• Published 1st Mar 2015
  • 22,016 Views, 666 Comments

WatLP: Chamber of Secrets - Harry Leferts

Book Two of the Lonelyverse. Having gotten through Harry's first year with a lot of excitement, him and the alicorns thought they could unwind. Sadly, it was not to be. House elves, giant snakes, hidden chambers... Looks like another eventful year!

  • ...

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...'-Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Having returned from spending the day out in the local sports center where the flyer for the Krav Maga lesson had lead them Harry laid on his back and stared at his ceiling as he sighed. "Well... at least the day ended on a rather nice note despite how it started."

From where she sat, Nightmare rolled her eyes. "Ugh... you're telling me. That Krav Maga lesson was a bust as it was only a single lesson and demonstration."

All Luna did was hum as she looked through the brochure that was in front of her. "Hmm... true enough. Though we did learn a few things from it. More importantly though, it turned out to be part of a group event with a number of the local martial arts groups there. That display about Pankration reminded me quite a bit of a style of fighting used by the minotaurs."

With a frown on his face as Harry scratched his chin. "I wish that I could have gotten a better look at the weapons one, they kind of looked cool..." Her eyebrows raised, Luna glanced at him and asked why he didn't which caused his expression to sour. "Dudley was there at the Stick Fighting display..."

Both Harry and Luna turned as Nim snickered. "He got kicked out not too long after due to being a bit too... enthusiastic when he volunteered."

Luna frowned at that before she shook it off. "Just the same, we managed to see a number and have a number of options since the Krav Maga idea fell through..." There was a smile on her face as she waved the brochure in the air. "For example, this Taekwondo school which you talked to the head of. He has no problem with us taking lessons over the summer as long as we practice at school during the year and test at the beginning of each summer."

Slowly, Nim nodded in agreement though she raised an eyebrow as Harry raised a single hand with his index finger extended. "Though why you also had me join that group for Tai Chi is beyond me..."

With a flap of her wings, Luna landed beside him on the bed with a smile. Then she gently tapped his forehead with her brochure. "Simple, it seems that it helps with meditation and clearing your mind. Something that you can always improve upon no matter what as control helps with your magic."

Amused, Harry rolled his eyes a bit. "I guess."

Suddenly, he winced and Luna's smile became a frown. "Are you okay, Harry?"

There was another wince from him before he sighed. "Yeah, I'm okay, just a bit sore from the workout that you put me through."

Nightmare glanced at Luna before she walked over and hopped up onto the bed. A moment later, she was about Luna's size as she gestured with one hoof. "Roll over." Having seen his confusion, she rolled her eyes. "I'll give you a bit of a massage for those muscles with the Lay on Hooves healing spell. That should take away the pain and help you recover quicker."

A grunt escaped him as he rolled over onto his front. Then Nightmare began to work as Harry sighed. "Does it ever get better?"

While she watched in interest, Luna nodded her head. "It does get better as time goes on. You're just working some muscles that normally you don't. Your body will get used to it after a little while and then you won't hurt nearly as much."

Humming, the now large plush frowned a bit. "Even though it is a sport, Quidditch does not work much more than the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and upper body. And even that is limited in how much it does."

Though he felt himself relax, Harry turned his head so that he could look at Luna. "There's just one thing that bothers me..." The alicorn gave him a nod to continue. "How am I going to keep up my practicing martial arts at Hogwarts? I don't think that anyone else there actually does martial arts as well."

To his surprise, Luna's smile widened some. "That is where Nim and I can come in handy." At his confusion, she chuckled some. "The two of us, me and you, give us two viewpoints of your lessons. Together, they will allow us to replay the classes in the dream realm. We could also use a variant of the Somnambulism spell to allow you to physically relive the lesson and practice the moves."

It took him a moment, but Harry recalled where he heard that word before. "Somnambulism? Isn't that another word for sleepwalking?"

Luna had a proud look on her face since he had remembered. "It is. The spell normally places a being in a state between wakefulness and sleep where they will act out what is happening in their minds and dreams. The variant that I am speaking of was used when we needed for someone to relive something that happened to them and to re-enact it. Usually, it was one of our Guards for when we might be doing an investigation. In your case, it will help you with learning and solidifying what you know of martial arts."

