual was a concoction of crushed ice, strawberries, and the tiniest amount of liquor. Dolly set it in front of me and asked, “Why is that?”

Ponies normally come to bartenders for advice, right? I laid it all out for Dolly. She listened and nodded. It took me two cocktails to finally get to the end. “So… Evidently I’m supposed to pick.”

“That is pretty tough for a wing pony. Of course, you could be in a worse situation, right? You have two very good options.”

Draining the second cocktail I tapped my hoof on the counter. “You’re right but I’d prefer it if I had a good option and a bad one. I don’t want to upset either of them.”

“Well, Azurite, it sounds to me like they’re both being really adult about it. It may not be what they want to hear but it seems like either would accept being cut loose. Sunny would probably take it pretty easy. I wasn’t sure that pony would ever settle down. Don’t tell her I said that, though.”

“I won’t,” I promised as I drank cocktail number three. The crowd was starting to build and it was time to escape. “Thanks, Dolly. That is at least something to think about. Have a good night.”

“You too, Azurite. Be careful going home.”

Careful. Careful was my middle name! Which didn’t make any sense because I didn’t have a last name. Azurite Careful no last name. “You bet, Dolly!”

When I got outside there were a lot of ponies on the streets. That tended to happen on Saturday nights. The later it got the more ponies there were and it was pretty late. My coat hair started standing on end and the warm feeling of the drinks couldn’t calm me. Actually, it was making me more paranoid.

Were those ponies looking at me? Were they staring? Quickly I started trotting away from the pockets of ponies. That was hard to do though. This part of town had a lot of clubs and bars.

Azurite, you’re fine. They’re not looking at you. They’re not coming for you. It isn’t the same. Carefully I wound my way through the crowd in the direction I thought was home. It was tough to see given my height and the over indulgence in alcohol. My hooves swayed and I bumped into a stallion.

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” he yelled at me. Too loud.

I backed up into another pony. “Watch it!” she sneered.

They were all around me! My heart started beating quickly and I galloped off without so much as an apology. Time to get away. Need to hide. Need to get home.

Just after I shot past Sunny’s building I slid to a stop. Good place to hide. Doubling back I hurried up to her door and unlocked it with the spell she had taught me. The room was a blur through the tears and sweat on my face. Slam the door. Lock the door. Keep them out.

My breaths were coming quickly. I went into the kitchen and hid under the table. Safe here. The lights came on. No! The door was locked. It had to be my imagination. Hoofsteps came closer. Weary hoofsteps. They were going to ambush me. I pressed my back against the center support that held the table up. Maybe they wouldn’t see me.

Sunny’s head appeared under the tablecloth with me. “Azurite! Oh Celestia, what's happened?” She shoved her way under the table and wrapped me in her hooves. “You’re safe. You’re safe, honey. What happened?”

I nuzzled into her neck. Why was I always having my panics around Sunny? It was a miracle she liked me at all. Through the alcohol and anxiety I rambled what had happened. At least I thought I did.

“Is she okay? Do I need to get an ambulance?” The voice was familiar. Masculine and full of concern.

“She’ll calm down. She always does. It is a panic disorder. An ambulance won’t be necessary.”

Who was she talking to? Oh no! Sunny’s date. “I’m ruining your date!” I gasped and tried to scramble out of her hooves.

Sunny held onto me tightly. “Forget about that. Azu, you can’t go out there like this, you’ll get hurt. Now we can get out from under the table if you like but I’m not letting you out of this condo. Okay?”

“Okay.” The shaking wasn’t as bad. Stupid Azurite. You can’t even handle walking home. Now you’re no better than Trixie. Barging in on other ponies’ dates. “Okay. Maybe we shouldn’t stay under the table.”

“Alright,” Sunny said softly before letting me go and crawling out. She lifted the table cloth for me and I followed. My sight was fixed on the pairs of light blue hooves waiting for us. How awkward was this going to be?

Slowly my eyes followed the hooves up. Oh Celestia… “Soarin?” I squeaked and then started to turn.

“She’s going back under!” Sunny exclaimed before looping her forelegs around my middle and catching me. My hooves scrambled in the air until it became clear that I wasn’t going anywhere.

Soarin didn’t look guilty. He looked concerned and worried. Shouldn’t he look guilty? I’d caught them. They were dating behind my back. They were… How could I be so stupid? Sunny had flat out said it. ‘... and you’re seeing Soarin, too.’ Oh Celestia they’d both said it. ‘...when we do our thing.’ I sniffled and the tears started.

“This is why I didn’t think this was a good idea,” Soarin said.

