• Published 6th Apr 2015
  • 2,402 Views, 31 Comments

Deafened by Silence - Infernity Zero

During Discord's reign of terror, he stops by to torment a certain unicorn DJ

  • ...

Sound Mind

It's funny. The morning of change started off like every other morning. There wasn't any ominous weather, foreboding news in the paper, or anything out of the ordinary. My alarm was a few minutes off, but I think that was just Octy trying to mess with me again. By the time I'd stumbled out of bed and gotten somewhat presentable, she'd already made breakfast. When she saw me come in, she raised her hoof in greeting, then did a double-take and stared at me. As I fumbled around trying to figure out which was the apple juice and which was the syrup, I caught her hiding her grin with her coffee mug.

"What's so funny, Tavi?"

By trying not to chuckle, she just laughed harder. "I'm sorry, Vinyl, but are you aware that you have a record on your horn?"

I reached up and felt plastic. With a forced chuckle, I quickly removed it and went back to my breakfast.

"What were you up to last night?"

"Eh, I was helping Pinkie Pie host somepony's Sweet Sixteen. We partied so hearty that we measured on the Richter Scale." Lost in memories, I stood up and began spinning around the room. "It was so much fun! You should have been there."


I kept going, spinning even faster. "The music, the smiles, the food, it was all great."


"But the best part was seeing the expression on the filly's face. It was like she couldn't believe that we'd done this all for her. I tell you Octy; moments like that are what make life worth--"

"Vinyl, look out!"

Not looking where I was spinning, I crashed into the counter, sending the syrup on top of it flying into the air. It arced for a few seconds before crashing down on my head, soaking me in the stuff.


She just stood there with her hoof over her mouth, before beginning to laugh in spite of herself.

"Hardy har har." I righted the bottle and tried to salvage what little dignity I had left. "You could help me, you know."

The response was a towel thrown at my face and more laughter. "You get so funny when you're like this. Always gushing about your gigs and the ponies you're entertaining."

"Well of course." Now my mane was sticking out like I'd been struck by lightning. Maybe I could convince Pinkie Pie that today was Special Mane Style Day. "That's the whole reason I choose this job in the first place. Ever since I got my cutie mark from watching Shining Armor's band perform, I've wanted to help make ponies just as happy as he made me. And I have. Ponies love my singing," I gestured for dramatic effect. "And they LOVE! MY! MUSIC!"

"Of that, I have no doubt." Her laughter suddenly subsided to be replaced by a serious look. "Just be careful, okay. I don't want to come home one day and find out that you've overdone it and hurt yourself. That would make me very UN-happy."

That's my roommate for you. Underneath all the teasing and snobbishness, she really does care. I smiled in spite of myself.

"Thanks Octy, I'll try not to." I set my sights on my food for a while before speaking up again. "I just remembered. I recently finished a new piece to perform. It's a mix of techno and classical."

She raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Are you saying you want to do a duet?"

"No one's ever done anything like this before. It should be awesome."

Her expression turned from vaguely amused to irksomely cheeky. "You know the tabloids would have a field day if we did that, right?"

"The tabloids also think that Princess Celestia is some kind of power-hungry dictator. Even Pinkie Pie knows they're ridiculous. But does that mean you don't want to do it?"

"Of course I want to do it. Something that unorthodox and creative should be fun."

"Great! I'll go over it with you this evening. See you later."

With that, I finished eating and ran out the door as Octy yelled for me to have fun. It was time for another great day with my music.

It's funny. Before that day, there were so many things I took for granted. My songs, my talent, even my career. But when Discord was free, suddenly none of that mattered anymore. Even now, the memories still fill me with frustration, a building scream that I can't let out. But I can't change what happened.

"What? What do you mean my gig's cancelled?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Scratch, but the gazebo we rented is covered in chocolate."

"I'm sorry. Did you say 'chocolate'? What, did one of Pinkie's parties get out of hand?"

"Um, not exactly," The receptionist blushed and rubbed the top of her head. "The chocolate actually came...from the sky. As rain."

"Chocolate...rain? Are you kidding me?"

Unfortunately, she wasn't. I found that out when I went to check the gazebo myself. All of the sound equipment was ruined, gummed up in a sticky mess of sweetness.

"What's going on here?"

I checked my other appointments for that day and found each of them disrupted by similar oddities: Subwoofers covered in chewing gum, backup singers with frogs in their throats (literally), and worst of all, a stage where all of the instruments had been replaced with bagpipes.

"Are you KIDDING me?" Even with my horn, I couldn't play something like that. And what pony would want to listen to bagpipes anyway?

Turns out, they didn't, and we had to postpone. By the time lunch rolled around, frustration and confusion had seeped into my mind, soiled my meal, and soured my mood.