As his eyebrows furrowed in thought, Harry frowned. "And that will really help?"

The alicorn chuckled. "Yes, it could help quite a bit. For example, it might help with muscle memory at the least." With a thoughtful hum, Luna placed her chin on her forehooves. "Grant you, that's if it works..."

With a snort, Nightmare glanced over at her. "Too complicated and possible to actually cause him harm. No, easier to just teach him the moves in the dream realm and then have him practice them here in the physical realm. Both of us are on hoof to help him if he hurts himself..." A thoughtful expression crossed her face. "We could also use illusions to give him something to practice against. Another method is an illusion overlay so that we can place a 'Second body' over his own so that he can observe how he moves. If we also program it using the memories of the lessons..."

Having given her darker half a look of askance, Luna rolled her eyes before she turned back to Harry. "In regards to your lessons in martial arts, I'm actually rather excited myself since I'll be learning it alongside you as well, as will Nim unless I miss my guess?"

In return, she got a raised eyebrow from Nightmare who had shaken herself out of her thoughts as she continued to work the soreness out of Harry's back. "I would have thought that would have been quite obvious."

Confused, Harry looked between them the best that he could. "Wait... you'll be learning it as well? How the hay can you learn it since you're a pony and it's made for humans? Wouldn't the different body shapes make it unsuitable?"

To his surprise, Luna chuckled and shook her head. "Harry, I am centuries old with a lot of experience when it comes to combat. And if there's anything that I have learned in regards to that, it's how to adapt and modify as new knowledge comes along." The alicorn then laid down beside him on her side and propped herself up with one foreleg. "I actually modified a number of minotaur and diamond dog forms of combat for ponies so that they could be used by my Guard."

Now highly interested, Harry gave her his full attention. "Wait, how would you learn then? That still does not solve the problem that you're a pony and they're something different..."

If anything, that only caused Luna's smile to widen some as she shook her head with some fondness. "We have ways of getting around such issues."

Just as Harry was about to ask what she meant, a ghost rose up out of the floor. For a moment, Myrtle looked around until she spotted Harry and frowned as she floated over. She glanced over at Nightmare, but after the time she had already spent there, she was no longer surprised at her changing size. "Are you okay, Harry? Not hurt or anything...?"

Harry just chuckled and shook his head as Nim stopped her massage. "No, just some strained muscles is all." He then frowned a bit and looked at the clock. "Huh, I would have thought that you would have been back later, I thought that you wanted to go and explore the neighbourhood some more."

The ghost shrugged her shoulders as she leaned back in the air as if on a lounge. "Already explored most of the area... though!" Her face suddenly lit up. "I visited the local cinema! The movies now are so much more amazing then they were when I was alive!" She then twirled in mid air before she stopped facing him with her finger on her chin. "Though that Batman in the movie seemed different from what I have heard some of the muggleborn say he is like..."

Both Harry and Nim shared a look before they smiled back at her. "Well, I think that I speak for the both of us when I say that I am glad that you're enjoying yourself."

It was just as Myrtle was about to say something when she noticed that Harry glanced at where Hedwig sat on her perch. "Something the matter, Harry?"

With a frown, Nightmare looked at him and then shook her head. "He's just a bit saddened that he has not received any mail from any of our friends. For some odd reason, none of them have contacted us."

The frown that was on Myrtle's face only grew at that. "That does not make any sense... Both Neville and Tonks have access to owls they could use to send and Hermione could send hers through the non-magical world." Her eyes narrowed as behind them her mind ground away at the problem like the Ravenclaw she had been. "Anti-mail protections?" Just as Harry was about to ask, the ghost shook her head. "No, no, extremely doubtful as those only really work against owls, not normal mail. And even then, I can't see why you would try to aggravate someone who's going to be an Auror from someone. It wouldn't be very hard to tell who cast them... So what's left...?"

Now thoughtful, Nightmare turned to her friend and raised an eyebrow. "You think that someone is blocking his mail? Not that his friends simply are either too busy or have forgotten?"