“She seemed okay with it,” Sunny admitted as she held me against her.

“I didn’t know!” I moaned softly.

Both ponies looked at me, shock plastered on their faces. “What do you mean?” Sunny asked. “Of course you knew! He and I were dating before you and I were.”

Slowly I shook my head. “Too stupid to know.”

Soarin’s hoof came to his face. “I tried to tell her but I never put it in those exact words. She just kept saying she was happy with how things were. I assumed you two had talked about it and she didn’t want to discuss it.”

Sunny’s grip on me tightened and she said softly, “I… could see how she’d not know. She didn’t want to know about my dates. Oh, Azu. We weren’t keeping it a secret, honest.”

I squirmed. I wanted to leave. They were perfect ponies that were perfect for each other. What chance did I have? “I know. I know. Stupid Azu. Let me go, please. I want to go home.”

“No,” Sunny said firmly, her voice full of authority. “We’re going to be adults.”

Soarin sat down next to us and nodded. “Yes. We’re going to talk about it and not make assumptions.”

Nope. No. Not happening. I wanted to go home. I squirmed more. By Celestia, why is Sunny so strong? Wiping some of the tears off my face I stammered, “Y-You two are a good couple. Let me go, please.”

“And you and I are a good couple. What’s your point?” Soarin asked.

Why were they being so cruel? Did they want to hear it? Fine! I took a deep breath. “You’re a perfect stallion. You’re sweet, strong, handsome, and dashing. She is a perfect mare. She’s kind, understanding, and beautiful. Why do you want a broken little mare that hides under tables?”

“That is enough of that!” Sunny commanded before squeezing me. “I am not perfect. I’m flighty, selfish, and I don’t always think about other ponies’ feelings. And you. You are not broken! Of course you won’t listen to me though. You only listen to that crazy little Azurite in your head. Not tonight though. I’ll show her!”

Sunny shifted and trapped me between herself and Soarin. “Tonight you’re going to pick one of us. Soarin and I aren’t going to get together as a couple. We’re going to sit here until you choose. Right Soarin?”

He sat up straight and nodded. “Yes. Azurite gets to win. You pick me or Sunny. We’re not picking each other. I’ll understand your decision either way. I’d be very happy to be with you.”

My head darted back and forth between the two of them. They were serious. I knew them both well enough to see that. “Why?” I asked.

“You’re worth loving. I’ve been playing around for years. Then you came along. Soarin has been waiting, though. He was one of the ones I just played with and I’m sorry about that but it is too late. You should pick him.”

Soarin shook his head. “Don’t be silly. She clearly needs you. I didn’t even know she had panics like this. If you finally found somepony you can finally settle down with I don’t want to take her from you. Of the two of us I’m sure I’ll find another pony that is the commitment type. Also, for what it’s worth, apology accepted. Now, Azurite, pick Sunny.”

I whined and put my hooves over my head. Sunny or Soarin? Soarin or Sunny? Make a choice, Azurite! It was time to be an adult. Adults can pick between eclairs and cake. I wasn’t much of an adult, though.

I looked up at Sunny and shook my head. “I can’t. I’m sorry, I can’t. I know I have to. You both deserve that but I can’t. You two decide.”

Sunny looked down at me in frustration. She sighed and settled back, finally letting me go. “Alright. You don’t want to date anypony else, do you?”

No, no I did not. My head shook.

“You?” she asked Soarin.

He shook his head. “How about you?” he asked her in return.

She shook her head. “No, I’ve been slowly giving everypony else the boot. It got too messy, she was getting serious, and… well, we’re old friends aren’t we?”

“Yeah. The oldest,” he said forlornly. “but friends.”

Sunny stroked my mane and nibbled on her lip. “Alright, well, I’ll simplify this. Soarin, since you and I have been friends a long time and we’ve dated a while, let me ask you a question: it’s been better than most right?”

“Yeah, I’d say so. I just never felt like I was more than one in the crowd.”

“Yeah… sorry about that,” Sunny replied. Then she huffed, “Oh enough of this. By Celestia, this is the worst date ever.” She got up and said, “Soarin, do you love Azurite? Don’t be coy.”

He looked at me and softly reached down to pet my mane. “Yeah, I do.”

“Me, too,” she said. “So pick her up and bring her into the bedroom.”

“Pardon?” He asked.

Sunny shrugged. “You love her. I love her. You and I are good enough together. I’m not going to run around anymore so if that was the only issue between us why can’t we work it out? It will just be the three of us. We certainly share our love of Azu in common and I’m not picking.”

