• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 8,610 Views, 353 Comments

[Archived] Scales and Carapaces - ProjectZerro

During Spike's travels throughout Equestria, he comes across a certain starving changling queen. Against his better judgement he decides to help her, this one act of kindness will put in motion a tale of loss and gain.

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Chapter 10: Emotions Blaze

“Oh my!” Silk squeaked out delightfully, “This is wonderful! Remind me to never doubt your taste in tea ever again.” Silk smiled at Rarity who flicked her mane to the side with the back of her free hand.

“Think nothing of it darling. I am a mare of exquisite taste and refined class. So you know I will always find the best quality in whatever I indulge.” Rarity smiled smugly and the two mare began up another conversation about fashion and what not.

“It’s only been a day since the party and now they’re inseparable…” Twilight gawked at Rarity and Silk as they giggle and talked. “Silk must have been pretty high class to hold up with Rarity in a conversation though…”

Spike laughed dryly, “You could say that… So what did you need from Rarity again?” Twilight and Spike were sitting on the couch adjacent to Silk and Rarity.

“Oh right. Rarity?” Twilight cleared her throat and got Rarity’s and Silk attention. “How are the rest of Silk’s clothes coming? I’m setting up a room for her next to Spike’s and I need to know how big the closet should be now that you two are so close…”

“Whatever are you hinting at?” Rarity scoffed as Silk and Spike began talking about going to Garble and Rumble in a while.

“You know how you get Rarity. Silk is beautiful, tall, has a great figure, don’t get me started on her sizes.” She stated matter-of-factly completely missing her own point. “She perfect model material and you know that once you’ve start on a dress frenzy you won’t stop.”

Rarity blinked at Twilight, “I had no idea you held such a high opinion of Silk…” Twilight raised an eyebrow and looked at Silk to find her blushing and covering her body. She then looked at Spike who kept flicking his view from the ceiling to Silk and back again.

“Oh…I just meant…nevermind, just answer my question.” She cover her face with a wing to hide her own blush.

“I should be finished with the required sets by next week. All of my own projects will be later. Now Silk?” Spike and Silk looked up at her. “It was wonderful seeing you again. I’d love it if we could spend some ‘us’ time together. But I know how apprehensive you are about-,”

“Actually I can stay a while if you want…” Instead of the shocked look she expect Spike just smiled at her with a proud gleam in his eyes. “Just ‘us’ as you put it.” She smiled with a tint of red on her cheeks.

Rarity gasped happily and grabbed Silk’s hands. “Oh it will be wonderful. I do hope we can do this often!” Silk smiled and nodded and Rarity smiled back.

“Good job Silk.” Spike mouthed at her. She nodded and he stood up, “As much as I’d love to talk fashion. Twi and I are gonna go grab a bite to eat and see Garble for a bit. See you girls later.” Twilight gave him a questioning look until his tail wrapped around her waist and pulled her along with him out the door. He looked back and Silk and saw her and Rarity already talking about high class blabber. “Good for you Silk…keep up the good work.”

Once outside Spike let Twilight out of his tail-grip and was met with a cross glance which turned into a happy smile. “I’m glad for her Spike.” She gave him a warm hug and nuzzled his chest, “And I’m very proud of you.”

“All I did was bodyguard.” Spike hugged Twilight back and smiled. “But it’s good to see her shell crack a bit. Hey Twi?” She let go and look up at him, “How about after we get something to eat we go and spend the day lazing away? Just like we used to?”

Twilight’s eyes shone brighter than they had in the year he had been gone. “I’d love to Spike!” She hugged him tightly and smiled against his chest. She let go and grabbed his hand. “Come on I’m craving something sweet all of a sudden!”

“All that sugar is gonna go to your thighs Twi.” Spike laughed as she pulled him along. She stuck her tongue out at him and continued to pull him.

“You’ve got it Rumble. Just a few more.” Garble cheered on his little sister as she flapped her wings wildly.

