• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 10,578 Views, 152 Comments

God Among Us - CrypticMetaphor

The God of Destruction Beerus finds himself far from his home dimension and must live among mortals until Whis finds him

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Canterlot is a city of refinement and class. In such a place, certain social and overall norms are established. These norms are sacred and many citizens prefer they stay simple, intact, and never changed. So it was not an uncommon reaction for everypony to practically drop what they were doing and stare in both awe and shock at the bipedal cat being escorted by a royal guard detachment with Princess Twilight by its side. Various high society types and the occasional nobles whispered lightly about this new individual, and failed to notice its ears occasionally twitching and taking in all the hushed words. As the minutes ticked by, a vein on the being’s temple bulged in irritation.

Beerus cast an even glare at a whispering couple who immediately canned up.

Twilight chuckled nervously and stuck a little closer to Beerus, just in case.

As they continued along their course, Beerus raised an eyebrow as the front gates of Canterlot castle came into view. He had to admit, compared to the other buildings he had seen and Twilight’s Castle, the place was quite the eyeful.

“It seems your rulers admire spires in great abundance,” Beerus remarked, “I’ve never seen so many towers on one structure such as this before.”

Twilight glanced at Beerus, “Well there are a lot of bedrooms and wings to the castle compared to the one you awoke in, it’s only natural.”

Beerus shrugged, “I suppose so, after all, one must keep up appearances.”

Twilight nodded in acknowledgement, “What’s your castle like Lord Beerus?”

Beerus rubbed his chin, “The Temple is fairly large. But the details are inconsequential.”

Twilight smiled slightly, but then her face became confused, “Wait…a temple?”

Before Twilight could probe further, a guard ushered them both through the front gates with a nod. Beerus and Twilight proceeded forward alone, their escort being called away back to their posts. Twilight led Beerus ever onwards toward their destination, The Throne Room. Finally coming to the entrance to the Throne Room, Twilight stopped and turned to Lord Beerus.

“Just so you know. Princess Celestia is probably the kindest and most understanding of ponies next to Fluttershy that I know. Princess Luna might seem a bit hostile, but she is really fun when you get to know her,” she smiled sweetly, “so there’s no need to be nervous.”

Lord Beerus’s face was an unreadable mask, “Do I look nervous?”

Twilight’s smile faltered a bit, but she kept her head high as she knocked on the great doors before her. The doors swung inward to reveal a large white mare garbed in gold regalia and a multicolored mane and tail that seemed to blow in an invisible breeze. And like Twilight, she had markings on her flanks, but these were in the shape of a lone sun.

“Twilight,” she stated with a warm smile, “I’m so glad you could make it on such short notice.”

“Of course Princess Celestia,” she smiled as she nuzzled her teacher, “I was so excited that I couldn’t wait!”

A throat being cleared directed Celestia’s attention to her other guest. When she stood to her full height, the being known as Lord Beerus was eye level with her. She smiled and bowed her head respectively.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Beerus,” she rose back to her full height, “I am Princess Celestia of Equestria, and I humbly welcome you to my kingdom.”

Beerus casually waved a hand in response, “Charmed,” he muttered, “Forgive me, but I recall Twilight saying there was TWO of you.”

Celestia ushered both of her guests to follow her, the doors shutting behind them.

“Ah yes, it seems Luna will be quite busy for the next few hours,” she explained, “She might even miss the entire visit if she doesn’t hurry. I hope that is of no inconvenience to you.

Beerus rolled his head a bit, “Why would it? I came here to meet the royals of this land, and I am merely meeting one of two. Regardless of the subtraction, I’m still fulfilling the agreement.”

Celestia blinked a few times and nodded after a moment of contemplation, “Fair point, Twilight,” the mare in question perked up at her name, “would you kindly allow me and Lord Beerus to speak in private?”

Twilight bit her lip for a moment, “Are you sure Princess?”

Celestia nodded with a reassuring smile, “I merely wish to chat with our visiting dignitary.”

Beerus smirked a tad as he glanced at Twilight, “Perhaps you can go to the kitchens and acquire a sample of whatever I’m smelling at the moment,” he sniffed for a moment, “It smells so mouth-wateringly exotic.”

Twilight scowled but left the room silently.

Celestia tilted her head with an impressed expression, “That’s quite the nose you have Lord Beerus,” She led him along an adjacent corridor, “What you’re smelt is one of the meat dishes we prepare for the more carnivorous species of my kingdoms, such as the griffons and dragons.”

