• Published 13th Sep 2015
  • 9,406 Views, 486 Comments

The 7th Element. Season 1: The Magi-Tech Pony - Rojack79

Follow Gadget, a changeling who is actually a human, as he sets out on a quest to live his new life in Equestria to it's fullest.

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Act III Chapter 5: The Best Night Ever Part 1.

6, 30, 1000, C.E.
7:00 A.M.

Gadget awoke to two things, a soft bed and a warm embrace. He craned his neck around and saw Midnight laying there, her hooves wrapped around him like a pillow. He smiled as he tried to escape from her loving embrace. She struggled at first but soon found comfort in Gadget's pillow as he nudged it into her grasp. He smiled as she cuddled up with it. Then he went down stair's and was surprised to see the girl's all waiting for him.

"Hello!" He called out to everypony. They all greeted him in kind as he went to the fridge to get a sandwich. He found one and came back to the table.

"So what are all of you doing here?" He asked taking a bite out of his meal.

"Well darling." Rarity said.

"We were wondering if we could get your help with something?" She asked fidgeting with her hooves. He nodded his head.

"Ya sure. What do you need?" He said polishing off the last of his sandwich. Rarity looked ecstatic but then her face went from happy to forlorn.

"You know what i'm sorry deary. we did not mean to barge in on you all like this."

"Oh for crying out loud rarity just spit it out." Rainbow said her face going from bored to angry. Gadget looked at her. Then to Rarity.

"So girl's what do you need?" He repeated. Twilight chimed in.

"We were wandering if you could help us find transportation to Canterlot for the Gala tonight." Gadget thought about it. then his brain had mental explosion.

"If your not to busy that is." Fluttershy added nervously.

"THAT'S PERFECT!" He shouted startling the girls and causing poor Fluttershy to stumble over out of her chair and land on the floor.

"Omg i'm so sorry." He said rushing to her aid. He held out a hoof and with little effort helped poor Fluttershy off of the floor. He patted her down getting what little dust that was on her off. Then he looked at the girls with a big smile.

"Girl's don't worry about a thing. I will have our transportation drawn up and finished by tonight." He said with a smug grin. Twilight was skeptical.

"Are you sure you can do this?" she asked a slight ting of gilt in his voice. He looked at her with a sad face.

"Twilight i'm hurt." He said pouting. Behind her the other's giggled. Twilight just looked at him with a deadpan expression.

"Really?" She said. His face went from sad to one of happy delight.

"Don't worry twi, i can build stuff like this in my sleep." He said as he made his way to the stairs. Then he looked back to the girls.

"Just be here around 5:00 tonight and i'll have our ride done." He said as he went to go and talk to his uncle. First thing's first he needed to barrow his uncle's old wagon. Then he could see about sprucing it up a bit.

4:00 P.M.

After nine strait hour's of working on the wagon Gadget was finally done. It was easy to build an engine for it. He reinforced the wheel's with metal sheeting. He even took the top off to make it lighter and faster. All in all it looked almost like one of the car's back on earth. Just made out of wood and held together with magic, glue, screw's and nail's and a lot of prayer.

"Well now that that's done." He said as he wiped hi forehead off. He went upstairs to see how the family was doing. He was met with silence

"Mom? Dad? Midnight?" He called out and only got a rustling noise in return. He turned around and saw a note on the desk blowing in a small breeze that came in threw a cracked open window. He went over to the desk and read the note.

Dear Gadget.

Midnight, your mother and i have gone down to rarity's shop to get fitted for our cloth's for the gala. We should be back in time to enough to catch a ride from you to Canterlot. We'll see you soon.

Love, Mom & Dad.

"Oh so that's were they went." He put the note down and shut the window. Strange. Mom usually doesn't leave the window open. Oh well probably nothing. He turned around and was on his way to the kitchen when he heard a noise downstairs's.

"Who's there?" He said. No one replied so he grabbed for his trusty bat behind the couch but his magic only got empty air. Well....Crap! He went back into the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. HA! Come at me now bro! Slowly he made his way over to the basement door. He used his magic to ease it open. With that done he descended the stair's. As he did so his eye's darted around the poorly lit basement. I really need to install better lighting. He got to the bottom of the stair's and cautiously looked around. He had a stun spell ready, just in case. He looked around the small room not finding a thing.

"What the hell is going on here?" He muttered to himself. He suddenly heard a noise behind him. He spun around so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. His pan ready to strike he used his magic to light up the area hopefully blinding the intruder. His eye's frantically tried to locate the threat. They looked left, right, up, and down. Finally his eye's spotted the assailant.

"You have got to be kidding me." He said breathing a sigh of relief. Staring up at him with fear in it's little beady eye's was a rat. He scoffed at the little thing. Then he smiled and got down on all four's.

