• Published 3rd Mar 2015
  • 390 Views, 0 Comments

Rise of the Changeling Kingdom - FrostbiteMoon

A war has lead to the Changeling's demise

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Restored Memory

The Changeling Kingdom has crumbled. The Changeling and Equestria War had destroyed it. The Changelings had lost the war, all of the Changelings have been eradicated. At least, that is what all of Equestria believed. All the remaining Changelings have gone into hiding, Queen Chrysalis sacrificed herself to protect her subjects. Wiping their memory and hiding their Changeling forms temporarily.

The only one who still remembers what happened was Princess Mariposa, only daughter of Queen Chrysalis. Though the other Changelings, even though losing their memory, they still had hive mind. It was weak though and most just passed it away as a small voice in their head. Others, listened.

Princess Mariposa kept her guise as a Iris blue unicorn mare with cardinal red and blue mane her cutie mark were of monarch butterflies while she entered Canterlot. There was festival going on in all of Equestria at the moment, it was to celebrate the win against the Changelings, they decided to make it into a festival. Who knows how long this festival would last through history. Maybe they would make it tradition through generation through generation.

Mariposa saw three little fillies dressed up as Changelings happily giggling and running while two other fillies were dressed up as warrior ponies. One was dressed up as Wonderbolt Rainbowdash while the other was Princess Twilight Sparkle. It was actually kind of cute seeing small little fillies having fun like that.

“Aren’t they just adorable?”

“I think so, to think that the Changelings were eradicated more than 10 years ago.”

“Yes, Equestrian has been peaceful since then.”

The two mares talked happily with each other. Mariposa stared at one of them. A citrus mare with a gold mane. Now, being a Changeling one can tell when another is disguised. It made Mariposa happy to see her happy, but still not know that she was a Changeling. Mariposa walked past them and headed to the castle where the grand festival was being held.

The castle hasn’t changed at all after the war. It was still large, glorious, and fit to be a Princess’s home. That was for certain. Mariposa entered the garden area of the castle were ponies were dancing and eating happily. Mariposa grabbed a slice of carrot cake and ate it while watching couples dance, even a pair of fillies were dancing. Well… It was more like the filly was dancing while the colt was brushing his hoof on the ground shyly.

“Excuse me Miss?” Said a tall stallion with a well brushed back chestnut mane. “Would you care for a dance?”

Mariposa smiled. “You know, I don’t really know how to dance.”

“Nonesense, a beautiful mare like yourself not knowing how to dance?” He stallion lowered his head to a bow and smiled up at her. “Well then, let me show you how to dance.” Right when he said that the music stopped and trumpets where heard instead.

“Ah, perhaps next time it appears that the Princess’s are coming.” Mariposa said and stuffed the rest of the cake inside her mouth before trotting away to get a better view. She had to push through several of the ponies to get at least a decent view with her short stature that she had taken up.

“Welcome mares and gentlecolts to the 10th celebration of Summer Change Fest!” Said a booming voice of authority. Mariposa quickly ID’d it as Princess Celestia. The Sun Princess flew down from her perch to reach the same level as her subjects. “Ever since the fall of the Changelings a new peace has spread throughout Equestria.”

There were cheers and praises all around the crowd.

“We couldn’t have done it without all of you who risked your lives to stop them.” Princess Celestia looked at the ponies around her. “We must also thank the Griffon Empire for their help in the war as well as the ponies in Saddle Arabia.”

There were more hoofclaps and cheers. Mariposa joined in on it.

“Now, we continue to celebrate and enjoy this age of peace!” Princess Celestia spread out her large wings. Some of the fillies jumped with excitement and Mariposa swore she just saw a young stallion just pass out.

The festival went on with more excitement and joy. Princess Luna also came down a few moments later after Celestia had finished her speech. They were both conversing with the other ponies in the garden.

“Miss?” Mariposa turned her head, only to see the stallion from before talking to her once more. Instead of giving a disgusted groan she smiled warmly.