Beerus nodded for a moment in thought, “Dragons and Griffons you say? I’ve only ever heard about them in myth. How unusual, but might I add, your subjects use a strange energy the likes of which I have never witnessed before. Tell me, what is it?”

Princess Celestia stopped in her tracks, “You don’t know about magic?”

Beerus blinked, “Did you say magic?”

Celestia nodded but then turned fully to face him, “From the way you’re speaking, it’s as if you’ve never so much as even laid eyes upon any of Equestria’s species and you don’t know of magic either. Where exactly did you say you hailed from?”

“I didn’t,” Beerus stated flatly, “To be frank, I am from a place far outside your borders, so it is only natural that these things are new to me,” he then stroked his chin in mild thought, “Though you mentioned you’re making a meat dish, was this because of my arrival or was it for a representative of those other species you mentioned?”

Princess Celestia smiled at the cat, “Rest assured, it was for you my Lord, I am a mare who knows to be courteous and polite to her guests. It helped when Twilight informed me you were a feline, so it was safe to assume you were most likely a meat eater. I don’t think you would enjoy hay fries and a daisy sandwich as your first meal in our land.”

Beerus was shocked at the thought, “Eating grass clippings? I would imagine not.”

Celestia tittered lightly and escorted Beerus to a small personal dining room. Celestia seated herself across from Lord Beerus, and soon their food was carried in by some pony guards. Lord Beerus stared down at the dish before him. In the dead center was a slab of nicely browned meat, while drizzled on it was a golden substance. Cut into neat slices around the steak were apple slices, crisp and fresh.

Celestia however was having a vegetarian pasta dish.

Beerus sniffed the meat and leaned back in thought, “What manner of dish is this?”

Celestia smiled, “Oh, it’s a house specialty, It’s called Apple Sunrise.”

Beerus raised an eyebrow as she continued to explain, “It’s an alchemy steak grilled to perfection, drizzled in natural honey from our Castle Hives, with fresh Sweet Apple Acres Ambrosia apple slices as a side.”

“Really now,” he tapped his chin, “Tell me, is the meat allowed time to soak in its juices before application of the honey, or is the honey applied during the last minute of the cooking process?”

Celestia leaned forward in interest after swallowing her next forkful, “My, you are quite the gourmet Lord Beerus. But yes, they allow time for it to soak. HOWEVER, they apply the honey directly after it’s finished, as to allow the honey to warm and spread, as well as allow the meat a mere moment to absorb some of the sweetness.”

Beerus licked his lips, “How delectable,” he cut a portion of the meat off and impaled his fork into it but paused, “you said alchemy steak, is this not natural meat?”

Celestia shook her head with a bit of shock, “Heavens no, we in Equestria respect all forms of life, but the odd fish or two is indeed caught for meat based dishes. However, an old Alchemist utilized his skills to make perfect substitutes. It’s all a manner of taking a sample from the animal that an Alchemy dish is to be made of. A tuft of hair, a feather, a small drop of blood, it varies. But once the sample is required, a simple procedure is formed and boom,” Her wings jostled lightly, “Alchemy Meat is made with no loss of life. Though we can’t stop nature’s order of Predator and Prey, we can at least be civilized about it.”

Beerus nodded after the explanation, “Intriguing, to think you discovered a way to not waste resources with this…magic you call it. Truly amazing,” he then ate the piece of meat.

His eyes lit up as he quickly segmented the steak and ate with vigor and a content smile on his face.

Celestia smiled as her guest enjoyed his meal.

Beerus finished his plate and called for another, “That was truly fantastic! The texture and grilled perfection of the meat is complimented by the sweetness of the honey. And the apple slices,” he smiled as he finished the last slice, “cool and crisp perfection.”

Celestia couldn’t help but smile as he was given another, “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Though I must ask, how long do you intend to visit Equestria for? And for what purpose?”

Beerus’s ear’s twitched as he looked at Celestia, his cheeks bulging with food.

He swallowed, “Well to be honest I’m unsure, my retainer should be coming for me at some point. But as of this minute I have no definitive answer. As for my purpose,” he shrugged, “I suppose to see the sites and at least sample as much of your delicacies I can.”

Celestia nodded with a relieved look, “That’s good to hear; I hope you are able to enjoy your stay.”

Beerus returned the nod and continued to eat with fury.


Soon, after having their meal finished, Beerus patted his stomach in satisfaction as he ventured outside with Celestia and Twilight. As the three walked about, they failed to notice a dark shadow coming toward the cast over the horizon. Soon the shape came into view and it landed before them.

“Good afternoon sister,” Princess Luna said with a smile, “I apologize for my lateness.”