"This is too ridiculous to be the work of a saboteur. But it can't just be a coincidence either. And why would somepony go to all the trouble of messing up my appointments, anyway?" My head ached from trying to figure it out. "Ugh, this doesn't make sense."

"Make sense? Oh my poor little pony, what's the fun in making sense?" came a voice.

I leaped to attention, jerking my eyes all around to catch sight of the speaker. But there wasn't one.

"Great, if everything else wasn't bad enough, now I'm hallucinating."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? For this to all be the result of some bad food before bed. But I assure you, this is very real."

Whatever it was sounded closer. The hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up.

"Show yourself! Where are you?"

Nothing happened at first. All I heard was the wind blowing...


some birds chirping...

Twee twee twee

And the pitter-patter of a cat walking by. A cat with a really long tail. With scales and a grin that was splitting its face in two in a way that no cat ever should. A cat that was getting way to close to me.

"HEY! Ouch, that hurt. Do you mind?!"

I shook myself and stared down at it. "I'm sorry. Did you just talk?"

One flash of light later, the cat was now a...weird mix-match creature with an eagle claw, a lion paw, and a snake tail. "Yes, I did. Where do you come off stomping on my tail like that?"

"S-sorry. I didn't see your--"

The creature tore off its own tail and stroked it like a squalling baby, because the tail really was crying. "Oh my poor baby. Don't worry, daddy's here now. No no no, don't cry." The creature looked at me, its eyes were disturbingly different sizes and shapes. "I mean, how would you like it if someone hurt you like that?"

"Ouch!" In a flash, he had hoisted me up by my tail and was spinning me around like a parade baton. I soon ended up taking the opportunity to reacquaint myself with my earlier lunch. The roots of all my tail hair screamed, like I did as I flew through the air when he let go of me. "WAAAAAAHHH! Oomph!" I landed in a bundle of marshmallow deck chairs.

"There. Now we're even."

"Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh uhhh." My eyes swam in their sockets, unable to focus.

He hooted like he'd just seen a tap-dancing fish. "You should see the look on your face. It's PRICELESS!"

Reorienting myself, I tried to look as ticked off as possible; though inwardly, my stomach was tightening. And I didn't mean from the spinning.

"Can I help you in any way, sir, or did you just stop by to turn me into a Frisbee?"

"Oh, that was just part of the fun. Didn't you see all the improvements I made to your work?"

"Wait, so that was you? What's your problem, man? Why'd you sabotage my appointments?!" The anger wasn't an act anymore. Aside from Octy getting hurt, nothing rattled me more than interference with my work.

"Sabotage?" He clutched a paw to his heart in mock pain. "I've done nothing of the kind. Those were improvements of the highest quality."

"Improvements?" I clenched my hoof at the word. "Nothing's working like its supposed to. How am I supposed to play my music? How am I supposed to write new songs like this? All my instruments are gone, my equipment won't work, and I can't find any inspiration in this cacophony of chaos!"

"'Cacophony of chaos'?" He picked me up again, using my tail as a tissue to wipe away fake tears. "Why must you say such unkind things?"

"Oh I don't know." I snarled through clenched teeth. "Maybe because I had everything all planned out before SOMEpony came along and ruined my whole day. If this keeps up, I'll be too worked up to do my duet with Octy this evening. So I'd appreciate it if you could just undo what you did and get the hay out of here!"

His smile vanished, replaced with a sneer. "Well now, that wasn't very nice. And here I thought you'd be a nice little distraction while Twilight Sparkle and her band of merry misfits figure out their next move. At least those two cake ponies were funny when I turned them into actual cakes and let their babies eat them. But you? You're turning out to be not only not funny but actively aggravating. If I'm to be honest, I never really cared for your music, and I certainly don't care for your tone, little missy."

"What are you getting at?"

"Why my little Scratchy-watchy. If you can't say something nice..."

His claw fist came down on my head; the world swam before my eyes.

"Don't say anything at all."

The dizziness and nausea returned 1000-fold. The colors around me faded to murky grey. Vision blurred until movement impossible. Straight think couldn't I. Throbbing head. Ringing ears. Pain so bad, couldn't stand up. Eyes squeezed shut to keep from screaming. Throat felt like it torn out. Pictures flashed inside head. Voices never heard again.


It was hours later when I woke up. Celestia had already set the sun. While my vision wasn't entirely grey anymore, everything still felt muted. The pain in my head had settled to a dull thud, and the ringing had died down too. With little regard for anything else, I slogged my way home.

A second shock waited for me when I got home. Octavia was there, lying in the midst of broken glass and scattered food, her hooves jammed over her ears.

"Please stop. Make it stop. Stop it. Stop it!"

"Octy? What's wrong?"