“Ah good to see you again Mister Stallion, I never caught you name.”

“Sir Bits.”

“Sir Bits? Hah, what an interesting name.” Mariposa said with a small laugh.

“Yes, that is what my associates call me. I am after all, quite rich.”

Oh great, a pony who blatantly tells ponies he has the dough. “Really? What do you do with all that money?”

“I spend it on nice clothes, fancy hats though I am not wearing one now as you can see, and on decor for my abode.”

“You must have a nice house then with a good selection of items!”

“That I do young Miss… Er, I never caught your name.”

“Just call Miss Monarch.”

“Monarch? Like royalty?”

“No, more like Monarch butterflies.” Mariposa stated. “Are you enjoying yourself here Sir Bits?” It felt weird calling him that. Would Sir Money be any better? She didn’t know.

“Quite. It is always quite the treat to spend time with the Princess’s. It is because of them that we can celebrate such a festival!”

“That is true. Let’s not forget the others who helped as well like Princess Twilight Sparkle, err what her name… Rarity.”

“Oh yes! Mistress Rarity! Have you ever met her? She is quite beautiful.” Sir Bits said with an obvious flush on his face.

“No I haven’t met her before, what is she like?” Mariposa asked, she was slightly curious after all. Slightly.

“Well she is a beautiful unicorn who married to Fancy Pants. She also makes a great stream of clothing! Who clothes are always the hottest trend and are always on the latest news of Equestria Daily. Anypony who is anypony wears her designs.”

“She’s that famous huh, other than being an Equestrian hero?”

“Of course!”

“Now that you mention it, I think I did read a section of the Equestria daily sponsoring her new dresses. Quite beautiful, but I certainly don’t have the money for it.” Mariposa said. Not like dresses were her thing anyway. How ponies could wear those tight, laced things were beyond her.

“May I intrude?” Princess Celestia said as she walked up to both of them.

“Oh,” Sir Bits bowed respectively, as did Mariposa. “Of course Princess, you weren’t interrupting us at all.”

The Princess giggled softly. “Oh please, no need to bow to me I am here to enjoy the celebration as much as you.” Both of them raised their heads.

“I am Sir Augustus Bits.”

“Pleasure to meet you Mr. Bits. Who is your friend?”

“We just met this evening. My name is Iris Monarch your highness.”

“Iris Monarch, what a charming name! Are you enjoying the festival?”

“Quite, I am having a grand time, the food is superlative.” Sir Bits said with such a grandiose Mariposa couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

Celestia let out another soft giggle. “Well, I will let you get back to the festival. I see some vanilla cake with my name on it.” And with that she took off rather hastily when she said cake.

Mariposa the time has almost come. Do we strike? It was one of the Changelings speaking through Hive mind. Thankfully Mariposa was able to help some of them remember who they were.

No, Once the clock strikes 11:00 then all of the Changelings should recover their memories about their past. Though… There are so little of us now, we only want them to remember and regroup back at the Everfree.

Err, Right Princess Mariposa!

Connect to the hive mind, their memories should slowly be coming back so their connection to the hive mind might be stronger.

Yes Princess Mariposa!

Princess Mariposa let out a sigh, then a smile. Tonight had to go well. They had to stay disguised because if one Changeling showed itself it would mean trouble. We don’t want all of Equestria to know that the Changelings still exist, at least not at this direct moment.

The clock stroke 9. Just two more hours and then hopefully everything would began to fall into place.

9:30, Beetle Bug had informed Mariposa that a good handful of the Changelings were starting to remember who they were and spreading out to the other Changelings. Good, good news.

10:00, there was a buzz of Changelings communicating through the hive mind.

What happened?

Where is Queen Chrysalis?

Weren’t we at war with Equestria?

Everyone calm down. Mariposa said, the buzzing of Changelings quickly stopped. I understand that you are all confused right now. I will explain everything soon enough once all the Changelings have been accounted for.