Soarin slowly looked from me to Sunny, confusion clear on his face. “So… you’re suggesting we just keep going?”

“No. Not at all. Everypony together. Three ponies on dates, three ponies on trips, and three ponies in the bedroom. No other ponies on the side. Commitment.”

Clearing his throat Soarin pointed a hoof at me. “Just so I’m clear. You and her at the same time. All the time?”

Sunny purred, “Yes, stud. Do you think you can handle that?”

He swallowed and then looked down at me. “Can you handle that, Azurite? If seeing us together is going to hurt you I don’t want to do it.”

Slowly I got up. Sunny Day was as crazy as Lovey Dovey… but I loved her and I loved Soarin. Could I possibly handle seeing them kiss? Forget kissing, though. What about sports? Maybe I could… I’d be there, too. I’d get kisses and sports, too. Ponies did that sort of thing. Oh, Azurite, is that the coward’s way out?

Who cares! It certainly beat choosing. Two ponies loved me and it was worth trying. Forget what Inside Azurite thought. I nuzzled up against Soarin and then quickly trotted over to Sunny. I wiped my eyes and did my best to be dignified.

In an effort to be brave I rose to my full height and, while still having to look up at her, said, “I get to go first.”

“You most certainly do not!” Sunny replied, her nose high in the air. “Wing ponies start on the bench. I’ll make sure you’re appropriately warmed up for the game though. Come along.”

She swayed her way in front of me, lightly swatted me with her tail, and made for the bedroom. Her gait was full of confidence and I knew better than to argue with a lead pony.

“Seriously?” Soarin asked, looking shocked. Finally he got up and closed the ground to us. We each got a big stallion nuzzle. “Alright, then… suits me fine.”

It suited me just fine, too. Choosing would have been impossible and, truthfully, the little Azurite in my head wasn’t complaining. Sunny and Soarin would be happy. I’d be happy and, most important of all, my cutie mark finally made sense. Three hearts connected by one little gem.

♥ 10 ♥

Author's Note:

This story has been a pleasure to write. It was way different than my usual topics but it was near and dear to me. I hope you'e enjoyed it.

I'm not done with Azurite yet so she'll be getting another story here in the future.

Thank you all for reading and commenting!

Comments ( 73 )

While not quite what I expected for the ending bit, I will say that it was certainly cute. Given that it's first person, I find it rather fitting that the narrative gets jumpy as Azurite begins figuring things out and starts panicking when she works herself up. All in all, a fun fic. I look forward to the next one.

Edit: Realized I put spoilers in. My bad!

Soarin sat down next to use and nodded. “Yes. We’re going to talk about it and not make assumptions.”

I believe you have a rogue E in there.

This was nice, have plans for any other guard character stories that aren't Silent Knight? I'm sure most of us already know your plans for SK.

Threesome! I knew it!:raritystarry:

Sorry I've been quiet the last day or so all. I've had a nasty little stomach bug and today is the first day I've started to feel normal again. Let me catch up on some comments!

5923995 That would be pretty funny. Sunny tackling Azu into the hall.

5925369 It is a tricky choice for sure. They both make compelling companions!

5925823 Talking about glue and ponies in the same sentence! Gasp! ;D

5926458 Azurite is REALLY easy to write sometimes. I'm good at getting in her head.

5927667 You make a very valid argument and also hit on what I was trying to do. Soarin is stable for sure.

5943093 Hopefully surprising in a good way. I was trying not to be too obvious with the outcome. That last bit was challenging to write because I wanted her to express her feeling in the moment. So much of her went into that. Glad you appreciated it!

5943170 Good catch, all fixed. The next side story I'll be doing is from Silent Knight's perspective but features Sunny Day. I don't currently have any other ones on the books but I think I would enjoy doing a Miley story.

There is also another Azurite story in the works and I'm tentatively planning a "before" one that will deal with her and Sandy more. Other than that I'm not sure. I've got a decent cast of ponies I'd like to write about but I'd need to find the hook and the voice. I prefer to write first person and that means getting into the character's head. Azurite and Silent Knight are very different and finding a third voice in my head might not be easy ;)

5943268 There's so many jokes for what Sunny could do that would utterly embarrass poor Azu lol.

Also, it took me a bit to appreciate how the ending went. The reason why... eh, can't say because spoiling things :derpytongue2:

5943244 ;D

5943291 Yeah I just wanted to do something a little different. Plus when I figured out the last line I was stuck to it (I realize it is campy but this is a rom-com)!

