• Published 16th Oct 2016
  • 2,244 Views, 21 Comments

Until the Morning of Eternity - Subsolar Drift

Seven Scenes of Twilight and Celestia

  • ...


Lord teach me,
That all must have an end
And life has purpose
And I must accept this

Celestia’s hooves brushed the grass as she strolled through the gardens. A cool breeze blew through the early evening air. The birds had gone to bed, but the crickets were not yet chirping. It would be a beautiful night. Fitting, she supposed.

Luna had outdone herself. Purple nebulae shimmered all across the sky and every constellation was at hoof to honor the day. A streak of stars cut right through the center of the sky; a band of the galaxy usually reserved for the Winter Moon Celebration. The heavens spoke to all of Equestria's joy.

Celestia’s smile faded.

Her pace quickened and her thoughts swirled. Much as she was loath to admit it, she felt uneasy. It should’ve been a joyous occasion. She should’ve been inside, laughing and dancing the night away. But she wasn’t, so she walked.

The bushes flanking her ended, the unrestrained gardens spilling out into pools of color dotted on the grass. Her hoofsteps slowed, a memory of the wildflowers which had grown here so long ago rising in Celestia's mind. The echo of carefree laughter rang through the years. Celestia shook her head and continued.

The path led down a small slope and into the castle's sprawling hedge maze. Celestia didn't follow it. She left the path and went straight. Her wing idly brushed the familiar stone walls of her home as she walked.

The beat of the music and the hum of countless happy voices found it's way out into the grounds, distant and distorted. There was a pause in the noise before a roar rose from the crowd inside the castle and erupted through the night air. Drowsy birds in the nearby trees flapped their wings and cawed indignantly before tucking their heads back into their wings and settling down again. A ghost of a smile danced across Celestia's lips. She was glad her absence hadn't disturbed the revelry.

The alicorn stuck close to the wall and continued through a small grove of trees. She ducked under the branch of an aspen and rounded a corner of the castle. A plain wall overgrown with ivy rose up to meet her. Celestia stopped and lit her horn. The castle walls and the leaves of the aspen and oaks behind her were illuminated with a soft golden glow. The curtain of ivy shimmered with golden sparks and parted, revealing a small garden courtyard beyond.

Celestia ducked her head and passed through the arch of ivy. The drone of the celebrations ceased as if she had flicked a switch. A breath of air left her lips and her shoulders sagged. She lifted her head.

Short stone benches lined the perimeter of the small courtyard before her. Patches of verbena, dwarf iris, and columbine dotted the grass in no particular arrangement. The sound of running water came from an inlaid fountain with a unicorn's bust in the far wall, filling the air with a peaceful burbling. Its water shimmered in light from the heavens, crystal clear and pure.

Celestia didn't look at any of it. Her gaze was reserved for the tall willow that grew in the center of the courtyard. Its frame was twisted with age but it still stood tall. Its branches hung low like cascading curtains above the grass, the foliage just thick enough to obscure anything beyond their veil.

She stepped lightly through the garden, gently brushed aside a few branches, and moved into willow's shadow. The darkness lasted only for a second before a non-existent wind blew through the branches. A shiver ran down Celestia's spine as she felt the magic surge up through the tree's trunk and into its limbs. As the magic passed each leaf began to glow with a golden light.

Celestia stepped away from the world outside. The sound of the fountain was quiet, almost forgotten under the firmament of branches above her head. A naturally formed seat in the willow's curving trunk invited her to take a seat. She did.

Celestia let herself lean back against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes. The soft rustling of the leaves above her and the reassuring warmth of magic around her pulled forth wisps of memories from the depths of her mind.

A hot summer’s day stolen away from her schedule spent teaching a young Twilight magic. A bright lavender glow giving birth to a breeze that made the branches of the willow above them sway. A proud easy smile on her lips.

A brisk winter afternoon where the small filly worked her first fire magic. A scorch mark that had taken weeks to heal on the grass below hoof. A pair of eyebrows scorched within an inch of their life. A warm belly laugh shaking her body.

Afternoons spent here alone while Twilight buried herself in books for weeks on end. Countless hours spent worrying about the young mare’s nonexistent social life. The inside of her cheek raw from nervous chewing.

A morning spent here as the absence of her student ate away at her, the loneliness more painful than it had been in years. The hot tears running down her face.

