• Published 28th Feb 2015
  • 11,034 Views, 1,224 Comments

dC/dt ≠ 0 - I Thought I Was Toast

A look into changeling and pony culture as changelings attempt to integrate and make peace with Equestria.

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The Elements of Surprise (Morpheus) Part 1

Changing Time’s Notes: When the attack on Canterlot exposed changelings as more than just a myth, there was nary a pony in Equestria who didn’t fear being replaced in the night. The idea that there was a creature that could take the form of whatever pony they desired was terrifying, and we were so wrapped up over the identities they could steal and portray that we never questioned the identities of the changelings themselves. We never asked what individual differences there might be between changelings—simply labeling them all as enemies.

It’s ironic that we never really questioned if they might simply invent an identity of their own. There was always a pony that was replaced. There was always a victim. Even when we couldn’t find any victim, we simply assumed the changelings had done away with them.

It was remarkably short-sighted of us, in hindsight.

The Elements of Surprise: A Report by Prince Morpheus of House Sycadia

The day I met the other Elements started out well enough. I only had three chores to do while Twilight was in Canterlot dropping off Spike.

First, briefly look around town for any good pools of ambient emotion to eat.

Second, pick up some groceries.

Third, lock myself in Castle until Twilight returned later that evening to introduce me to her friends.

Of course, I couldn’t gallivant around Ponyville as a changeling yet. Twilight didn’t want that to happen until she was absolutely sure the town could handle it.

And so I made a disguise.

“Wait a minute.” Twilight’s emotions were flashing through ten or twenty conflicting tastes at the end of my proposal. She had fallen on her haunches, and was shuffling through her notes.

Looking back at her from the sketch I had made detailing our potential disguise, I nodded for her to continue, but she promptly closed her mouth after opening it for a few seconds. She started to chew her lip with a furrowed brow, and cast her gaze down. After looking at her notes again, she glanced back up and tried again only to repeat the process.

When she failed for the third time, she put her head in her hooves and groaned. Ripping a blank piece of paper from one of her notebooks, she wrote her question down and handed it to me.

Why are you going as a pegasus mare?”

I bit my chops. “Is there something wrong with that choice? I figured you’d want that body type more than a pegasus stallion.”

The princess’ flush at our response did not escape my notice. The rubbery texture to her emotions suggested… embarrassment? I hadn’t done anything to merit that, had I?

“You wanted us to be able to run as fast as possible, right?” I flicked my wings a few times. “I can’t use unicorn teleportation without permission, and I’m not strong enough as an earth pony to bust through crowds. Pegasus females are more aerodynamic than their male counterparts, so a mare is the way to go.”

Twilight chewed her lip some more. “Isn’t that awkward for you? You are kind of…” She trailed off.

“I am kind of…” I prompted her.

“You’re kind of a boy….” She was looking everywhere but towards me as she said that.

“Oh.” Hoof met face. “Of course that would be weird for other species. I feel like such an idiot. Please tell me I didn’t stomp over every touchy subject known to pony kind.”

“Well… there was the line about me wanting you as a pegasus mare…. Not that you meant anything by it, but a lot of ponies might misinterpret that….” Twilight’s voice was tiny.

I felt a headache coming on as ve connected the dots.

“Great. Just great,” ve grumbled. “Let’s just add mentally filtering every single hive forsaken sentence I want to say to the list of things I need to do here. To be clear, you know that wasn’t a come on, right? Ve don’t even know if you’re into mares.”

“And let’s keep it that way.” Twilight frowned. “I’d rather not talk about my love life.”

“Fair enough.” Massaging my temples, ve carefully formulated how ve wanted to deal with this. “To be clear though, Twilight, ve can understand why you might think my disguising myself as a mare would be awkward, but it really isn’t an issue for changelings.”

I felt myself flush green. “There are a couple of reasons for that. The first is biological. Changelings aren’t— We don’t— That is to say—” I bit my chops, hard. “Changelings are born sexless! There! I said it!”

I gasped for breath for a few moments and prayed Twilight wouldn’t pry further into that. Peeking up, I found her looking at me with a worried frown that tasted like sweet lemonade.

