• Published 14th Feb 2015
  • 3,215 Views, 29 Comments

An Apple's Best Friend - SkyPieIsTheBest

It's Heart's and Hooves night and Diamond Tiara is stuck at a bus station somewhere around Ponyville. Usually on this night, she'd be at home eating, but instead she got stuck in a really late after-school detention and is stuck at the bus stop

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A Lonely Hearts and Hooves Night

Thick sprinkles of snow fell from the sky as I slowly made my way towards the bus stop. My drowsy eyes were nearly falling asleep. I had a long day. The sun had already gone to sleep, the moon taking over the sky. I reached the bus stop, looking at the ground and my hooves. I really didn’t want to sit down. Though I was tired, the snow still covered the benches and the ground. My jacket didn’t really go that far down, just far enough o keep my torso warm. So I stood, my hooves nearly freezing to the ground as I stood. No pony would be up, really. I’m gonna be standing here for hours looking like an idiot in the cold snow. I felt my body quiver as a cool, stiff breeze shot through the air and against my fur. The jacket helped, though I wish I was wearing ear muffs along with it and my scarf.

The cold snow soon stopped falling, well, not really, it was light and the wind stopped blowing. Hopefully the pegasus ponies will stop this bad weather soon. I’m tired of getting blind every time I look out the window in the morning. I sigh shrugging as I seat myself on the cold snow. It stung for a little bit but it went numb after a while. Probably not a good thing . . . oh well, I’ll put it in some warm water when I get home. I shiver a bit. I look at the clock next to me, reading seven o’clock. When was the next bus supposed to come . . . seven thirty . . . eight? I don’t know, but you never really do know with the drivers around Ponyville. It’s always hard to tell when they’ll come. I guess I’ll just wait here, alone, until one rolls by.

I sigh and fix my scarf and jacket a bit. My purple and white mane doesn’t do anything to keep me warm. The occasional winds blew straight through it. I sighed and looked at the clock once more. The minute button hadn’t moved an inch. I’m gonna be here for hours. I guess I’m alone for the night. No pony’s gonna come looking for me. My dad’s probably still at work. Heh, Hearts and Hooves night and I’m alone at a bus stop. I deserve it.

My hoof skims the snow, drawing a couple of pictures into it. But the snow piled over it as time went by, seven-fifteen, seven-twenty-five, still not a single bus in sight. I sigh and lay down making a small snow angel. I remember making these all the time when I was smaller. I roll my eyes pushing my hair back with my snowy hoof. My small breaths come out as little puffs of clouds. I look around seeing a small shadow coming toward me. As it got closer, Apple Bloom’s yellow fur came into sight. What did that blank flank want? She’s probably just so desperate to be with someone this Hearts and Hooves Day that she saw me and came over. I didn’t realize that a warm blush was spreading across my cheeks.

Her warm, golden eyes came in sight as she walked next to me, sitting down. I look at the ground as she tries to make contact with my blue eyes. I keep them focused on the ground, snow covering my small pictures. She smiled and looked at the sky. “Cold, ain’t it?” she asked, her cowgirl accent quiet and crisp.

I nod, not wanting to say anything. Why was she here anyway? Was she alone too, waiting for someone to talk to her? I thought she hated me, though, so, why me? She put her hoof on my pulling it up. My face felt hotter than it did earlier, most likely red all over. I look at her realizing she was blushing as well.

“Don’t worry; I’m freezin’ my hooves off too.” She smiles winking at me.

I open my mouth about to respond, but close it shut soon after, only nodding. Why was she talking to me? I thought I was being a complete asshole to her since we were fillies in school together. I shake my head, not hearing her clearly. I turn to her my eyes filled with question. She smiled and looked at the sky. “I said the stars are beautiful tonight.”

I look up looking at the bright stars. Strange that they show so brightly on a cloudy night likes this, probably Luna at work. I smile and nod looking back down soon afterwards. Apple Bloom looked at me and smiled. Her bright eyes always calmed me down. I blushed harder, forcing a smile a bit. Apple Bloom giggled looking back up at the sky. It’s been a boring Hearts and Hooves Day so far. My only special somepony cheating on me, an after school detention, and plenty of other stuff, including this, has been pushing me. I sigh and look at Apple Bloom, her golden eyes sparkling as she blushed.

