• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 1,803 Views, 120 Comments

Host Of Souls - SapphireWings999

A long awaited return to my newly discovered home leads to a shocking discovery: My closest friends are mysteriously losing their souls from their bodies. What evil has caused this to happen? Whatever the threat, I must fix it before it's too late.

  • ...

Chapter VII: Fears Of The Future

Some time later, I opened my eyes to find myself in an unknown place. Looking around, I saw nothing but blinding white light everywhere. I raised my hoof to shield my eyes from my bright surroundings only to discover that it wasn't a hoof anymore. It was a hand. It was the same with my other one. I put both hands to my face and felt that I no longer had a muzzle. As I looked over myself, I suddenly realized that I was human again. How I had returned to my human form I didn't know, but I wasn't about to question it.

As I turned to my right, I could make out the shape of someone off in the distance. As I approached, I quickly realized that it was Savannah, her back turned to me. Realizing it was her only caused me to run even more quickly towards her out of eagerness as I called out her name.


Upon hearing her name, she turned towards me with a smile as I reached her. It was in that moment that I realized that she was holding something in her arms: a baby.

"Say hello to our new daughter," she replied.

As she passed the infant off to me, I got my first good look at our daughter. Her baby blue eyes sparkled like the ocean, her hair was a bright shade of scarlet, and, as she looked up at me, she gave me the biggest smile. There was no denying how absolutely beautiful she was and I was filled with immense pride as I held this little one in my arms.

Savannah and I looked at each other, both with smiles written across our faces. But my smile soon disappeared on account of what I saw lurking directly behind Savannah. Rising up behind her was a dark shadowy figure who only seemed to spread darkness to our once bright surroundings like a stain or virus. His face wasn't visible, but what was visible was the scythe he carried in his right hand. The scythe itself was terrifying in design with the snath composed of a human backbone topped off with a human skull from which the long blade protruded from its open mouth.

"SAVANNAH, LOOK OUT!!!" I screamed in terror.

She turned around just in time to see the sinister figure, but not fast enough to do anything else as it swung its scythe at her, impaling her torso so that she instantly crumpled over, blood pooling out from her delicate, broken frame. Our daughter immediately started crying at the unfolding events as this grim reaper turned his attention towards me and her. Knowing what he was thinking, even though he spoke no words nor could I read any expression from him, I swiftly shielded the infant from him.

"No!" I shouted, angrily. "You can't have her! It's already bad enough you took my wife from me!"

But to my horror, I discovered that my daughter was vanishing from my arms. I tried to hold on to her, but was only grasping at nothingness.

"No no no no NO!!!" I screamed in desperation as she completely disappeared.

In that moment, I collapsed to my knees in despair, all alone in the darkness, weary and petrified as I stared into the face of this evil specter, scythe raised at the ready. I closed my eyes as I waited for him to strike me down. But, suddenly, I heard what sounded like a powerful blast. Upon opening my eyes, I saw that the reaper was gone and in his place there stood Princess Luna, who I instantly realized must've destroyed him.

"Princess Luna!!!" I called out in relief, rising to my feet.

"Greetings, David," she replied back.

"What're you doin here? Is... is this... a dream?"

"Indeed and yet I get the feeling that this does not please you."

"Well... no. Not particularly"

"And why is that?"

"Well... because... as of recently, it seems like any bad dream that I've had ends up becoming reality."

"So you believe that these dreams you've been having are... visions of what's to come?"

"Yeah. I mean, in one of the last dreams I had, I dreamt that I was turnin into a pony like you, except that I couldn't talk anymore. I... I was just another dumb animal. Now, ever since I had that dream, I'm slowly turnin into a pony."

"But you're still able to speak."

"Well... yeah."

Luna then put a hoof to her chin in contemplation before speaking again.

"Had it ever occurred to you that your own worrying might be contributing to your dreams manifesting themselves in real life?"

"No. Why would that be a factor?"

