• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012
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The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

Comments ( 141 )

While I'm tentative, dood. I'll just hope that this ship sails the right way, dood.... or better yet... MY right way/.

Scootalight ships


the only thing i have to critique about this story so far is that even though we're supposed to have been reading from scootaloos point of view, it didn't feel like scootaloos thoughts. it read like we were seeing from twilights point of view, with all the technical and grown up way things were put together. like, this part here:

As the bath reached the preferred depth for Scootaloo, she turned off the taps and tested the waters. She could smell something in the water. Apparently, it had been magically imbued with a special soap that was designed to wash away germs and bacteria. She remembered Sweetie belle talking about it and how Rarity would praise the Spa for such a thing. It also meant that she'd have no need to physically wash her body, a task she didn't mind until it came to her wings. Like all Pegasi, her wings were sensitive, and she hated treading lightly around them, especially since they were so useless.

how would she. a filly, come to such an accurate conclusion? even with twilight time bolstering her knowledge, i can't see her being able to come to that conclusion without help. not that i'll stop reading if you decide that the story doesn't need to change. i just figured i'd put my thoughts out there for you to consider.

5681489 I know what you mean, i couldn't really tell it was scootaloo, She sounded way to mature, and well... intelligent.

5682025 mature is expected, with her having to care for herself more than normal kids due to being an orphan. it was the intelligence that threw me. and like i said, i won't stop reading if they decide not to change it.

Her voice betrays it's

Since this is possessive, it should be its. No apostrophe. It's is a contraction of it is.

It was approaching Nightfall

Nightfall shouldn't be capitalized.


Alright, I've done a bit of dumbing down for her. But you must realise that thoughts often tend to show more intelligence than spoken words. After all, words alone do not make the thought. I was describing the scene from my perspective. If it was from Scootaloo's, I would have italicised it.


But you must realise that thoughts often tend to show more intelligence than spoken words

Yeah i get that, but actions speak louder than both. And given any past instances showing scootaloo doing well... anything, Pretty much shows that she is just you're average foolhardy ignorant little foal. Perhaps not exactly Stupid, but nowhere near the level of eloquent thinker.

5682637 True, but again, this was described from a third-person POV. Had they been Scootaloo's direct thoughts, I would have italicised them.

5682839 Is that canon?

EDIT: Nevermind, I remember what that's from now.

5682846 No silly, that's Derpy. She doesn't even look like a cannon.

5682849 look at the word again. notice there are only two 'n's.

5682854 The World needs more Derpy.

5682888 Okie Dokie, im'a stop filling up story chat with random stuffs.

5682895 Thanks, I'm trying to get Chapter 2 going right now.lol

So far so good. I hadn't considered Scootalight before but then I've learned that ships that seem odd can work out beautifully if you give them a chance. As for Foalcon, eh, love is love. If both are willing and such who am I to judge. Plus Equestria doesn't necessarily have the same laws regarding sex and age as the human world (though given the intro's "If anyone found out I'd be ruined" thing I guess they will in this story).

Awesome sauce. I love the idea of Scootalight/Sparkloo. :rainbowkiss:

I am appreciative that this appears to be more likely to be erotica than clop. (Erotica would be a well written fic that happens to have sex in it, while clop is for the sex.) I am definitely looking forward to seeing more of this story.

We need more. Scootalight!!! I already love it.

5684208 I'm doing the second chapter as I write this.

"Goodnight, Scootaloo." sh said with a gentleness

Dun dun duuuuun!

5684534 AW MAN!!! Throw me a frickin' bone here! I'm writing well into the following morning. I keep terrible hours, I'm tired as hell and I get caught out on a missing letter?!

I wonder if Twilight actually found out.

I love the portrait of Twilight--heart rendingly accurate! I've never known what it's like to be in Scoots's position, but it's sweet to see her thoughts and emotions as well. Thank you for a wonderful chapter!

This seems to follow a theme similar to the fic, Fallen Angels, where it explores certain social moors.
Keep this going. You've got n excellent pace here, and it is written very well.

right that discreption alone gets a like and fave i will be watching

ok for people who found that diary entry moving i want you to go back and re-read it but visualise it a an audio diary that scoots is listening to, and she can hear the soft, sad, resined voice of twilight a strong and capable mare who has done so much for her country. But has accepted that she will never be truly happy.

because when i read that part it came more to me as the audio diary i could hear her saying this, and it hurt!!

Unfortunately, I am among those who must keep their romantic desires hidden from society as a whole. Neither my friends, nor my family can know what kind of pony I am. I didn't even know until I came to Ponyville. I am not a mare who loves stallions, nor do I love other mares. I don't even love both. My outlawed version of love is borderline criminal. After all, who in their right mind would allow a love that could corrupt the next generation?

"What does that mean; the next generation?" Scootaloo asked. cautiously, she read on, hoping to get some clarification? As far as she understood it, Twilight was in love with a type of pony that the law considered illegal.

They spend most of their days in certain buildings, and those few hours they spend amongst each other afterwards teases me to no end. When they play amongst each other, the subtle and unintended suggestiveness of it all drives me crazy. It gets easier when others are around me, for I instinctually manage to suppress my desires in public. This comes at a cost however, as I'm often mistaken for going over something in my head relating to brainiac stuff (as Rainbow Dash would put it). At times I wonder, how can I possibly have such feelings for ponies of that particular age range? And when I have these thoughts to myself, I cry inside, screaming how could I not?
Why must my love of fillies be considered as polluted as the Everfree?

Scootaloo understood now why Twilight was panicking. She was young but even she understood that somepony as highly respected as Twilight would be ruined and run out of Equestria, should she be found out. But Scootaloo had vowed never to tell anypony, and she never broke a promise... or vow as the case may be. Besides, Twilight had made some interesting points earlier. If love was free, then why was the law containing these things?