10:50, Almost all the Changelings seemed to have regained their memory. Though Mariposa could feel several that were having trouble. As if something was blocking their memory other than Queen Chrysalis’s magic. Thankfully, at 11:00 that spell seemed to have been broken and all the Changelings regained their memory.

“What the-?” Spoke a unicorn guard next to Mariposa. He looked at her, scanning her up and down, gasped then spoke to her.

“It.. You are… I am.. I remember, what happened?”

“You remember now? Good, I believe they all do now so let us leave. We must head to the Everfree forest and I will tell everyone what happened.

The unicorn guard watched Mariposa leave the gardens. He checked around for prying eyes before following her out of the castle gardens and toward the Everfree forest.

It was a long walk to the Everfree forest, but by the time they reached it they could see a swarm of Changelings, Changelings in disguise, at the North west entrance to the Everfree forest.

“Good, it looks like all, if not all of us are here.”

“Lefty isn’t here.” Said a small Changeling.

“Lefty huh? Well tell him where we are going then.” Mariposa said and entered the Everfree forest followed by the horde of Changelings.

They went deep inside, they encountered a few monsters, but they were chased off by the Changelings rather easily. They all stopped when they reached a cave with a reflecting pond inside of it.

“So what happened? I don’t remember anything at all.”

“Well you all remember the war between Equestria and the Changelings right?”

All the Changelings nodded in unison.

“Yes, but I don’t remember when it ended.”

“Yes, well it ended the very day you forgot and all the Equestria was about to erase us completely.”

There was a small pause. “So what stopped them?”

“Queen Chrysalis, she used the last of her magic to erase our memories temporarily and change our appearance.”

“So the Queen saved us from extinction,” Many of the Changelings began to cry. “Oh Queen Chrysalis!”

Mariposa nodded. “Grievous, but she did save her subjects did she not? You should thank her.”

“Thank you Queen Chrysalis!” They all said in accord.

“Good…” Mariposa looked at the Changelings. Not even a thousand of us… Just about five hundred. She gave out a sigh. “I am glad that the remaining Changelings are alive. We are the lifeblood of the Changeling Empire and we must bring it back up.”

There were nods within the crowd.

“How do you propose we do that Princess Mariposa?”

“Er, wouldn’t she be Queen now, now that Chrysalis is dead?”

There was a pause.

“How do you propose we do that Queen Mariposa?”

“We need to take our time of course, try not to draw suspicion to ourselves and gather as much information as we can. After all, we are master spies, assassins, and thieves.”

“Agreed,” Said a Changeling with silvery mane and similar silver eyes. “Though, I remember as my time as a traveling novel pony that the Changeling Empire near the East shore was claimed as a new settlement by earth ponies.”

There were loud murmurs among the Changelings.

“That is correct Silver Plumeria. Our old home has been… taken.” Mariposa stated, resulting in a few venomous hisses in the crowd. “Let the foolish ponies have it for now. If we try to reclaim it now it would draw attention to ourselves.”

“And we don’t want that.” Silver Plumeria said.

“Correct, we MUST remain discreet.”

“Where will we call our new home then?”

“The same place that you have been living for the past ten years.”

There was silence among the Changelings.

“Is that wise my Queen?” Spoke a soft spoken Changeling.

“It is, consider this. If a large group of ponies went missing for a long time say… more than three days at the same time it would raise suspicion would it not?” Mariposa said.

“What about now?”

“Well it would cause some, not to worry, plus I wanted to see you all after ten years. I am sure you wanted to see each other too.”

They did, as soon as Mariposa said that they each smiled and each other, some even nuzzled one another.

“Good, it is great to be back together again. I just wish there was…… more of us.”

Another moment of silence.

“Still it is good that there is still a good amount of us and to see you again. For now, we should all head back to our ‘homes’ to where we have been living the past ten years. Keep the hive mind informed for any information. I expect to have weakened through the ten years.”