A snort answered her as Myrtle continued to think and waved her hand. "No, after having been around those three, I doubt very much that they would not try to contact him after stating that they would do so..." Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. "Harry... do they know where you live?"

Confused, Harry just nodded. "Yeah, I've told them where I live a couple of times, why?"

Luna gasped and Nightmare's eyes widened. But before anything that Harry could ask them could escape from his mouth, Myrtle's expression grew grave. "Harry... if they were not getting an answer back from you, how do you think that they would react since they know where you live?"

Slowly, Harry blinked as he thought it over. "Well, I would think that they might come by for a... visit..." His own eyes widened as he stared at the ghost. "Do you think that something happened to them?!"

Once more, Myrtle shook her head. "No, I doubt that very much... You have someone heading into the Auror training course and you have the heir to one of the most prominent Pureblood families with another of them having connections through her mother. Doing away with them would cause such a massive investigation and manhunt... it's far from worth it. But redirecting them away whenever they try and come, that is something else... but who would do that and why?"

A voice then piped up. "I's be doing it to protect Mister Harry Potter Sir from danger." All four of them whipped around to see what looked like a small and deformed man with a long nose and large, tennis ball sized eyes. "Youse cannot come back to Hogwarts, Mister Harry Potter Sir, bad things are going to happen there."

Myrtle stared wide eyed as she looked at the being. "It's a house elf..." Her eyes then narrowed. "What are you doing here house elf? Did your master command you to be here?"

The being gulped a little. "N-no! Dobby's master not know what he be doing!" His eyes wide, Dobby placed his hands over his mouth. "Dobby give name! Dobby must punish self!"

He ran over to the chest of drawers and pulled one open and was about to slam it on his head when Harry stood up and held out his hand. "Whoa, whoa, whoa... Calm down there, you don't need to punish yourself. Now why don't you come over here and we can talk about this person to person, as a friend."

What Harry nor Luna or Nightmare expected was for the being's eyes to widen and tear up. "Oh! Dobby be hearing that Mister Harry Potter Sir be a truly great wizard! But Dobby not be knowing how great! Mister Harry Potter Sir wishes for for Dobby to sit beside and him and talk! As friends as if Dobby was his equal!"

Needless to say, the conversation went downhill as Harry, Myrtle, and Nim tried to wheedle out what the danger was, But to no avail as Dobby would not tell them, though Harry learned that he had a race of beings who apparently worshipped him to the point that some of the wizards and witches he met might think it much. Finally, Harry shook his head with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Dobby, but I have to go back to Hogwarts. If for no other reason than to protect my friends."

Dobby gripped his large ears and pulled them down. "Oh, Dobby was afraid that the great Mister Harry Potter Sir would say that, he really was. But Dobby must protect the great Mister Harry Potter Sir, even if Dobby will have to punish himself by shoving his head in an oven later."

Having seen the house elf raise his fingers, Myrtle's eyes widened as it clicked. "Harry! If he uses magic that means that you'll get in trouble and expelled!"

The shock of the ghost figuring out what he was about to do was enough that Dobby paused just enough for a white blur to streak out and smash into him. If there was one thing that Hedwig would not allow, it was for something to try and endanger her master. It was obvious that the house elf had not expected the snowy owl to attack him with such ferocity. A moment later, she actually grabbed him by the shoulders and lifted the struggling Dobby off the ground.

Then he disappeared and left Hedwig in midair searching for him. However, Harry could hear shouts downstairs and looked at Nim and Myrtle as he winced having remembered that his uncle had a prospective customer downstairs for dinner. "You two stay here, I'll handle this."

Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Vernon came into the hallway with a puce colored face. "Boy! What in the name of all that is holy was with that racket upstairs!?"

For a brief moment, Harry's mind worked before he came to a solution as Luna joined him. "A bird, Uncle Vernon. Flew in the open window upstairs and Hedwig tried to scare it off back outside."

Vernon's perspective customer glanced at him with a confused expression. "Hedwig?"

