• Published 9th May 2012
  • 1,714 Views, 10 Comments

The Lonely Wolf - MadxHatter123

Fluttershy finds a mysterious man injured in her backyard. She decides to help him.

  • ...

The Arrival

Fim openning: Yo. I'm just going to say this now. For the first three chapters, I'm just going to keep the fan fiction.net openning. I don't feel like changing anything yet. I hope you like it, oh, and I made this story before The Brother, so, it may be a bit lacking.

Ok, your all going "Hey, this isn't The Fox's Friend!" and your all probably worrying I gave up on it. Well I didn't. I'm just taking a break from it so I can figure out where I want to take that story. I will finish it, eventually. So, now you probably want to know why my new story is My Little Pony. Well, it's because I find the new series, Friendship is Magic, is actually good. Go watch it after you finish reading this ok.

Sasuke: Does this mean I can leave now?

Me: No. You are officially my disclaimer guy now because you ate my pizza thingies. Maybe if you go back to being a good guy in Naruto, I will let you leave.

Sasuke: *sighs* Fine. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (God that hurt to say) belongs to Hub and all the other people who made it. Oh, and since I'm here, I belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the ponies all look human, except they have their tails, and unicorns have horns, and pegasi have wings. And I have a friend who I'm going to ask to draw pictures of the Mane 6, my original character, and the princesses so you guys can know how I picture them in this story. Oh, and they still refer to themselves as ponies. Ok, enough talk, story time.

Chapter 1:

Fluttershy was putting away her chickens for the night so she could finally go to bed. As she closed the hatch to the chicken coop, she saw a flash and heard a thumping sound come from behind the coop. At first she was about to run away and hide until she heard someone groaning in pain. She slowly walked towards the back of the coop and stopped before she went around the corner. She took a deep breath and slowly looked around the corner.

What she saw caused her to gasp. Laying on the ground was a man who looked to be her age covered in cuts and light burns. His clothes were slightly burned. As she got closer, she noticed something strange about him. He had a bushy white tail that looked like a dogs, and pointed white ears instead of pony ears. (AN: pony ears in this story are the same as human ears.) She knelt down next to him and checked to see if he was still breathing. To her immense relief, he still was. He was laying face down so she turned him over.

Again she gasped. Her was the most handsome male she had ever seen. His skin was flawless and smooth, his cheekbones the perfect angle. And his short, spiky black hair looked so soft. She slow sat him up and put his arm over her shoulder and took him into her house to patch him up.

As she was dressing his wounds, she saw what looked to be a cutie mark on his back. What it was surprised her. It look liked Prince Celestia's Sun Cutie mark with a crescent moon similar to Princess Luna's cutie mark overlapping it. She decided she would ask him about it when he woke up and finished covering her wounds. She lay him down on the sofa, went to her room, and went to sleep for the night.

-Next Morning-

Fluttershy woke up and got ready for the day. As she dressed, she remember the man she had found the night before and wondered if he was awake and still there. She went down stairs and saw he was still asleep on the couch. As she watched him, she blushed lightly at how handsome she felt he looked. She slowly approached him and reached a hand toward his face.

Just as she was about to touch him, his eyes snapped open. Fluttershy once again gasped and backed up a step. His eyes were amazing. They were a mix of a golden silver, with wolf like pupils. They turned to stare at her and he opened him mouth to speak.

"…I must be dead." He said quietly.

Fluttershy blinked. "W-why do y-you think that." She whispered.

"Because, I'm looking at the most beautiful angel I've ever seen."

At this, Fluttershy blushed bright red, and looked away. "Y-you a-aren't d-dead. Y-you're i-in m-my h-house n-near P-ponyville." she whispered in reply.

"Ponyville? What land is that in?" He asked her slightly confused.

"L-land? Y-you're i-in Equestria." She told him.

His eyes widened slightly, and he soon smiled softly. "Heh, seems I've finally come home. They'll sense me soon." He said to himself.

"W-who will sense you soon." Fluttershy asked him curiously.

"Hmm, oh no one you need to worry about. Well, I suppose I should introduce myself." he said as he slowly sat up. "I'm Howl, last of the Wolves."

Fluttershy gasped. "A-A W-wolf? T-the l-last w-wolf h-hasn't b-been s-seen i-in t-thousands o-of y-years!" Fluttershy said quickly.

"Hmm. I've been gone that long? Wow, things really must have changed." Then he frowned. "Hmm, maybe they won't sense me. My I ask who the rules of these lands are Miss-"

"Fluttershy" she said barely above a whisper.

"Fluttershy? Hmm, that's a beautiful name. And it really fits." Howl said while smiling.

"Y-you c-could hear me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, I have very sensitive ears, which means very good hearing. Now, my question?" He asked.

"O-oh yes. Equestria is ruled be Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." She told him.

Howl smiled. "Ahh, good, good. Well, I suppose I should be going. It was lovely meeting you Miss Shy." He said as he got up.

"W-wait! Where are you going?" Fluttershy asked as she stepped closer to him.

"Hmm, not sure. Maybe head into the nearby town and found out where I can find the princesses." He told her as he walked toward the front door.