"Dreams are very rarely what they seem. Even your dream that you had those few nights ago didn't come true entirely. You're still able to talk just like anypony else right?"


"Fearing what happens in dreams only allows it to manifest in your mind, becoming your reality in the process. The more you're able to let go of that fear the less hold it has over you or even your fate. Do you understand?"

"Umm... kind of?" I replied unsurely.

"Very well," she answered back, sensing my uncertainty. "I'll try to give you an example."

Almost instantly, the darkness that me and Luna had been standing in was illuminated by six pillars of light that surrounded us. Within all six pillars were six shadows that were human in shape, but the identity of each shadow was a mystery to me.

"Who're they?" I questioned.

"They are your closest and most loyal friends," Luna answered. "They would do anything for you just as you would do anything for them. Never once have they abandoned you nor would they ever intend to."

As she finished speaking, all six shadows began moving further away from me.

"Wait what're they doing?" I asked in a panic. "You just said that they'd never abandon me."

"They're not. They're only leaving you because you pushed them away. You didn't want them around you."

"No," I answered back firmly, refusing to believe what had just now been told to me. "If these friends are as close to me as you say they are, I'd never shut them out."

Luna smiled before continuing.

"This is precisely what I was trying to prove. You're full of certainty that you'd never push your friends away. This is a good thing. If you keep believing that, it'll manifest into reality and they'll remain with you, but if you lose faith in them, you'll only drive them away, possibly when you need them the most. Though I pray that the latter never happens."

I stood there pondering what Luna had just told me. Finally, believing I had a full understanding of what she said, I replied.

"Alright then. I'll hold on to that thought. I won't drive my friends from me."

"That's good to hear."

"But... how will I know who those friends are?"

"Oh I have a feeling you'll know when the time is right. Now I need to let my sister know where you are so that we can bring you to the Crystal Empire quickly."

As she spoke, I suddenly remembered my poem about the night that I had been meaning to share with her.

"Wait, Luna. Before you go, would you like to hear a poem that I wrote in college about the night?"

"I would love to," she smiled back at me.

* * * * * * * *

As I started to awaken from the thick fog of sleep, I noticed that I felt unusually warm. I also felt thick fur pressed up against me. As I came to my senses, I realized that I was surrounded by a herd of caribou, who themselves seemed to be waking up. As I stood to my feet, a young female caribou took notice of me.

"Oh good. You're awake," she spoke.

"Umm... hi?" I replied with uncertainty in my tone. "Do Ah know you?"

"No. But we all know about you. You're Prince David. Your legend has spread far across Equestria even to the northern most regions."

"Ya can actually jus call me Dayvid. But how did ya know it was me? Ah mean Ah don't look anything like how Ah used to."

"Well several aspects of you stand out. In particular, your large wings, your black hair and mustache, your glasses, your long legs, your hazel colored eyes, and the fact that you're wearing clothes, not to mention your accent is unmistakable."

As she mentioned my clothes, I looked down at them and noticed that my T-Shirt was now too big for my much smaller pony torso. I could only imagine what my boxers and sweatpants would look like on me if my legs changed into pony legs. As I was pondering this, one of the mares in my head spoke up.

Ask her what her name is, Twilight suggested.

"What's yer name?"

"I'm Willow Leaf, daughter of the chief of our herd. He noticed you collapsed in the middle of a blizzard and brought you to us so you wouldn't catch frostbite. We used our bodies to shield and warm you from the cold."

"Well Ah really appreciate that, but how would you stay warm?"

"We have very thick coats that help insulate us. It was honestly no trouble at all."

"Willow," one of the older caribou called out as he approached us, "Is our guest doing alright?"

"Yes father."

"Wait a minute. That's yer dad?" I questioned.

"Yes I am," he replied. "I'm Chief Tuktu. I see you've already met my daughter, Willow Leaf. The little one behind you is my son, Swift Hooves."