5943299 Never complained about it. A little bit of silliness/cheesiness in a rom-com never hurt anyone.

5943302 This is true ^_^

Going to Lovey Dovey is like...

Ok, it's like when you can't get past that one fight in Chronicles of Riddick, and your drunk roommate grabs the controller and beats it without any trouble: "I don't shee what the problem ish."

5943311 And soon, the silliness will cross over into the comment section. Everyone grab a flotation device, lest you be drowned in a sea of comments that appears more like a Skype chat log!

5943323 Technically Lovey Dovey was right! In her own crazy way ;D

5943328 Which I totally love.

5943389 Then away we go! All without the safety of a net!

D'awwwe cute! Good job. A very enjoyable read. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Yes! Sooooooo Awesome!:rainbowkiss:

5943268 Try asking Doctor Discord. I've heard he's a specialist at voices in one's head.

The woes of first person writing. Well, you know what they say: "No work, no reward."

Oh my god! my teeth are rotting from the sweetness!!! This chapter was a wonderful emotional roller coaster. Cant wait to see her next story!

How did I not see this coming? That ending is both a surprise and a joy, in more ways then one ;)

So glad to see that she got both.


“She’s going back under!” Sunny exclaimed before looping her forelegs around my middle and catching me. My hooves scrambled in the air until it became clear that I wasn’t going anywhere.

Didn't I say something like that before? *grins*

Damn. I am curious, do you have an experience with this type of relationship? (maybe from a friend if not personnal) It's just it's kind of hard of imagine how that work on a long term.

5944227 I don't personally have any experience with it. I feel being with one partner is busy enough ;) For them though it may work!

5944019 It was tough for me to keep that quiet ^_^ it was coming!

5943877 I'm glad to hear I wasn't super obvious! Glad you liked it.

5943868 Sugary is my style ;D Thank you for reading. The next story is in the works!

5943827 This is true! We'll see how it goes on who I might do next.

5943545 Thank you! And thank you for reading =D


5944380 Discord is best narrator.

DAT Soaring. "Wait.... Seriously?"

“So you’re saying you could commit to me?” I asked rather pointedly. Stallions are terrified of commitment. Maybe I could shift it back to him.
Soarin, I will smother you with a pillow! “Oh. Yay.”


Why were they being so cruel? Did they want to hear it? Fine! I took a deep breath. “You’re a perfect stallion. You’re sweet, strong, handsome, and dashing. She is a perfect mare. She’s kind, understanding, and beautiful. Why do you want a broken little mare that hides under tables?”


Just go with it, Soarin, sometimes you hit the jackpot!

There we go, it's always nice to see a story get the ending you've been hoping for. Really looking forward to that next Azurite story!

not trying to tell you what to write but definitely Miley. Please:duck:


Flailing hooves are the best hooves.


This whole story was awesome. And i was not expecting that ending. Good show. Azu is my new favourite character.

5944690 Thank you very much! I'm glad it was super obvious and that you enjoyed it. We'll get to see more Azurite in the future for sure!

5944666 This is true.

5944600 She would probably be my preferred one. I'd have to get in her head ;)

5944574 I'm glad it worked out the way you were hoping for! I thought it was a fitting way to resolve it ;D

5944437 Yeah. He had to do that math. He's a good pony! He earned it.

5944426 Only if John de Lancie voiced it! Three of Hearts... with John De Lancie.

5944414 Huzzah!

You all seem quite pleased with the resolution.

Yay! :pinkiehappy: I'd voted for that ending. You did so much work making both of them compatible with Azu that by the end I couldn't imagine her being able to choose unless one of them randomly screwed up big time. That would have been a left field shot in my opinion though.

Would be funny if Cadence visited Canterlot Castle the next day and was like, "There's love all over everything in here!"

This is a very good story, and I honestly didn't see that ending coming at all. Can't wait to see more of Azurite in the future.

5943323 Oh my gosh! You're right! Haha:rainbowlaugh:! Lovey would be just like that!

Ah, a great read Mr. Anzel. I thoroughly enjoyed it. That ending I have to admit, I sort of saw that coming, but that didn't ruin the story at all. Can't wait to see more of little Azu later.:rainbowkiss:

Not a shocking ending, but I like it. I'm a little surprised she didn't do a full spit-take when Soarin started talking in this chapter. Really, Sunny knowing about Soarin wasn't any real give away, but as soon as Soarin admitted knowing about Sunny it should have been pretty obvious that the two of them were discussing things. That, and the fact that he kept showing up in her office. I mean, come on, Celestia doesn't go to that many Wonderbolts shows.

