• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


An aspiring author from the States.


It was going to be a wonderful day of hanging out with her friends at a gaming convention, filled with whatever antics the group of friends got themselves into. If only that was truly to be.

A confrontation with a strange merchant lands Dark Souls fan, Revan Eckley, in a world of technicolor equines as none other than Ornstein the Dragonslayer, the very character she had cosplayed as! Now she must set out into this ancient Equestria, and face whatever horrors that she comes across. Her arrival could not have been better timed, as it seems dragons are ravaging this land, and the Dragonslayer must rise again.
I may add tags as the story progresses and they become necessary, though for now what you see is what I believe I shall stick to.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 78 )

Woah, this story just went up and it's already gained some attention. I never expected this so quickly in honesty.

Interesting. I wanna see where this goes.

Squee! I love displaced stories

5678624 Fear not, for I'm already working on the next chapter. All of the success so quickly has gotten me really motivated.

5678640 awesome. Im looking forward to the next chapters. Oh, im also gonna follow you. :pinkiehappy:

Happy Writing!

So I'm guessing the main character has turned into a guy now?

5680147 No, not at all. I thought I'd made that clear already, but if not, it will be in this coming chapter.

You repeated a paragraph where she is lead through the castle.
Otherwise i think that fight with the Dragon was a bit weak or is her lightning simply that overpowered against dragons?

great chapter as always
keep up the good work

5681658 I was actually unsure of that fight myself, but there was an intent to it. See, I thought to myself that the ponies had to have a way of killing them, so there must be some form of weakness. There's two such weaknesses, both of which you can probably inference from that fight if you try to. If you want a tip, try looking at how the dragon was only slightly fazed until the last strike.
Edit: Thanks for spotting that repeat, fixed now.


Pyschadelicsnake fucking PWNED yo glory-hole punk ass in his playthrough! Yeah!

So this is a Dark Souls story then huh?

5681996 *Leans back and away from screen* Uhm... That was a creative comment...

5681658 Are you suggesting a character's lightning abilities are overpowered in this story?

My word, young Brony! How...SHOCKING...

I await your love and adoration for that totally awesome joke I made, or at least a pleasant response.

And in three...two...one...

5682006 Perhaps slightly. Though no, not really. There's something else that came into play in that scene, if you'd turn your attention to an earlier reply I'd made, you might understand what had been going through my mind.
Edit: That came off as really arrogant...

5682003 You obviously don't quite understand the severity of the comment. Allow me to show you, may I?

He got stuck on these two assholes for about ten or so whole videos in his playthrough. That was a few years ago. This year back in January, he came back to this game and finally defeated these assholes. As you can / will see from the video, he was very happy to have killed them at long last.

5682013 I haven't read the story yet. I just came here because of the cover art. Sorry.

5682040 Oh, hah! I thought you were commenting on one of the fights in this. And yes, Ornstein is OP in the original game. Far more tolerable as the Old Dragonslayer however.

5682051 I was commenting on one of the fights in this story. I just haven't read it yet.

Comment sections. Spoiler District, am I right? XD

If you like that video, you should check out his other stuff. I shit you not Pyschadelicsnake is brilliantly funny. He's done Resident Evil series, Dark Souls and Demon Souls, Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series...

Shall I go on?

He's actually down to earth too. He just gets scared easily if the game has the right atmosphere, and when he gets frustrated he can get a little mouthy, but he does make up for it with apologies and stuff.

5682079 He's competing against TearofGrace for me, but I do admit he is pretty good. And yes, comments are spoiler central.

5682085 No clue who this TearofGrace is and I don't much care.

So, you okay wherever you are?

5682127 Quite well actually, but I find myself getting more and more distracted from the goal I set out on doing... working on the next chapter. *Sigh*

5682130 Ah, my bad. I'll piss off and let you get on to it then. Sorry for disturbing you. Good luck to you and your story.

5682146 Oh no, it's my own fault. I'm reading a Celestia's replies to Twilight type story right now and can't get myself to look away long enough to write a single sentence. (Unless it's comments, I love responding to comments)

This idea, I like it.
.......dammit, I keep adding more chapters to my library, 16 mil words in my tracking folder.

dragonslayer MANTHEON AND BRAUM?!