This whole time, I had been unaware of the young calf lingering behind me. When I turned to face him, he looked me over, I could only guess, out of sheer curiosity. He prodded at my legs before checking out my pony tail behind and then feeling my shirt, probably because he'd never seen clothes before and didn't know what to make of it.

"Umm can Ah help you?" I spoke up as he was giving me the once over.

Willow couldn't help but giggle as her younger brother investigated this strange hybrid creature that stood before him.

"My brother isn't much for talking, but he's definitely curious," she answered back.

"So, Prince David, what brings you this far north?" Tuktu questioned.

I then recounted all the events that had happened since I had returned to Equestria, how I had brought Savannah with me, how my friends had started losing their souls, how I had been slowly turning into a pony, and how Crystal's darkness was slowly corrupting me, requiring for me to get to Princess Celestia in the Crystal Empire so she could purge the darkness from me and restore my friends' souls to their bodies.

"You're lucky to have someone special in your life," Willow stated at my mention of Savannah. "I hope to find someone like that."

"Ah'm sure you will eventually," I replied. "Jus keep searchin 'n ya'll find someone sooner or later."

"It's a good thing I came across you when I did or else you probably would've died out here," the chief stated.

"Speakin of which," I started, "not that Ah don' appreciate you savin me, but what're you guys doin out here in tha open? Don'cha guys have a home anywhere nearby?"

"We live as nomads," Willow explained. "We never settle in one particular place for very long. We're constantly moving."

"Wow. Ah can't imagine what that'd be like."

Tell me about it, Rainbow agreed.

Neither can I, Fluttershy spoke up. Never having a permanent home?

My attention was soon drawn to an object flying towards us. As I looked closer, I realized that it was Princess Celestia's royal chariot being pulled by two of her Pegasus guards. The other caribou moved aside as the chariot came in for a landing, but, upon landing, I soon learned that it wasn't Celestia who stepped out from the chariot but instead a familiar orange Pegasus with a blue mane.

Flash Sentry!!! Twilight called out, enthusiastically.

I couldn't help but smile at this sudden outburst from Twi as I greeted the Crystal Empire's royal guard.

"Hello, Flash," I stated as he approached me. "Nice ta see you again"

"Same here," Flash replied, "although I wish we could've met again under much better circumstances."

"So Ah'm guessin by tha fact that yer here that one o' tha princesses sent ya as a personal escort fer me ta tha Crystal Empire?"


I then turned to Chief Tuktu and Willow Leaf to say my goodbyes.

"Thanks again fer helpin me out like you did," I stated as I hugged Willow and bowed in respect to Tuktu. "Ah'll never forget you guys."

"Nor us you," Tuktu replied.

"It was an honor and a privilege to meet you, David," Willow answered. "Hopefully we'll see each other again under better conditions."

"Hopefully, yes," I uttered. "Goodbye y'all."

And so with that, me and Flash stepped onto the chariot and were soon off flying towards the Crystal Empire. As the sun broke through the once stormy clouds, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope for myself and my friends as we flew ever closer and closer towards our salvation.

* * * * * * * *

During the chariot ride to the Crystal Empire, we were pretty silent for the most part. After a while, though, most likely because I had missed being able to talk to actual beings instead of just the voices in my head, I broke the silence.

"So, Flash, how've ya been doin lately?"

"I've been doing pretty O.K.," he replied "Not much going on up here. Just business as usual. So I've heard from Princesses Celestia and Luna that you got married not too long ago."

"Yup. Ah married ma sweetheart, Savannah. She's back in Ponyville tendin ta business in Twi's absence until we can get this whole predicament fixed."

"Ah. So Princess Twilight and her friends are in your head right now?"


"Wow. That must be... interesting."

"It can be pretty bizarre 'n unusual at times."

I paused for several seconds before an idea crossed my mind and I continued speaking, smiling wickedly in the process.

"Twilight says 'Hi' by tha way."