She gave no indication she'd heard me. "Make it stop! Make it stop! STOP THE NOISE!"

To my horror, she began writhing around on the ground, slamming her head into the floor.

"Cut it out; you're hurting yourself! Octy, calm down."

She still didn't react to me at all. What, had that snake guy made me invisible?

"Make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop."

"OCTAVIA! THAT'S ENOUGH!" I managed to pry her hooves off her head and screamed into her ear.

There was still nothing. And it was only then that the realization began to sink in.

She can't hear me.

I ran outside to try and find some help but found nothing. Everypony else was either suffering their own fits of madness or they couldn't hear me either. Becoming more and more desperate, I got on my haunches and howled towards the heavens. And I wasn't even given the dignity of a sideways glance.

"What's going on? I can hear myself, but why can't anypony hear me?"


"Because you've been muted, my dear."

"You again!" I whirled around. "How can you hear me if they can't?"

"Because I'm the one who did this to you, uh doy. You're Speak no Evil, and your friend in there is Hear no Evil. Deaf to everything but the chaotic cacophony in her head. That is what you called it, isn't it?"

"Look, this is between us, okay. Leave Octy out of this. She didn't do anything to you. By Celestia's mane, I don't even know your name. Who ARE you?"

"Oh that's so sweet, sticking up for your friend like that." He switched to a snarl and grabbed me again. "I hate sweet. And that certainly won't help her. The more time passes the worse she'll become. Soon, she'll be running around without a clue who she is, what she is, what her precious manners are, nothing at all. Could you imagine it?"

"Why are you doing all this? What did we ever do to you?"

This time, his laugh was spiteful. "Nothing, that's why it's fun. I like fun."

"Wrecking ponies' lives for laughs. You're sick."

"Of course, I'm sick. Who told you I was well?

"Change. Octy. Back!"

He shrugged. "Why should I? Did you see her hitting her head like that? Hilarious. Maybe I'll make her head into a fruit gum candy. That way, when she bangs it hard enough, gooey sugar will come out instead of bloody brains."

"Don't you dare!" I jumped towards him only for him to vanish and reappear behind me with a glare.

"Do you presume to give me orders, little pony? Not even Celestia herself was able to give me orders."

By this point, tears of desperation began to seep out from under my glasses. "Leave Octy alone or I'll...I'll...I'll buck your fangs down your throat." It was an empty threat but it surged up inside me. I was so mad, I couldn't help it.

The creature's eyes narrowed at me. "My, my, aren't we brave. I hate brave. Brave is so boring. I thought if I discorded you, you'd become more entertaining, not less. Oh what to do with you? If you're going to be sassy and disrespectful, maybe I'll do more than just hit mute."

He grabbed my head with his tail. I hadn't even seen it whip out until I was in its grip. Holding up his claw, he made one of the talons lengthen and sharpen to a point.

"Now be a good filly and say ahhhh."


It's funny. Before that day, there were so many things I took for granted.

"Vinyl? Vinyl, where are you?"

My social life, my career, my health. I was completely solid.

"Oh thank goodness, you're okay. Once my sanity returned, I had to be sure you were safe. What did that mongrel do to you?"

But it all vanished in a single instant...

"Vinyl, what's wrong? That thing's been turned back to stone. Why are you crying?"

...when Discord cut out my tongue.

Author's Note:

So yeah, this is my first time writing for background ponies.

As I said before, I have the headcanon that Vinyl's mute. But the question is: how did she get that way? Here's a somewhat darker example of how that could happen. Having the problem come from an actual injury rather than a magic snap would also explain why it didn't change back like everyone else. For the others, it was only mental.

Let me know what you think.

Comments ( 31 )

Interesting concept and I just love the characterisation of Vinyl here.

Just the actions of Discord near the end were... say - hard to believe. He is a prankster and fools around with anypony. Some of his jokes are rather harsh. But intentionally hurting or severing somepony is just a bit out of character - even for him.

Although it was an interesting dark read, so have my like.

5831362 Yeah, I admit I had a hard time writing the guy. Hence why he might come across as more Kefka than Loki. Though hearing that I did well with a character I'm not very familiar with (Vinyl not Discord) is reassuring.


Your Discord acts more like Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls (he is a tad darker and won't hestitate to kill for a good laugh.)

But really I like the chemistry between Vinyl and Octavia in this.

I'd have expected this to have more thumbs up. Very interesting story, if I do say so myself.

6081562 Uh, thanks. This one probably doesn't have as much circulation as my other two because it's a one-shot.

I won't say Discord wouldn't do this. Because Discord can be a mild annoying prankster who doesn't know when to stop or a Monster who would turn a filly into a muffin and make the mother walk all over the world for near eternity to change her back.
Depends on the writer.