"Come here little guy." He said waving a hoof at it. It looked at him. He looked at it. Then it looked at something behind him. Gadget noticed a shadow play off the wall's.

"Sweet mother of ---" SMACK!

5:00 P.M.

The girl's, Midnight and Ruby Rose included were all chatting up a storm as they all made there way to Gadget's house.

"So what are we going to do when we get to the Gala?" Midnight asked as she walked along side Gadget's dad who was leading the little group. They all thought about it.

"See how the princess's are doing." Twilight said.

"See if i can't get an extension on my apple product's licence." Apple Jack said.

"See about getting into the Wander Bolt's." Rainbow answered.

"Relax in the royal garden's with all of the animal's." Fluttershy said sheepishly.

"Throw the biggest and bestest party ever in the whole history of Canterlot!" Pinky said bouncing up and down. A stern look from Rarity made her stop.

"Right don't ruin the dress. Sorry."

"How about you Lady Rarity?" Midnight asked. Rarity thought about it.

"Well i hope to mingle with the crown and see if i can't expand my business relationship's." She said.

"Maybe find a nice stallion to take home." She added as an after thought.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing deary." she said her face blushing profusely. Midnight looked at the mare. she let it go and then let out a sigh as she spotted there house.

"What in equestria is that?" Rose said. Midnight looked to were she was pointing.

"Wow!" Was all she could say. There ride as Gadget had put it was nothing short of amazing. It looked like somepony had taken a carriage and cut off the top extended the back added several more set of wheel's to it. Then they strapped some kind of engine to the back and attached a small thin piece of glass to the front of it. All in all it put the carriage's in canterlot to shame.

"Wow. Our son built this in only 10 hour's?" Sky said as he inspected the carriage. It was all black with a white trim on the exterior. He opened up the side door and a note fell out.

"Hello what's this?" Shy said as he picked it up.

Dear friends and family.

As you all can see i'm finished with the car. I however had to run into town to get one more thing before i meet up with you guy's. If you all aren't here by the time i get back then i'll catch up with you on the road.

Your loving son, Gadget.
P.S. Directions for the car are in the glove box. See you all very soon.

Sky looked at the letter then shrugged his shoulder's. Well if he insist's. He looked around the car. From what his son had told him of earth's vehicle's there glove compartment was on the left side of the car. He climbed into the front seat and leaned over.

"There you are." He said as he found the compartment. He pushed in the button and turned it to open the compartment. After a soft mechanical wiring noise a voice called out.

"Welcome Sky Diver. Please enjoy your ride today." Sky had to admit he was impressed.

"What was that?" His wife asked.

"And were is Gadget?" Midnight added. Sky gave them the note. They both read it over.

"So he wan't us to go on then?" Rose asked. Sky nodded. HE found the ignition and with a push of the button the car roared to life.

"All right everypony. Next stop Canterlot!" Sky yelled as he pushed down the accelerator. The car went backward's and with a shift of the stick thank's to his magic Sky had the car shooting down the road, the mare's in tow screaming the whole way.

6:00 P.M.

The family and friends made it to Canterlot in record time. They entered the gate's to the grand city without incident. They drove all the way to the castle. Once they were at the grand entrance they hopped out.

"Does anypony know were valet parking is?" Sky asked. All of the pony's looked at him like he was crazy. He just smiled back. He turned off the engine and hopped out the car.

"Um sir?" A royal guard approached the group.

"Im not sure you can park your??? Carriage? here?" He said slightly confused. Sky just smiled even wider. If he knew his son.

"Tell you what." He said taking the guard by hoof.

"If you can move it you can have it." He said a wicked smile on his face,

"WHAT!!!" All of the mare's were looking at him like he was insane.

"HONEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Rose screamed at her husband. He just laughed maniacally.

"Oh just you wait honey bun's. I'm sure our brilliant son prepared for this." He said rubbing his hooves together. The guard hopped into the driver's seat.

"Pony not recognized. Please vacant the vehicle."

"The hell is that?" The guard asked.

"Oh nothing." Sky said his face threatening to split open as his smile got bigger.

"Thief this is your final warning. Please exit the vehicle or be detained."

"Ok what the hey is tha---GGHGHGHGHGHGHHG!!!" The guard didn't have time to scream as he was pumped full of several volts electricity. The electricity stopped flowing and the guard was ejected from the car. He slumped over face first on the ground. Everypony was in frozen in fear. Pinky however went up and poked the guard. He let out a strangled cry of pain.

"Oh he's fine." She said as she bounced up to the front gate's and went into the grand entryway. The other pony's gave the guard one quick look then they looked to each other then the car and bolted into the castle as quick as they could.

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