Hours stolen away from the court and Twilight’s friends, spent in deep conversation or comfortable silence. Laying side by side with her Twilight, stealing the occasional kiss. A warm glow in her chest, a tightness in her throat, and a tingling in her lips.

Celestia sighed.

“It’s hardly a night for sighing,” a familiar voice chided.

Celestia's eyes shot up and she started forward in surprise. Twilight let the still glowing branches of the willow drop behind her as she stepped into the enclosure. The mare looked up and gave the ceiling of luminous limbs a smile.

Celestia's breath caught in her throat. For an instant, it was as if she had triple vision. The young filly eager to impress her, the student scared to let her down, and the confident mare who knew her better than anypony born this millennium; all overlaid and staring up at the lattice overhead in awed appreciation. Their heads drifted down and they watched her with nervous excitement, fearful awe, and a soft knowing look. Celestia blinked and her Twilight was alone again.

Celestia swallowed and tried to smile. "I’m sorry my light.”

Twilight's head tilted as she considered Celestia. She hummed softly and closed the distance between them, setting herself down beside her larger companion. She didn’t say anything.

Celestia shifted uncomfortably in the silence. Her smile faltered. “I shouldn’t be keeping you, my dear. There are so many ponies who want to see you tonight. They deserve to be with their new Princess.”

Twilight shrugged. “So what?" she asked. "I’ve seen most of them already, and I'd rather be with you." Twilight paused, her face turning into a pout. "Even if you don't want to see me..." she added in a trembling voice.

“Oh, Twilight,” Celestia protested. "There isn't a time I wouldn't want to see you."

Twilight's pout vanished in a giggle. “I know that, silly," she laughed. She scooted herself closer to the larger mare and leaned up against her side. She shivered slightly as she felt her new feathers brush against Celestia’s. She didn’t notice Celestia shudder as their wings touched. "But I do want to know why you're not celebrating."

Celestia shook her head and looked up. Dappled silver light from the moon filtered down through the tree boughs mixing with the golden glow of the tree's magic. The branches stirred in a symphony of soft rustles. “Honestly?" she sighed. "I... I don't know how to explain it.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, turning more towards the other mare. There was the slightest pause. “Celestia the eloquent, lost for words?" she asked in mock surprise.

Celestia noticed the slight flare of Twilight's nose, the imperceptible twitch of one of her ears, and the subtle shift of her eyebrows. She didn't say anything. Instead, she put on an amused look and nodded.

Twilight's face of mock surprise faded and the air seemed to lose a bit of its light as Celestia watched her favorite smile disappear.

Twilight chewed her lip and stared unseeingly past Celestia. The silence stalked underneath the branches, circling the two ponies on the bench.

Twilight pulled away from her thoughts. "You know you can tell me anything, right?” she murmured as she nuzzled Celestia's side.

Celestia pulled Twilight closer but hesitated. She shook her head. “Tonight is supposed to be a celebration for you. I don't want to ruin it,” she whispered

Twilight pulled back and considered that for a moment.

Celestia’s eyes traced the contours of her lover’s frame. She noticed the few stray strands of mane that framed Twilight’s face. She watched as Twilight’s ear twitched nervously, betraying her calm exterior. She tried to take every last detail of the mare before her and burn them into her memory so that she would never forget her. Celestia still knew it would be a paltry shade of the mare in front of her.

"Has anypony I know died?"

Celestia’s reverie(?) was broken. She blinked, caught off guard. She thought for a moment before replying, "Not that I know of, but what does that--"

Twilight cut her off, meeting Celestia’s gaze and holding it as she continued. "Is there any national emergency that my friends and I have to run off and solve?"

Celestia shook her head. “No, but Twilight, I don’t—“

"Are you aware of any incoming national disasters, plagues, famines, alien invasions, or Pinkie Pie related events that could cause trouble?" Twilight held Celestia’s gaze.

"No, I don’t anticipate any of that happening tonight," Celestia sighed.

Twilight swallowed once and took a steadying breath. Her voice was calm when she spoke. "Do you still love me?"

Celestia jerked as if hit. She shook her head in earnest, pulling the smaller mare closer towards her. "Always, Twilight. Always," she whispered.

Twilight let out a small noise of content, melting into the warm embrace. Firmly snuggled up against her lover, she couldn’t help but smile. "If that’s true, then I don't think that anything you say could truly ruin my night!” She turned in the embrace to look up into Celestia’s eyes. “Hit me,” she said with a confident smile.

"I could never harm a hair on your head, let alone hit you, Twilight."

