• Published 9th May 2012
  • 1,465 Views, 48 Comments

The Lost Wonderbolts - FireFlash13231

Fireflash goes missing, and she needs two of her best friends' help to get back home.

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Chapter 4: Recovery

I screeched in terror as the fireball began to shrink, and I curled up to try and avoid its flaming walls. It continued to shrink, and I waited for it to be all over. I had no idea what would happen when it hit me, but I expected to catch on fire and be incinerated instantly. When it finally brushed my tail, I prepared myself as much as possible for the worst. It couldn't get any worse that catching on fire and burning to death, right? Wrong.

The fireball exploded on contact, sending me screaming and flailing into the wall of the cave, where I fell to the floor, motionless, and in an akward position. When I finally woke up, water was dripping on my face, and I was in agony. I nearly passed out again, but I gritted my teeth and screeched loudly instead.

"Oh good, you're awake." Spitfire turned away from Soarin and trotted over to me. "You broke your left wing, both of your right legs, and your back left hoof is sticking out at a weird angle, which is not good."

Soarin unsteadily got up and slowly walked over to me on three legs and looked me over. "That explosion tore a large chunk of stone out of the ceiling. It also knocked me into a wall, and I sprained my front right hoof and left wing, so I can't run or fly, but you can't even stand up. Spitfire is the only one not incapacitated right now."

I moaned in agony. I touched my front left hoof, the only uninjured one, to the left side of my head and winced. A lightning bolt shaped gash ran behind my ear, to the corner of my eye, and down the side of my face. I gasped as a searing pain shot through the gash. "It feels like a lightning bolt down the side of my face." I commented.

"It looks like a lightning bolt down the side of your face." Soarin said. He walked back over to the other side of the cave and sat back down.

Author's Note: The "lightning bolt on the side of my face" is not just an idea. I (the author) have the exact same issue in real life, though as far as everyone can tell, there is no actual injury. It hurts like hell... >_<

"You need to rest, Fireflash... So do you, Soain." she snapped as he started to get up again. "That wing and that hoof need to heal."

"All right, Spitfire." Soarin sighed. "I just wish that there was more that I could do to help in my current state."

"The way that you can help most is by resting! Fireflash needs us now. He may be faster than us, and stronger, but you need to rest so that you can help him!"

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'll rest up, and we'll see how everypony is doing later."

Spitfire turned back to me, eyes soft and caring. "Don't worry, Fireflash. Everything will....."

I never heard the rest because at that point I had fallen asleep. When I woke up, Soarin was on his hooves again. Well, three of them. I was surprised to see that his hoof and wing were bandaged with vines and leaves.

I moaned in pain. "Ohhh.....my wing...my legs..."

"Don't worry." Spitfire said. "I bandaged you up too."

"Where did you get all these plants?" I asked.

"That explosion knocked a lot of the roof out, remember? I can reach through that hole now! There were plenty, so we're probably in a forest somewhere. There's also a strawberry bush nearby, so se have some food as well. You want one?"

"Yes! I'm starving!"

"Hehe. that's what I thought." Spitfire smiled and gave me a bunch of strawberries.

As I ate, I began to feel a bit better, but just as in pain as before. "Thanks, Spitfire. Yeowch!" I yelped in pain as Spitfire put her hoof on my back.

"Oh dear...are you all right? Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm just sore, that's all. You saw how hard I hit the wall, didn't you?"

Spitfire lay next to me for a while, and eventually put her hoof around me. It made me wonder...do I love Spitfire? I decided to think about that later, as Spitfire had started to rub my mane.

"That feels niiice..." I said happily, closing my eyes.

"Don't worry, Fireflash. Everything will be fine. I'll be here to protect you until you get better."

"Thanks, Spitfire. I know that I can count on you and Soarin."

I opened my eyes, and caught a glance of Soarin glaring at me from across the cave. Oh no. That can't be good. Does he have a crush on Spitfire? I really hoped not. I didn't want any rifts forming between anypony, not now.....

After a long week of rest and recuperation, my back left hoof has healed, and Soarin's wing and hoof are both fully healed. I still have the vine braces on my two right legs and left wing, though. I can tell that this is going to be a long road to recovery.