Celestia shook her head, “It’s no trouble dear sister, we were merely having an after lunch stroll when you arrived.”

Beerus tilted his head, “Am I to assume this is your younger sibling you spoke of?”

“It is,” Celestia stated, “Luna, this is Lord Beerus. The visiting nobility we were supposed to meet today.”

Luna regarded Beerus with a bow, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Lord Beerus.”

Beerus gave a small satisfied grin, “Likewise, I must admit you royals are quite polite.”

Twilight stared at Beerus as the two sisters became confused.

“Why say it like that,” Twilight inquired curiously, “aren’t you used to royals being polite to you.”

Beerus grimaced, “There’s being polite, and then there’s being overly clingy. They never gave me the proper politeness I demanded, but I still put up with it to humour them. Though,” his smile seemed to turn dark, “They all learned their lessons pretty quick.”

Luna nodded with a laugh, “My sister and I understand all too well.”

Celestia nodded, but Twilight stared at the laughing cat.

She felt a mild sense of unease, but only after he made that last comment. She couldn’t quite place it, but the feeling she felt. Was it terror, unease, or perhaps a foreboding sense of doom? Who could say, but one thing was for sure, Twilight felt it from the moment she met him. Beerus was indeed someone Twilight wanted to be a friend, not an enemy.

Celestia tapped her chin with a hoof, “Though if you are visiting our land, we’ll have to have somepony give you lodgings.”

Twilight raised a hoof, “I’ll do it! I mean, the castle still has so many rooms and it gets pretty lonely with just Spike there. It would be perfect for Lord Beerus to stay in, he’d be close to me and my friends and we could show him around,” she turned to Beerus, “is that all right with you?”

Beerus lulled it over in his head and shrugged, “Why not. As long as I get a comfy bed and a well cooked meal whenever I ask, I’m fine with it.”

“Excellent,” Celestia replied, “I speak for everypony when I say, I hope you enjoy your stay here my Lord.”

Beerus looked to the distance as the sun glowed in the distance, he smirked.

Author's Note:

Well, the Introduction Arc is finished. The fun comes next

Right Lord Beerus?

*Yawn* "Took you long enough."

Comments ( 72 )

I can't what for the next chapter

I hope there's actual "action" in this soon. Something to piss him off and show them his anger.

New chapter :D now for the wait once again... Lord Beerus get a move on!


Okay, I forgot who I was talking to *facepalm*

P.S. Anyhow, I will be waiting for the next chapter :D Love your story :P

Okay there has to be someone who knows who Beerus really is and freak the f*ck out when they see him. I can picture Discord popping out of nowhere to visit, sees Beerus and then screams like a girl while pointing at him before shattering into pieces.

Thank you so much for this chapter. It was nice to see Beerus socialize well with Celestia and show off his gourmand knowledge. Still, I hope the next chapter shows Beerus demonstrating his powers and the characters discovering that he's the God of Destruction.

I bet with just a glare, he could make Discord, Sombra, or and powerful tyrant cower in fear.

6752249 Same I want to see how they react to his title

He doesn't know about magic? Doesn't the Dragon Ball universe have magic though? I'm know it's different from Ki, but I'm pretty sure it still exists.

My biggest anticipation is if and when you introduce him to Discord. He'll probably be his tipping point by using his magic to turn his small energy balls into cotton candy, laugh when Beerus tries to convince him how dangerous he is, or worst yet, spritz him with a spray bottle whilst saying "bad kitty".

Beerus may not be able to hurt him. But if I was writing this, I would have Beerus point at a mountain with his palm facing up, then blowing it up by simply flipping a finger, all with a smile on his face.

No pressure, though.

When can we see Tirek gets his sh:yay:5 f:yay:cked up by Beerus? I saw the tag, Now I anxiously wait.

6753175 DBZ Gods in the scale of Beerus are completely immune to magic, and I think this would apply to any energy attacks whatosever that Beerus shoots.

I personally think Discord will immediately recognize who Beerus is and will not even try to bother him a bit, driving the point further with the pony cast that he should not be messed with via simple implications and evading the need of clunky exposition chapters (the tirek chapter will most likely be all the non spoken exposition they need).

6754517 Oh, right! Pffft! Silly me! :rainbowlaugh:

Discord turning Beerus' energy blasts into candy! What was I thinking?! :derpytongue2:

Can't wait to see their reactions once they find out how powerful he truley is.