Celestia had heard songs from times lost. She had been serenaded by the greatest singers to ever grace the world with their voices. She had heard echoes of the song of creation, more beautiful than a mortal could bear to hear. She had heard and seen the greatest works from fallen civilizations and empires lost to time. Twilight's laugh under the willow tree that night, was more beautiful and perfect than them all.

The Princess of the Sun looked away, up into the boughs above them. She tried to ignore the heat in her face and the burning in her throat. The laughter beside her faded and died as she forced herself to breathe.

Celestia started as Twilight's hoof brushed her cheek, wiping away a tear. The touch drew her gaze down to meet the eyes looking up to her. The smaller mare's smile was gone, replaced with a confused concern. Though Twilight said no words, Celestia could hear the silent plea.

Celestia closed her eyes as more tears welled up. Her head sank, and her body shook. "I love you, oh light, I love you," she whispered.

"Then tell me what's wrong," Twilight replied softly as she ran a hoof over Celestia’s back.
Celestia forced herself to breathe. Her chest heaved as she pulled in the air, the slowly released it. Though she shook less, her tears didn’t stop. She swallowed.

“Did I…” She tried, but her voice trailed off for a few breaths. “Is this— ” Words failed her again. Her body sagged as she exhaled and her head shook. Twilight opened her mouth to say something but was stopped short.

“I wonder if I did the right thing.”

The voice was quiet as a whisper but carried the force of Royal Canterlot Voice. The world stopped as those words hung in the air. In the eternal moment, Twilight pulled away from Celestia.

"You wonder if it was right for me to… ascend?"

Celestia closed her eyes, “I have given you nothing but pain. Tonight, you were so happy there among your friends and family. I can’t replace that. No matter how much I love you, Twilight. Those wings… They mean that you will see more funerals than you have any right to.”

Celestia turned her head and looked at Twilight. The smaller mare reached over and brushed Celestia's mane back away from her eyes. Celestia shivered as the hoof brushed her face, but didn’t pull away. She reached up and pulled it into one of her own. She held it there for a moment, feeling Twilight’s heartbeat.

“Am I selfish?” Celestia asked, tears leaking from her eyes. “I want you by my side, Twilight. I want you there so much that it hurts," She shuddered and looked away, continuing, "But to force you into this...You never had a chance to make a choice. I was so caught up in the moment. I was so happy you finished Starswirl's spell, I didn't even stop to think if you would want this."

"I made my choice a long time ago, Celestia." Twilight's voice was soft and calm. She nuzzled up against Celestia's neck, before getting up from the bench and moving into Celestia's line of vision. She held the older Princess’ gaze steadily and with a small smile. She placed a kiss on the larger mare's cheek. "I love you. That is the choice I made. When I cast Starswirl’s spell…” Twilight’s mouth scrunched up as she decided how to best phrase her words. “I felt something in the magic. It was as if for a second I knew what the spell was trying to do. I don't know how I knew, but somehow I did. I had a chance to turn back and stop the spell. I made my choice."

Celestia tried to look away but Twilight's hoof gently stopped her.

Twilight took a breath in. Her body quivered as she spoke, but her voice was steady. "I know that I may see the ponies I love die. I know that and I don't regret my choice."

Celestia stood abruptly, leaving Twilight's hoof hanging in the air. She paced a path around the low hanging branches. Her face was dark in the shadow of the branches. It twisted from pain to frustration, to longing. She stopped just short of leaving but didn't look at Twilight. "You shouldn't have to do this for me."

Twilight snorted, shaking her head. She stood and marched right up to Celestia, making the other mare take a step back. "I didn't do it for you," she started slowly with forced calm. "If you loved me and I didn't love you in return, that would've been doing it for you."

"I. Love. You." She punctuated her words by prodding Celestia in the chest after each word. "In the end, it was my choice, and I made it. You can't say that you've doomed me to this life. I chose this, Celestia. And no matter how hard it'll be, if I'm with you I can weather through eternity."

Celestia let out a deep, shaking breath. She nodded slowly at first, then faster as she pulled Twilight into a tight hug. Tears ran down her face and into Twilight’s mane. The smell of lavender filled Celestia lungs as her love gently consoled her. The wind moved through the willow’s branches, filling the air with the gentle murmur of the leaves and the peaceful sounds of the night.

Now how can I console myself?
My hope is in Thee
The righteous souls go Eternity's hand
And no torment shall stir them