As he took note of the barely controlled expression on his uncle's face, Harry spoke the words that Luna whispered in his ear. "Hedwig's my owl, sir. I'm training to be a falconer with her. My relatives are very supportive as they see it as making something of myself."

The man was surprised for a moment as was his wife. "A falconer, you say? That is quite the hard, but respectable job." He then clapped Vernon on the shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me that your nephew was trying to become such a well, upstanding young man! Obviously trying to get away from his poor parents' fate."

Not caring that the smile on his nephew's face was rather brittle, and not having seen the thunderous expression on Luna's face as he could not see her, Vernon nodded. "Yes, well, we're doing the best that we can by the boy, you see. Being a falconer helps with his unfortunate anti-social behavior as well."

Tense, Luna growled under her breath. "How dare that fat fool say such things! I should..."

Despite that, Harry ignored his friend's undertones as the customer's wife walked up and glanced upstairs. "Could I see her? I've never seen a trained owl before."

Blinking, Harry just nodded a bit as he took in his aunt's pursed lips. "Um, sure... Hedwig!" A moment later, a white form flew down the stairwell and came to rest on his outstretched forearm. "Here she is."

The woman leaned in and cooed. "My word, she is just beautiful..."

With a laugh, the man clapped Vernon on the shoulder. "Good show! And you, Vernon, I must admit that I was not too sure. But now? Seeing as you are supporting your nephew learning a respectable skill and job? Ha! Congrats, old bean, you've convinced me. Come on, let's discuss this in the kitchen."

Surprised, Vernon nodded and followed the man into the kitchen. A few minutes later, the woman also left to join them which left just Harry and Petunia as the only two humans in the hallway. For a moment, she watched him with a glare before she cleared her throat and leaned in. "What really happened?"

Though he considered lying, he decided to shrug. "You know how some of those... um, like me, think of those without... that, right?"

His aunt just sneered a bit. "Yes, just like Lily's friend Severus."

Harry was a bit surprised and blinked. "Wait, Severus?"

Even though he had not answered her question, his aunt gave him a curt nod. "Yes, your mother was best friends with a freak like you and her by the name of Severus Snape. Was always looking down on me for not being a freak and doing things to torment me." She then sniffed. "But back to what happened."

It was with some effort that Harry decided not to push the subject and cleared his throat. "Um, yes, well... Hedwig stopped something from happening here which could cause trouble, so..."

With a frown, Petunia nodded. "I see..." She gave the bird a slightly narrowed gaze before she turned on her feet. "That will be all... And thank you."

All Harry could do was stand there as he stared at the spot where his aunt had been. "Did... did Aunt Petunia just thank me? And Hedwig?"

Luna was also confused at what had happened and blinked. "I... think so? I can't think of anything funny that I may have eaten in which case you would not have also seen and heard it... So, unbelievable as it may seem, it did happen?"

Needless to say, both what had happened and the news that Harry's mother had been best friends with a teacher who seemed to greatly dislike him gave both Luna and Harry a lot to think about. When he returned back to his room, Nightmare looked over from the conversation she had been having with Myrtle and frowned as she took in the look of stunned disbelief on Harry's face. "Did something bad happen downstairs?"

For her part, Luna was not much better then Harry as her mind was awhirl with possibilities. "Not... bad, per say, just something that was a rather unexpected shock..."

After he stumbled over, Harry collapsed back onto his bed and stared at the ceiling for a moment before he turned to look at Nim. "Snape... My aunt knew him when they were actually kids..." He took in her dropped jaw before continuing. "More then that, he was apparently my mum's best friend before Hogwarts..."

It was Myrtle who provided the next big shock. "Actually, they were still friends for their first few years at Hogwarts." All three whipped around to stare at the now self-conscious ghost. "I... didn't really know your parents, Harry, but one of the few things I could do was to wander the castle invisibly and watch people."

With a hungry look, Harry leaned forward. "What can you tell me about them, Myrtle? My parents?"

Myrtle frowned a bit in thought as she floated around. "Well... your father ran in a group of students. Real pranksters they were, like the Weasley twins but worse in some ways. Him and Severus hated each other of course, they were competing for your mother's attention. Your mother thought that your father was immature until his Sixth Year when he finally started to smarten up and mature. Though their relationship was helped because the friendship between your mother and Severus self-destructed rather spectacularly. Granted, it had been under a great deal of strain beforehand..."