“Yes Queen Mariposa!” They all said in uniformed harmony.

“Good, that is all, head back to your homes and keep us informed.”

With that the meeting was concluded with all the Changelings changing into their pony form, Mariposa and Silver Plumeria turned into theirs as well. Silver Plumeria’s form was a silver shaded earth pony with long, flowing purple hair and a cutie mark of a plumeria.

“If you don’t mind my Queen,” Plumeria bowed to her. “I would like to stay in your company.”

“Silver Plum, don’t be so formal with me, you have been a dear friend to me for a long time. Just call me Mariposa, without the Queen title.”

Silver Plumeria smiled warmly. “Alright then Mariposa, where do you plan to go?”

“While I was exploring Equestria I found several good places, some are… inhabited by creatures, luckily not pony folk. The places I am thinking about are White Tail Woods and and a the Crystal Mountains.”

“White Tail Woods sounds like a good place to look first.”

“I agree, I say we both take a look at it then we can come up with a decision.”

The two of them, Queen and Loyal Servant, left the Everfree forest and trotted to the White Tail Woods. It was a good day travel and it was good to hear the normal buzz of the hive. Felt almost complete.

The White Tail Woods was nothing like the Everfree Forest. For one thing it appeared more peaceful and had less dangerous creatures. Not a cockatrice in sight. Instead there were bunnies… couple of Jackalopes, but at the sight of Mariposa and Silver it just hopped away hurriedly.

“While on my travels I have never once entered this place. It seems, lovely.”

Mariposa laughed. “You think so? Nothing is more lovely than the taste of fresh love.”

“Yes, of course.”

“I saw Princess Celestia the other day at the festival.”

“You saw her?”

“Yep, and she talked with me. Do you think she actually believes that the Changeling menace is gone?” Mariposa turned to face Silver Plumeria.

“No, I think she is just saying that to protect her subjects. She is probably searching for us still. Do you think she will find us?”

“I believe she found one of us. Little Letter, you know the pony disguised as a royal guard.”

Silver nodded.

“Well he had a strong barrier placed upon him, he was the last one to regain his memory and I believe it was there to make sure he never remembered. I believe that Celestia put that there because she KNEW that he was a Changeling.”

Silver made a small clicking sound. “I wouldn’t put it past Celestia, she is crafty and does everything she can discreetly as possible.”

A young Jackalope came up to Mariposa and stared at them with his glowing brown eyes. Mariposa stared at it and it stared back. Then she hissed and the Jackalope jumped in fright then hopped away.

“So what do you think about setting up a kingdom here?”

“I think it could be a good idea. Though I think we should check the Crystal Mountains as well.”

“I think we can have one of our Soldiers do that. Some of them do ‘live’ in the Crystal Empire at the moment.”

Vavan I need you to check the Crystal Mountains to see if it would make a good point for our new kingdom. Bring Lefty with you.

Yes of course Queen Mariposa.

“Right, so now that we have scouted this area I think we should head to Ponyville, I am quite hungry.” Mariposa smirked. Silver joined her with that smirk.

The two walked back to Ponyville, it seemed to be its usual buzz of news and fillies playing happily. They walked by Twilight’s Castle and stared at it.

“You know, I haven’t seen Twilight in nine years.” Mariposa said.

“She is quite the Princess I tell you. Though she always presses her face into books. If only she was on our side, we could have use for her.” Plumeria said.

“Howdy there!” Said a voice. Mariposa and Plumeria turned to see Applejack smiling at them. With her was a small filly with a miniature cowgirl hat. “I ain’t seen you ‘round before. Ya new to Ponyville?”

“Well not new, we’ve past by several times on trips, but we decided to pay it an actual visit now. This is Twilight’s Castle isn’t it?”

“Darn tootin it is! Ah Twi is a good Princess, she always works so hard for everypony.”

“Mama?” Spoke the little orange filly. “Can we go see Twiwight now?”

