• Published 16th Feb 2015
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A Visitor From Manehattan - ILIKEBOOKS

Coco Pommel is visiting Ponyville to help Rarity with a project but will she spark feelings in Spike that were reserved for Rarity?

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Chapter 5 Two's Company

Coco slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She pulled the sheets off her body and stood up. She walked into the bathroom and she let the water run in the shower. After a few seconds she put her hoof under the water. "It's perfect," she laid down in the water and let soak over her body.


"You can do this!," Spike said to himself. Sweat was forming on his brow, one, two, three!," He flipped the omelet inside of a skillet. "Okay another thirty seconds," A certain purple alicorn walked into the very large kitchen, where Spike was cooking.

"Morning Spike," She glanced at the food. "Wow it smells amazing Spike what's the occasion?," Twilight asked.

"Nothing really special I just wanted to cook besides we got company," The timer started ringing and Spike placed the omelet on the plate.

"Well it looks fantastic," she walked into the dining room. She pulled out a book and sat at the table. Coco walked into the room and sat down at the table.

"Good morning Coco Pomell," Twilight said.

"Oh umm, good morning Princess Twilight," Coco said nervously.

"Please Coco call me Twilight," Twilight smiled, "After all I wouldn't want a friend to be so formal,"

"We're friends?," Coco voice squeaked.

"Of course we're friends not just anypony is allowed to stay with us,"

"Thank you Prin...Um I mean Twilight,"

Spike entered the room with a rolling table. He placed multiple plates on the table and took the serving covers off. There was multiple dishes including omelets, pancakes, eggs and toast.

"Wow Spike did you make all this?," Coco asked. Spike grinned.

"I have multiple talents Coco and cooking just so happens to be one of them, besides Twilight might burn the kitchen down,"


"You know it's true,"

"I can cook," Twilight said under her breath, "Well where to begin?," She stared down the food and licked her lips. Coco grabbed some pancakes and placed it on her plate, Spike made his pancakes with an assortment of gems cooked into it, and well Twilight, she grabbed eggs, omelet, pancakes, toast, and syrup lots and lots of syrup. Coco ate slowly which juxtaposed Twilight whom was eating food at an alarmingly fast rate. She looked up from her food and raised her eyebrow, "Why are you staring at me?," Twilight asked.

"Twi you eat faster than Pinkie eats cupcakes, you didn't eat like this before...maybe alicorns have bigger appetites?," Spike said. Twilight shrugged her shoulders and continued chowing down.

Thirty Minutes of Mouth Noises Later

"That was amazing," Twilight laid back on her chair, "Don't you agree?," she opened her eyes and realized they were already gone. "Darn, now I got to clean this up by myself!," Twilight levitated the plates into the kitchen and placed them in the sink. "Maybe I should eat less sloppy,"


Spike and Coco were walking along a gravel path overviewing Ponyville Park, "Well Coco ready for another day of work?," Spike asked.

"Yes, I can't wait to make more dresses," Coco was really happy because she could work with Spike all day. Coco shivered. "Did the wind pick up?," Coco felt a drop of water on her shoulder, then gray clouds started forming over the sky, "Spike is it going to rain?," he shook his head.

"No the pegusus would of told us beforehoof, oh no not again," Spike said worriedly.

"What's wrong?," Coco said.

"It's a storm from the Everfree Forest, this is bad, we gotta go!," Spike grabbed Coco's, hoof.

"Where are we going?," Coco asked.

"There's a park ranger cabin in the park!," Spike started to run, "Coco we gotta go there, we can't make it to Rarity's house," They felt a trickle of rain on their bodies, which was torture when combined with the blowing wind. Spike put his arms over Coco.


"Don't worry about me, I couldn't forgive myself if you got sick," He held on to her tightly as the wind caused rain to blow on his face. For a second she felt happy when in his arms. The cabin came into view and Spike opened the door for her and walked her in. Spike sat on the ground to catch his breath. Inside the cabin there was a fireplace, dirty, unused tables and chairs.

"It's so cold, Coco hugged herself. Spike lifted her face.

"Don't worry Coco we'll be fine," he walked over to the chairs and snapped a leg off.

"What are you doing?", Coco asked.

"It's too cold we need firewood." He grabbed the chair legs and placed them in a fireplace, he grabbed a newspaper and ripped it apart, he tossed them in the fireplace. He took a deep breath and blew out beautiful green and yellow fire, the paper caught and started burning brilliant red flames. The fire grew and covered all the wood. Spike placed some more next to him and sat down on the ground next to the fire. He stared at Coco and patted the ground next to him. Coco walked over to him and sat down.

"It feels great," Coco said. She stared at the fire. Spike wondered if it would be inappropriate for him to do this. He put his arm around Coco and pulled her close. Coco noticed it and blushed. She felt like she could be like this forever. Coco put her head on his shoulder. Spike smiled. She's so soft He took off her wet beret. Coco relished in the warmth of the fire and Spike's arms.

Coco closed her eyes, she no longer cared about the storm all that mattered to her was Spike. After a few minutes they fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Three hours later

Spike opened his eyes and saw sunlight shine through the windows, he tapped Coco's shoulder. "Coco wake up I think the pegusus cleared out the storm," Coco opened her eyes and yawned.

"It's over?," He nodded. Spike opened the door and looked around. The storm did more damage than he would of liked. Branches were scattered all over the park , large puddles were everywhere. Pegusus could be found flying all over the sky. "Looks like the storm did more damage than last time," He let Coco through.

"Oh my," the park looked unrecognisable to Coco, all the tree's looked more barren, the green grass was soaked with mud.

"Come on Coco looks like we gotta cancel on Rarity today," Coco hugged him.

"Thank you Spike," Coco looked into his emerald eyes.

"It's nothing,"

"It means alot to me," Coco kissed his cheek, which caused both of them to blush. Spike smiled this kiss felt better than a thousand of Rarity's kisses. He hugged her tighter.

"I'll do anything for you,"