• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 554 Views, 8 Comments

Darker Than Purple - Arkybrony

Because of a mysterious phenomenon known as Hell's Gate, Twilight Sparkle has become a contractor, a pony with special powers that highly trained unicorns couldn't even master, and must anonymously fight for what's right as her world falls apart

  • ...

Can The Stars Break Perfect Harmony?

Twilight sat in her home, resting and thinking about what had just happened.

"I am a terrorist," she thought, "for the love of Celestia, I am a terrorist."

She put a hoof to her face.

"I will never do this again."

She looked out the window.

"What a lovely sunset," she thought, "it's good to see Celestia at work even when she's in danger."

She gazed at the beauty of the incoming night.

"Wait!" She said to herself, "Spike!" She yelled across the hall, "What time is it?"

"It's 4 o'clock!" He replied.

"Oh no." Twilight whispered to herself.

She looked outside the window, seeing that the moon was almost out of sight. Spike joined her at the window.

"Sun's settin' rather early, don't ya think?" Spike said.

"You may not know this, but at this time of year, sunset begins at 5:15 every day. Neither princess has ever broken the schedule of sunset and sundown. And they've been doing this for thousands of years. Something is terribly wrong."

"Maybe this letter will explain it."


"Yeah. While you were looking out the window, you got a letter from Celestia marked 'urgent' on it. I wonder what it says. There's actually two pieces of paper attached, so this must be REALLY urgent. Urgent means long, right?"

"No, it means really important."

"Eh, close enough. Here's the letter."

Spike handed her the letter.

She read it and became heartbroken. Her dear friend and leader was done. It was all over. Everything had changed. Her life had shattered. She fell on the ground, nearly fainting.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled, "what happened!?"

Twilight grew angry.

"The military overthrew Celestia. She resigned and fled Equestria."

"She WHAT!?"

"She gave power to Cadence, but I assume that the military is going to pervert it and say that she gave them power."

Spike became somber and worried.

"What are we going to do, Twilight?"

"We're gonna fight."


"Celestia is still with us. I don't know where she is, but she promised that she'll continue to send us letters, but we'll have to destroy them when we're done with them so the government doesn't catch us."

"Twilight, look outside!"

Twilight looked outside to see General Swifthead of the Everfree/Ponyville region announcing the news to the town.

"Citizens of Ponyville," General Swifthead said, "We are sad to announce that due to extreme stress from the recent events, Princess Celestia has resigned her duties. Since her successor, Princess Luna, has been sent to the Moon again for undetermined reasons, and Princess Cadence and Princess Twilight Sparkle are both too young to succeed her, she has delegated control of Equestria to the generals of the military. The Council of Generals has already taken a vote and has appointed me as Führer, with General Nevermore of Baltimare as my successor in the event of my death. This is the new permanent form of government in Equestria.

Since Celestia has resigned, she has also resigned her duties of raising the Sun and Moon, so until our astronomic and magic divisions in Canterlot have figured out a way to raise the Sun and Moon, we must remain in a temporary state of nighttime.

If you are wondering about your remaining beloved princesses, Twilight Sparkle and Cadence, they will remain in their positions of power, but will not become eligible successors until they have reached the proper age.

Finally, do not worry. We will rule this great land with peace, honor, and harmony.

As Führer of Equestria, I, along with the Council of Generals, promise all of you this, the Sun will rise again, no, the Sun never left us, for its light lives inside of those of us with peace and hope. But the Sun, the physical Sun, will rise again."

Twilight was sickened. Every word that came out of the mouth of the general was a lie. There is no law in Equestria regarding the age of a royal successor. Celestia did not delegate her power to the Council of Generals. She and Cadence would not be in any sort of power anymore. The military only wanted them to be there for show. To give the citizens hope in the government, by giving a false position of power to ponies that everypony adored. And there is no such thing as a "Führer of Equestria". Well, before this point there wasn't. Führer literally means
"tyrannical ruler". It wasn't a smart move on Swifthead's part to call himself that, but judging by the reaction of the citizens of Ponyville, they were only concerned about Celestia.