I still kinda wanted her to pick Soarin, but as long as he's around to make Sunny act her age (occasionally) I'm kay with a three-way ending.

Honestly, I saw that end coming, then I talked myself right out of it. I thought there was going to be some little twist or something at the end. I got to admit though..... perfect ending. The last sentence explaining her cutie mark.... absolutely perfect.

There's only one thing left for this..... a bonus chapter.....say a month into their relationship to see how they're doing. Perhaps a date Knight or something. :raritywink:

This was a really good story. I hope that these characters(mostly Azurite and Soarin, since Sunny is already a 'guest character') make more appearances in Memoirs

I wish this could have clicked. It didn't, for some reason I can't place. The style is what I like in the writing you do, but this just didn't connect. Ah well.

“Azurite, do you know what time of year it is?” he asked.

“Evaluation time?”

Oh wow, the feels...because y'know I just finished Austraeoh yesterday...

Anyways, YAY, her cutie mark finally makes sense! To be honest though I kinda knew how it'll end because of it. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed reading about Azu and I certainly look forward to your next fic about her...whenever that may be :)

5948326 I very much appreciate the award!

5946926 I'm always happy to find the feels even though I'm not sure what Austraeoh is ;D Yeah the cutie mark was kind of a give away but it made sense =D

5946493 That's okay ;) Not everything I write will click with everyone even though my style is very similar throughout.

5946264 We'll certainly be seeing a bit more of Azurite!

5946131 Well, as far as the month later the current Azurite story I'm working on takes place in the future. There is still a lot for her to do ;D

5945506 Celestia is a Wonderbolts nut! Yeah, Soarin comes out as the very traditional safe choice. I see him as the "right," with Sunny being way on the left and Azurite sort of keeping the middle.

5945076 I'm glad you liked it! Yeah I didn't want to go "super surprise" left field. Especially since it is a very non-traditional ending ;)

5944960 Thank you ^_^ There will be more Azurite for sure!

5944804 Yeah, for ToH I didn't want to force a pony to "screw up" to skew it. I also liked both Soarin and Sunny a lot so I just went with both ;D


Yeah, for ToH I didn't want to force a pony to "screw up" to skew it. I also liked both Soarin and Sunny a lot so I just went with both ;D

Y'know... It would be such a shame to split up Crystal and Velvet too... Y'know? :raritywink:

Well, I just like Soarin because I think he fits better for Azurite. Maybe it's just because all of Sunny's growth as a character happened off screen, so we never got to see any of it until right there at the last chapter, but I still can't see her as anything other than the party girl she was at the beginning of the series.

Though, if I'm gonna be honest, by the end her relationship with Soarin bothered me almost as much simply because there was almost zero communication between the two of them about anything important. I mean, neither one of them bothered to mention the fact that they were dating other ponies, and I know that at least Azurite wasn't the type to just assume that her partner would think she was seeing other people. I dunno, maybe I'm the odd one out for letting that bother me so much, but I really feel like that's the sort of thing you need to talk about with someone you're dating right from the start rather than just assuming the other has the same view.

5953611 Oh I agree with you. Sunny made it clear she was seeing someone else. Soarin tried to but Azurite assumed it was Wonderbolts stuff and wouldn't let him talk. I tried to address that concept so it wouldn't be a total curve ball in the end.

Hopefully Soarin will pick up a bit of Sunny's dominant streak between now and the sequel. His perfect gentleman persona is nice, and certainly endearing, but Azu is far too scattered for that to work in the long term. He's gonna have to throw a touch of dominance in there just to make sure things are moving in the right direction, because if he keeps leaving it up to Azu, well, this is what happens, lol.

Though I suppose now that they've got the three-way thing going he could just leave that to Sunny.

5983857 I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thank you for reading and commenting! I didn't mean to quantify the time. He is just saying "I've kept you here for hours" vs "I've kept you here two hours."

6034477 I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Thank you for reading and hopefully my Azu and your Azu are different enough so that your Azu doesn't think I'm hiding in the bushes writing about her/his life.

6057328 Thank you so much =D Azurite is a lot of fun and I really enjoy writing her. Adorable was what I was after!

6048646 He is a pretty great stallion!

Aww a cute story and another page turner. I loved the characters in this one as much as I did those in Memoirs.

My immediate reaction on reaching the end: Aww....it's over already? I wanna see more! I wanna know how it works out for them! :fluttercry:

Well done, Mr. Anzel! Another great one!

6188729 I'm glad you liked! The sequel will be starting up in about 3 weeks actually. So good timing.

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