“Of course Apple Seed.” Applejack said and nuzzled the filly. Mariposa and Plum stared at each other then at Applejack showing love to the filly. They quickly started to feed off their love silently.

“Whoa, I feel a tad dizzy.” Said Applejack.

“Me too, Mama…” Apple Seed said with the same disorientated tone. “Ah, now I feel better!”

“That’s good, I don’t feel as dizzy anymore. Now let’s go see Twilight. I’m sure she will be happy to see you.”

The little filly jumped up excitedly. “I wonder what books she will let me borrow today!”

“I guess we will have to find out won’t we Apple Seed. Pardon us, it was nice meeting you two.” Applejack said with a small smile and then walked past them and into the castle.

“Convenient snack.” Plumeria said.

“At least we got something. Still, no matter how small it tasted delightful.” Silver nodded.

“So that was Applejack, I only met her once before just before the whole war started.”

“Yes, she has one filly which we just met. She still lives in Sweet Apple Acres with her Big Brother Big Macintosh his wife and their son.”

Mariposa laughed a little. “All that traveling around must have beared fruit learning about all of them.”

Silver nodded. “Indeed, I know the whereabouts of all the Heroes of the Changeling War, plus what they have been doing.” She smirked. “Quite a few interesting stories if I say so myself.”

“I will have to hear them sometime.”

The two went to the inn in Ponyville and paid for a single room. Both of them jumped on the bed and stretched their hooves.

Queen Mariposa, a report.

What is is Vavan?

The Mountain you told me to scout, well it would indeed make a nice point for our castle, but there are beasts there that were not in our old kingdom. Some are even rogue dragons.

Rogue dragons? Not good, well then it is settled. We will make our new Kingdom in the White Tail Woods.

Sounds good your matriarchy.

“Rogue dragons huh? I rather not go picking a fight with dragons with our low numbers. We can’t lose any more Changelings.”

The night came and the two talked about their plans for tomorrow. They discussed visiting all the Heroes of the War, just to have small chats with them nothing more. Though they made sure to try and stay away from the celestial princesses for the time being.

Mariposa took off her necklace and looked at it through the moonlight breaking through their windows. It was a simple emerald embroidered necklace that Chrysalis had given to her as a young larvae. The only thing that she had left of her mother. She checked the back of the necklace and it said. ‘To my dearest daughter Mariposa, with love.’ Mariposa wiped a small crystallized tear from her eye and put the necklace back on.

“Thinking about Chrysalis?” Silver Plumeria asked through a small yawn.

“Yes, it has been ten years since her sacrifice, but it still hurts sometimes you know?”

“I understand. I lost my brother in the war. So I know what you are feeling.”

“His name was Nimo wasn’t it?”

“Yes, he was such a young larvae, but he insisted on wanting to fight for his Kingdom and for his people.”

“A noble Soldier,” Mariposa said. “The sun is about to raise, we should get ready to leave.”

Silver Plumeria just nodded silently and jumped off from the bed and gathered what they needed and headed out the door.

They left the inn and headed out towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“Not only does Applejack live here, but so does another one.”

“Fluttershy right?”

“Yes, she is married with Applejack’s brother.”

Mariposa and Silver crossed under the sign and into the Sweet Apple Acres were they were welcomed by a array of apple trees and the familiar small filly, Apple Seed, from before running around with an apple in her mouth.

“Apple Seed get back here you- Oh, howdy there ya’ll. Come by to visit my home?”

“Indeed, though I heard a pegasus lives here. Fluttershy?” Mariposa said.

“Yes! Fluttershy does live here… along with all of her furry critters. Some of them are making a habit of eating all my apples. No matter, she lives in the barn with the rest of us. Go ahead, and talk to her if ya want. Now I have to go round up a little varmint.” And with that Applejack run off chasing her little filly.

“Kind of reminds me when Chrysalis would chase me around,” Mariposa smiled. “So, back to seeing Fluttershy.” They went inside the barn where, right when they opened the door, they were greeted by a flying pie which landed a hit on Mariposa’s face.

“Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!” Said a yellow earth pony with a red bow. “I didn’t mean to send that pie flying after ya, it just kind of took off you know….” Silver stared at the pony then at Mariposa who was busy licking the remnants of the pie off her face.

“No harm done, it was quite delicious. Shame it will be thrown away now.”

“Nah! We’ll just give this one to Winona!” The pony whistled and a brown and white dog bursted on the scene and saw the apple pie on the floor. “Go on Winona, that one is yours!” Without needing a second approval the dog scarfed down the pie in seconds.

“Sorry I hit ya though. I was trying out a new machine that Pinkie Pie gave me and I guess the trajectory was off a smidge, anyway my name is Applebloom.”

“My name is Iris Monarch and this here is Silver Plumeria,” Mariposa stated. “We have come actually to speak with Fluttershy.”

“Ah okay! Fluttershy is in the room upstairs last door on the left.”

“Thanks Applebloom.” Mariposa said and went upstairs with Silver.

They followed Applebloom’s instructions and came to the door where Silver knocked. They waited for a moment and then the door opened. There stood a large, burly, red stallion. This must be Big Macintosh.

“Big Mac?”


“Is Fluttershy in there?”


“Could we perhaps talk to her?”

Big Mac looked back in the room then back at them. “Eeyup.” He then opened the door so that they could enter. In the room was Fluttershy along with an yellow earth pony who glared at them.

“Hello Fluttershy, my name is—Ooof!” The young pony headbutted Mariposa causing her to stumble back.

“You can’t have her! She doesn’t want to fight anymore ya here! Just leave her alone ya hear!”

“Red Clover… Please don’t h-hurt our guest.” Fluttershy stuttered shyly.

“But Mother! I’m sure they are from Princess Celestia’s Army Corps!”


“But Father look at them! They look suspicious ya hear!”

Mariposa shook off the shock of the attack. Such a small pony with strength. Guess it should be understandable for an earth pony… and an earth pony from Big Mac.

“Ah quite a strong stallion you are!” Mariposa said with a smile, but all she got in return was a incredulous scowl. “I’m sorry if I seem suspicious to you. I assure you I am not from Celestia’s Army Corps. My name is Iris Monarch and this is my companion Silver Plumeria.”

Red Clover looked over at Silver Plumeria and his face quickly became red. “Well this one isn’t suspicious like you suspicious Monarch lady.” Silver couldn’t help but laugh.

“Fluttershy, I understand you took part in the Changeling war ten years ago and are considered one of the Heroes.”

“Y-Yes… But I don’t know why… I didn’t do anything special or i-important.”

“Mother played a great part ya hear! She called on the assistance of the animals to aid them in the battle of the Changelings ya hear! Without Mother then the war would surely would have been lost ya hear! She even called for the aid of an Ursa Major!”

It was obvious that Red Clover held his mother in high regard. “Yes, truly an important role. Are you glad that the Changeling menace is gone?”

“I’m sure mother is! I mean… I never met a Changeling, but from Mother’s description they sound like horrid, evil creatures!” Red Clover said with a smug grin.

Mariposa ignored his comment and looked over to Fluttershy who was staring at the ground. “What about you Fluttershy. Are you glad they are gone?”

“.........Mhmm…….” She said quietly, still staring blankly at the floor. “But…”


“I… I don’t think they are gone.”

“What? Of course they are gone Mother! We haven’t seen or heard from a Changeling in ten years!”

“I don’t t-think they’re gone.” She said.

“What do you mean?” Silver Plumeria asked and was about to press further when Big Mac pressed them out of the room.

“Nnope.” He said angrily.

“Wait, we aren’t done talking to her!” Silver interceded.

“Eeyup!” He closed the door in their faces.

“Well, that was… interesting to say the least. Especially that Red Clover…” They walked out of the barn and back toward Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Looking for someone to Preview and edit it.

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