That caused Harry to lean forward some. "What happened?"

For a few moments, Myrtle was quiet before she spoke in a soft voice. "I wasn't there you know, but I did hear what happened. A confrontation occurred between your father and Severus and Lily took Severus' side of things. He apparently took umbrage to her interfering and said words that could never be taken back. In the wake, it left behind a shattered friendship between the two. It had been strained before hand though because Severus had begun to hang out with some students in Slytherin who would go on to be Death Eaters, and so they had their opinions on Lily she found disgusting. Some of the rumours were that he was interested in some of the darker magics out there, which could not be helped."

Slowly, Nightmare raised her head as she watched Luna rub Harry's back some. "Could the fact that James got together with Lily the next year be part of why he hates Harry?"

As she leaned back, the ghost considered this. "Maybe? Though I will admit that Harry is more like his mother." Having seen Harry's expression, she floated in close and kneeled in front of him in mid-air. "Besides your mother's eyes, Harry, personality-wise you're quite a bit like her. Kind, gentle, willing to make friends as well as very smart. Also you both have tempers." Myrtle ignored the glare she got from him. "I'll also note that your mother's favorite dessert was treacle tart..." While the night slowly continued, Myrtle continued to tell some stories of Harry's mother who, it seemed, was rather kind to her while he was in school. Though eventually, Harry fell asleep with Nim curled up into his chest...

As he walked through the mists around him having fallen asleep what seemed for like a minute ago, Harry frowned a bit. "Luna? Nim? Where are you?" Having recognized it as being the dream realm, the wizard did not panic. "Hello?" It was then that he saw a equine shape slowly emerge out of the mist and walked toward it. "Luna?" To his surprise, the Luna he found was larger than he was used to with dark blue fur and a mane which seemed to be made out of the night sky like Nightmare's, though lighter. "What the...?"

There was laughter that he recognized as his friends' which caused him to turn as Luna's voice spoke up. "I'm afraid that the past version of myself cannot speak to you, Harry."

Whatever comment Harry was about to say died in his throat as he fully turned, Instead of the two alicorns he expected, there was instead two women there. Both looked to be in their late teens and sisters. One of them had light blue hair and the other's was more akin to a field of stars. "L-luna? Nim? Is that... you?"

The one with the night sky for her hair walked up with a sway in her hips. If Harry was older or more knowledgeable in such things, he would have described it as seductive. All the same though, when the woman reached him, she leaned down and with two finger gently closed his jaw as she looked at him with familiar, slit pupiled eyes. "Even though there are no flies here, best not get into the habit of giving them the ability to fly into your mouth, Harry." Nightmare then straightened and smiled at him. "I take it that you are surprised to see us in this manner then?"

After a few seconds as he shook off his shock, Harry nodded. "Well, yeah!' His finger then first pointed at Nim and the other woman who was obviously Luna. "How are you two humans!? Why is there another Luna!? What did you mean by the past you!?" It was then that his mind clued into something and there was just the slightest hint of red on his cheeks. "And why in the name of the Moon are you wearing that, Nightmare!?"

Nightmare just smirked as she flipped her hair over her shoulder with lidded eyes. "Your cousin's comic books and some of the fantasy books from the local library have given me a few ideas as to how one of my... attributes and personality as well as status should dress."

However, she was met by silence as Harry once more looked her over with a raised eyebrow. "Um... okay then..."

He ignored the smirk on Nightmare's face as he looked over at Luna who, to his surprise, was just dressed like a normal girl though she had a frumpy sweater on. With a smile on her face, Luna chuckled. "To answer your other questions, we're human because we decided to be so and the dream realm allows us to take these forms seeing as we're unable to access the necessary magic to perform the needed spells in reality." Having seen his confusion, she sat back on a chair that had not been there a moment earlier and motioned him over. A moment later, to Harry's confusion, he was sitting on her lap as she leaned against the back of the chair. "There are spells, Harry, that can be used to change one's species for a time. But only higher unicorns and alicorns can muster the magical power needed for them."