“Are you al—”

“I’m fine!” I forced a manic grin. “I’m fine, really. I just… thought you were going to ask a question I’d be really uncomfortable asking.”

“Oh….” Several lines were crossed in one of the notebooks.

“The second reason—” I took one last deep breath. “—is how easy it is for us to shapeshift. You need to realize that changelings use shapeshifting for essentially everything. Sometimes it’s even an automatic response. The number of ways we have to change our body in miniature ways means we really don’t feel that attached to the original. Honestly, ve’d be surprised if you found a changeling that did. We toss on small changes like makeup. Sometimes we don’t change them back.”

As Twilight began taking notes again, I chuckled. “Sometimes they’re not-so-small changes either. One of Mother’s generals was so enamored with swordplay that he figured out how to morph his leg into a permanent blade. Think of it like a peg leg that periodically had its mass shifted around to keep it sharp.”

“You’re joking,” Twilight said.

“Nope.” I grinned. “He actually had an eye-patch, too. For some reason he seemed to think the pirate jokes would get old. That doesn’t really happen when ve have as much material as ve do.”

The taste of cotton candy wafting through the air was an improvement. There was still the conflicting mass of tastes that was confusion, but it had faded enough to let me pick up more mild emotions.

Unfortunately, rubbery cotton candy tasted awful, and Twilight was still slightly embarrassed. At least she was managing to look me in the eye again.

I trotted to the desk, and picked up my coffee to take a sip. “Now that that’s settled, do you have any other questions?”

She smiled sheepishly. “Umm… yeah… could you give me the whole spiel again? You started off with the pegasus mare thing, and I couldn’t even begin to focus on the rest of the speech while trying to wrap my head around it.”

Glancing at her notes confirmed this. They appeared to consist of a collection of ahhs, umms, and other unintelligible phrases.

Hoof met face. Again. “The train leaves in an hour and you want me to repeat the entire thing? There was at least ten minutes in there on research into coat colors.” I couldn’t help but whimper. “I don’t want to give the whole thing again.”

Twilight looked at the clock and sighed. “Did your first speech really take that long?” She shook her head. “Alright, there’s not enough time now. I need to go make sure Spike and I packed everything. I’m going to give you permission and hope I don’t regret it, but I want the full explanation later. Got it?”

I nodded, and she smiled.

“Good. Now I’m going to go pack and look up the proper permission phrase. Are you coming?”

“I suppose….” I hesitated as she started moving towards the door. “Why not just ask us about how to phrase the passphrase? Ve know all the contract’s syntax by heart.”

Twilight paused and a slightly bitter taste filled the air—an answer to the real question I wanted to ask. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m already putting a lot of trust in you by giving you permission to leave Castle while I’m in Canterlot.”

I snorted, but didn’t comment. She was absolutely right, after all.

I had stayed with Twilight just long enough to get permission granted for my disguise before running off to the entrance to the library. Once there, I donned my new form and leapt skyward to perch on the enormous windows flanking the massive double doors to Castle.

It was time for some recon now that I could look out the windows without causing a panic.

Twilight’s new home seemed to be on the outskirts of town. The landmarks ve had a visual on told us the palace had claimed what used to be a field on the northwest side of town, and it had used that space to full effect.

Flowerbeds were organized in patterns of colors to draw the eye, while trees lined the paths to provide shade. There were at least two fountains and a collection of statues scattered about, all made from gleaming crystal and friendship.

I leaned closer to get a better look at the town proper off in the distance.

“Sweet Celestia, that’s what you’re going as?!”

I accidentally tripped off my perch, and the stabilization plates in my legs snapped into position automatically as several instinctual calculations told us a fall from this height could actually break my legs. Thankfully, I managed to get some air under my wings before hitting the ground. Instead of crashing, I merely skid twenty trots or so as I shifted most—but not all—of my downward momentum in a horizontal direction.

“Is there a problem with my disguise?” My voice was muffled by the floor—the crystal cool and surprisingly soothing to my aching pride.