She grabbed my hoof and I blushed more. My blue eyes were probably huge by now. I forced another smile. “I-I heard that your coltfriend cheated on you.” She looked at the ground and I nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that. He didn’t deserve you. You’re a great pony, Di.”

I looked up. Did she just say that? I look at her and she smiles slightly. It made me feel warm inside. Her smile brightened my day. “I-I’m sorry, Apple Bloom . . .” The younger mare looked at up at me. “I’m sorry I was a bitch for you being a blank flank. I really wish I could change it. I never can, though can I?”

Apple Bloom looked at her hooves. I thought she wouldn’t answer for a bit. “No, you can’t.” She looked at me and smiled. “But you can fix it, can’t you? I’m alone this Hearts and Hooves Day as well. Maybe you could be my special somepony?”

I feel a new, warm blush spread across my cheeks as she says that, but I smile. “Y-yeah, that’d be nice.” I take her hoof and press it against mine. I look at the clock. Eight-thirty, and here comes the bus.

She sighed and rubbed her arm a bit with her hoof. “U-um, ya’ don’t really seem like ya’ have a place to sleep tonight.” She stuttered a bit in her sentence. I nod and she smiles. “Alright, c’mon, I’m sure Applejack and the others won’t mind one more pony sleeping over tonight.” I smile and I walk with her to her house. Maybe this wasn’t the worst Hearts and Hooves Day.

Author's Note:

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope you liked it!!

Comments ( 29 )

Diamond/Bloom is one of my favorite pairings on the site and this one was great.

5625119 Thank you very much! I love this ship and I thought I should do something for Valentines Day. I had to choose it out of like a bucket of my favorite ships.

D'awwww tht was cute, i love appletiara ps are we gonna get more appletiara this was amazing lol

5626829 I'm gonna be doing a AppleTiara every holiday. I might even be making a small story about it. (i'm really glad you liked it ;)

my reaction

with more emotion though lol

I love appletiara, and this story made my day!!! :rainbowkiss: Hope you make more stories of this couple :pinkiehappy:

5629408 Soon I will be making my own little story out of them, but these will be little holiday traditions, and thank you very much! I love this couple a lot!

5629847 will be a pleasure to read more of your incredible stories :raritywink::rainbowkiss:

Very well done. I like it.
As much as I LOATH Diamond Tiara, I have to admit, I'm taking a liking to AppleTiara pairing.

I liked this. Cute and fluffy; just the way romance stories should be!
However, I wish there was more redemption for DT, and more reason as to why she apologised. Also, it confused me as to why Apple Bloom wanted her, of all ponies, to be her special some pony.
Sorry, am I nit-picking? I seem to do that a lot. Overall, I liked it!

5644482 Thank you very much! I'm glad you're catching on! I love this ship soooo much!

5644974 Thank you so much! No, you're fine. I just wanted a short story. I might be making the next one of AB's point of view (next year) I think it'll be fun ;)

5646113 ooooo I'll be looking forward to that!

*squeals* So cute! I absolutely love this ship!

5681928 Thanx glad you liked it! I'll be making a longer story for them soon ;)


I ship it!

A little too short, but excellent nonetheless. :raritywink:

It was meant to be a little oneshot, quickly made on Valentines Day cause I wanted to put out some content. But thank you! I'm still much better at oneshots nowadays haha

I don't suppose we can look forward to similar stories in the not-too-distant future?

Fraid not :/ not really in this fandom anymore and my newest book on here will be my last.

That is the most depressing thing I've read in weeks. :fluttercry:

Haha aw I'm sorry! I'm afraid I just don't like the show much anymore. But I'll never stop writing other stuff, it's a great passion of mine

Hey, tastes invariably change. Just usually for the better.

Honestly the show reminds me too much of my ex girlfriend and it brings me a bit of anxiety to watch it now so <:/

I kinda like the DiamondBloom ship. And you did fantastic. 10/10

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