David!!! Twi shouted, half out of shock and half out of embarrassment. I didn't say anything and you know it.

"Aww c'mon, Twi," I continued, jokingly. "Ya don't have ta hide yer feelings fer him anymore."

David, I swear as Celestia is my witness that you'd better cut that out right now or, when I get back in my own body, you'll be in for a world of pain! she seethed.

"O.K. O.K.," I laughed. "Ah was jus playin around. No need ta get yer tail in a twist."

Flash chuckled too at my remarks, but I wasn't sure if he was doing so out of genuine enjoyment or out of awkward embarrassment. Thankfully, I began to see the snowy plains give way to grassy fields as we approached the Crystal Empire, the familiar Aurora Borealis fanning outwards from the castle. As we came in for a landing, I suddenly had a sharp shooting pain hit both of my legs, causing me to toss around in the chariot before Flash pinned me down to prevent me from falling out.

"Hold on, Prince David," he reassured. "We're almost there."

Me and the mares continued to cry out in pain as my legs shrank down to hind hooves. By the time we landed, the transformation was complete. In that one moment, the same thought was running through all of our minds.

"Ah've gotta get ta Princess Celestia fast," I spoke up. "There's not a moment ta lose."

"Do you need me to carry your clothes for you?" Flash asked, for they had since slipped off of my now too small pony frame.

"Yes please. That'd be very much appreciated."

And so, after Flash gathered up my clothes, we were on our way swiftly towards the castle. I chose to fly the whole way there as I only wanted to save walking as a last resort since I wasn't accustomed with walking on four hooves. On the way there, several of the Crystal Ponies glanced my way and started talking amongst themselves. Some of the mares even giggled a little bit and waved at me. Not wanting to be rude, I pleasantly smiled and waved back, which only caused them to giggle even more.

"Do Ah look O.K., Flash?" I questioned, slightly nervous that these ponies were laughing because of some possibly embarrassing aspect of me that I wasn't aware of.

"You look fine to me," he replied after giving me a quick glance over.

Before long, we arrived at the castle, whereupon the guards were quick to open the doors after a nod from Flash. With my wings tired, I decided to let them rest and walk for a bit, which was by no means easy as I literally had two left feet that I was constantly tripping over, but I somehow managed to make my way down the hallway, awkward though it was.

As I was walking down the hall, I came across a mirror set up against one of the walls. Stepping up to it, I got my very first look at my now completely pony form. My black mane was done up in the new wave style, my thin black mustache stood out on the end of my muzzle, and my rectangular framed glasses had a bright gleam from the lenses. Behind my glasses I saw my hazel eyes that now had slit pupils in them. It was kind of off putting, but I tried not to let it bother me that much. My singular conical horn protruding from my forehead appeared to be about the same length as Twilight's own horn. My Cutie Mark of the elaborate sword with the winged crossguard and Unicorn head grip stood out on my now blue and bare flank. My height, I estimated, was about the same as Twilight or Fluttershy, as I knew for fact that they were the two tallest members of the Mane Six, particularly Twilight after her ascension to Alicorn Princess.

Why, David, you look absolutely stunning, Rarity spoke up. The only thing that doesn't work are those slit pupils, but even that's a minor detail. You still look great nonetheless.

I agree with Rarity, Fluttershy affirmed. It's too bad that this is only a temporary thing because this is a good look for you.

I smiled at their words as I continued to admire myself. What really caught my attention though were my wings. Folded up, they still looked unusually large against my small frame. I fluffed them a little bit before spreading them out to their fullest span. Unbelievable! My wings appeared to be about the same size as Celestia or Luna's, they were incredibly large.

Wow! Lookin good big guy! Rainbow exclaimed. I mean just look at those huge wings. I'm definitely jealous.

Rainbow Dash's mentioning about my wings' largeness made me think of the giggling mares that I saw earlier. Had those mares been commenting on my "wing size"? The awkwardness of that moment instantly hit me.