"This is ridiculous!" Twilight said, "Everything he said was a lie!"

"I'm sorry, Twilight," Spike said, "but I don't think there's anything we can do."

"I'm just going to go over to Pinkie Pie's. Maybe some cake will make me feel a little better."

Twilight and Spike went down to Sugarcube Corner to try and cheer themselves up with cupcakes, and of course, being in the presence of the Element of Laughter herself, Pinkie Pie.

"Hey guys!!!" Pinkie Pie said as Twilight walked in. All of her friends, except Rainbow Dash for some reason, were there.

"Hey everypony. I guess we're all here for the same reason."

"Lemme guess," Applejack said, "yer' down in the dumps 'cause Celestia resigned. That's why the rest of us are here. Except Rainbow Dash. I haven't seen her at all today."

"You're right," Twilight replied, "except it was more like she was overthrown."

"Whadduya mean?" AJ asked.

"The military has successfully pinned the re-banishment of Luna on her with false evidence. They were going to take her to the Supreme Court and charge her for treason, which it would've actually been if she had actually did it, but she didn't. Now she's been forced to leave so she doesn't get executed."

"Couldn't she just use her extreme magic to fight them all off?" Rarity replied.

"Usually, yes, but when she created all the new stars, her magic was drained. All the new stars are raw balls of magic."

"Hold up!" Pinkie said, "NEW STARS!?"

"Wait, none of you noticed that?" Twilight replied.

"Um, no," Applejack replied, "what are ya' talking about?"

"Well. This is secret information, ok? While Celestia would be fine with me talking about this, Führer Swifthead wouldn't."

"Gotcha," AJ said, "and seriously, Führer? If yer' wantin' ponies to look up to ya', don't call yerself 'Führer". Swifthead is crazy."

"I know, right? Anyway. Secret information. Luna was mysteriously banished to the Moon again. Nopony knows how, but it wasn't Celestia because the Elements of Harmony weren't used. When Luna was banished, her sky was banished with her. The Moon remained, but the stars disappeared. Celestia was forced to make a new sky to keep the population from going crazy. Each star is a ball of raw magic. The magic grows in power in its raw state, and each star shoots a beam of raw magic to a random pony, giving them special powers that not even the highest trained unicorns could master. But when they use the powers, they must each pay a price that their body forces them to pay. Each pony's price is different."

"So does everypony have these powers?" Rarity asked.

"No, just some of them."

"Hmm. Interesting," Pinkie said. She gave them all their cupcakes, "Here you are!"

"Thanks, Pinkie," Twilight said.

"You're welcome!"

"Are you gonna join us?" Twilight asked.

"Just a minute, I need to use the bathroom."

Pinkie went into the bathroom. When she came out, everypony else was shocked.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" Twilight asked. Pinkie's hair was flat and her face lacked any emotion.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Pinkie said in the most dull voice possible, "To get to the other side."

She sat down.

"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled. Pinkie did not respond.

"Pinkie!!!!" Twilight yelled over and over again. She glanced downwards and noticed that Pinkie had changed. Pinkie Pie's cutie mark was gone.

Author's Note:

Happy 2016 everyone! I must say that this story is soon coming to an end. I actually wrote everything I've written in it like a year ago and got writer's block, then life hit my hard and I just lost interest and kind of forgot where I was going with it. I might end up finishing it, but idk, I'll have to remember the plot first. I have a few more chapters to post before I get to the end of what I've written though, so it's not over yet. I'll put it on hiatus after then and leave it up in the air and see if I continue or not. I've got another story with multiple chapters ready that I actually do have interest in continuing, but it's more light-hearted than this one. I also don't have a working computer right now, but I do have an iPad, so I can still write, but I prefer a computer. And writing isn't my life. Neither is this fandom. Writing is just part this fandom which is just a part of my life, so really, I don't know when the next time I write fanfiction will be. Maybe today. Maybe next week. I dunno. Anyways, I feel like this has turned into rambling, so I'll stop now. Enjoy the rest of this story :)