Rumble and Garble were at Diamond’s house from the day before and Rumble was getting some pre-flight training from Garble. Diamond and Silver were both watching as well given Rumble silent cheers. Rumble beat her wings faster and faster but suddenly stopped as she tried to catch her breathe.

“You did good Rumble.” Garble rubbed her head and she beamed up at him. “Remember you gotta keep that up for the next few months. You’ll be flying before you know it so keep training your wings.”

“Okay big brother!” Rumble smiled and ran over to Diamond and bounced up and down in front of her. “Did you see? My brother says I’m doing great!” She smiled widely as Diamond patted her head softly.

“You’re doing fine Rumby.” Diamond looked up at Garble. “How much longer are you staying in town?”

“Tomorrow. Early too.” Garble said with a little less power in his voice than before.

“Oh. I see…” Diamond’s own voice seemed to dim a bit as well. Silver rolled her eyes and stood up. She gave Diamond a look and walked over to Garble.

“Hey Garble?” She stopped in front of him. “Since you’ll be leaving tomorrow want to go on a date with me today?” She smiled innocently.

“What!?” Diamond stood up quickly but quieted down the moment Silver and Garble looked at her. She shrunk back a bit and blushed.

“…what Diamond said, where did this come from?” Garble stifled a blush as he spoke. “I know we’re friends but…”

“Well I’ve always been thinking. It’s because of you that we’re friends with Sweetie Belle and the others. Remember?” Silver Spoon stepped closer to Garble and he forced himself not to retreat.

“Y-yeah I remember.” Silver put her hand on his chest and smiled wickedly.

“Well I want to pay you back for what you did. You kept us from being lonely for the rest of our lives ya know. Besides, it’s not every day a mare like me gets her chance at a big, strong dragon like you.” She seemed to continually get closer to him. “So? What do you think? Me. You. And a long day with just-“

“No!” Diamond shouted, getting both Silver and Garble’s attention. Rumble was sitting on Diamond’s bed hiding behind a pillow. “No! No! NO! Garble is not going on a date with you!”

Silver gave her a smug look, one that reminded Diamond of their terrible years. “And why not?”

“B-because…” She looked at the stunned Garble and swallowed the lump in her throat. She briskly walked over to them and put her arms around Garble’s and pulled him away from her. “Because he’s my dragon! Mine and mine alone!”

Silver blinked and burst out into a furious laughter. “What…what took you so long?” She held her sides as Diamond and Rumble looked at each other and then Diamond got it.

“Y-you…” She blushed hard and dug her face into Garble’s arm. “I hate you so much…”

“I love you too Diamy.” Silver walk over to Diamond and gave her a hug. Diamond let one arm free from Garble and hugged Silver back.

“Thanks…” Diamond smiled against Silver’s neck.

“No problem…no problem at all…” Silver smile up at Garble.

Unknown to Diamond, Garble was looking at Silver Spoon with a look of dreaded pity. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly as he tried to say something, anything. She smiled at him with a distant look in her eyes.

“Now.” Silver let Diamond go and walk to her bedroom door. “I’m gonna leave the lovebirds alone. Good luck Juliet.” She snickered at her own joke.

She opened and closed the door behind her quickly. She made her way out of Diamond’s house when she heard the stomp of clawsteps. “What are you doing Garby?”

“Why? Why did you do that!?” Garble walked up to her but was stopped by Silver’s hand.

“She has dreams about you ya know…ones where the two of you are sailing a cloud to Celestia-knows-where. You hold her close and she kisses you…then she gets really detailed about-“

“Silver!” Garble tried to growl but it came out as more of a whine. She turned to him and he froze.

“All she did was talk about you. Even before we became friends you were on her mind…I hated that. Do you have any idea how much I hated it?” Silver’s eyes looked dead almost. “I thought I wanted you for myself…but I was fooling myself…I’ve always been doing that yeah?” She took off her glasses and smiled at him. “She was beside herself when she heard you both were back into town…two ponies, or dragons big deal, that gave us the chance we needed…”

Garble looked into her eyes and began to tense up. “I don’t know anything about what she likes…”

“You’ll learn. When she’s not quiet she’s a loud mouth.”