"Prince David, come on," Flash called out ahead of me. "We haven't got much time."

My mind returning to my purpose for being here, I swiftly followed Flash til we came to a large set of doors. The guards posted in front of them opened the doors to reveal the throne room where Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence as well as Prince Shining Armor stood, apparently in anticipation for my arrival.

"Hello, Everypony," I spoke up as me and Flash stepped forward.

"Greetings, David," Celestia and Luna replied, in unison.

"Hello, David," Cadence warmly greeted.

"Hey, bud," Shining Armor answered back.

"Lieutenant, I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we appreciate you escorting David here soo swiftly," Celestia stated to Flash Sentry.

"Indeed," Luna agreed. "By the appearance of him, we were fortunate to get him here before the damage was irreversible."

"Just doing my duty, your Majesties," he replied modestly, kneeling before them in the process.

"So... how does this whole process work?" I questioned.

"There is a purging spell that I learned long ago, but have very seldom ever used. The spell can be used to repel evil spirits from a host, but it requires two Alicorns to cast it. For this reason, I was originally unable to use it to purge the entity known as Nightmare Moon from my sister many years ago."

Princess Luna had a look of shame on her face when Celestia brought this up. Still, she continued.

"Me and my sister will perform the spell on you, but it would be best if Cadence and Shining Armor left the room just to be on the safe side."

"We understand," Cadence answered.

"Definitely," Shining Armor affirmed.

"What about me?" Flash asked. "What can I do?"

"We may need you as backup in case anything starts to go wrong," Luna replied.

"I'm here for whatever you might need of me."

And so Cadence and Shining Armor vacated the room while Celestia and Luna positioned themselves on both sides of me and Flash stood nearby.

"Please lie down on your back," Celestia instructed me.

With no hesitation, I did as I was told. No sooner did I lie on my back then Celestia nodded to Luna, whose horn proceeded to glow a brilliant azure. As it glowed, I began to feel my legs and wings being pinned in place by her magic til they were splayed out.

"Wait wha- what- what're- what're- what're you doing?" I stuttered nervously at this sudden restriction.

"This is why it requires two Alicorns," Luna explained. "One powerful enough to hold the subject in place while the other casts the purging spell. It is merely a safety precaution."

"This is fairly new territory for me," Celestia admitted, "as I've never had to cast this spell on anypony who's had six additional souls within them. If all goes well, your friends' souls will leave your body and return to their own back in Ponyville. Are you ready?"

I was beginning to feel pretty nervous about this whole process, which was quickly picked up by the mares in my head. They offered me encouragement before the process started.

Don't you worry, Davey, Pinkie piped up. Soon this'll all be over and you'll be back with Savannah before you know it.

We'll be with you every step of the way, Twi agreed.

Definitely, Flutters stated.

You can do it, twin, Rainbow affirmed. We're rooting for you.

Darn straight, AJ replied.

You've come this far, darling. You're almost there, Rare encouraged.

I smiled at the encouragement I was receiving from my friends beforehand. With newfound confidence, I took a deep breath, and turned my face forward.

"Do it!"

Author's Note:

This chapter I had a lot of fun writing because I got to feature a species that hasn't been shown yet in the TV show: Caribou. My idea for them was mostly based off of Inuits as they live farther up north like them. In fact, the chief's name, Tuktu, is the Inuit name for caribou. Willow Leaf's name actually came about when I was looking up a Wikipedia article on caribou and it mentioned willow leaves as part of their diet. I thought the caribou would fit right in pretty well seeing as how we've already had Native Americans portrayed by buffalo and Africans portrayed by zebra (at least as far as Zecora is concerned). Anyways, this is the penultimate chapter of the story, meaning it'll be followed by one more chapter as well as a brief Epilogue so until that chapter comes, feel free to comment below, thumbs up or favorite this story if you're enjoying it, and I'll see y'all when the next one roles around.