Will you make a second part please to this story?

6090807 What do you have in mind?

Given we know her human counterpart has spoken at least once, I don't think your fanon holds up in the face of what we've seen in the source material, but still not a bad fic.

6804853 When has she spoken?


Equestria Girls: The Friendship Games. It's only one line, but she does join in during Rainbow's song at the start of the film.

6808194 I don't think that's definite proof. Not until she gets a scene to herself and a credited voice actress.


It happened in the movie, and it wasn't an animation error. So yeah, pretty sure she's not mute.

Hmmm... interesting concept and portrayal... I like it! I think your characterization was really good for Vinyl and Octavia. As for Discord, other then I don't think he would do something THAT bad, was still written pretty well. Nice job. :twilightsmile:

7411436 Thank you. I have a soft spot in particular for these two and love that people enjoy my portrayal of them.

Author Interviewer

Well written, and I guess a creative way to explain canon, but I can't see Discord doing something like that. Not at all.

Can't she still scream without a tongue? I would assume so since he didn't cut out her vocal cords.

Funny thing is, I did do some research on that. And as it turns out, people with damaged tongues CAN relearn how to speak as long as the vocal cords are still intact. It's just a bit harder.

Oh that's awesome! So hopefully she's able to at least make some sort of noise instead of being completely not able to say anything.

I both can and can't see him doing it. I can't, because to me Discord is a harmless joker, that sometimes takes the joke too far, but never causes any real harm. At the same time, he's Discord, he doesn't play by any rules. So I could see him becoming angry, and doing something truly malicious.

Of course you can't see Discord doing this, not as his characterization stands currently. The show's writers pussified him after he was redeemed. Everyone forgets just how dangerous, insane, and destructive a truly chaotic character can be, and this one is a god. They all just see him having tea with Fluttershy, and say, "Oh, he's just a harmless prankster." This story is what Discord should have been, had the writers been allowed to keep to his original character.

Author Interviewer

Yeah, Discord never killed or tortured people. Discord being evil enough to use his power to really destroy a pony makes him one more unstoppable, omnipotent villain instead of the dangerous and unpredictable trickster he was.

Here's where we get into the discussion of "what would the writers be allow to do if this show wasn't for the tiny tots?" I know that's largely useless, since it is for tiny tots, but it can still be fun to talk about it. I don't think it's uncalled-for to suggest that ponies got seriously injured off-screen when Ponyville turned into Wackyland back at the beginning of season 2. You said it yourself, that Discord is dangerous. This story's characterization of him has only taken what is already there and magnified it a bit, which is appropriate, especially when he becomes irritated and has the tendency to go over the top.

Author Interviewer

Injuring ponies out of carelessness? That I can see. Intentionally harming someone just to harm them? Not so much.

Yeah, he's usually more of the type to accidentally hurt a pony and then just go, "Oh? You got hurt because of me? OOPS! LOL! "

But I think you touched on the heart of things here, at least in this specific situation. He didn't hurt Vinyl just to do it, just on a whim. Honestly, that was pretty much the only thing he did in this story that was not on a whim. Vinyl committed the one sin that would enrage every god/goddess down throughout human history: she disrespected his power. She stood up to him and insulted him by treating him as someone equal to her own mortal self, refusing to cower before him. If you know your mythology, you know an action like that must never go unpunished. Otherwise the gods lose the respect of the populous, and their power along with it.

Author Interviewer

I suddenly get the feeling this is not an argument I can win. Good day.

Please wait. I get it. I really do. You probably have a variation of this conversation every day you're on this website, and you're tired of it. You're coming from the standpoint of the hard canon from the show, and I am coming from what I felt was implied by it. I know that canon will always come before fanon. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was coming on too strongly, like I was a comment-crusader, and as a result you want to simply wash your hands of me. Can we at least part amicably, even though we disagree on characterization? I'm a fan of what you do, and I would hate for you to think ill of me.

Author Interviewer

I could 100% see a sequel to this. Octavia and vinyl coming to terms with vinyls new state. Vinyl learning how to continue her career despite now being unable to speak.

I don't know why you feel the need to apologise to PP when you're the one who came across better in the 'argument'. You explained your points extremely well and respected why PP interpreted the story the way they did. Honestly, you articulated your interpretation incredibly. PP, with all due respect, came off as very stand-offish and rude. Their points were very brief and underdeveloped as well, and paled in comparison to your counter-points. I think they knew that as well, hence why they ran away from the discussion. I don't even know why they called it an argument. You weren't being disrespectful in any way, if anything they're the one's who made it into an argument. I honestly think they ended up acting extremely immature and cowardly. Of course, you're free to do what you like in your own discussions, but I personally don't think you needed to apologise for PP's immaturity. But, that's up to you.

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