"W-why?" She asked.

"Oh, I haven't seen them in a while, plus, they would find me anyway." He told her.

Fluttershy thought for a few moments. As he opened the door, she spoke up, "I can take you to talk to Princess Celestia's apprentice." At this Howl stopped.

"Oh, she took up an apprentice? Good, good. I would like to meet her. Please, lead the way Miss Shy." He said as he gestured outside.

She nodded and started to lead him into town. As they walked, Fluttershy stated thinking. 'Why am I so willing to help him? I also don't feel scared of him, but I feel… safe. Really, really safe. I, I also don't want him to leave. Why? And why does my heart keep beating so fast when he looks at me?'

They finally reached town and started heading towards the Library. As they walked, people would pause to stair at Howl as they walked. As they approached the Library, Fluttershy saw her friend, Pinkie Pie, bounching their way.

"Hi Fluttershy! Hi stranger with Fluttershy!" Pinkie greeted as she reached them. She then froze and, "GAAAAAAASSSSSP!" Pinkie quickly ran off leaving a confused Howl and a giggling Fluttershy behind.

"Don't worry. You'll find out later." Fluttershy reassured him.


They finally reached the Library and Fluttershy knocked. She waited a few seconds and the door opened reveling another friend, Twilight Sparkle.

"Hey Fluttershy. What do you need?" Asked Twilight as she invited her in.

"Oh, I have someone I think you would like to meet." Fluttershy said as she and Howl walked in.

"Hi, I'm Howl, last of the Wolves." Howl said as he extended a hand.

Twilight froze. "W-what! B-but the last wolf hasn't been seen-"

"In thousands of years. Yeah, Miss Shy has already told me. I've just recently returned. She also told me you are Celestia's apprentice. I was wondering if you had a way to send her a message." Howl asked her.

"Y-yeah. Why?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, I think she would like to know I'm here. Have a piece of paper I can use?"

"Yeah. Here." Twilight said as she gave him paper and a quill.

"Thank you." He quickly wrote down something and rolled up the paper. "Can you send this please?" Howl asked with a smile.

"Sure. SPIKE!" Twilight called. The baby dragon came down soon after and asked, "Yes Twilight?"

"I need you to send this letter." She said as she handed him the letter.

"Ok." He said as he blew green flames and sent the letter.

After the letter was gone, Howl clapped his hands and said, "Ok, how about a tour of the town, hmm?"

Fluttershy nodded and before they left she said to Twilight, "Oh, we met Pinkie Pie on the way here. You might want to head to Sugercube Corner then." Twilight grinned and winked at Fluttershy.

"Heh, ok. See you later then." Twilight said as they left.

-A Few Hours Later-

Fluttershy had shown Howl almost all of Ponyville except for Sugercube Corner. It was starting to get dark as they approached the building and Howl thought of all the ponies he met, including Fluttershy's other friends, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. They were nice enough, but he couldn't stop thinking about Fluttershy. She was the most beautiful mare he had ever seen, and she was so kind and gentle. He slowed down at that thought. He had never thought that way about a girl before. He shook his head, and decided he'd think about it later.

The walked into Sugercube Corner and everything was dark.

"Uhh, Miss Shy, are you sure we should be in here?" Howl asked when suddenly, "SURPRISE!" The lights flicked on as all the ponies cheered. Howl grinned showing sharp canine teeth and he turned to look at Fluttershy.

"Ah, so that's what you were talking about." She blushed and nodded. He then notice all the ponies were staring at him, many of the mares blushing too.

"Heh, you're all probably wondering about the ears and tail. Well, I'm Howl, the last of the Wolves." He said grinning waiting to see the reactions of those who didn't already know. There where many gasps and chattering about when the last one was seen.

"Alright, alright, Your questions will be answered in a bit," Howl said as he turned and glanced at the door for a few seconds before turning back, "but for now, LETS PARTY" He yelled as everypony cheered and the music started playing. Everypony danced for a while and Howl met many more ponies. As it started to get close to midnight, Howl stopped dancing and looked towards the door. Fluttershy, who was dancing nearby, turned to look at him and barely heard him whisper something that sounded like, "Heh, they're here." Suddenly, the door burst open and standing in the door way was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Everyone stopped and Howl heard Twilight say, "Princess?"

Howl just grinned and said, "Wow, Celly, Lulu, you two have really grown." drawing everyponies attention to him. Some gasped at how he addressed the Princesses while others were still in shock from just seeing the princesses burst in. Both Princesses whispered, "Howl." as tears started to run down their cheeks. They suddenly ran forward and tackled Howl in to a double hug. Everypony was stunned, but that stunned silence was nothing compare to the one that followed after Princess Celestia said two words, "Big brother."

Heh, I'm evil aren't I for stopping here. Don't worry. I will explain. You just all have to wait. *grins evilly*


Me: …Heh, you're a closet brony aren't you.

Sasuke: Wha- no, no, its, uh, it just sounds, uh, really interesting. *starts sweating*

Me: Mmmhm. Ok. *rolls eyes* Well. I'll see you all next chapter. I hope you enjoy my story. Bye!