With a glance toward Nightmare who now lounged on what looked like a throne, Harry turned back to her. "So... why?"

After a glance to her darker half, Luna nodded. "When I... for lack of any better description, possessed you, I learned how a human body operated. That means that I can make for a better facsimile and share that experience with Nim so that she, too, can take such a form." She didn't bother to tell him that the two had visited the dreams of some of the women and female teens in the area. Dreams were built on actual experiences and memories which helped them learn how a female human moved, though they always made sure that the dreams were always the very best as a form of payment. Luna then cleared her throat. "Right, one reason why we're human is so that when you go through your dream lessons, both Nim and myself can learn right along beside you as humans. Then we can help you better in real life when you practice."

Then Nightmare took over. "You see, Harry, many centuries ago, Luna used to take the form of those beings that she wished to learn the fighting styles of. Diamond dog, minotaur, lizardfolk. All of them she has learned in that manner and then translated into forms that ponies could learn and use." With an interested look Harry looked up at Luna as Nightmare continued. "Therefore, we shall be learning human forms of fighting alongside you in these dreams and then we can better help you in the real world. At the same time, we will eventually be able to create pony based versions which others in Equestria could learn."

Luna then tapped him on the tip of his nose. "As to the last unanswered questions, this is a memory from a time when I watched some certain members of my Night Guard train... the non-pony members that is." She waved her hand and the rest of the mists dissipated to show several minotaurs. "While your bodies are not the same, some of the methods used can easily be altered into a form that you can use. Now, this memory is of when they began to teach the younger members of the Night Guard forms with weapons..."

The rest of the night passed in much the same manner with Luna and Nightmare showing Harry memories and then having him practice what they showed...

Early the next morning after he did a few chores and had breakfast, Harry left the Dursley household behind as he went out for the day on a route he had travelled many times before. Not too long after, as the breeze blew his hair around, Harry walked out from the stand of trees and into sight of a river. There was a smile on his face as he waved toward a horse on the other bank. "Hey there!"

He slipped down the bank and stepped on the first stone in the river to make his way across the river. Beside him, Luna hovered in the air as she glanced into the deep pools of either side of the small pathway of stones that crossed the river. "Careful now, Harry, you don't want to slip and fall in, both of those look quite deep."

Nightmare poked her head out of the backpack and looked down into them. "I actually checked it out on a map and these are just two of them, there's actually a couple in the river and around due to this area having been quarried for gravel, clay, and chert during both ancient and medieval times. About two centuries ago, the river was diverted a few hundred meters and started flowing across the old pits like the ones on either side. Which makes for some rather deep spots in the river bottom."

Since he reached the other side of the bank, Harry frowned a bit in thought. "Huh... I didn't know that..." The wizard in training climbed up the bank and walked over to the black horse that was just watching him calmly. With a smile, Harry slowly stroked it's neck. "Hey there girl, how's it going?" It seemed to lean into his touch some before he reached into his pocket and pulled out an apple. "Got a treat for you."

With more than a little gusto, the mare devoured the apple before it licked Harry across his head to his laughter. For a moment, it rubbed its snout through his hair before Harry pulled away with a grin. However, Nightmare just raised an eyebrow at it before she glanced at Luna. 'I'm telling you, something bothers me greatly about that horse...'

All Luna did was shrug before she sent back her thoughts. 'You're not the only one, Nightmare. But it has not seemed harmful for Harry despite that strange feeling we both get about it.' She then noticed that Harry had stopped petting it and smiled at him. "Are you ready to continue on, Harry?"

Having given it one last pat on the side, Harry and his friends continued on. After they had gone out of sight, the horse's ears flicked around. Then it shimmered and where it had been was now a beautiful woman with seaweed hair and a wet dress that clung to her. She smiled for a moment and twittered before she shimmered again. Now she was a horse like creature with seaweed for a mane and what looked like fins on it's legs and along its back. The creature gave a grin which showed its many sharp teeth before it turned and leapt into the pool of water with barely any ripples...