6754380 KO awesome a new chapter hope the ponies don't try piss off Lord Beerus or else there in for some big trouble. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

awesome chapter as usual Cryptic, can't wait for the Mane 6 etc, to see what Lord Beerus Sama is truly capable of, I also want to see a ridiculous display of speed to take Rainbow down a peg, Beerus is literally one of the most op/strong DB characters in history, surpassed by only Whis and recently Vados with his twin brother Lord Champa Sama being slightly weaker, I have him even above all of GT, truly deserving of the title of "God Of Destruction" with him being WAY faster then Light, and being able to destroy both the 7th Universe and Kaioshin Realm beyond it (with the Realm being 1/5 the size of the Universe as well) in a few punches, he can also make like a Dozen copies of himself, probably a more advanced version of the Multi-Form technique that Cell, Tien, Piccolo, Krillin etc displayed, so again, great chapter, I can't wait for chapter 6 :twilightsmile:

6752820 It does, Majins have magic. In fact, they both have it, and have bodies made from it. (I think their made from it, their magical in nature anyway.) Buu uses it to give a blind child sight because the kid isn't scared of him, because he cant see Buu then he isn't any different from anyone else the kid would have met, and Buu wants him to be afraid. Doesn't work out that way, the kid treats him like a saint, and he is one, even unwitting so he is.

But yes. The point im making is that magic does exist in the DB universe.

But did Beerus ever directly encounter a use of magic? If he didn't, then it's perfectly reasonable to assume he wouldn't be able to sense its use.

6762259 Its not 'perfectly reasonable' for someone who has lived for over ten thousand years, I believe, to not know what magic is. He's a god, and with the fact that he has been literally all over universe 7, as it is his job, along with having an advisor like Whis, Beerus not knowing what magic is would be like Vegeta not knowing what a super saiyan was.

Its an inevitability that Beerus would know of magic even if he never encountered it, the fact he just seems completely ignorant to it in this is actually pretty annoying to me to be honest.

But actual magic is rare in Universe 7. I read his reaction to that energy being 'magic' as, "Wait, an entire planet of magic users? What mockery is this?" Not so much ignorance as refusal to accept what he was being told, because it was patently absurd based on his past experience.

You mean that's the correct interpretation?

6769138 i'd accept that more than ignorance, but still, universes are big. Magic wouldn't seem rare, in my mind magic users would be something of an ethnicity in a sense cause only some races can use it. Not so much as just about every third being can use it like in Equestria, but not RARE

Dude don't you know you shouldn't keep beer us waiting vegeta told me that right vegeta


Sorry vegeta

So what did you think about the story vegeta?


Yeah it was great!

So good you liked it!

....question......how does Beerus not know about dragons? i mean...he's the god of a universe with dragon balls

I wonder if saitama could beat beerus in a fight

6801446 Can Saitama breathe in space? No. So Beerus would just blow the planet they're on up and if that didn't kill Saitama, he'd die from the vacuum of space. Beerus would then go home and take a nap.

6807686 but saitama would either punch beerus first or hit the energy blast, that would be used to destroy the planet, back at beerus.

6807686 Fair point but I don't think the vacuum of space can kill saitama, remember the time a monster punched him to the moon but he just held his breath and jumped back to earth. However you do make a good point, he can't breath in space

6755378 heh I wouldn't count on the "Above all of GT" talk, Beerus is still nowhere near Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta or Omega Shenron level

6807705 heh, the only real challenges to Beeruse outside of Dragon Ball would be Godzilla(every feats he made in Movies, Comics and Video Games) and Superman

6815438 lol, neither of the 2 you have listed haven't shown anything remotely close to what Lord Beerus has done, I have him stomping both Gogeta and Omega pretty easily

6815571 big talk coming from a crappy GT Hater

6818506 crappy GT hater? Quit making assumptions, I've watched GT PLENTY of times, it's good, I love SSJ4's design, I just don't believe GT characters can beat the Gods is all, if we scale from Cell whom is a confirmed Solar System Buster, SSJ4 Gogeta would be lucky enough to make it to Galaxy level, while SSJG Goku and a Suppressed Lord Beerus are Universe level, there could be billions of Solar Systems in a Normal sized Galaxy like the Milky Way, as many as 100 Billion, I have SSJ2 Goku (Buu Arc) 1.5x Cell, making SSJ3 Goku (Buu Arc) 6x Cell, given the SSJ3 multiplier, since Base Goku (GT)>=SSJ3 Goku (Buu Arc), Base GT Goku would also be 6x Cell, SSJ4 is considered to be a 4,000x increase from Base, so 6 x 4,000 = 24,000, so SSJ4 Goku (GT) would be 24,000x Cell, so 24,000x Solar System, that enough to be Small Galaxy level, in a guide, SSJ4 Gogeta is considered to be dozens of times a Regular SSJ4, since dozen is 12, 12 x 12 = 144, so SSJ4 Gogeta would be 144x SSJ4 Goku, so 24,000 x 144 = 3,456,000, so SSJ4 Gogeta going by this would be over 3,000,000x Cell, which is VERY impressive indeed, but a Galaxy is so big and vast and contains billions of Solar Systems, so SSJ4 Gogeta would still be considered Small Galaxy level, even a GT guide labeled Syn/Omega Shenron as a Galaxy level threat, making SSJ4 Goku, SSJ4 Vegeta and SSJ4 Gogeta also Galaxy level, with Gogeta maybe being Low Multi-Galaxy, with SSJG Goku and Lord Beerus being Universal, especially Lord Beerus since he hasn't used his full power yet