“You might want a different color.” Twilight’s chuckles encouraged a few snickers from the sour tasting drake on her back. “You apparently can’t pull pink off. Even Celestia didn’t look that silly when she decided to give pink a try.”

I sighed as I picked myself up. My stabilization plates unlocked themselves, and I stretched my legs to make sure all the cavities were fully open again.

“Nice to know that research on coat color was actually bogus,” ve grumbled. “More obscure colors were supposed to be more welcoming. Razzmatazz was by far the most qualified color with its obscure name and bright candy-like coloration.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Wait…. Did you seriously read Dr. Xanadu’s thesis on pony perception of peculiar pigments? That was debunked like two hundred years ago.”

My cheeks flushed green, and I realized I had forgotten to change my blood color. A small shift corrected this even as I continued grumbling. “Ve found hundreds of papers supporting that blasted theory.”

Twilight chuckled. “Xanadu was famous for quantity over quality. How did you not find all the work that went into debunking him?”

Ve shook our head. “Depends on whether or not any changelings actually found out before me. Ve’re willing to bet the infiltrator who found his work was a novice. They probably collected the info and never bothered to double check its validity.”

Looking over my disguise, I didn’t really see anything wrong with the color. “I may as well stick with it to save time. Anything else before we go?”

“Yeah. If you do anything to—”

“Spike!” Twilight cut the dragon off with a look. “We talked about this, and you agreed to try it my way. We need to give him a chance to prove himself, and you need a vacation from the general insanity that is daily life in Ponyville. You’re heading to Canterlot so both of those things can happen.”

Spike grumbled something I couldn’t hear.

“I know, Spike, and I love you too, little guy.” Twilight nuzzled him, and I tasted something other than fear and suspicion coming from the dragon for once.

Careful not to take any bites, I savored the flavor of fresh baked honey buns and homemade cookies.

Twilight pulled back from the placated dragon. “And I promise if Morpheus leads an army of changelings on Ponyville you can swoop in and save the day. I’m sure Celestia would be livid enough to oblige. Hay, she might even let you ride her into battle.”

I sputtered—caught off guard by that—and an aching pain suddenly sprang up in my chest shooting down my foreleg. I had been enjoying the love in the air a little too much, and now I was choking on it. The simple solution was to just bite off the love, but I really didn’t want to ruin the moment.

Several moments passed as I stuttered incoherently. Pounding my chitin covered chest was pointless, but it helped me stubborn through the discomfort. Bit by bit I regurgitated the love back into the air.

And my heart slowly began to beat again.

“S-should ve actually be worried about that?” Heat crept up my neck as Twilight and Spike snickered at me, and I shifted my blood color to the same pink as my coat.

“Yes.” Spike grinned wickedly.

“No.” Twilight bit her lip. “I mean, maybe.”

“Wonderful….” I massaged my forehead as Castle’s door rumbled open with a sound that sounded like a deep gravelly chuckle.

“At least I’ll be going out in style, then.”

Author's Note:

First, from this point on I've needed to self-edit for a while since my original editors seem busy. This has caused somewhat of a delay as it means I'm even more tedious going over my own stuff and worrying about potential phrasing. If you've enjoyed the story so far -- and want to see chapters earlier -- I wouldn't mind taking some readers on as prereaders to make sure I don't write myself into a corner with one bit of phrasing or another.

Second, you can expect light romantic elements from know on because it's difficult to write about changelings without discussing love in some form or other. It shouldn't be the main focus, but it will be present. Note that I have no intentions of placing the OC changeling Narrator in any long term relationship as that is kind of cliche. I might have plans for the question of if and how changelings can love, but I'd rather not make an OC narrator even more unique by being in the first (willing) changeling-pony relationship in addition to the first changeling to seek peace.

It is my first time writing any sort of romance elements though so please tell me if I make things unrealistically sappy or unrealistically dry with such parts.

Third, as usual comments and criticism is appreciated. If you do criticize, however, please try and include at least one positive criticism amid any negative ones. It doesn't need to be an even ratio. I just prefer being criticized by those who can tell me I'm doing something right in addition to whatever I'm doing wrong

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