“I won’t be back for months.”

“Spike has that mailing fire thing right? I’m sure he could help. That or Twilight could magic you two up something.”

“I’m a brute.”

“You’re a gentle, cautious idiot.”

“I’ll hurt her someday!”

“No you won’t. Because you promised you wouldn’t. Dragon honor and all.”

“I…I’m a dragon…”

“She digs the scales.”


“She loves you and you love her. Go with that.” Silver smiled at him with life in her eyes again. “Do what I can’t okay?”

“…she’d be okay with it…”

“No she wouldn’t. You know that, remembering is your best quality Garby.”

“…dammit Silver…is this what you want?” Garble stepped closer to her.

“No. But it’s what she wants. I’ll stay her best friend for as long as I can.” Two powerful red arms hugged her silently.

“Please…just tell her…it’ll fix everything…” Silver smiled and chuckled.

“Tell her what? You’re being weird.”

He looked at her and she looked back. He paused and let her go. “I…no…thank you Silver…I do care about her…so I want her to be happy. But…you better find happiness too!”

Silver saluted playfully. “Sir yes sir. Now go on, she gets nervous easily these days. She’ll think you’re two timing big boy.”

“You’re probably right…” Garble backed away from her and bowed slightly. “Thank you.” He turned and went back inside Diamond’s house.

“…those two are not worth all the trouble they give me! I swear can’t a mare just…h-help…a-a fr-friend…ahh...” Silver’s eyes weld up and she ran straight to her house.

“Silver…” Spike croaked out as he wiped a tear from his eye. “We should have kept moving…”

Twilight sniffed hard. “Yeah…hey Spike?”

“Yeah Twi?” Spike looked at Twilight.

“Let’s just make something at home…the two of us. I just realized how long you’ve been gone…” Twilight held his arm hopelessly.

“Okay Twi. Let’s go home.” Spike and Twilight bother slowly made their way home.

“Did you know? About Silver?”

“Not really, but I had an idea…she and Diamond are so close.”

“For a while they were all they had…”

“I swore to never look at another person’s heart with pity.” Twilight gave him a surprised looked. “I promised that no matter what sympathy and pity would never mix. Silver is my friend so when she’s ready I’ll be there to help her through this.”

“I understand. You can count on your best sister to help you out too.”

“You’re my only sister.”

“Majority rules then?”

“I love you ya egghead.”

“I know I’m great.” Twilight flicked her mane to the side only to get some of it in her eyes. “Ow!”

“Not all that great yeah?”

“Oh hush.”

“Twilight slow down! The sandwich isn’t going to run if you chew slowly!” Spike passed her a glass of water and she wolfed down her grain and rose sandwich.

“I can’t help it Spike! I missed your food sooo much!” She took a drink and then another big bite. “I’m in heaven.”

Spike sighed and shook his head. He finished up his gems and watched Twilight make her food vanish. “What did you eat while I was gone?”

She wiped her mouth clean with a napkin and finished her drink. “A lot of salads, as much as I’m thankful to all the help from the staff. I don’t like eating like well…a princess.” She stretched her back and puffed out her chest a bit, “I’ll never quite get used to it…”

“At least I know you weren’t eating badly.” Spike eyed Twilight’s figure for a moment and smiled. “I’d have been terrified if I came back you were two hundred pound bigger.” He laughed when Twilight started hitting his arm.

“I can’t believe I missed you!” Twilight laughed and hugged Spike with a big smile on her face. “I’m glad you’re back Spike I really missed this…”

“I missed it too Twi. I really did…hey have you had any nightmares since I came back?” Spike wrapped an arm around Twilight as they held each other’s warmth.