5683581 It seems I'm not the only one with problems on adding far too many stories to their library, hah!

4k total unread chapters.
800 read it laters.

5683599 Yeah... You've got me beat... Dang.

I'm liking where this story is going. I eagerly await more.

Also, has anyone read a story with Ryuku Matoi from "Kill La Kill" in it? Preferably another Displaced story.

more plz good sir :moustache:

Young Brony?
I'll have you know back when i was young we had plump cartoon horses frolick in dream valley and fight Tirek with the Rainbow of Light and we liked it!
Also we had official HiE before HiE was cool!

5684354 Neigh neigh neigh whinny?

If there is one thing I've learned from my time on this site. Don't buy shit from people at cons lest you be sucked through space time.

I like this fight. It makes sense that the lightning cast by the Dragonslayer Spear would royally fuck up anything it hit In this universe. I mean the lightning miracles in Dark Souls were used to obliterate the scales of immortal dragons so it stands to reason that striking a mortal dragon with such a power would be like hunting bear an anti tank rifle.
So carry on author! The last Ornstein in Equestria story I read is sitting at the bottom of my favorites folder... the poor thing hasn't been updated in such a long time...

5685606 Warning: Don't read this unless you're okay with knowing something the main character is meant to learn later on!

There's actually a few factors that played into that fight. The first of which is I see dragon wings as being rather vulnerable, so even a small strike could rend them apart. At least enough to make flying difficult. The second being that dragons are, as in Dark Souls, weak to lightning, enough so that the same amount of power from anything else would have less than half the effect of lightning. Third, Revan is currently rather weak, and by no means a comparison to the true Ornstein. If she and Ornstein fought, it'd be over in moments really, all Revan has is toughness at the moment. Finally, all dragons share one weakness that anyone can abuse no matter what, this weakness being the only reason the ponies didn't just immediately lose the Dragon War. Revan stumbled upon this fatal weakness by accident, and without having done so, would have had one hell of a time dealing with the dragon. Anyways, thanks for the support on that, just thought I'd give a bit of in-depth explanation for those who were dying to know while I work on the chapters that will actually have it properly explained to Revan herself.

Additional note: These Dragons are similar to Dark Souls dragons in their toughness, though they can actually die like mortals via age. They also have more weaknesses that can be exploited.

Edit: Actually, now you've given me a line of thought to chew on. Hrm... Well, shit.

Ornstein was pretty cool I guess.

I imagine that cooking and starting a fire is easy when you've got a spear that can shoot lightning.

Hmm, though not really vulnerable to it, Ornstein's fire resistance is the lowest, still need to watch out for flames.

Well, good to see some morals, and that it isn't just pointless slaughter of dragons.

Woah, well hello there. Hm, where to start with these... I'll just go with the first comment on.
*Ahem* Yes, Ornstein is pretty cool.
I... Honestly didn't think about the whole 'I can shoot lighting from my spear' thing at the time... Huh.
Yes, the fire vulnerability will be shown later on, for now Revan's just instinctively getting away from it.
Finally, morals are going to be one of the things that shall keep Revan... How to put it, human? These /are/ sentient dragons, and though most are all well and good, the ones that Revan is encountering... Well, let's be honest. They're assholes.

Yay! New chapter! I saw a mistake or two, but i forgot where they are. You were missing a word somewhere.
Anyway, good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next.

5696748 Really? Hm... I'll have to hunt it down once I get a free moment.

5696767 i think it was near the beginning.
Found it

Wait, did they just anypony?

You're missing the word "say"

5696772 Ah, thank you. I actually found a second mistake as well, where I added an extra word. Thanks for spotting that!

Love that newest addition...though I can't help but to wonder if revan will be able to be come large like the ornstein from the game when you kill smough the executioner :rainbowderp: anyways keep up the amazing work!

5696865 She's larger than her original self, being 6'5 now. As for any larger, I'm considering it still. Probably won't happen, at least not permanently. But you never know.

Has she become exactly like Ornstein or simply gained his skills and weapon?
Because the Knights of Gwyn where not human but more like the demigods to Gwyn and the other gods and the Ornstein one fights in Anor Londo is not at the height of his power.

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