About fifteen minutes later, Harry walked into the clearing on top of the hill and set down his bag which Nightmare poked her head out of and then looked around. "Hmm... It seems that she's not around today..."

Both Harry and Luna nodded as they searched the small clearing as the small spring bubbled. Though Harry sighed in sadness. "I had been hoping that she would be around so that I could talk with her." Suddenly, they heard something and Harry started to turn. But he was not quick enough as a something jumped on his back and wrapped two long legs around his waist as he stumbled forward. "Oof!"

His vision was taken over by strands of nearly golden hair as two twinkling green eyes, not unlike his own when amused, stared into his own green eyes from upside down. "Harry, Harry, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?"

Harry just smiled. "Up and down and far beyond what a normal garden grows." A chuckle escaped him as the young woman on his back. "It's great to see you, Holly."

The now named Holly got off his back and twirled around before she leaned down and watched him with her hands behind her back as she spoke in that strangely musical tone of hers. "And it is good to see you again, Little One. Though I was saddened that you did not visit me for most of this year."

With a wince, Harry rubbed his neck as he looked away for a moment. "Sorry, I was away at boarding school for most of the year, Holly..."

He blinked a moment later as he felt something on his cheek and turned to see her gently touch his cheek with her fingertips. "It is of no worry to me, Little One. I hope though that your education has been most... magical."

Their eyes narrowing, the two alicorns watched her (though Nim had issues due to being within a backpack) as, not for the first time, Harry had to wonder exactly how much Holly knew. Despite the fact that Holly had never done anything harmful, Luna scowled. 'I don't trust her one little bit. If there was something possibly off about the horse, then there definitely is for her.'

Inside the backpack, Nim nodded. 'Agreed, but as always just watch her just in case.'

Apparently not knowing of the unheard conversation, though Harry had turned toward the two alicorns with an expression of puzzlement, Holly straightened a bit as her green dress fluttered some in the breeze and showed her bare feet. "So, Little One, why have you come to visit?"

Now slightly nervous, Harry walked over to his backpack as Holly watched and pulled out the flute that Hagrid gave him. "A friend gave me this for Christmas and, well, I remember that you play the flute." As he turned it over in his hands, Harry continued. "It's a bit different then a normal flute though..."

Holly practically danced as she made her way over and then looked down at the flute. "And how is it different?" When Harry told her that it sounded like an owl hooting, she smiled and held out her hand. Once he had given it to her, she rolled it around in her finger tips before she brought it to her lips and began a song. All three watched her as she played it expertly with the song, for some odd reason beyond them, making them think of Hedwig. After about a minute, she passed it back to Harry. "A most unique instrument... now show me what you know..."

Still slightly dazed from the song, Harry brought it up to his lips and did a small ditty though he winced as it did not sound anywhere near as good as when Holly had played it. Having finished it, he looked up and flushed some as Holly smiled at him with amusement in her eyes. "Yeah... not that good..."

When she giggled at him though, he blinked in confusion before his eyes crossed as she poked him in the nose. "Boop!" Holly then leaned in with a smile. "You did as well as expected Little One, though the kiss may have helped."

Confused, Harry stared at her uncomprehending. "Kiss?"

She smiled and nodded as she tilted her head. "Yes, kiss." With a smile, she leaned in. "After all, you did not clean or wipe the flute before I gave it back to you. It passed from my lips to yours as if it were a kiss." As Harry sputtered and turned completely red, Holly giggled gaily while both Luna and Nim facehoofed. He stopped though as she grasped his hand gently and pulled him over to the brook in the clearing. Still with a smile, Holly sat down and placed her feet into the stream. "Now, come and sit so that I can teach you how to play the flute, but not the lute."

A long time of exposure to her helped Harry get over his embarrassment as well as ignore some of her strangeness and so he took off his shoes and then sat down next to her on the bank. "So, now what?"

There was a soft smile on her face as her eyes twinkled before she reached into the robes of her dress and pulled out a flute that looked similar to Harry's. Holly brought it up to her mouth and blew a few strains of music before she pulled it away with the smile still on her face. "Now then, what you first should know about flutes..."