• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 287 Views, 2 Comments

Daylight - Queen Fangirl

Finally. After all these years, it's time. She'll find the courage to go farther than what anyone thought she could do, and not even the gods can stop her.

  • ...

You're Safe Now

Author's Note:

Please point out any grammar or spelling mistakes.

Constructive criticism is welcomed.

Crappy art cover is by me.

...so yeah this is basically a yolo fanfic

Only being able to stay in bed is the worst thing that could happen in her life. No adventuring, no newfound discoveries, everything she has known is never beyond anything other than her home. It was a bit too cruel for her, everypony else in the world has got it lucky. At least they had a chance to explore without being held back. The lucky ones. No, the normal ones. They have it easy.

There were a lot of things she wanted to experience. Having friends other than her family and lizard would be nice. Maybe to eat something other than grass for once can benefit her urge for something new. She could at least be taught to read and write. Yet the doctors said otherwise. "Your daughter will be harmed if she is forced to do anything out of her reach," they said. It wasn't fair, but who said it was? Celestia can let a pony or two fall into a curse of disability and she won't do much about it. Is it intentional? That has no answer.

It was also painful not to ask questions. The world is so big, but her's is so small. Every answer she wants to seek is unable to be found, or even said. "Poor thing," she could imagine them say sympathetically, "so clueless about what's around her." If they explained, maybe she wouldn't be so clueless. If only.

If, if, if. It frustrated her so much. She's coming to her end sooner or later, why try to protect her now? She'd rather be dead than destined for a life of mundanity. She's tired of having choices made for her. She wants to make her own, be spoiled with exploits, not gifts.

The pony looked at the window nearby covered by a velvet curtain. What could be beyond it? It teased her so much, as if it's saying she couldn't do it. She can never go outside. Once a weakling, always a weakling, needing help from others because she can't do it herself. Boo hoo hoo. It made her angry, yet it wouldn't stop picking on her. Why?

Finally, after a few minutes, she couldn't take the madness anymore. She will escape from the house by going through her only getaway. Of course, it won't be easy, but she'd like to take a risk for once in her entire existence. No one is currently near her room judging by the distance of hoofsteps. This mission can't be failed, she'll never have a chance like this again. Taking in a deep breath, she slid out of bed.

The ground welcomed her muzzle harshly. The window was only a foot away, she can do this. Dragging her body across the floor, she put every ounce of her limited strength into reaching the exit to this prison. It nearly knocked her out. She didn't stop, though. The only breaks there were was a few seconds to catch her breath. Whoever dared block the way will never be forgiven, if it was at most of what she could do. But she won't be blocked. Defeat is not an option, not now, not ever.

It felt like weeks, months, years have passed, but it was in front of her in the end. She ripped the curtain off, but closed her eyes to see the best for last. She dragged her hoof around, finding a way to open the window. Her weakness was ignored, her muscles screaming for rest weren't given attention to. She unlatched, pulled, and jumped.

There was a thud. The mare stopped breathing, though she willed herself with what little power there was left to lift her head and open her eyes. For a moment, it scared her that she wasn't able to do so. Then slowly, gently, light poured into her vision. It was so wonderfully, painfully, amazingly bright. So beautiful and filling. She smelled something fresh under her chin and ate it. This must be daises, like the one her cousin gave for last week's gift. They tasted fantastic, full of juiciness and flavor, not like the plain and bland grass she has been forced to eat everyday. Colts and fillies a few meters away were laughing, overcoming the ringing in her ears.

This. This is what she wanted ever since birth. This is the world of happiness she has heard about. This is what joy, freedom, and independence feels like. She should have felt it all sooner. She should have seen the wonders Celestia had to offer, instead of grief, dullness, and disability. Why didn't the ruler of Equestria get rid of such negativity? Why couldn't she throw it all out and protect the good things for the sake of her country?

Perhaps...perhaps it is impossible to accomplish such a feat, something not even the princess herself could do. After all, there are so many positive connotations, only so much could be done to preserve it, and bad things slide in because there isn't anyone to keep them out.

Her lungs burned, yearning desperately for air. She gave no attention. The light created by the sun is captivating, she would give up everything just to see it everyday. After all these years, the time for delight has came.

She wished everyone, poorly developed countries to those who are physically challenged, could see what she saw. The scene laid out in front of her is too magnificent to go unnoticed by anypony. It might not be so special to those who lead healthy lives, but they need to learn how not to take things for granted. They don't understand how fortunate they are. The pony's eyes shut. Darkness was starting to overcome her, but she wasn't afraid anymore. The light will shield her, whether she sees it or not.

The last thing she saw is the brilliant illumination of the outdoors. She is safe now.

Comments ( 2 )

We personally liked the story. There were only a couple very minor things we caught.

She will escape from the house by going through her only getaway.

She will escape from the house by going through her only gateway.
(Honestly getaway might work here too.) This is very nit picky

Perhaps...perhaps it is impossible to accomplish such feat . . .

Perhaps...perhaps it is impossible to accomplish such a feat . . .

Ya did good. Had the feels cranked up to 11 on this.:fluttercry:

5630423 Thank you for catching this! I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

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