• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 2,150 Views, 50 Comments

Mystery Dungeon: Equestrial Plains - TheDeku

When Team Trailblazers appear in Ponyville, they find that teamwork and friendship are powerful forces. Good thing they're best friends, but they may not be able to handle what lies ahead.

  • ...

Danger Approaches

Blitzle yawned. It had been a long day and he didn't get much sleep. He entered the dining hall of the Guild and saw several others already there. Chatot, Lopunny, Victini, Sableye, Skuntank, and a few more were already eating. Blitzle sat down next to the poison type. "Morning Skuntank."

Skuntank looked over and smirked. "Hey Blitzle."

A small silence occurred, followed by Blitzle chuckling. "Before this whole other world thing happened, would you ever have guessed that we would speak to each other as friends?"

Skuntank scoffed. "No. I always figured the Guild would never put up with us. Not without reason, of course, but still. Reminds me why I tried to be an adventurer long before I met Zubat and Koffing."

Blitzle looked interested. "Do tell."

Skuntank shook his head. "You just want to pretend to care."

Blitzle laughed. "Kind of. I really do want to know, if that helps."

Skuntank considered and nodded. "Alright. Back when I was a Stunky, I was always assumed to be either the bad guy or up to no good. I hated it, but I saw other Poison, Dark, and Ghost Pokemon got hated irrationally as well. I determined that I wanted to go be an adventurer with a team only of these kinds of Pokemon so that we could prove out tormentors wrong. Unfortunately, most Pokemon I wanted to recruit had already given up or really were bad. After getting my spirit crushed enough, I gave up and gave in. If they wanted me to be bad so badly, I'll be bad for them. Couldn't quite bring myself to change the name, though." He ate for a little more before realizing that there was silence. He looked around and saw all the Pokemon staring at him.

"BURN! I WILL COOK YOU! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Well, all the Pokemon but Victini, who was highly intent on heating a berry.

"What?" Skuntank looked at the others.

Chatot blinked. "We had always assumed that you were just greedy and mean and wanted to be famous. We never thought you actually wanted recognition for being a good team."

Skuntank chuckled and then laughed. "Chaw-haw-haw! No, we really were bad guys. By the time the team formed, I wanted to be infamous. Darkrai ruined that reputation at the first campfire when it pointed out that our 'evil' is easily fixed. Besides, we act civil at campfires." Skuntank sighed. "I guess I kind of gave up on being good, but it wouldn't let me leave it completely behind."

Sableye scratched her head and walked off. Lopunny stood and walked over to Skuntank. "Come on, you."

Skuntank noticed he was being dragged away. "H-Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

Lopunny continued dragging him. "We're going to play a game. Chatot, send others outside when they're done eating."

Victini flew over. "Game? I love games! What's the game?"


"How is hide-and-seek a game I'm going to play?" Skuntank grumbled.

Lopunny smiled. "You don't have a choice in the matter."


"Alright Scootaloo, your turn to seek!"

As a game, Hide-and-seek was not usually high on Keldeo's checklist of things to do. As an activity that gets the whole town involved along with a few extra rules, it becomes something more than a game.

"I'll take Spike and Medicham!" Scootaloo yelled.

By forcing whoever was found to come to the fountain in the center of town, it made it simple to see how many were left to find. By having there be three seekers, one 'Earth-type', one 'Air-type', and one 'Special-type', none of which could have been seekers from the previous three rounds, it forced thinking outside the box for who to pair up with. With 30 seconds to count, there is lots of ground to cover for hiders to hide and seekers to seek. By limiting hiding spots to outside and reasonably in town, there could be no issues of spending 20 minutes hunting through Sweet Apple Acres or inside every house. Inside boxes, on clouds, on roofs, in trees, in clouds, pretty much everywhere else was okay. Most Pokemon played, many ponies played, and with all of them having different thoughts on hiding and different ways of seeking, the game evolved into an event that those who played would remember for a long time.

"28... 29... 30!"

Keldeo was hidden in a bush. It felt that, as it was a big bush that covered it from all angles, it was a good place to hide. Compounded with Keldeo being perfectly still but just able to see the three seekers split up, it had a good chance at seeking.

In an alley, Absol stood. He rarely got a chance to enjoy himself in a relaxing manner, but he enjoyed it all the same. Suddenly, its knees buckled under it and it fell. After a few moments, it recovered. It ran out of the alley and turned towards the fountain. It jumped on and stood there. Keldeo noticed the look in its eyes, and ran back toward the Guild to get Gardevoir, who was not participating. She would be able to let all of them know that a disaster was coming.


Twilight paced in front of the library. "Okay. Ponyville told of Absol's warning?"

Gardevoir nodded. "Check."

Twilight nodded before continuing. "The Guild ready for anything? I know Absol said he believed it was something we would need to fight, but-"

Meloetta cut her off. "Even the non-Guild Pokemon are ready. Just to be sure, team check."

"Team Trailblazers is ready, other than Sableye." After getting strange looks, Blitzle continued. "She disappeared after breakfast. None of us can find her."

"Team Charm, all set!" Lopunny cheered.

Skuntank scoffed. "Team Skull, ready."

"Team Sneaky, we're good to go." Shade smirked from his tree branch.

"Team Cascade is prepared." Shadow glanced at Silver, who refused to speak.

"The rest of the Guild is ready." Chatot nodded. "Anything else?"

"Only sending a letter to the princess. Spike?"

"Let's see... Absol warning of something, assumes it will be a fight, see if Mew has any ideas about it. Anything else?" Spike looked up.

Twilight sighed with relief. "No. Send it." Spike takes a breath, but instead of fire coming out of his mouth, a scroll did. Twilight took it and opened it. "Dear Twilight, Discord is free and is going to Ponyville to try and prevent you and your friends from imprisoning him again. He isn't acting as he usually does and isn't playing any games. Be careful. Mew will be arriving with the Elements of Harmony as soon as we can get them."

Rarity fainted and Pinkie gasped. "Discord's free? Why isn't there any cotton candy clouds? Or chocolate rain? Or anything mildly amusing?"

"Oh, it's just like what Celestia said." They all looked up to see Discord staring down at them. "I'm done with games."

Author's Note:

Discord was screwing around in Canterlot for a little while. What did he do? This questions and more will be answered. Have a good one.