• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 5,097 Views, 521 Comments

Sunset Helpers - Spirit Shift

Sunset's life is finally getting the boost it deserves, let's hope that she can keep it that way.

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CH23: Breakdown

After a quick explanation from Pinkie, Coco came back into the room and looked over Sunset, who was still laying on the couch. With newfound understanding, Coco took a seat on the armrest and gently nudged Sunset. A second passed before the girl stirred and moved the pillow slightly, just enough for Coco to see one eye looking up at her.

“Hmm?” she groaned.

“So,” began Coco, a gentle smile gracing her face. Her voice was soft and tender, every bit the comforting motherly tone one would use to cheer up a grumpy child. “I heard about what happened. Pinkie went to go get something. But I’m still here if you wanna talk about it?”

“Not really.”

Following Pinkie’s lead from earlier, Coco reached out to gently pat her roommates head. “You know whatever happened wasn't your fault right?”

Sunset let out a small groan in response.

“You didn't do anything wrong, Sunset,” she continued in a soft voice. “All you wanted to do was reach out to Screwball. I’m glad you at least tried.”

After a few more seconds of silence, Sunset finally muttered. “All it did was get me arrested.”

“Yes, but they let you go, didn't they?” Coco replied. “Come on, Sunset. Look at the bright side.”

Sunset lifted the pillow to glance at her once again. “Yeah, because getting arrested and owing a favor to the school's spoiled brat is the 'bright side' of things.” Sunset rolled her eyes and retreated back under the pillow.

However, Coco wasn't letting her escape that easily. Gently, but forcefully, she raised the pillow up from Sunset’s face. Not enough to rip it away from her, but enough to be able to keep her face visible.

“Yeah, I know it might be scary now,” she said. “But still, you might be able to turn that favor into a chance to win Diamond over. Not to mention, you were at least able to talk to Screwball, right.”

Giving up on the pillow, Sunset let out a small sigh and reluctantly sat upright on the couch. “Sure, but that still doesn't change my situation. Diamond Tiara could ask for ANYTHING and if I refuse she’ll blackmail me.”

Coco tilted her head slightly, a confused look adorning her features. “But didn't they catch Screwball on camera? Diamond cant go back and make the mall ban you… can she?”

“Probably not,” replied Sunset, looking downcast. She paused for a second before glancing back up at Coco. “But she would probably start spreading the word around that I got arrested at the mall. Then everyone will know about today and go back to treating me like I actually DID try to blow up the mall.”


“People won't care about the context, Coco,” she blurted, knowing all too well what the demure girl would say. “All they’ll hear is that I’ve finally become a criminal…”

The sudden volume change shocked Coco for a second, and Sunset looked over at her with glistening eyes on the verge of tears. Just as she was about to respond, her attention shifted as movement caught the corner of her eye.

“It’s always something,” Sunset continued, unaware of any change. Her voice breaking and tears forming at the edge of her vision she sat her head in her hands and glared at the floor. “I’m trying so hard and now those two kids are gonna make my life miserable no matter what I do. Not to mention that Octavia’s still threatening me even after I apologised. And now everyone is out to get me because of Screwball's pranks! I just…”

Just as tears began to flow from her eyes, Sunset felt someone sit next to her. And before she could find out what it was, two bodies hugged her from either side as a thick blanket fell over her head.

She looked to either side to see Pinkie and Coco pressed up against her, their warmth increased by the weighted blanket that Pinkie brought back with them.

“Oh Sunny,” Pinkie giggled, pressing her cheek against Sunset’s wet one. “You keep thinking about all the super duper bad stuff, but don’t you know how many friends you made during the snowball tournament?”

“Not everyone’s against you,” added Coco. “I’m sure a lot of people know how hard you’re trying, and I know for a fact that a lot of teachers are on your side too.”

Sunset let out a tiny sniffle and wiped her face. Nervously, she reached out to grab both girls and pull them closer.
None of them knew how long that sat there, huddled up under a blanket comforting Sunset Shimmer, but for the girl in question, it was as much time as she needed.

That was, until Pinkie popped up with her typical sing-song voice. “And guess what I brought~”

From under the blanket came a piping hot mug of coffee. Coco and Sunset both shot up and stared down at the cup, then back to her, then back to the steaming cup. One look at Pinkie’s innocent smiling face kept them from asking the very obvious questions.

Tentatively, Sunset took the cup and gave it a slow sip. The same kind of sip you would give to a drink when you really want to test its flavour, and test it she did.

Her head shot up and she looked down at it with eyes wide. No smiling face could stop her next question.

“Is this Death Wish Roast?” she exclaimed, looking directly at Pinkie.

The girl in question just winked. “You’re favourite. And it’s the premium version.”

Coco covered her mouth, hiding a small gasp. “Isn’t that really expensive? Where did you get that?”

Both Sunset’s and Coco’s lips suddenly had a manicured finger covering them. “Shhhhh,” she shushed. “Don’t sweat the deets.”

Sunset pushed her finger away. “At least let me pay you for it?”

Pinkie crossed her arms in a giant X form and pouted. “I don't want money!! I wanna hear what happened with Screwball!” she whined.

Sunset stared at her for a few seconds before bursting out in a fit of giggles.

“I guess so,” she said, getting comfortable and taking another sip of her delicious coffee.


Later on that night, past the closing time of Sugarcube corner. Mr. Cake yawned as he walked into the kitchen to begin cleaning up. If Pinkie were here, this would already have been done. But not having her here made the entire closing process take a bit longer. But, she had specifically requested the day off, and this was the trade off.

However, her not being here did provide some benefits.

Moving past the dishes that needed to be washed. Mr. Cake gleefully turned on the coffee maker before opening the cabinet.

One minute.

Two minutes.

After three entire minutes of rummaging around the cabinet, he baulked at the realisation that the rest of his special coffee had mysteriously vanished, container and all.

“That’s weird,” he muttered before craning his head to yell out towards the exit.



Mr. Cake turned around to see Mrs. Cake, already poking her head through the door, having called for him at the exact time she did for him.

He smiled at the funny coincidence but continued anyway. “Have you seen my roast coffee?” he asked. She just gave him a confused look and shook her head.

“Oh you know I don't touch that bitter stuff,” she waved her arm and rolled her eyes as she remembered the taste. “Anyway, have you seen my weighted comforter?”

Mr. Cake scratched his head and looked back at the cabinet. “Nope. Weird. I know Pinkie didn’t take it, she’s not allowed to have caffeine.”

Mrs. Cake thought about it for a second before smirking and sauntering into the kitchen. “And exactly why were you trying to brew coffee this late at night?” she asked, playfully approaching him.

Mr. Cake blushed and quickly avoided her gaze. “W-well, ya know. Pinkie is staying at her friend’s house tonight. I thought… ya know,” he said as Mrs. Cake causally rubbed up against him.

“Ya, know, “ she began, her voice low and seductive. “I was thinking something similar. After all, that comforter is great for cuddling,” she finished, whispering into her husband's ear, exploding his face into a bright red tomato.

“We can clean up later,” was all she said as she dragged him away and up the stairs.

Author's Note:

And that's how the Cake Twins were made.