• Member Since 17th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Nuki Mouse


When the Mane Six fail, to whom must all of Equestria turned to for salvation.....DERPY?

This a total comic parody about Equestria being invaded by the very dregs of fanfic cliches, an Uber Villain Sue, and just how he was taken down. Mane Six, Celestia, Luna, and...? No shipping or slash, just insane comic violence.

Changed rating to teen due to (comedic) character death and some swearing. No gore.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )
Site Owner

You forgot to publish your chapter. Did it for you this time.

Thanks, I'm new at posting here, I didn't release I had to click on the "publish" button, I thought the submit button was all that was needed.

oh god I can't stop laughing! MORE, MORE PARODY!

I died laughing... But resurrection is 40% cooler than death. :rainbowdetermined2:

Here's to hoping death by baked bads is beyond the powers of even Marty Stues to come back from... Hope there's moar soon :pinkiehappy:

Now... :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:...

Could somepony possibly direct me to a story with a not pure evil kill-everything-that-moves in it? They seem to be pretty rare in this fandom, every character being either secretly good, or a complete monster :ajsleepy:

Im trying to write my own OC villain somwhere in between, and id just like to see a few examples to how other peeps handle it (you read what people like/don't like in a villain.... things like that)

weres a what the fuck did i just read picture when u need one

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