I understand of course. To love a foal of any gender is considered morally wrong. It is my duty as an adult to guide the next generation to a better tomorrow. But still. Couldn't a better tomorrow involve unrestricted love? Why must the desires of only a certain few go unanswered? I've saved Equestria thrice over. So why must I be alone? Sure, one could argue that I give Stallions or mares my own age a try, but what would be the point if they couldn't satisfy my true desire?

As Scootaloo read on, she didn't find herself repulsed by Twilight's secret, but instead felt sad for the princess. She had given so much for Equestria. And while she'd been given the privilege of becoming an Alicorn, it was not what she'd asked for. But what she wanted to ask for was out of the question.
Scootaloo turned to a few further pages, reading the next entry.

I've been hearing from my friends that their sisters have been the victims of bullying. While such a thing is commonplace in the world, even a small town like this, I find myself caring about one filly in particular. Scootaloo has never known anything but heartbreak, and while Rainbow Dash does her best to brighten up her world, I realise that at the end of the day, she returns home to a place that she may call home, but she doesn't truly believe it. She does not know love in any true sense other than friendship, and while I am the princess of friendship... I find myself wishing I could introduce Scootaloo to a different kind of love.

Scootaloo's eyes widened and her breath got stuck in her throat. No way... she thought as she read on.

That filly is brave and strong. She's endured loneliness the likes of which I don't even want to imagine. In a sense, I feel like we are kindred spirits. She is lonely in every sense of the word. I am lonely as I am now. Hiding behind a mask known as the perfect student. I've a lot to live up to, but I wish I could just let my mane down, and if I had to choose, I'd choose Scootaloo to let it down to.

The filly in question bit her bottom lip as she realised where Twilight was going with this. Her love for fillies and the connection she'd felt between them. Scootaloo realised that Twilight had fallen in love with her. It was a... not bitter pill, but certainly hard to swallow. How could somepony like Twilight love her? And in that way?! It made no sense. She'd understand Twilight falling for another filly; maybe one of her friends, Sweetie Belle or even Applebloom. Sweetie Belle would have been the most realistic choice, given that she'd chosen to study under Twilight in the field of magic. But Scootaloo? What qualities did she have that would make Twilight love her?

I've been monitoring Scootaloo's progress since they began coming to the Library to learn under me. At first, it was uncomfortable. Three fillies placing their trust in me. I wanted nothing more than to avoid letting them down. I hid behind my mask and played the good teacher, trying to keep them interested. And as time went on, I began to feel more at ease with them around. I always noticed how Scootaloo was always the last one to leave. It was like she wanted to stay here. And to be honest, I wanted her to. But what purpose would that serve other than to torture me?
I ask myself every day; why do I love Scootaloo? The answer is always the same. I love her because she wants to be loved, and I want to be the one to love her. I'd have settled for wanting to love her as a parent loves their child, but my nature will always get the best of me. It's in my nature to be a monster that parents should lock up their houses to. Twilight Sparkle, inspirational princess by day... disgusting pedophile by night.

Scootaloo couldn't breathe. Everything she knew about Twilight had changed, warped into something... different. Twilight had always been truthful, but hid one important factor. Scootaloo understood why. Ponies had been executed for less. But she didn't want Twilight to be executed.

I'm a monster...

i was expecting a (if only slightly) sad tragic tale of twilight (and scoots) trying to pull them selfs to gather as friends family and society pull them apart and throw them out...and then i listened to the theme song...were in for a good time arnt we?:scootangel::twilightsmile:

rushed? i don't think it's being rushed. love and romance can literally be sparked in the blink of an eye. having it develop almost immediately after you discover someone else loves you is actually a documented thing, even though i can't remember what it's called.

This does not seem rushed at all. If anything, I'm surprised at how slowly it is going; clopfics are generally a lot quicker than this to get to the action.

Almost every instance of "princess" in this story needs to be capitalized. Also, Scootaloo's speech is too wordy. She accuses Sweetie of being a dictionary, using words like geologist and philanthropist suddenly is just too much for someone that young and disinterested in learning the finer points of language.

There are some choices, word choices, scene choices, dialogue choices, punctuation and etc. that smack of newness, but that will settle with time and criticism.

I kinda want Scoots to ask twi to adopt her. It will not only let them indulge, twi could help Scoots learn to fly as well.

5689134 Seriously agree. I feel that if she adopts her, probably after the 3rd chapter (I have this feeling that Scootaloo will actually say she loves Twi the next chapter) they can be really close and no one will notice. (Especially if your kissing your "mom".)

I don't normally like these types of stories, but this one is really good. I can however see things going very wrong very quickly.

5681439 Your right way involves nothing but futa-twi all the way.:trixieshiftleft:

5689231 after rereading the story again (because I have nothing better to do) I read the diary, mentally mind you, in what I think twi's voice should be and true it did make me feel bad for her. To have saved the world not only one but three times over, and live your life alone? That is just cruel, now I know many of us love to be cruel to twi, but this is just... Its not right. Once again I find that scoots ask twi to adopt her after spending more time getting to know her, that way scoots could use wanting to get to know better as a friend cover for what she really wanted to ask.

5690349 Well, I'm just assuming. I think Twilight legit does know that Scootaloo read it. Besides, I don't think Twi would adopt her before knowing Scootaloo's desire. (She called that torture)

5690623 if twi knows that scoot has read some of her diary then we will know in the next chapter, and i was saying scoots initial curiosity could be re interpreted as getting to know a potential mother and eventually reveal her feelings for twi when the adoption is final and she has settled in with twi, if she has not already.

5690703 I thought that it was like a motherly relationship until she started imaging Twilight watching her. Though, I can't wait to see everything unfold!

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