“N-no not really…” Spike squeezed her arm a bit and she sighed. “Okay I did have something like a bad dream…” Spike made Twilight look at him and he gave her a hard look. “I-I know I should have told you but…you were so worried with Silk…I didn’t want to take your time away from her…”

“Oh you egghead. I’d always make time for you, you know that.” Spike sighed again and let go of Twilight, “But I guess I’m just not trust worthy enough huh?” He began walking away when the sound of hoofsteps echoed in the crystal kitchen.

“I-I do trust you, I just didn’t want you to worry!” Twilight rushed up behind him and he slowly turned around and faced her with an even glare. “Okay, I’ll tell you about the dream…”

Spike smiled and pulled Twilight to their favorite place to talk, Twilight’s work place. It was less a workplace and more a library. More specifically her old library. Spike and Twilight sat down on the couch and he looked at her. “Well get explaining.”

“Okay…so…the dream starts out in a really black landscape. Something like the Tartarus limbo zone, you remember?” Spike thought for a moment and nodded. “Good I’m not the only one that can’t get that place out of my head. Anyway everything was black until I saw a green light, a blazing fire. I got closer to it and…it…burned me…”

Spike rubbed his throat for a moment. “Yeah…anyway the fire spread up my arms and engulfed me in moments…then I saw you…you were looking at me with fear in your eyes…like I had done something terrible to you…” Twilight fiddled her fingers. “Then I started walking towards you and I woke up…”

Spike swallowed a bit, “Does it mean anything?”

“I don’t think so…” Twilight leaned over and rested her head on Spike’s shoulder. “I honestly don’t know…” She smiled when she felt Spike wrap an arm around her and rub her shoulder. “But they’re dreams, bad dreams but dreams none the less.”

Spike smiled and kissed her forehead, “Even if it did mean something, it’s nothing we can’t handle. I doubt anything is worse than a god of chaos or a giant demon made of darkness.”

“Do not bring that back up. I am so happy to be done with that mess.” Twilight sat up and stretched a bit, she felt a shift on her legs and looked down at Spike. He had laid his head on her lap with his spines brushed to the side. “You know…that was another mess you got us out of.”

“I don’t even think that was a big deal. All we had to do was close the stupid door to Tartarus.” Spike smiled up at her. “Besides all I did was scare it.”

“You scared a demon that has been trying to get free of its prison for hundreds of years. That’s a big deal.” Twilight laughed and played with one of his spines.

“Eh, it’s just I do, I am kind of a big deal at times you know.” He smiled and they both broke into a fit of laughter. “Seriously though like you said dreams, bad or not, are just dreams.” He reached up and poke her cheek lightly, “So don’t let it bottle up in the crazy head of yours.”

Twilight’s cheeks reddened a bit and she flicked his snout. “Jeez thanks for the vote of confidence. But I suppose you’re right, we’ll be fine if we’re all together…we are all together right?” Twilight looked away from Spike to try and hide the sad look she knew she had.

“…yeah…we’re all here.” She quickly looked down at him, “As much as I loved traveling…I think I want to stay here in Ponyville with you, all of you.” Spike smiled and felt a tear drop on his face. “Twilight?”

“S-sorry…I was so lonely without you Spike…I missed you everyday and all of your letters made me miss you more…” She wiped her cheek and laughed, “I don’t get it, why am I feeling like this now?”

Spike sat up and hugged Twilight quietly as and she hugged him back, “Its like…everything bottled up is coming out…” She hugged him tighter and he smiled.

“Maybe I had a bigger effect on Ponyville than I thought.” He chuckled and draped a wing around Twilight’s shoulder, “I missed you too. I really did.”

Twilight closed her eyes and felt herself fall away from the world, soon after Spike followed but not without a single thought before falling to sleep.

“When did Twilight get so…cute…” He closed his eyes and fell asleep in a moment.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Emotions are starting to set fire, but what was the spark? Was it Spike coming home? Or does it have something to do with Chrysalis? Or is it just a contrived way for the writer to put characters into relationships?

I can tell you now the answer is not three.

Seriously though this chapter had me stumped! If it seems clunky to you, you know how I feel! I really don't know why I can't seem to like the chapter's placement.

Anyway enjoy?