• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Steel Quill

A pony with too much time on his hooves and too much plot to work with, in more ways than one. Porn Pope (TM). Also on FA!

Comments ( 38 )

dude you are a freaking master at making these! I don't know how long it takes you to find the right words or how long it takes for you to write these but I can't say it enough, you are a genius:moustache: thank you again!

5557535 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: And I had the help of a great editor who helped me check out my first draft and fix it up to be even better. As for time, it just depends on the story, though it usually takes a couple weeks to get everything down right.

It's been a little while since your last story, but holy heck was this worth the wait. Just like your first story, and every story after it, the descriptions were beautiful. Nothing was left to the imagination, and the lovemaking was extremely hot. You write anthro damn well. Who is your editor? I noticed that you mentioned him/her briefly in your previous comment. As an editor myself, I find it nice/helpful if credit is given in the author's note at the end or at the bottom of the story description. Still, I seriously love your work, and I look forward to whatever you have in store for us next. Any hints as to what that may be? Keep up the great writing!


What the fuck? This is front page material, and only 26 likes?


Just...really well frickin' done.

5558109 My editor hasn't yet created a profile here on FimFiction. Once he does though, I can properly credit him. I met him outside of here, but he has been a tremendous help to me.

5558855 Well, thank you! XD Did you have a favorite part?

Hmm, favorite part...I like how gradual and natural the build-up in their relationship was. On that note, I wish that the ending scene was a little longer. It wasn't like "wham-bam, thank you ma'am" but I would've liked a cuddle at the end as they fall asleep or something, just to round off a perfect day. That's just me, though, and has really no bearing on my enjoyment of the story. It was wonderful! There's not enough (good) Carrot Top stories out there, not to mention that this was a satisfying and believable pairing.

I must be an idiot. A complete knucklehead. A guy with more than a few screws loose.

Seriously, how could I miss that you started writing again!

And two stories to boot!


This is just too overwhelming, and I'm not just talking about the quality of these two stories.

5559588 Well, nothing like throwing yourself back into it, hehe :twilightsmile: What stood out for you in this story?

5559833 Starting off.

Buildup: I ain't seen the likes of these since my first novel, where I was literally screaming at the couple to kiss already. Then again it was only when the protagonist discovered his feelings I went crazy

Writing: As usual you use excellent grammar, fluid writing, and great use of sentences to bring out the story in all its orange and green glory. I think I might shout Carrot Top whenever someone asks "What's orange with a green top?"

Level of Hotness: Yep, Holey... no other word for it. It is strange because I'm also a writer (Albeit a beginner, at best) and there should be at least seven different words for what I am feeling right now, but that's it.

5559867 Well, thank you very much! I'm flattered that you'd be rendered speechless by my work! :twilightblush: Here's hoping I can make more like it, haha!

You got a degree. You now have loads of free time.

If you don't, I will unleash Discord on you.

You damn better.

No offense

You just turned a porno into a novel. (At least this fanfic feels like one to me) So I shall review it as such.
I remember how back in middle school my friend tried to convince me to get into a relationship. It was annoying. His central point in his argument was a chart. It was happiness relative to the time spent together. Here's how it went. It would start by going up to show the first few days of newfound happiness. Then there's a steep curve downward to show a fight between the two lovers. Then after making up, there's a boom in height as it jumps up to indicate, this stories shower scene. He ended by stating, isn't that high point worth it? I would then smile, turn away and say, stop it, as I knew what he was referring to.
This story is missing that curve. Written script feels too much like a Mary Sue. Literally designed to be carrot tops one. This made me feel really uncomfortable as he was godlike in being a colt friend. It's a bit unrealistic. Even like a small misunderstanding to show to reach that booming height, they worked for it.
But I fell in love with your writing at the beginning. Like black trinity stated, your buildup and grammar/syntax are godlike. A Hugh relief as fanfiction.net has the worst writers known to man.

Not bad, dude.

Not bad at all! I can see why Solid there likes you a lot.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This is magnificent, mindless clip is one thing, but when you actively use the romance tag for all its worth and weave it so seamlessly within the story, you create a masterpiece.

Good job Steel Quill, good job.

I don't like clopfics but this was still pretty good. I am a bit confused though. Like is this a human story because it says multiple times "fingers" or other human references. At the same time though it says "mare" and "colt". Please elaborate on this for me please.

Oh never mind, just noticed the anthro tag. Meh anthro. Still think its very strange but whatever, people can do what they want.

As soon as I read the description I immediately thought of the song "Beyond her garden."

5561595 I'm not familiar with that song, I'm afraid. What's it about?

It's all about carrot top and it's a very popular brony song. Just search up on YouTube woodentoaster beyond her garden and you should find it.

Excellent story! I didn't see any grammar or spelling errors, the pacing was good, and the end was well-described without sounding juvenile. Well done :twilightsmile:

5561629 it's this family here

oh and my favorite part your story was when as a first date.

Ok, this was cute. Really cute. It's always nice when there's an actual story and not just pointless clop.

The only complaint, if you can call it so, is that water is not really the best of lubricants (I mean, it works, sure. But kinda numbs the feeling). But we could play it off as ponies being different, or something... But otherwise, I loved the story. :heart:

.......:facehoof::ajbemused: NO, man, just no.

5573555 well I'm sorry that my writing skills have been slurred at that time. I was under the weather on that day, so excuse me for having a off day.

No, I meant that song. So out of place.

5576303 oh, is that all. I was just answering a question for a person who didn't know what that song was.

Oh? Well then, disregard all comments made. PEACE!!!

I loved this story, it was sweet and romantic :twilightsmile:
well paced and a pleasure to read to :yay:

You know, all of your one shot love stories always build the characters in such a way that they almost beg for a follow up, nay a life story written about them! But, alas, there is only but so much time in life, and never enough to do everything we want to do.
But I guess thats just the circle of life for you, eh?

til next time.

But with Script’ influence, she now saw him taking that stallion’s place, suddenly pulling her to him unexpectedly and kissing her firmly as his roughened hands would explore her belly and back…her legs spreading as she straddled his lap there in the field, tongues battling each other as one of his hands slipped into her tight jeans -

...and HALLELUJAH :rainbowlaugh:
my friend this is the best :pinkiehappy: i love it :pinkiehappy:

I just finished this, and I am so glad I did. I don't know if I've ever read a story so masterfully written and paced. The relationship felt very natural, and the sexual tension raised the temperature here at least 10 degrees! I wish I could see the look on her friend's faces when they learn of Script's size, or the inevitable punch to the face of Stormbreaker via Script. But other than that, beautifully done. I'll be sharing this story around!

That was great story :pinkiesmile: It was very cute I liked it, and it flowed very well :twilightblush: Well done :twilightsmile:

6094077 Why art thou so shocked? :pinkiegasp:

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