6818506 also, if we use the last known power levels and multipliers from various guides and statements from the show, we also end up with The Gods>SSJ4 Gogeta, to start, Goku's last known power level was 3,000,000, in the Super Exciting Guide, Vegito is considered to be Goku's power level x Vegeta's, so we will also say Vegeta is at 3,000,000 as well, so 3,000,000 x 3,000,000 is

Base Vegito (Buu Arc): 9,000,000,000,000
SSJ Vegito: 450,000,000,000,000
SSJ2 Vegito: 900,000,000,000,000
SSJ3 Vegito: 3,600,000,000,000,000

Now onto GT, Base Goku in GT is considered to be as strong as his SSJ3 Buu Saga counterpart, so 3,000,000 x 400 would get us his Base power in GT

SSJ3 Goku (Buu Arc): 1,200,000,000
Base Goku (Baby Arc): 1,200,000,000
SSJ Goku: 60,000,000,000
SSJ2 Goku: 120,000,000,000
SSJ3 Goku: 480,000,000,000
SSJ4 Goku: 4,800,000,000,000

Quite the increase from Buu Arc, but I will say Goku got 10x stronger by the time of the Shadow Dragons, since Majuub did a better job against Baby then Baby Arc SSJ3 Goku did, while Majuub got destroyed by Super 17 while Super 17 Arc SSJ Goku held his own, since SSJ3 is 8x SSJ, I will say Goku got 10x stronger at minimum, so

Base Goku (Shadow Dragon Arc): 12,000,000,000
SSJ Goku: 600,000,000,000
SSJ4 Goku: 48,000,000,000,000

Now as I said before, SSJ4 Gogeta is considered to be dozens of times a Regular SSJ4, so 144x SSJ4 Goku

SSJ4 Gogeta: 6,912,000,000,000,000

Stronger then Buu Arc SSJ3 Vegito, but Goku said a BOG/DBS Vegito wouldn't beat Lord Beerus based off of him using less then 10% on, so I will say for the sake of this debate, Beerus was using 5%, now let's say Goku and Vegeta became 1.5x stronger in DBS, making each of them 4,500,000, so we simply apply Vegito's multiplier again

Base Vegito (BOG/DBS): 20,250,000,000,000
SSJ3 Vegito: 8,100,000,000,000,000

Now, going by this example, Lord Beerus should at least be 20x stronger

Lord Beerus: 162,000,000,000,000,000

Now 60% of that is

SSJG Goku: 97,200,000,000,000,000

Again, Don't get me wrong, I'm a GT fan definitely, just because I say The Gods solo GT doesn't make me a hater lol, but by scaling from Cell, going by the last known power levels and multipliers made by the guides and statements from the show, and by the showings of feats, all of that places The Gods above GT, so I still stand by what I said in my 1st comment, also, if I decided to increase Buu Arc Goku and Vegeta's power levels, it would mean a HUGE increase for Vegito, thus making the Gods even stronger, heck, for all I know Beerus could've been using 1% on Goku, making him 100x SSJ3 Vegito (BOG/DBS)

I just had a thought...
Blueblood meeting Lord Beerus...:scootangel:

Well, I'd say that was the most civil meeting between a pacifist princess duo and am almighty and powerful God of destruction..

Bravo! I think Beerus was written very well! I love the explanation for the meat!

I can't wait for them to learn about his position of being a destroyer of worlds

Please I beg of you write more of this it's awesome I can see some great things that could happen in this story so please update soon!

OK I'm still confused are you going to continue this story or no?

oh god i just know spike will do something to piss him off i just know it

What do you think the Mane 6, Celestia, Luna, and Discord would say and react, when they see Beerus beat the f:yay: out of the likes of Tirek?
On my opinion, i would say they will both get shocked and scared of his power.

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